The Poor Little Gays: The World Is Saying No

The way scandanavian countries are importing muslims, same sex marriage has its end written. The US is facing demographic changes from Africa and south America. The demands of white liberalism means nothing to them.
Prop 8 was 6 yrs ago. If that's the most recent victory you can use as a gauge of the nation's feelings on gay marriage, then you have lost. Give it up already.

Now to the op, who gives a shit? I live in America.

Proposition 8 is still on the books as law in California. The Opinion of Windsor makes the broad consensus of each sovereign state the definer of marriage retroactive to the founding of the country. And they said so as constitutionally upheld that way. Prop 8 was not overturned nor was it nullified. They just chose not to Rule on it because of standing. It will be ruled on at the same time all the rest are. That is to say, the Court will re-affirm what it said about it just last Summer.

When Utah and all the rest prevail and retain their retroactive rights to define marriage, there will be a bitter pill for fascism and the squelching of democracy.
"In the end, they won when the Supreme Court dismissed a final appeal by Prop. 8 sponsors without ruling on the constitutionality of same-sex marriage itself. "
Prop. 8 attorney predicts end to same-sex-marriage debate - SFGate

That law is as dead as your arguments...
Prop 8 was 6 yrs ago. If that's the most recent victory you can use as a gauge of the nation's feelings on gay marriage, then you have lost. Give it up already.

Now to the op, who gives a shit? I live in America.

Proposition 8 is still on the books as law in California. The Opinion of Windsor makes the broad consensus of each sovereign state the definer of marriage retroactive to the founding of the country. And they said so as constitutionally upheld that way. Prop 8 was not overturned nor was it nullified. They just chose not to Rule on it because of standing. It will be ruled on at the same time all the rest are. That is to say, the Court will re-affirm what it said about it just last Summer.

When Utah and all the rest prevail and retain their retroactive rights to define marriage, there will be a bitter pill for fascism and the squelching of democracy.

Scores of laws are still on the books in scores of jurisdictions, ignored and unenforced as a consequence of being invalidated as un-Constitutional – Proposition 8 is just one of them.
The US will just have to stand up for what's politically correct then I guess.

Fixed it for ya.
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Children do not count, what they desire has no relevance. What is natural means nothing. How children wish to be raised shall not be part of the discussion, and if children get raped or abused in this untried social experience, it does not matter because heterosexuals have raped and murdered children.

Its as if a crime has been committed by a heterosexual we must allow homosexuals the same opportunity.

Children do count...which is why most states allow gay couples to adopt the children heterosexuals don't want.
"The Poor Little Gays: The World Is Saying No"

The US will just have to stand up for what's right then I guess. It's not we've never thrown a revolution before and look at that, Liberals are leading the way yet again.

most Americans don't support gay marriage....much less gay parenting....

funny....most of the world agrees.....

Most of the world doesn't have our freedoms to begin with because originally we designated a separation between church and state so the fucking Puritans would keep their hands off the rest of us and the Church of England would stay out of our houses of worship here. And most Americans don't care if someone is gay or not.

The last 30 years have seen a lot of change. You're going to have to resist becoming a grumpy old man, if it's not too late already.
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polls should definitely determine the course of our country

who needs loving v. virginia.....

Yeah, imagine if polls had anything to do with that decision eh? When was that, 1965?

Children do not count, what they desire has no relevance. What is natural means nothing. How children wish to be raised shall not be part of the discussion, and if children get raped or abused in this untried social experience, it does not matter because heterosexuals have raped and murdered children.

Its as if a crime has been committed by a heterosexual we must allow homosexuals the same opportunity.

Children do count...which is why most states allow gay couples to adopt the children heterosexuals don't want.

Like your new avatar, Seawytch. Sad but true. And I believe in the truth. Just waiting for it to set us free.
Children do not count, what they desire has no relevance. What is natural means nothing. How children wish to be raised shall not be part of the discussion, and if children get raped or abused in this untried social experience, it does not matter because heterosexuals have raped and murdered children.

Its as if a crime has been committed by a heterosexual we must allow homosexuals the same opportunity.

Ignorant, hyperbolic nonsense.

Children need love and attention to thrive, and households headed by same-sex couples are perfectly capable of providing both.
In all of the most recent votes you have lost, in all of the most recent court cases you have lost, and in all of the most recent polls you have lost. It's over and done with, move on.

And you don't understand evolution, obviously...

Oh I fully agree, the sodomites have won against the will of the people. If prop 8 in CA doesn't prove it to you nothing will.

As for evolution here read and learn: Evolution 101: An Introduction to Evolution

I know it well, thanks. In you case what you miss is survival is not always about breeding, sometimes it's about not breeding...

I wondered when that canard would be brought out. Old Mother Nature deciding that there is just too man people and decides to cut back by making a small percentage gay. Really, that is your evolutionary theory, although you didn't have the guts to say it?

Oh wait I see how this works. You believe something to be true then you fill in the blanks to defend what you already believe to be true. Interesting. So you know that there is really no way that evolution and homosexuality are compatible so the "breeding" BS is invented. Well guess what, if that were the case, which it is obviously not, then it really didn't work very well now did it? I am thinking you are thinking of people control like the black plague. At least that has a rational explanation of how and why it controlled the population.
Children do not count, what they desire has no relevance. What is natural means nothing. How children wish to be raised shall not be part of the discussion, and if children get raped or abused in this untried social experience, it does not matter because heterosexuals have raped and murdered children.

Its as if a crime has been committed by a heterosexual we must allow homosexuals the same opportunity.

Ignorant, hyperbolic nonsense.

Children need love and attention to thrive, and households headed by same-sex couples are perfectly capable of providing both.



Why would anyone believe queers wouldn't make great parents.....


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