The Politicians Who Killed Mollie Tibbetts ...

Unbelievable that there are people like Hysteria in America, but that's how we get people who n government like Obama, Clinton, Pelosi and the rest of the open borders Dems.
------------------------------------------------ not trying to disagree but this all started with 'reagan - bush' and continues with the 'bushes' DAngel .
Commentary: The Politicians Who Killed Mollie Tibbetts ...
Aug 23, 2018 · Mollie, Kate Steinle, Jamiel Shaw Jr, Josh Wilkerson, Christy Sue Piña, Grant Ronnebeck, Sarah Root, Drew Rosenberg, Sergeant Brandon Mendoza and thousands of other innocent Americans weren’t killed by illegal aliens, they were killed by American politicians who have built careers on keeping America’s borders open so … Republicans like Speaker Paul Ryan, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, NRCC Chairman Rep. Steve Stivers and Democrats like House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer, California Governor Jerry Brown, Oregon Judge Monica Herranz, Oakland, California Mayor Libby Schaaf and the rest of the open borders politicians and judges are the ones who killed Mollie Tibbetts.

This article is clear, concise, and honest. Our politicians of all stripes killed this Mollie Tibbetts and others. We need to call a spade a spade.
Are the deaths of American citizens worth the aims of the political parties ideologies?
McCain, Graham, Rubio, Murkowsky, Hoeven, Heller, Hatch, Alexander, Corker and Flake all voted to give this guy amnesty and make him a citizen. Bush league Republicans and Progressive Socialist Democrats seeking votes MUST become extinct before the Republic does.
Surely They (politicians) didn’t kill her but they certainly bear responsibility. Meanwhile Democrats refuse voting to build the wall and scream about their desire to get rid of ICE, while Senate Republicans dither on their votes to build the wall.

It was an op/ed; not an article.

The wall will do nothing to curb illegal immigration.

We do need to deport as many illegals as possible…as Obama was doing.
Deportation doesn't include turning them back at the boarder Obama's numbers were skewed.
Commentary: The Politicians Who Killed Mollie Tibbetts ...
Aug 23, 2018 · Mollie, Kate Steinle, Jamiel Shaw Jr, Josh Wilkerson, Christy Sue Piña, Grant Ronnebeck, Sarah Root, Drew Rosenberg, Sergeant Brandon Mendoza and thousands of other innocent Americans weren’t killed by illegal aliens, they were killed by American politicians who have built careers on keeping America’s borders open so … Republicans like Speaker Paul Ryan, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, NRCC Chairman Rep. Steve Stivers and Democrats like House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer, California Governor Jerry Brown, Oregon Judge Monica Herranz, Oakland, California Mayor Libby Schaaf and the rest of the open borders politicians and judges are the ones who killed Mollie Tibbetts.

This article is clear, concise, and honest. Our politicians of all stripes killed this Mollie Tibbetts and others. We need to call a spade a spade.
Are the deaths of American citizens worth the aims of the political parties ideologies?
McCain, Graham, Rubio, Murkowsky, Hoeven, Heller, Hatch, Alexander, Corker and Flake all voted to give this guy amnesty and make him a citizen. Bush league Republicans and Progressive Socialist Democrats seeking votes MUST become extinct before the Republic does.
Surely They (politicians) didn’t kill her but they certainly bear responsibility. Meanwhile Democrats refuse voting to build the wall and scream about their desire to get rid of ICE, while Senate Republicans dither on their votes to build the wall.

It was an op/ed; not an article.

The wall will do nothing to curb illegal immigration.

We do need to deport as many illegals as possible…as Obama was doing.

Commentary: The Politicians Who Killed Mollie Tibbetts ...
Aug 23, 2018 · Mollie, Kate Steinle, Jamiel Shaw Jr, Josh Wilkerson, Christy Sue Piña, Grant Ronnebeck, Sarah Root, Drew Rosenberg, Sergeant Brandon Mendoza and thousands of other innocent Americans weren’t killed by illegal aliens, they were killed by American politicians who have built careers on keeping America’s borders open so … Republicans like Speaker Paul Ryan, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, NRCC Chairman Rep. Steve Stivers and Democrats like House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer, California Governor Jerry Brown, Oregon Judge Monica Herranz, Oakland, California Mayor Libby Schaaf and the rest of the open borders politicians and judges are the ones who killed Mollie Tibbetts.

This article is clear, concise, and honest. Our politicians of all stripes killed this Mollie Tibbetts and others. We need to call a spade a spade.
Are the deaths of American citizens worth the aims of the political parties ideologies?
McCain, Graham, Rubio, Murkowsky, Hoeven, Heller, Hatch, Alexander, Corker and Flake all voted to give this guy amnesty and make him a citizen. Bush league Republicans and Progressive Socialist Democrats seeking votes MUST become extinct before the Republic does.
Surely They (politicians) didn’t kill her but they certainly bear responsibility. Meanwhile Democrats refuse voting to build the wall and scream about their desire to get rid of ICE, while Senate Republicans dither on their votes to build the wall.

Thank you for posting the story. Someone said that they checked network news and there was no mention of this national story of interest. Was it a major story on CNN?

Build the wall. Remember to vote in November.

ETA: Just found out the perp is married and has an anchor baby with one of Mollie Tibbets former high school classmate.
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I see the pugs are trying to ramp up their anecdotal midterm mascot. Another pretty girl killed by an illegal and not being allowed to RIP.
Rest in peace. REST IN PEACE?? She shouldn't be DEAD, asshole!!! But she IS. Due to fucktards like YOU.
Thats pure insanity. Pure fucking insanity. Take a step back and deep breath. The federal government is controlled by the GOP and they have failed if anyone. They ran on fixing immigration and basically guaranteed that this sort of thing wouldnt happen. Heres the thing about the senate. It's not the job of the minority to bow to the majority and president and sign all their bills. Theres a thing called negotiating and compromise and trump and McConnell failed at it. It's their show and they failed. If they want democrats votes they gotta play ball. Daca, tone down the wall, tone down the satanic deceitful rhetoric. Be smart about immigration.

Hey dumbasses, if theres 10 to 20 million illegals already here, and we deport maybe a few mill a year, and a wall is expected and known to be only marginally effective, what exactly will it be keeping out when they're all already here? The real bad criminals will still find a way in, as explained by the logic about crime crim many Republican talking points. It's a dumbshit plan for braindead trumpers. Not only that but he had to demonize and lie about a disenfranchised population of people to get support for it. You cant get much more evil than that. How would you feel if you were a hard worker that got caught in a bad situation and some bone dead deceitful windbag was telling everyone over and over that you are a violent criminal coming to take all of our stuff and be dependent? Trump runs hate campaigns of false hoods, projecting really bad stuff onto individuals and populations as good as any of the pure evil dictators of the mid 1900s. His base is near the point of approving concentration camps for illegal immigrants because of it. If ice was rounding up illegals and putting them on trains going .... somewhere.... not to be seen again, youd all cheer and play your roles as accomplice to genocide. Shoot I even see some of you sickos wishing violence on them here. Youd probably be the ones turning on the gas with a smile.
Commentary: The Politicians Who Killed Mollie Tibbetts ...
Aug 23, 2018 · Mollie, Kate Steinle, Jamiel Shaw Jr, Josh Wilkerson, Christy Sue Piña, Grant Ronnebeck, Sarah Root, Drew Rosenberg, Sergeant Brandon Mendoza and thousands of other innocent Americans weren’t killed by illegal aliens, they were killed by American politicians who have built careers on keeping America’s borders open so … Republicans like Speaker Paul Ryan, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, NRCC Chairman Rep. Steve Stivers and Democrats like House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer, California Governor Jerry Brown, Oregon Judge Monica Herranz, Oakland, California Mayor Libby Schaaf and the rest of the open borders politicians and judges are the ones who killed Mollie Tibbetts.

This article is clear, concise, and honest. Our politicians of all stripes killed this Mollie Tibbetts and others. We need to call a spade a spade.
Are the deaths of American citizens worth the aims of the political parties ideologies?
McCain, Graham, Rubio, Murkowsky, Hoeven, Heller, Hatch, Alexander, Corker and Flake all voted to give this guy amnesty and make him a citizen. Bush league Republicans and Progressive Socialist Democrats seeking votes MUST become extinct before the Republic does.
Surely They (politicians) didn’t kill her but they certainly bear responsibility. Meanwhile Democrats refuse voting to build the wall and scream about their desire to get rid of ICE, while Senate Republicans dither on their votes to build the wall.
Commentary: The Politicians Who Killed Mollie Tibbetts ...
Aug 23, 2018 · Mollie, Kate Steinle, Jamiel Shaw Jr, Josh Wilkerson, Christy Sue Piña, Grant Ronnebeck, Sarah Root, Drew Rosenberg, Sergeant Brandon Mendoza and thousands of other innocent Americans weren’t killed by illegal aliens, they were killed by American politicians who have built careers on keeping America’s borders open so … Republicans like Speaker Paul Ryan, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, NRCC Chairman Rep. Steve Stivers and Democrats like House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer, California Governor Jerry Brown, Oregon Judge Monica Herranz, Oakland, California Mayor Libby Schaaf and the rest of the open borders politicians and judges are the ones who killed Mollie Tibbetts.

This article is clear, concise, and honest. Our politicians of all stripes killed this Mollie Tibbetts and others. We need to call a spade a spade.
Are the deaths of American citizens worth the aims of the political parties ideologies?
McCain, Graham, Rubio, Murkowsky, Hoeven, Heller, Hatch, Alexander, Corker and Flake all voted to give this guy amnesty and make him a citizen. Bush league Republicans and Progressive Socialist Democrats seeking votes MUST become extinct before the Republic does.
Surely They (politicians) didn’t kill her but they certainly bear responsibility. Meanwhile Democrats refuse voting to build the wall and scream about their desire to get rid of ICE, while Senate Republicans dither on their votes to build the wall.

You are a loathsome individual. The person who is responsible is the person who did it. You are trying to t5ake advantage of her death. People have been murdered this year and many more will be murdered this year. Yet you don't giver a damn about them because you can't use their deaths to further your political agenda.

You sound exactly like the far left who use mass shootings to further their gun agenda. You are probably the first one to criticize them when they do it. We do not need to build a wall.

Several members of her family have said the same thing. They do not want her death politicized and the family statement said nothing about immigration legal or otherwise.

libs fauzx outrage here, they are the biggest hypocrites not giving a shit about the million babies they kill yearly and the thousands killed by gang violence in lib run cities, black on black crime etc.. yet focus on the police so much for killing a few people, in the line of duty.
A rural country Iowa road is the definition of safe spaces or once was. The murder of Mollie Tibbetts would not have happened if that illegal wasn't here.
Unbelievable that there are people like Hysteria in America, but that's how we get people who n government like Obama, Clinton, Pelosi and the rest of the open borders Dems.
------------------------------------------------ not trying to disagree but this all started with 'reagan - bush' and continues with the 'bushes' DAngel .

History did not begin when you were born. There have been others like Jackson, Wilson, FDR, and LBJ long before the motley crew of Democrat Socialists now trying to change the politics and ideology of this nation.
I see the pugs are trying to ramp up their anecdotal midterm mascot. Another pretty girl killed by an illegal and not being allowed to RIP.
Rest in peace. REST IN PEACE?? She shouldn't be DEAD, asshole!!! But she IS. Due to fucktards like YOU.
Thats pure insanity. Pure fucking insanity. Take a step back and deep breath. The federal government is controlled by the GOP and they have failed if anyone. They ran on fixing immigration and basically guaranteed that this sort of thing wouldnt happen. Heres the thing about the senate. It's not the job of the minority to bow to the majority and president and sign all their bills. Theres a thing called negotiating and compromise and trump and McConnell failed at it. It's their show and they failed. If they want democrats votes they gotta play ball. Daca, tone down the wall, tone down the satanic deceitful rhetoric. Be smart about immigration.

Hey dumbasses, if theres 10 to 20 million illegals already here, and we deport maybe a few mill a year, and a wall is expected and known to be only marginally effective, what exactly will it be keeping out when they're all already here? The real bad criminals will still find a way in, as explained by the logic about crime crim many Republican talking points. It's a dumbshit plan for braindead trumpers. Not only that but he had to demonize and lie about a disenfranchised population of people to get support for it. You cant get much more evil than that. How would you feel if you were a hard worker that got caught in a bad situation and some bone dead deceitful windbag was telling everyone over and over that you are a violent criminal coming to take all of our stuff and be dependent? Trump runs hate campaigns of false hoods, projecting really bad stuff onto individuals and populations as good as any of the pure evil dictators of the mid 1900s. His base is near the point of approving concentration camps for illegal immigrants because of it. If ice was rounding up illegals and putting them on trains going .... somewhere.... not to be seen again, youd all cheer and play your roles as accomplice to genocide. Shoot I even see some of you sickos wishing violence on them here. Youd probably be the ones turning on the gas with a smile.

So it was the GOP sending busloads of asses to the boarder to protest?

It was the GOP that put a picture of a child of an illegal on the cover of Time Magazine, photoshoped to look as though she was looking up at President Trump? That child, by the way, was later found TO HAVE BEEN KIDNAPPED!

It was the GOP that supported street protests that called anyone in opposition racists?

It is the GOP controlled Cities and States that become sanctuaries?

It is the GOP that wants to abolish ICE?

Trying to deflect from the responsibility that THE LEFT OWNS, is what a dumbass progressive does.

You are the definition of retarded.

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