The Pope says gay and transgender people should be respected. Also questions gender theory

not all my lifetime-----in my life time catholic women who swallowed the PILL were barred from swallowing "the eucharist" -----decades? like maybe two in some
rare places. Long ago-----faggots were used as kindling for the AUTO DE FE

Artificial birth control has the same status today as it did then. All the same, both then and now, some women who are on the pill receive the Eucharist regardless. The Church's response then and now: Here is Church teaching about life being one of the most valuable gifts God gives....judgement is left to God.
very interesting------so he is prepared to announce that the
teachings of the Catholic church have been garbage for the past 1700 years? -----excuse me----My undergraduate degree was in BIOLOGY-----cum laude and phi beta kappa----

First, the Pope is not announcing--nor will he--that Catholic teachings on homosexual acts, is garbage. What he is saying is that we reach out to people and treat them with respect no matter what their choices, no matter what their sin. We draw them in to the Kingdom of God--we do not push them away. We are not their judge; God is.

I find it better to go to a Catholic news service in matters dealing with the Pope/Vatican. Secular media often misunderstands. Here is a link to the same story:

Gay, transgender people deserve pastoral care, pope says

In it, the Pope tells the story of some schools teaching children that their biological gender does not matter--that they can choose their gender. That in a nutshell is "Gender Theory."

I would think that acting on homosexual urges would get you a couple of Eons in Purgatory, much like missing church, and eating meat on a few Lent Fridays.

oh----only lent Fridays now? who was it that changed
that? Was it John XXIII?

Think so. all I know is I'm 41 and it has always been only Lent Fridays (and Ash Wednesday) for no meat.
not all my lifetime-----in my life time catholic women who swallowed the PILL were barred from swallowing "the eucharist" -----decades? like maybe two in some
rare places. Long ago-----faggots were used as kindling for the AUTO DE FE

Artificial birth control has the same status today as it did then. All the same, both then and now, some women who are on the pill receive the Eucharist regardless. The Church's response then and now: Here is Church teaching about life being one of the most valuable gifts God gives....judgement is left to God.

"artificial birth control" ?? is there any other kind?
I would think that acting on homosexual urges would get you a couple of Eons in Purgatory, much like missing church, and eating meat on a few Lent Fridays.

Why? Physical sins are considered such because of the problems they cause in the current life--not the next life.
I would think that acting on homosexual urges would get you a couple of Eons in Purgatory, much like missing church, and eating meat on a few Lent Fridays.

Why? Physical sins are considered such because of the problems they cause in the current life--not the next life.

To me they fall under the "crimes against self" circle as opposed to "crimes against others"
very interesting------so he is prepared to announce that the
teachings of the Catholic church have been garbage for the past 1700 years? -----excuse me----My undergraduate degree was in BIOLOGY-----cum laude and phi beta kappa----

First, the Pope is not announcing--nor will he--that Catholic teachings on homosexual acts, is garbage. What he is saying is that we reach out to people and treat them with respect no matter what their choices, no matter what their sin. We draw them in to the Kingdom of God--we do not push them away. We are not their judge; God is.

I find it better to go to a Catholic news service in matters dealing with the Pope/Vatican. Secular media often misunderstands. Here is a link to the same story:

Gay, transgender people deserve pastoral care, pope says

In it, the Pope tells the story of some schools teaching children that their biological gender does not matter--that they can choose their gender. That in a nutshell is "Gender Theory."

I would think that acting on homosexual urges would get you a couple of Eons in Purgatory, much like missing church, and eating meat on a few Lent Fridays.

oh----only lent Fridays now? who was it that changed
that? Was it John XXIII?

Think so. all I know is I'm 41 and it has always been only Lent Fridays (and Ash Wednesday) for no meat.

oh---you are a baby------I am old enough to remember when
John XXIII started knocking the obligatory FRIDAY FISH STICK lunch out of the public school system. He diminished
the JOOOOS KILLED JESUS rant, too. Now that song
is sung mostly by muslims. I believe that some catholics
avoided MEAT for all of Lent----not just Fridays----in the
distant past (ie when I was a kid)
very interesting------so he is prepared to announce that the
teachings of the Catholic church have been garbage for the past 1700 years? -----excuse me----My undergraduate degree was in BIOLOGY-----cum laude and phi beta kappa----

First, the Pope is not announcing--nor will he--that Catholic teachings on homosexual acts, is garbage. What he is saying is that we reach out to people and treat them with respect no matter what their choices, no matter what their sin. We draw them in to the Kingdom of God--we do not push them away. We are not their judge; God is.

I find it better to go to a Catholic news service in matters dealing with the Pope/Vatican. Secular media often misunderstands. Here is a link to the same story:

Gay, transgender people deserve pastoral care, pope says

In it, the Pope tells the story of some schools teaching children that their biological gender does not matter--that they can choose their gender. That in a nutshell is "Gender Theory."

I would think that acting on homosexual urges would get you a couple of Eons in Purgatory, much like missing church, and eating meat on a few Lent Fridays.

oh----only lent Fridays now? who was it that changed
that? Was it John XXIII?

Think so. all I know is I'm 41 and it has always been only Lent Fridays (and Ash Wednesday) for no meat.

oh---you are a baby------I am old enough to remember when
John XXIII started knocking the obligatory FRIDAY FISH STICK lunch out of the public school system. He diminished
the JOOOOS KILLED JESUS rant, too. Now that song
is sung mostly by muslims. I believe that some catholics
avoided MEAT for all of Lent----not just Fridays----in the
distant past (ie when I was a kid)

I'm sure some still do it as part of the Lent sacrifice. I used to give up chicken cutlet heros (and believe me, that was a big thing for me)
oh gee---suicide is ok now?

Why would you say that? If artificial birth control is considered a sin against life, certainly suicide remains as a sin against life as well. It is also a sin God judges. Humans are not equipped to judge what is true choice and what is caused by mental illness.
The Pope says gay and transgender people should be respected. Also questions gender theory - source
"ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANE (Reuters) Pope Francis said on Sunday (Oct. 2) that homosexuals and transsexuals should be treated with respect but that teaching gender theory is unacceptable “indoctrination” of young people.

“When a person (who is gay) arrives before Jesus, Jesus certainly will not say, ‘Go away because you are homosexual,'” Francis said."


I have some issues with this, #1, Francis nor any person knows what God will say, #2, this goes against what the bible says about homosexuality. So whose position takes precedence, I'll go with #2.
I don't know, Bruce Jenner and his whole screwed up family, will never get my respect. Or as Obama spells it, rspect. I have been studying liberal gender politics and it all leads back to the eventual take over by the Marxists. When you don't have traditional families, which are the very fabrics of society, then that society will soon fail. Just notice what is going on in the inner cities of the US.

Identity politics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Identity politics is a phenomenon that arose first at the radical margins of liberal democratic societies in which human rights are recognized, and the term is not usually used to refer to dissident movements within single-party or authoritarian states. The elements of identity politics can be seen to be present in many of the earliest statements of feminists, ethnic movements, and gay and lesbian liberation. Formally, it may even be taken back to Marx's earliest statements about a class becoming conscious of itself and developing a class identity.
The Pope says gay and transgender people should be respected. Also questions gender theory - source
"ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANE (Reuters) Pope Francis said on Sunday (Oct. 2) that homosexuals and transsexuals should be treated with respect but that teaching gender theory is unacceptable “indoctrination” of young people.

“When a person (who is gay) arrives before Jesus, Jesus certainly will not say, ‘Go away because you are homosexual,'” Francis said."


Step two............ small steps
I don't know, Bruce Jenner and his whole screwed up family, will never get my respect. Or as Obama spells it, rspect. I have been studying liberal gender politics and it all leads back to the eventual take over by the Marxists. When you don't have traditional families, which are the very fabrics of society, then that society will soon fail. Just notice what is going on in the inner cities of the US.

Identity politics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Identity politics is a phenomenon that arose first at the radical margins of liberal democratic societies in which human rights are recognized, and the term is not usually used to refer to dissident movements within single-party or authoritarian states. The elements of identity politics can be seen to be present in many of the earliest statements of feminists, ethnic movements, and gay and lesbian liberation. Formally, it may even be taken back to Marx's earliest statements about a class becoming conscious of itself and developing a class identity.

Love the Carlin signature
very interesting------so he is prepared to announce that the
teachings of the Catholic church have been garbage for the past 1700 years? -----excuse me----My undergraduate degree was in BIOLOGY-----cum laude and phi beta kappa----

First, the Pope is not announcing--nor will he--that Catholic teachings on homosexual acts, is garbage. What he is saying is that we reach out to people and treat them with respect no matter what their choices, no matter what their sin. We draw them in to the Kingdom of God--we do not push them away. We are not their judge; God is.

I find it better to go to a Catholic news service in matters dealing with the Pope/Vatican. Secular media often misunderstands. Here is a link to the same story:

Gay, transgender people deserve pastoral care, pope says

In it, the Pope tells the story of some schools teaching children that their biological gender does not matter--that they can choose their gender. That in a nutshell is "Gender Theory."

I would think that acting on homosexual urges would get you a couple of Eons in Purgatory, much like missing church, and eating meat on a few Lent Fridays.

Love is love

far better than hate and violence...........lies, corruption, abuse.......
very interesting------so he is prepared to announce that the
teachings of the Catholic church have been garbage for the past 1700 years? -----excuse me----My undergraduate degree was in BIOLOGY-----cum laude and phi beta kappa----

First, the Pope is not announcing--nor will he--that Catholic teachings on homosexual acts, is garbage. What he is saying is that we reach out to people and treat them with respect no matter what their choices, no matter what their sin. We draw them in to the Kingdom of God--we do not push them away. We are not their judge; God is.

I find it better to go to a Catholic news service in matters dealing with the Pope/Vatican. Secular media often misunderstands. Here is a link to the same story:

Gay, transgender people deserve pastoral care, pope says

In it, the Pope tells the story of some schools teaching children that their biological gender does not matter--that they can choose their gender. That in a nutshell is "Gender Theory."

I would think that acting on homosexual urges would get you a couple of Eons in Purgatory, much like missing church, and eating meat on a few Lent Fridays.

Love is love

far better than hate and violence...........lies, corruption, abuse.......
If love is love, then why do LBGTQWXYZ, hate us because we don't agree with their immoral lifestyles? They want us to respect their way of thought, shouldn't they respect our way of thought? Why are queers and liberals, bigoted towards Christians who just want to live their lives in peace and happiness?

very interesting------so he is prepared to announce that the
teachings of the Catholic church have been garbage for the past 1700 years? -----excuse me----My undergraduate degree was in BIOLOGY-----cum laude and phi beta kappa----

First, the Pope is not announcing--nor will he--that Catholic teachings on homosexual acts, is garbage. What he is saying is that we reach out to people and treat them with respect no matter what their choices, no matter what their sin. We draw them in to the Kingdom of God--we do not push them away. We are not their judge; God is.

I find it better to go to a Catholic news service in matters dealing with the Pope/Vatican. Secular media often misunderstands. Here is a link to the same story:

Gay, transgender people deserve pastoral care, pope says

In it, the Pope tells the story of some schools teaching children that their biological gender does not matter--that they can choose their gender. That in a nutshell is "Gender Theory."

I would think that acting on homosexual urges would get you a couple of Eons in Purgatory, much like missing church, and eating meat on a few Lent Fridays.

Love is love

far better than hate and violence...........lies, corruption, abuse.......
If love is love, then why do LBGTQWXYZ, hate us because we don't agree with their immoral lifestyles? They want us to respect their way of thought, shouldn't they respect our way of thought? Why are queers and liberals, bigoted towards Christians who just want to live their lives in peace and happiness?


They don't want to be persecuted by straights/Christians , they just want their equal rights as well.
This Pope has a knack for saying things that mean whatever the listener wants to hear - while actually saying nothing at all.

EVERYONE must be treated with respect and (Christian) love. Homosexuals, transsexuals, transvestites, lesbians, and so forth.

Nothing new there.

Adulterers must be treated with respect. Murderers. Gluttons. Democrats.

But this is not to say that homosexual sodomy is morally acceptable. Or that murder is OK. Or that being a pig is an acceptable lifestyle choice.

The (hypothetical) homo who approaches this Pope and says..."Yo, Frank! Me and my boyfriend live together, and regularly engage in oral and anal sex, and intend to continue doing so as long as we are physically capable of doing it," and expects a clean bill of (spiritual) health from Frank will be sorely disappointed.

He is not changing Catholic teachings. Such behaviors, if done without acknowledgement of their intrinsic evil, are self-excommunicative.

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