The portion of the repub party that is pro-Putin is alarming

We get it

the standard in lib la la land is whatever libs say it is
Really? That's why Carlson links the butts of Trump and Putin?

What a bizarre idea and response from you...

Dude, sometimes I think you can't string together two related thoughts in a row. Your posts are often incoherent, these days. Like your response above. Random outburst.
That's like saying there's nothing wrong with her wearing a hat with a swastika emblazoned on it because we are not at war with Germany. You're an idiot.
Before the U.S. entered WWII any diplomat that was given a gift with a Swastika on it would be perfectly O.K. That's diplomacy.

Please try not to be such a dumb fuck!
well what is it, protect the children or wait for the fighting to end? Why report on it? Does nothing for us here.

Monitor the situation and take the appropriate actions - which is exactly what Biden is doing.
Are you trying to be dense or it is it your natural state?

It does NOT matter what NATO says or what NATO does. Putin simply will not believe them.

He is going to want a piece of paper, FROM UKRAINE, saying they will never join NATO. Not from NATO, not from the US, not from the world. FROM UKRAINE.

He will never stop regardless of what we say because he does not --rightly-- trust the West.

The West simply will not convince Putin of anything, ever.

Nobody cares what Putin thinks or what he wants.

He's a WAR CRIMINAL at the level of Hitler.
Im old enough to remember the Russian failure in Afghanistan.
Are you old enough to remember reading 1984? You want to have Oceania trick you, and distract you into wasting time on this stupid adventure against Eurasia, to distract you from your own enslavement. . . that it?


Maybe the establishment can roll out the Emmanuel Goldstein er. . Trump if that doesn't do it. :heehee:

Nobody cares what Putin thinks or what he wants.

He's a WAR CRIMINAL at the level of Hitler.
What a fucking clown you are. No one cares? Then why are we not just sending in the full force of NATO and the 4th ID and putting an end to this?

Are you serious? Wow.

Putin is going to do what Putin thinks is the right thing for his country. He thinks we are all liars and has told you, IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS, why he is doing this. We have told him he is wrong, he is still doing it.

How the fuck can you say nobody cares what he thinks? He has a finger on the button. YOU better care what he thinks.

Good grief.
That's right. Nobody cares. We only care that there are nukes in Russia.
Why do you hate the Ukrainians so much? You're willing to allow them to be slaughtered because no one cares what Putin's crazy is all about.

As long as you fail to "NOT CARE" what drives Putin, you enable the lengthening of this conflict.

Blood is on YOUR hands.

Has the party of trump become the party of Putin? Once the GOP was all anti-Pootin. Now, the repub party acts like Putin is one of them.

Mod Edit: Corrected 3 intentional misspellings of Putin. Clean start policy asks for MEANINGFUL titles that can be searched and indexed. Also a SERIOUS effort to put the story straight before the members with no "extra juice" added.
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Who do you eat your own poop?

No really, why do you do that? Freakish.
Because your party-driven narrative is getting people killed.

If you don't want to take the time to understand your enemy, then sit on the fucking sideline and shut the fuck up. Okay, bumpky?

Has the party of trump become the party of Pootin? Once the GOP was all anti-Pootin. Now, the repub party acts like Pootin is one of them.
You're gaslighting has been exposed and you labeled a liar.

Time to move on to something else.
If the left are alarmed?

This is a good thing. They are in their environment when they are arrogant.

When they are alarmed? Their house is on fire.
It was Hillary Fucking Clinton who decided to reset relations with Uncle Pooty, it was B. Hussein O. who told Putin's 2nd-in-command "I'll be more flexible after the election", and it was the entire Obama-Biden Administration who turned over 25% of our Plutonium reserves to Russia.

America is in a hard place right now, because of the Far Left.

We might be forced to ship plutonium to Russia so they can build thermonuclear weapons to use in this war.

Has the party of trump become the party of Pootin? Once the GOP was all anti-Pootin. Now, the repub party acts like Pootin is one of them.

Maddow got her stinky little pussy slapped twice that I remember: The first time when she presented Trump's tax return, and then immediately after the Mueller Report said there was no "Trump/Russian collusion."

And yet, she's still ate up in the brain with imaginary "Russians."

Hey JimH52: If you're ate up in the brain with Russians too, why ain't you over in Ukraine fighting them? You got bone spurs or something?

Has the party of trump become the party of Pootin? Once the GOP was all anti-Pootin. Now, the repub party acts like Pootin is one of them.
Anyways, back on topic, I apologize. My best answer is they became the party of Putin in 2016, this is just an extension of their insanity. I am not even sure I can call them "Americans" anymore really. They actively want and support America failing.

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