The Pope says gay and transgender people should be respected. Also questions gender theory

The Pope says gay and transgender people should be respected. Also questions gender theory - source
"ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANE (Reuters) Pope Francis said on Sunday (Oct. 2) that homosexuals and transsexuals should be treated with respect but that teaching gender theory is unacceptable “indoctrination” of young people.

“When a person (who is gay) arrives before Jesus, Jesus certainly will not say, ‘Go away because you are homosexual,'” Francis said."


very interesting------so he is prepared to announce that the
teachings of the Catholic church have been garbage for the past 1700 years? -----excuse me----My undergraduate degree was in BIOLOGY-----cum laude and phi beta kappa----

Well, you say you studied biology but you sure as hell don't know theology. Or history.
The Pope says gay and transgender people should be respected. Also questions gender theory - source
"ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANE (Reuters) Pope Francis said on Sunday (Oct. 2) that homosexuals and transsexuals should be treated with respect but that teaching gender theory is unacceptable “indoctrination” of young people.

“When a person (who is gay) arrives before Jesus, Jesus certainly will not say, ‘Go away because you are homosexual,'” Francis said."


very interesting------so he is prepared to announce that the
teachings of the Catholic church have been garbage for the past 1700 years? -----excuse me----My undergraduate degree was in BIOLOGY-----cum laude and phi beta kappa----

Well, you say you studied biology but you sure as hell don't know theology. Or history.

"Gender schema theory was formally introduced by Sandra Bem in 1981 as a cognitive theory to explain how individuals become gendered in society, and how sex-linked characteristics are maintained and transmitted to other members of a culture."
The Pope says gay and transgender people should be respected. Also questions gender theory - source
"ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANE (Reuters) Pope Francis said on Sunday (Oct. 2) that homosexuals and transsexuals should be treated with respect but that teaching gender theory is unacceptable “indoctrination” of young people.

“When a person (who is gay) arrives before Jesus, Jesus certainly will not say, ‘Go away because you are homosexual,'” Francis said."


very interesting------so he is prepared to announce that the
teachings of the Catholic church have been garbage for the past 1700 years? -----excuse me----My undergraduate degree was in BIOLOGY-----cum laude and phi beta kappa----

Well, you say you studied biology but you sure as hell don't know theology. Or history.

"Gender schema theory was formally introduced by Sandra Bem in 1981 as a cognitive theory to explain how individuals become gendered in society, and how sex-linked characteristics are maintained and transmitted to other members of a culture."

I guess you didn't understand my post.
The Pope says gay and transgender people should be respected. Also questions gender theory - source
"ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANE (Reuters) Pope Francis said on Sunday (Oct. 2) that homosexuals and transsexuals should be treated with respect but that teaching gender theory is unacceptable “indoctrination” of young people.

“When a person (who is gay) arrives before Jesus, Jesus certainly will not say, ‘Go away because you are homosexual,'” Francis said."


very interesting------so he is prepared to announce that the
teachings of the Catholic church have been garbage for the past 1700 years? -----excuse me----My undergraduate degree was in BIOLOGY-----cum laude and phi beta kappa----

Well, you say you studied biology but you sure as hell don't know theology. Or history.

"Gender schema theory was formally introduced by Sandra Bem in 1981 as a cognitive theory to explain how individuals become gendered in society, and how sex-linked characteristics are maintained and transmitted to other members of a culture."

the idea was around a long before 1981 In my professional training----the PARTY LINE----from big shot experts in sex---like Masters and Johnson was that gender assignment was ENTIRELY BASED on social pressures and "nurture"<<<
the way a kid is brought up. In actual - (supposed to be) teaching lectures we were TAUGHT that just describing a child as a "girl" or a "boy"-----is erroneous and harmful. Don't quote me-----I actually do not remember if the stuff came "MOSTLY" from the Masters and Johnson team-----LOTS OF SILLY LECTURES. It was an ordeal. We learned that dressing a girl in pink and a boy in blue ------is a BIG TRAVESTY
The Pope says gay and transgender people should be respected. Also questions gender theory - source
"ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANE (Reuters) Pope Francis said on Sunday (Oct. 2) that homosexuals and transsexuals should be treated with respect but that teaching gender theory is unacceptable “indoctrination” of young people.

“When a person (who is gay) arrives before Jesus, Jesus certainly will not say, ‘Go away because you are homosexual,'” Francis said."


very interesting------so he is prepared to announce that the
teachings of the Catholic church have been garbage for the past 1700 years? -----excuse me----My undergraduate degree was in BIOLOGY-----cum laude and phi beta kappa----

Well, you say you studied biology but you sure as hell don't know theology. Or history.

actually, I know quite a bit of both. It is silly to assert---"you know nothing" without coming up with a basis for that statement
The Pope says gay and transgender people should be respected. Also questions gender theory - source
"ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANE (Reuters) Pope Francis said on Sunday (Oct. 2) that homosexuals and transsexuals should be treated with respect but that teaching gender theory is unacceptable “indoctrination” of young people.

“When a person (who is gay) arrives before Jesus, Jesus certainly will not say, ‘Go away because you are homosexual,'” Francis said."


very interesting------so he is prepared to announce that the
teachings of the Catholic church have been garbage for the past 1700 years? -----excuse me----My undergraduate degree was in BIOLOGY-----cum laude and phi beta kappa----

Well, you say you studied biology but you sure as hell don't know theology. Or history.

actually, I know quite a bit of both. It is silly to assert---"you know nothing" without coming up with a basis for that statement
you want sumthing?
The Pope says gay and transgender people should be respected. Also questions gender theory - source
"ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANE (Reuters) Pope Francis said on Sunday (Oct. 2) that homosexuals and transsexuals should be treated with respect but that teaching gender theory is unacceptable “indoctrination” of young people.

“When a person (who is gay) arrives before Jesus, Jesus certainly will not say, ‘Go away because you are homosexual,'” Francis said."


very interesting------so he is prepared to announce that the
teachings of the Catholic church have been garbage for the past 1700 years? -----excuse me----My undergraduate degree was in BIOLOGY-----cum laude and phi beta kappa----

Well, you say you studied biology but you sure as hell don't know theology. Or history.

actually, I know quite a bit of both. It is silly to assert---"you know nothing" without coming up with a basis for that statement
you want sumthing?

I have everything I want-----we were discussing the fact that Pope Francis stated that homosexuals should be respected.
I commented, in sum and substance, that his statement represents a NEW concept in the catholic church and armed
with just the fact that I consider the statement of Pope Frances
INNOVATIVE you concluded that I know nothing about history or theology. My comment disputed your conclusion and indicated that you have no basis for your evaluation of
my knowledge or lack thereof. ---I suggested that you provide a basis for your evaluation
The Pope says gay and transgender people should be respected. Also questions gender theory - source
"ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANE (Reuters) Pope Francis said on Sunday (Oct. 2) that homosexuals and transsexuals should be treated with respect but that teaching gender theory is unacceptable “indoctrination” of young people.

“When a person (who is gay) arrives before Jesus, Jesus certainly will not say, ‘Go away because you are homosexual,'” Francis said."


I have some issues with this, #1, Francis nor any person knows what God will say, #2, this goes against what the bible says about homosexuality. So whose position takes precedence, I'll go with #2.
The Pope says gay and transgender people should be respected. Also questions gender theory - source
"ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANE (Reuters) Pope Francis said on Sunday (Oct. 2) that homosexuals and transsexuals should be treated with respect but that teaching gender theory is unacceptable “indoctrination” of young people.

“When a person (who is gay) arrives before Jesus, Jesus certainly will not say, ‘Go away because you are homosexual,'” Francis said."


Matthew 7:21
21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

Leviticus 18:22
22 Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

Romans 1:21-32
21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.

Matthew 7:23
23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Helaman 5:10
10 And remember also the words which Amulek spake unto Zeezrom, in the city of Ammonihah; for he said unto him that the Lord surely should come to redeem his people, but that he should not come to redeem them in their sins, but to redeem them from their sins.
Last edited:
The Pope says gay and transgender people should be respected. Also questions gender theory - source
"ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANE (Reuters) Pope Francis said on Sunday (Oct. 2) that homosexuals and transsexuals should be treated with respect but that teaching gender theory is unacceptable “indoctrination” of young people.

“When a person (who is gay) arrives before Jesus, Jesus certainly will not say, ‘Go away because you are homosexual,'” Francis said."


very interesting------so he is prepared to announce that the
teachings of the Catholic church have been garbage for the past 1700 years? -----excuse me----My undergraduate degree was in BIOLOGY-----cum laude and phi beta kappa----

Well, you say you studied biology but you sure as hell don't know theology. Or history.
you should be doing physics!
The Pope says gay and transgender people should be respected. Also questions gender theory - source
"ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANE (Reuters) Pope Francis said on Sunday (Oct. 2) that homosexuals and transsexuals should be treated with respect but that teaching gender theory is unacceptable “indoctrination” of young people.

“When a person (who is gay) arrives before Jesus, Jesus certainly will not say, ‘Go away because you are homosexual,'” Francis said."


very interesting------so he is prepared to announce that the
teachings of the Catholic church have been garbage for the past 1700 years? -----excuse me----My undergraduate degree was in BIOLOGY-----cum laude and phi beta kappa----

Well, you say you studied biology but you sure as hell don't know theology. Or history.
biology is the real deal
Respect is earned...that goes for homos and trannies also. Tolerance goes both ways also and they are some of the most intolerant people on the planet
Whenever I see non-trannies I start goose stepping. If anyone gets in my way it's not my fault.
The pope is naive if he thinks ***** will just be nice to homos for the sake of decency. Fear keeps people in line. Fear of this battle station.
oh gee---suicide is ok now?

Why would you say that? If artificial birth control is considered a sin against life, certainly suicide remains as a sin against life as well. It is also a sin God judges. Humans are not equipped to judge what is true choice and what is caused by mental illness.

it is a physical act
it is also a spiritual act

ok---that's a new one on me-----a jump out of the window
is a spiritual act-----
oh gee---suicide is ok now?

Why would you say that? If artificial birth control is considered a sin against life, certainly suicide remains as a sin against life as well. It is also a sin God judges. Humans are not equipped to judge what is true choice and what is caused by mental illness.

it is a physical act
it is also a spiritual act

ok---that's a new one on me-----a jump out of the window
is a spiritual act-----
yeah it is a spiritual act indeed
The Pope says gay and transgender people should be respected. Also questions gender theory - source
"ABOARD THE PAPAL PLANE (Reuters) Pope Francis said on Sunday (Oct. 2) that homosexuals and transsexuals should be treated with respect but that teaching gender theory is unacceptable “indoctrination” of young people.

“When a person (who is gay) arrives before Jesus, Jesus certainly will not say, ‘Go away because you are homosexual,'” Francis said."


very interesting------so he is prepared to announce that the
teachings of the Catholic church have been garbage for the past 1700 years? -----excuse me----My undergraduate degree was in BIOLOGY-----cum laude and phi beta kappa----

Well, you say you studied biology but you sure as hell don't know theology. Or history.
you should be doing physics!

You should be doing something beside hanging out here.

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