The Poor Little Gays: The World Is Saying No

"The Poor Little Gays: The World Is Saying No"

The US will just have to stand up for what's right then I guess. It's not we've never thrown a revolution before and look at that, Liberals are leading the way yet again.
Yeah we should, throw the gays out along with illegal immigrants and if stupid libtards don't like that throw them out with the trash also, idiots.

To hell with due process, the Constitution, and the rule of law – typical of many on the right.
I don't know who in the hell is doing the math but I do know that even in the bluest of blue state of California when the people were allowed to determine their own fate they said NO, a BIG NO, to gay marriage. But the left would have nothing to do with the will of the people. In almost every state when left to the people the people spoke and it wasn't good for the gay lobby.

That said I am not sure why the liberal left is so anti-science.

They say they are on the side of science, yet they call the unborn child anything other then what it is, and unborn child. THEN they try and sound all scientific and say that the unborn child doesn't become a human until the first breath. Where in the hell did they learn that superstition?

Then they will say they believe steadfastly in evolution. Yet there is not one sane reason that homosexuality is a product of the evolutionary process, matter of fact it goes against the theory.

There are other examples but mostly they just point to the two faces of the modern liberal.
In all of the most recent votes you have lost, in all of the most recent court cases you have lost, and in all of the most recent polls you have lost. It's over and done with, move on.

And you don't understand evolution, obviously...

Oh I fully agree, the sodomites have won against the will of the people. If prop 8 in CA doesn't prove it to you nothing will.

As for evolution here read and learn: Evolution 101: An Introduction to Evolution

Prop 8 was 6 yrs ago. If that's the most recent victory you can use as a gauge of the nation's feelings on gay marriage, then you have lost. Give it up already.

Now to the op, who gives a shit? I live in America.
Gay acceptance is o.k., but gay's wanting to kick down my cultural door and "force" me to accept equality in marriage is bullshit. Stop whining you bunch of fag Nazis.
Gay acceptance is o.k., but gay's wanting to kick down my cultural door and "force" me to accept equality in marriage is bullshit. Stop whining you bunch of fag Nazis.
As long as your door isn't the Courthouse, you have nothing to worry about. Behind that all are equal. If that fact causes you issues, Russia can always use another grunt to replace the dead ones.
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The Poor Little Gays: The World Is Saying No


This is one of the many reasons why we're fortunate to live in the United States, a Constitutional Republic, whose citizens are subject solely to the rule of law.

That you and many others on the right applaud the hate and ignorance practiced in other parts of the world, and seek to implement that hate and ignorance in the United States in violation of the Constitution and its case law, clearly demonstrates you have no idea what this great Nation is truly about.
"The Poor Little Gays: The World Is Saying No"

The US will just have to stand up for what's right then I guess. It's not we've never thrown a revolution before and look at that, Liberals are leading the way yet again.

most Americans don't support gay marriage....
In school I was taught something called Math. Check it out...

Here's some math for you: name one state where a referendum on allowing gay marriage has won.
I don't know who in the hell is doing the math but I do know that even in the bluest of blue state of California when the people were allowed to determine their own fate they said NO, a BIG NO, to gay marriage. But the left would have nothing to do with the will of the people. In almost every state when left to the people the people spoke and it wasn't good for the gay lobby.

That said I am not sure why the liberal left is so anti-science.

They say they are on the side of science, yet they call the unborn child anything other then what it is, and unborn child. THEN they try and sound all scientific and say that the unborn child doesn't become a human until the first breath. Where in the hell did they learn that superstition?

Then they will say they believe steadfastly in evolution. Yet there is not one sane reason that homosexuality is a product of the evolutionary process, matter of fact it goes against the theory.

There are other examples but mostly they just point to the two faces of the modern liberal.
In all of the most recent votes you have lost, in all of the most recent court cases you have lost, and in all of the most recent polls you have lost. It's over and done with, move on.

And you don't understand evolution, obviously...

What recent votes? A couple of state legislatures have approved "gay marriage," but pandering to special interests is what politicians do. THe people of these states haven't voted on the issue.
Children do not count, what they desire has no relevance. What is natural means nothing. How children wish to be raised shall not be part of the discussion, and if children get raped or abused in this untried social experience, it does not matter because heterosexuals have raped and murdered children.

Its as if a crime has been committed by a heterosexual we must allow homosexuals the same opportunity.

We know the numbers on gay men. Your son is safer with them than your daughter is with her step-father...

That's just plain false.
most Americans don't support gay marriage....
In school I was taught something called Math. Check it out...

Here's some math for you: name one state where a referendum on allowing gay marriage has won.

Try to keep up dummy:

"(Reuters) - Voters in Maryland, Maine and Washington state approved same-sex marriage on Tuesday, marking the first time marriage rights have been extended to same-sex couples by popular vote."
Maryland, Maine, Washington approve gay marriage | Reuters
Children do not count, what they desire has no relevance. What is natural means nothing. How children wish to be raised shall not be part of the discussion, and if children get raped or abused in this untried social experience, it does not matter because heterosexuals have raped and murdered children.

Its as if a crime has been committed by a heterosexual we must allow homosexuals the same opportunity.

We know the numbers on gay men. Your son is safer with them than your daughter is with her step-father...

That's just plain false.

No little man, it isn't. The rapists of children at straight, almost without exception, not gay.
Gay acceptance is o.k., but gay's wanting to kick down my cultural door and "force" me to accept equality in marriage is bullshit. Stop whining you bunch of fag Nazis.

No one wishes to 'kick down' your 'culture door,' the notion is ridiculous nonsense.

You and others on the right remain at liberty to practice your ignorance and hate; you are not at liberty, however, to seek to codify that ignorance and hate.
I don't know who in the hell is doing the math but I do know that even in the bluest of blue state of California when the people were allowed to determine their own fate they said NO, a BIG NO, to gay marriage. But the left would have nothing to do with the will of the people. In almost every state when left to the people the people spoke and it wasn't good for the gay lobby.

That said I am not sure why the liberal left is so anti-science.

They say they are on the side of science, yet they call the unborn child anything other then what it is, and unborn child. THEN they try and sound all scientific and say that the unborn child doesn't become a human until the first breath. Where in the hell did they learn that superstition?

Then they will say they believe steadfastly in evolution. Yet there is not one sane reason that homosexuality is a product of the evolutionary process, matter of fact it goes against the theory.

There are other examples but mostly they just point to the two faces of the modern liberal.
In all of the most recent votes you have lost, in all of the most recent court cases you have lost, and in all of the most recent polls you have lost. It's over and done with, move on.

And you don't understand evolution, obviously...

What recent votes? A couple of state legislatures have approved "gay marriage," but pandering to special interests is what politicians do. THe people of these states haven't voted on the issue.
"(Reuters) - Voters in Maryland, Maine and Washington state approved same-sex marriage on Tuesday, marking the first time marriage rights have been extended to same-sex couples by popular vote."
"The Poor Little Gays: The World Is Saying No"

The US will just have to stand up for what's right then I guess. It's not we've never thrown a revolution before and look at that, Liberals are leading the way yet again.

The US is going to stand up for what's right when SCOTUS reaffirms its support for states to define marriage on their own terms a la Windsor. United States v. Windsor

Read it and weep painty.
"The Poor Little Gays: The World Is Saying No"

The US will just have to stand up for what's right then I guess. It's not we've never thrown a revolution before and look at that, Liberals are leading the way yet again.

The US is going to stand up for what's right when SCOTUS reaffirms its support for states to define marriage on their own terms a la Windsor. United States v. Windsor

Read it and weep painty.
I've read it little friend, and unlike you I am moving into the future, not being left in the past...
Prop 8 was 6 yrs ago. If that's the most recent victory you can use as a gauge of the nation's feelings on gay marriage, then you have lost. Give it up already.

Now to the op, who gives a shit? I live in America.

Proposition 8 is still on the books as law in California. The Opinion of Windsor makes the broad consensus of each sovereign state the definer of marriage retroactive to the founding of the country. And they said so as constitutionally upheld that way. Prop 8 was not overturned nor was it nullified. They just chose not to Rule on it because of standing. It will be ruled on at the same time all the rest are. That is to say, the Court will re-affirm what it said about it just last Summer.

When Utah and all the rest prevail and retain their retroactive rights to define marriage, there will be a bitter pill for fascism and the squelching of democracy.

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