The portion of the repub party that is pro-Putin is alarming

Has the party of trump become the party of Pootin? Once the GOP was all anti-Pootin. Now, the repub party acts like Pootin is one of them.
Thats a damn lie

there some on the right who absurdly caught up in isolationism and fear of nuclear war - “one wrong move and its WWIII”

but no one is pro putin
He has stated, up front and for the whole world to read, why he is doing this.
Yes,and you believe his lies. Like, invading to denazify. Like, liberating the country. Like saying Ukraine isn't a "real" country anyway and doesn't really exist.

What a shill you are to believe that. Just embarrassing.
Really? That's why Carlson links the butts of Trump and Putin?
Carlson questions whether ukraine is worth risking WWIII over

I think its not a big risk but one worth taking

in any case the pacifists are entitled to their opinion

I hope you tough talking libs are still around when china invades Taiwan

because we will need you even more then

I haven't even touched on that issue. I'm talking about the left's need to try and save their party from the mid-term by gaslighting what the right is saying about Ukraine and Putin.

That vast majority of the right does not support or endorse what Putin is doing. We simply don't want to be entangled in this war.

Indeed, the Progressive Maoist/DSA Democrats are trying to gaslight America on all fronts.
But questioning whether Republicans and Conservatives are in support of Putin's invasion of the Ukraine is a false flag.
It's the weakness in Joey Xi Bai Dung administration that is in question and that is the main reason Bai Dung's administration and Democrats will suffer in the 2021 elections and lose the 2024 elections.
Yes,and you believe his lies. Like, invading to denazify. Like, liberating the country. Like saying Ukraine isn't a "real" country anyway and doesn't really exist.

What a shill you are to believe that. Just embarrassing.
What a fucking moron you are. YOU obviously don't know what I believe because you just lied about it.

I have never said that Ukraine is not a real country. I have never defended what Putin is doing. I have simply applied critical thinking skills you obviously lack, to the entire situation.

So, now that I've rung Pavlov's bell, salivate and stand up and tell Me more of what "I" believe. Fucking loser.
Carlson questions whether ukraine is worth risking WWIII over

I think its not a big risk but one worth taking

in any case the pacifists are entitled to their opinion

I hope you tough talking libs are still around when china invades Taiwan

because we will need you even more then
They're tough-talking but none of them are picking up a rifle and doing anything about it.
But not at all surprising......worshipping trump, then it's only a small step to worshipping Putin.
Nah, it's a large step. They are the same "Person" it is just one country has safeguards in place against a Tyrant gaining power, and the other almost gives a helping hand to a Tyrant to achieve power.

If you think Trump wouldn't cancel all elections and make himself dictator for life, you're high on glue.
Yet another dumb partisan thread. Why?
If I can be honest with you, the OP poster is challenged... Uncapable of catching the short bus without an Adult Daycare worker with him... He tries really hard...

You're not a mod. You're a troll with moderating capabilities.
And you young lady, if I could give you some advice re: your response's to our overworked and underpaid moderators... BE careful... I have never seen it, but have heard rumors about members being charged with PWS (posting while stupid) and disappeared... Do with the info what you want pinkie... :laughing0301:
If I can be honest with you, the OP poster is challenged... Uncapable of catching the short bus with Adult Daycare worker with him... He tries really hard...

And you young lady, if I could give you some advice re: your response's to our overworked and underpaid moderators... BE careful... I have never seen it, but have heard rumors about members being charged with PWS (posting while stupid) and disappeared... Do with the info what you want pinkie... :laughing0301:
No President was harder on Uncle Pooty than President Trump.

Obama turned over Crimea to him as well as 1/4 of our Plutonium.

Brandon let them have a full fledged invasion of Ukraine.

Clinton defanged Ukraine by pushing the Ukes to divest their nuclear defenses.

The only one that Putin didn't get anything from was The Donald. In fact, Trump was able to negotiate with Putin to allow Mueller to question alleged hackers in Moscow.
Gaslight much? Even you don’t believe that.
You want to try and forget this? We know who trump is. He is a Russian asset who benefited from the lies that Pootin spread in 2015.
When is Biden going to send those aircraft to Ukraine. Who benefited when Biden renigged on that deal? Was it Putin, or Ukraine?

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