The portion of the repub party that is pro-Putin is alarming

Actually if NATO votes on giving the Polish MIG-29s to Ukraine it could be that simple.
So why won't NATO vote on it?

Now the question is... Is you DuckDuckGo broke?

Oh yeah, the only reason I answered your question is, I like you Boss...

Has the party of trump become the party of Pootin? Once the GOP was all anti-Pootin. Now, the repub party acts like Pootin is one of them.
You have Prog socialist Communists calling for Repub voters to be put into concentration camps and exterminated. Nothing to lose anymore.
Nothing at all. There's nothing stopping any of those European countries from sending aircraft to help.
That's not what you said before
When is Biden going to send those aircraft to Ukraine. Who benefited when Biden
renigged on that deal? Was it Putin, or Ukraine?

Those MIGS don't belong to the US, and Biden isn't in command of them. The Poles can send them in if they wanted to, but there's more to the story than your silly spin of the situation.
Hunter Biden is still under investigation and the laptop is real. Joe is stumbling and bumbling and this is a good thing, amirite?

Meanwhile, no indictments of Trump and no investigations leading to a grand jury ... so far. It's the time to do it. He's out of office. :)
So, this has what to do with pro-Putin traitors?

Has the party of trump become the party of Pootin? Once the GOP was all anti-Pootin. Now, the repub party acts like Pootin is one of them.
Of course you're simply delusional. The fake news makes a claim that someone in the GOP supports Putin, and you simply believe it because your IQ is very low.

Your low IQ makes you very easily brainwashed by fake news.

Has the party of trump become the party of Pootin? Once the GOP was all anti-Pootin. Now, the repub party acts like Pootin is one of them.

The big question remains.


However Democrats have Deep ties to the CPUSA.
So, this has what to do with pro-Putin traitors?
This is not our war so I posted what really matters and not your splitter narrative.
The less intelligent a person is, the more their need to simplify their world down to the most idiotic and childish dichotomy imaginable.

This is how any person who points out that the irresponsible expansion of Nato has contributed to the current situation is labeled as "pro-Russin" by incredibly stupid individuals when such an observation is merely being rational.
Of course you're simply delusional. The fake news makes a claim that someone in the GOP supports Putin, and you simply believe it because your IQ is very low.

Your low IQ makes you very easily brainwashed by fake news.
Have you listened to Tucker Carlson lately? Do you hear both trump and Pompeo drool over Pootin's "genius" when the War started?

The Kremlin even calls Carlson essential to their misinformation.
Of course you're simply delusional. The fake news makes a claim that someone in the GOP supports Putin, and you simply believe it because your IQ is very low.

Your low IQ makes you very easily brainwashed by fake news.
We've seen republicans in action, including Tucker Carlson, who speaks more highly of Putin than he does Uncle Sam.
This is not our war so I posted what really matters and not your splitter narrative.
Neither was our war against Germany in WWII.

Germany never attacked us, out beef was only with Japan.

Is that your point?
Have you listened to Tucker Carlson lately? Do you hear both trump and Pompeo drool over Pootin's "genius" when the War started?
Recognizing that an adversary is smart is not the same thing as supporting them, you fucking dumbass.

Your TDS makes you stupider by the day.

Your a fucking idiot.
The less intelligent a person is, the more their need to simplify their world down to the most idiotic and childish dichotomy imaginable.

This is how any person who points out that the irresponsible expansion of Nato has contributed to the current situation is labeled as "pro-Russin" by incredibly stupid individuals when such an observation is merely being rational.
NATO is a defense pact, not an AXIS of powers.

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