The Politics of Envy

Thge disparity between wages paid to management and workers has grown much wider during the past 2 decades.

because all the honest lower middle class manufacturing jobs left.. Love Apple? -- I've been to HQ in Silicon Valley. No manufacturing there at all. Apple demand increases and factories in Asia are doing the hiring. DEMAND -- no longer drives jobs the way it used to..

That and the disparity in the growing Service Industries have always been skewed that way.
so that is why the head of United Health paid himself one billion dollars while customer service reps were paid $20k ?

that is the disparity you are defending somehow?


Show me the $Bill and I can respond. I seriously doubt that's income only. Service Reps are paid $20K because any more and their jobs go to Indians. OR -- Apple's Siri grows up as an app and "service rep" becomes extinct as a job anywhere.
I'll never be in favor of a national ID card because the R wants to control every aspect of our lives and that would help them do that. There is no doubt the R would use that to curtail even more freedoms than they're after now.

OTOH, yes, of course, voting is a right that every American has and should have but what we're seeing right now is a concentrated effort by the Rs to take basic rights away from Americans.

We need to fight them because if we don't, they will succeed. And, there is nothing worse than that.

voting is not a right enumerated in the Constitution, which is why I think it ought to be.

Do you really want to encourage ignorant assholes to vote?



You wanna rephrase that?????​
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I'll never be in favor of a national ID card because the R wants to control every aspect of our lives and that would help them do that. There is no doubt the R would use that to curtail even more freedoms than they're after now.

OTOH, yes, of course, voting is a right that every American has and should have but what we're seeing right now is a concentrated effort by the Rs to take basic rights away from Americans.

We need to fight them because if we don't, they will succeed. And, there is nothing worse than that.

voting is not a right enumerated in the Constitution, which is why I think it ought to be.

Do you really want to encourage ignorant assholes to vote? That is how we get a Maxine Waters in Congress!

We let YOU vote so I guess the answer is yes.
I'll never be in favor of a national ID card because the R wants to control every aspect of our lives and that would help them do that. There is no doubt the R would use that to curtail even more freedoms than they're after now.

OTOH, yes, of course, voting is a right that every American has and should have but what we're seeing right now is a concentrated effort by the Rs to take basic rights away from Americans.

We need to fight them because if we don't, they will succeed. And, there is nothing worse than that.

voting is not a right enumerated in the Constitution, which is why I think it ought to be.

Do you really want to encourage ignorant assholes to vote? That is how we get a Maxine Waters in Congress!
enough! we get it, you HATE everyone who doesnt look like you

got it, you havent posted anything in your entire time here that is fact based, please go read a book, please
Just another example of the 'politics of distraction,' instead of addressing job loss due to outsourcing, unequal pay scales, board and executive malfeasance, loss of manufacturing to low wage third world nations, the right wing talking point creators make up words which they attach to Americans who consider inequality not only immoral, but economically unsustainable. It demonstrates how compliant those who use these words are and how the puppet master plays them.

"We're always saying that “children are our nation’s most valuable resource.” Unfortunately, we don’t behave as if we believe it. Between 2000 and 2010, the number of children living in poverty in America increased by 41 percent, and now includes nearly one-quarter of our kids. Growing up in poverty is bad. It leads to lower graduation rates (a third of these children will not graduate from high school); lower incomes (nearly half will still be living in poverty at age 35); and lower life expectancy (by about eight years)." Share the Wealth -

Income Inequality is Bad for Society. Really Bad. » Sociological Images

Timothy Noah on The Inequality Crisis | FiveBooks | The Browser

Why do the poor support right-wing parties? A cross-national analysis « Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science

Define 'poverty' before you start your rant again. Over $23K for a family of 4. Plus $4,800 in Food Stamps. Section 8 is worth another $7,200. Right there is $35K a year. That AIN'T poverty.

Then realize that it's not the middle-class folks that are popping out kids like party favors. That's why your numbers are going up.

So don't come crying to me about 'the children' and 'poverty', it's BULLSHIT!

Ahhhhh the popping out kids argument. Same old argument used by racists and elitists alike.

Which are you?

Look at the comparative birth rates, it's simply the truth. Most everyone that's NOT getting some kind of government assistance are limiting their reproduction. Most simply can't afford a bunch of kids, and they don't want to go on welfare to be able to. The only demographic that show more than a replacement rate of birth are the poor.

Why attack the messenger?
because all the honest lower middle class manufacturing jobs left.. Love Apple? -- I've been to HQ in Silicon Valley. No manufacturing there at all. Apple demand increases and factories in Asia are doing the hiring. DEMAND -- no longer drives jobs the way it used to..

That and the disparity in the growing Service Industries have always been skewed that way.
so that is why the head of United Health paid himself one billion dollars while customer service reps were paid $20k ?

that is the disparity you are defending somehow?


Show me the $Bill and I can respond. I seriously doubt that's income only. Service Reps are paid $20K because any more and their jobs go to Indians. OR -- Apple's Siri grows up as an app and "service rep" becomes extinct as a job anywhere.

NO ANSWER eh twerp? You're all over these boards with your fact-less mind-less slogans.

I'm thinking you should stay away from FACTS and NUMBERS...

UnitedHealth CEO's Pay Cut In Half -- To $49 Million - Connecticut Insurance

Stephen J. Hemsley, the UnitedHealth Group CEO, saw his pay cut by more than half in 2010, but still cleared $48.8 million.

Hemsley was compensated $102 million in 2009.

Hemsley, 58, received the bulk of his 2010 pay in stocks vested and options exercised -- $44 million. He also received $4.8 million in salary, incentive pay and other compensation. That doesn't include stock awards and options issued last year, currently valued at $6 million, which vest later and depend on the company's performance.

Where's the rest of the $BILLION you claimed? He got a PAY CUT and makes $4.8Mill IN SALARY. STock options are expected, but not guaranteed. If he's running the place, he should have a stake in the ownership.. If he screws up, the $40Mill in options goes away.

So you make wild-ass assertions and run? Kinda like calling folks liars before you've actually debated them..

Oppps -- forgot. You're not here to debate are you?
so that is why the head of United Health paid himself one billion dollars while customer service reps were paid $20k ?

that is the disparity you are defending somehow?


Show me the $Bill and I can respond. I seriously doubt that's income only. Service Reps are paid $20K because any more and their jobs go to Indians. OR -- Apple's Siri grows up as an app and "service rep" becomes extinct as a job anywhere.

NO ANSWER eh twerp? You're all over these boards with your fact-less mind-less slogans.

I'm thinking you should stay away from FACTS and NUMBERS...

UnitedHealth CEO's Pay Cut In Half -- To $49 Million - Connecticut Insurance

Stephen J. Hemsley, the UnitedHealth Group CEO, saw his pay cut by more than half in 2010, but still cleared $48.8 million.

Hemsley was compensated $102 million in 2009.

Hemsley, 58, received the bulk of his 2010 pay in stocks vested and options exercised -- $44 million. He also received $4.8 million in salary, incentive pay and other compensation. That doesn't include stock awards and options issued last year, currently valued at $6 million, which vest later and depend on the company's performance.

Where's the rest of the $BILLION you claimed? He got a PAY CUT and makes $4.8Mill IN SALARY. STock options are expected, but not guaranteed. If he's running the place, he should have a stake in the ownership.. If he screws up, the $40Mill in options goes away.

So you make wild-ass assertions and run? Kinda like calling folks liars before you've actually debated them..

Oppps -- forgot. You're not here to debate are you?

You dont see a problem with a 50% pay cut and the guy still gets 49 MILLION dollars? From a broken health care system?

I mean what the hell does a guy do to make that kind of money? How many hours can he really put in? Im doing nearly 18 hour days six days a week and I dont come close to that. And probably never will.

SO what does one have to offer thats worth 49 million dollars a year? And does he have a rookie card?
Define 'poverty' before you start your rant again. Over $23K for a family of 4. Plus $4,800 in Food Stamps. Section 8 is worth another $7,200. Right there is $35K a year. That AIN'T poverty.

Then realize that it's not the middle-class folks that are popping out kids like party favors. That's why your numbers are going up.

So don't come crying to me about 'the children' and 'poverty', it's BULLSHIT!

Ahhhhh the popping out kids argument. Same old argument used by racists and elitists alike.

Which are you?

Look at the comparative birth rates, it's simply the truth. Most everyone that's NOT getting some kind of government assistance are limiting their reproduction. Most simply can't afford a bunch of kids, and they don't want to go on welfare to be able to. The only demographic that show more than a replacement rate of birth are the poor.

Why attack the messenger?

I have five children. ( two of which are old enough to no longer live at home ) Im not on welfare.

But now you have me curious as to what your stance was on the whole contraception battle. After all, if people can take birth control they can limit their offspring more effectively can they not?

ETA: The attack was a knee jerk reaction to an argument that usually is made to try and hide racism. If I am off the mark on that, I apologize.
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Just another example of the 'politics of distraction,' instead of addressing job loss due to outsourcing, unequal pay scales, board and executive malfeasance, loss of manufacturing to low wage third world nations, the right wing talking point creators make up words which they attach to Americans who consider inequality not only immoral, but economically unsustainable. It demonstrates how compliant those who use these words are and how the puppet master plays them.

"We're always saying that “children are our nation’s most valuable resource.” Unfortunately, we don’t behave as if we believe it. Between 2000 and 2010, the number of children living in poverty in America increased by 41 percent, and now includes nearly one-quarter of our kids. Growing up in poverty is bad. It leads to lower graduation rates (a third of these children will not graduate from high school); lower incomes (nearly half will still be living in poverty at age 35); and lower life expectancy (by about eight years)." Share the Wealth -

Income Inequality is Bad for Society. Really Bad. » Sociological Images

Timothy Noah on The Inequality Crisis | FiveBooks | The Browser

Why do the poor support right-wing parties? A cross-national analysis « Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social Science

Well how nice would it have been if Obama hadn't given billions of dollars of the stimulus money to companies to outsource jobs?
Ahhhhh the popping out kids argument. Same old argument used by racists and elitists alike.

Which are you?

Look at the comparative birth rates, it's simply the truth. Most everyone that's NOT getting some kind of government assistance are limiting their reproduction. Most simply can't afford a bunch of kids, and they don't want to go on welfare to be able to. The only demographic that show more than a replacement rate of birth are the poor.

Why attack the messenger?

I have five children. ( two of which are old enough to no longer live at home ) Im not on welfare.
Congrats on the kids and on the self-sufficiency, but know that you're in the minority.

But now you have me curious as to what your stance was on the whole contraception battle. After all, if people can take birth control they can limit their offspring more effectively can they not?
I have no problem with contraception. It's cheap and readily available. I take issue with the battle waged with the Catholic Church, even though I disagree with their stance. The religious freedom issue trumps the insurance issue in my mind.

ETA: The attack was a knee jerk reaction to an argument that usually is made to try and hide racism. If I am off the mark on that, I apologize.

Apology accepted. You'll figure me out. You seem like a rational person, I always enjoy conversations with rational people, there's so FEW of them. :D

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It wasn't "The Politics of Envy" before the Ayn Rand Conservatives started their major assault on the poor and middle class to repay the government for what Conservatives have squandered.

At least now you admit the Left is engaged in dividing America and pitting us one against another in every imaginable way.Yes, I can't believe it is butter

Conservatives at least believe in equality - that greedy rich assholes and faggot Indians are supposed to be treated the same in the eyes of the government.

unless you are gay and want to marry.
Show me the $Bill and I can respond. I seriously doubt that's income only. Service Reps are paid $20K because any more and their jobs go to Indians. OR -- Apple's Siri grows up as an app and "service rep" becomes extinct as a job anywhere.

NO ANSWER eh twerp? You're all over these boards with your fact-less mind-less slogans.

I'm thinking you should stay away from FACTS and NUMBERS...

UnitedHealth CEO's Pay Cut In Half -- To $49 Million - Connecticut Insurance

Stephen J. Hemsley, the UnitedHealth Group CEO, saw his pay cut by more than half in 2010, but still cleared $48.8 million.

Hemsley was compensated $102 million in 2009.

Hemsley, 58, received the bulk of his 2010 pay in stocks vested and options exercised -- $44 million. He also received $4.8 million in salary, incentive pay and other compensation. That doesn't include stock awards and options issued last year, currently valued at $6 million, which vest later and depend on the company's performance.

Where's the rest of the $BILLION you claimed? He got a PAY CUT and makes $4.8Mill IN SALARY. STock options are expected, but not guaranteed. If he's running the place, he should have a stake in the ownership.. If he screws up, the $40Mill in options goes away.

So you make wild-ass assertions and run? Kinda like calling folks liars before you've actually debated them..

Oppps -- forgot. You're not here to debate are you?

You dont see a problem with a 50% pay cut and the guy still gets 49 MILLION dollars? From a broken health care system?

I mean what the hell does a guy do to make that kind of money? How many hours can he really put in? Im doing nearly 18 hour days six days a week and I dont come close to that. And probably never will.

SO what does one have to offer thats worth 49 million dollars a year? And does he have a rookie card?

No offense Vidi -- but the guy works on a scale comparable to a head of state. You work the same hours, but the numbers of employees, issues and customers and sheer dollar volume is astronomically greater. Remember -- if he doesn't perform -- His 49Mill goes down dramatically -- perhaps as low as the $4.8M salary.

He doesn't just manage one company, but over 20 companies and foundations with 67,000 employees. From the Wiki ----

UHC Employer and Individual
UHC Medicare and Retirement
UHC Community and State
OptumRx (formerly Prescription Solutions)
OptumInsight (formerly Ingenix)
United Healthcare
Business services

Health care services

Golden Rule
UHG International
Mid Atlantic Medical Services LLC (MAMSI)
Knowledge and information services

i3 Innovus
i3 Research (a Contract Research Organization)
Ingenix Consulting
The Lewin Group
Specialized care services

ACN Group
Dental Benefit Providers
National Benefit Resources
UnitedHealthcare Dental
UnitedHealthcare Vision
PacifiCare Dental and Vision Administrators
Unimerica Workplace Benefits
United Behavioral Health
United Resource Networks
[edit] The Lewin GroupThe Lewin Group is a policy research and consulting firm that provides economic analysis of health care and human services issues and policies.[33]

FoundationsUnitedHealth Group has two foundations, the United Health Foundation and UnitedHealthcare Children’s Foundation which were formed in 1999. United Health Foundation provides information to support decisions that lead to better health outcomes and healthier communities, such as their partnership behind the America's Health Rankings annual report. The Foundation also supports activities that expand access to quality health care services for those in challenging circumstances and partners with others to improve the well being of communities. Since established by UnitedHealth Group in 1999 as a not for profit private foundation, the Foundation has committed more than $170 million to improve health and health care.[38]

Finding people who can hold that together is a little harder than finding a new network anchorwoman..

Hell -- With the options, he STILL MAKES LESS than an NBA super star... You got a problem with THAT?
"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the Gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery." - Sir Winston Churchill

Churchill endorsed the national health service, dingo brain. By the standards of what you and your right wing lunatic friends define as "socialist", Churchill was a flaming Bolshevik.

In 1944 Winston Churchill, while still prime minister, said that “our policy is to create a national health service in order to ensure that everybody in the country irrespective of means, age, sex or occupation shall have equal opportunities to benefit from the best and most up-to-date medical and allied services available.”

But hey - don't let factual history cloud your judgement.

His assessment of you Socialists/Progressives is very clear. Those are his own words. And he was damn Spot-On.

I'm not a socialist by Churchill's standards. Are you retarded?
NO ANSWER eh twerp? You're all over these boards with your fact-less mind-less slogans.

I'm thinking you should stay away from FACTS and NUMBERS...

Where's the rest of the $BILLION you claimed? He got a PAY CUT and makes $4.8Mill IN SALARY. STock options are expected, but not guaranteed. If he's running the place, he should have a stake in the ownership.. If he screws up, the $40Mill in options goes away.

So you make wild-ass assertions and run? Kinda like calling folks liars before you've actually debated them..

Oppps -- forgot. You're not here to debate are you?

You dont see a problem with a 50% pay cut and the guy still gets 49 MILLION dollars? From a broken health care system?

I mean what the hell does a guy do to make that kind of money? How many hours can he really put in? Im doing nearly 18 hour days six days a week and I dont come close to that. And probably never will.

SO what does one have to offer thats worth 49 million dollars a year? And does he have a rookie card?

No offense Vidi -- but the guy works on a scale comparable to a head of state. You work the same hours, but the numbers of employees, issues and customers and sheer dollar volume is astronomically greater. Remember -- if he doesn't perform -- His 49Mill goes down dramatically -- perhaps as low as the $4.8M salary.

He doesn't just manage one company, but over 20 companies and foundations with 67,000 employees. From the Wiki ----

UHC Employer and Individual
UHC Medicare and Retirement
UHC Community and State
OptumRx (formerly Prescription Solutions)
OptumInsight (formerly Ingenix)
United Healthcare
Business services

Health care services

Golden Rule
UHG International
Mid Atlantic Medical Services LLC (MAMSI)
Knowledge and information services

i3 Innovus
i3 Research (a Contract Research Organization)
Ingenix Consulting
The Lewin Group
Specialized care services

ACN Group
Dental Benefit Providers
National Benefit Resources
UnitedHealthcare Dental
UnitedHealthcare Vision
PacifiCare Dental and Vision Administrators
Unimerica Workplace Benefits
United Behavioral Health
United Resource Networks
[edit] The Lewin GroupThe Lewin Group is a policy research and consulting firm that provides economic analysis of health care and human services issues and policies.[33]

FoundationsUnitedHealth Group has two foundations, the United Health Foundation and UnitedHealthcare Children’s Foundation which were formed in 1999. United Health Foundation provides information to support decisions that lead to better health outcomes and healthier communities, such as their partnership behind the America's Health Rankings annual report. The Foundation also supports activities that expand access to quality health care services for those in challenging circumstances and partners with others to improve the well being of communities. Since established by UnitedHealth Group in 1999 as a not for profit private foundation, the Foundation has committed more than $170 million to improve health and health care.[38]

Finding people who can hold that together is a little harder than finding a new network anchorwoman..

Hell -- With the options, he STILL MAKES LESS than an NBA super star... You got a problem with THAT?

No offense taken. I asked some questions, you answered them. Clearly and accurately.

Thank you.

One guy in charge of that many different health insurance providers though does make me wonder about anti trust laws though
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Well let's be honest... we do envy the wealthy.

-We envy the ability of the wealthy to convince 50% of the population to vote against their own interests.

-We envy the ability of the wealthy to run the country into the ground, blame the government...then ask the same government for help.

-We envy the ability of the wealthy to demand the government provide corporate protections, subsidies and welfare, while simultaneously denouncing "dependency" on Government.

-We envy the ability of the wealthy to use their wealth to buy US public policy and law.
You dont see a problem with a 50% pay cut and the guy still gets 49 MILLION dollars? From a broken health care system?

I mean what the hell does a guy do to make that kind of money? How many hours can he really put in? Im doing nearly 18 hour days six days a week and I dont come close to that. And probably never will.

SO what does one have to offer thats worth 49 million dollars a year? And does he have a rookie card?

No offense Vidi -- but the guy works on a scale comparable to a head of state. You work the same hours, but the numbers of employees, issues and customers and sheer dollar volume is astronomically greater. Remember -- if he doesn't perform -- His 49Mill goes down dramatically -- perhaps as low as the $4.8M salary.

He doesn't just manage one company, but over 20 companies and foundations with 67,000 employees. From the Wiki ----

UHC Employer and Individual
UHC Medicare and Retirement
UHC Community and State
OptumRx (formerly Prescription Solutions)
OptumInsight (formerly Ingenix)
United Healthcare
Business services

Health care services

Golden Rule
UHG International
Mid Atlantic Medical Services LLC (MAMSI)
Knowledge and information services

i3 Innovus
i3 Research (a Contract Research Organization)
Ingenix Consulting
The Lewin Group
Specialized care services

ACN Group
Dental Benefit Providers
National Benefit Resources
UnitedHealthcare Dental
UnitedHealthcare Vision
PacifiCare Dental and Vision Administrators
Unimerica Workplace Benefits
United Behavioral Health
United Resource Networks
[edit] The Lewin GroupThe Lewin Group is a policy research and consulting firm that provides economic analysis of health care and human services issues and policies.[33]

FoundationsUnitedHealth Group has two foundations, the United Health Foundation and UnitedHealthcare Children’s Foundation which were formed in 1999. United Health Foundation provides information to support decisions that lead to better health outcomes and healthier communities, such as their partnership behind the America's Health Rankings annual report. The Foundation also supports activities that expand access to quality health care services for those in challenging circumstances and partners with others to improve the well being of communities. Since established by UnitedHealth Group in 1999 as a not for profit private foundation, the Foundation has committed more than $170 million to improve health and health care.[38]

Finding people who can hold that together is a little harder than finding a new network anchorwoman..

Hell -- With the options, he STILL MAKES LESS than an NBA super star... You got a problem with THAT?

No offense taken. I asked some questions, you answered them. Clearly and accurately.

Thank you.

One guy in charge of that many different health insurance providers though does make me wonder about anti trust laws though

Appreciate the chat.. THere is one more important point to be wrung out of this tho... And it's a point that MOST of the Class Warriors (like CONZHATER) completely miss because they don't a clue how capital markets work.

In this case you have a guy making $6M in salary and benefits and getting $42M in stock options.

The $42M in stock options has NOTHING to do with the COST of services or HEALTHCARE that this company provides.

It is an INTERNAL TRANSFER of equity to the guy that now serves as titular "general manager". Does NOT affect what available to pay claims. Does NOT affect what the phone reps are paid. ONLY the $6M in salary and bennys comes out of the cash flow.

So when compare what this guy does for his $6M compared to LeBron James making over $100M a year --- that's like a couple WEEKS of his season's pay..
No offense Vidi -- but the guy works on a scale comparable to a head of state. You work the same hours, but the numbers of employees, issues and customers and sheer dollar volume is astronomically greater. Remember -- if he doesn't perform -- His 49Mill goes down dramatically -- perhaps as low as the $4.8M salary.

He doesn't just manage one company, but over 20 companies and foundations with 67,000 employees. From the Wiki ----

Finding people who can hold that together is a little harder than finding a new network anchorwoman..

Hell -- With the options, he STILL MAKES LESS than an NBA super star... You got a problem with THAT?

No offense taken. I asked some questions, you answered them. Clearly and accurately.

Thank you.

One guy in charge of that many different health insurance providers though does make me wonder about anti trust laws though

Appreciate the chat.. THere is one more important point to be wrung out of this tho... And it's a point that MOST of the Class Warriors (like CONZHATER) completely miss because they don't a clue how capital markets work.

In this case you have a guy making $6M in salary and benefits and getting $42M in stock options.

The $42M in stock options has NOTHING to do with the COST of services or HEALTHCARE that this company provides.

It is an INTERNAL TRANSFER of equity to the guy that now serves as titular "general manager". Does NOT affect what available to pay claims. Does NOT affect what the phone reps are paid. ONLY the $6M in salary and bennys comes out of the cash flow.

So when compare what this guy does for his $6M compared to LeBron James making over $100M a year --- that's like a couple WEEKS of his season's pay..

fair enough...and dont get me started on the national sports leagues. I love me some football but they could all shut down tomorrow and I wouldnt lose a moment of sleep over it.
It wasn't "The Politics of Envy" before the Ayn Rand Conservatives started their major assault on the poor and middle class to repay the government for what Conservatives have squandered.

At least now you admit the Left is engaged in dividing America and pitting us one against another in every imaginable way.

Conservatives at least believe in equality - that greedy rich assholes and faggot Indians are supposed to be treated the same in the eyes of the government.

The left believes that everyone should have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The far right thinks only the very rich should, and everyone else can go to hell.

So much bullshit packed into one sentence. Lefties believe in living life without consequences. That's their definition of liberty. The right to life..... That's a good one. As far as the pursuit of happiness, that again means life without consequences. And massive government making sure you buy all the things that they say will make you happy. But what they do not believe in is leaving the fucking citizenry alone, because surely, without government up one's ass, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are impossible.

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