The Possible and the Impossible between Khartoum and Washington


Senior Member
Oct 17, 2012
According to news articles, the Sudanese Employers Association and the US Embassy in Khartoum have agreed to organist a workshop to debate ways of cooperating in areas exempted from the US economic embargo on Sudan.

The workshop, which date is yet to be set, will be attended by representatives from Arab, African and American chambers of trade in addition to businesspersons.

The Secretary General of Sudanese Employers Association, Bakri Yousif Omar
- following a meeting with Economic officer at the US embassy in Khartoum - said the workshop will focus on how to maximize the use of investment opportunities in the agricultural sector in Sudan, in addition to maintaining a dialogue between the Association and the embassy on the negative impacts of US sanctions on the people of Sudan, especially the poor.

The two sides discussed possibilities of launching a joint aviation company between the private sectors in the two countries.

The importance of this news articles is that it dislodges the deadlock dominating the relations between the two countries in the recent years a matter that negatively affected the economic, agricultural and technological cooperation.

It is important to involve the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the US Department of Treasury in the proposed workshop considering that its participation will help in clarifying any exemptions regarding the enforcement of economic and trade sanctions based on US foreign policy and national security goals.

We believe that this economic trend might be acceptable in this timing as it comes in consistent with pure economic tendencies which the US diplomacy is apparently adapting as specific directives in the second term of Obama administration.

Several Projects and services facilities in Sudan are linked to the US support since the sixties of last century, so the revitalization of the economic relations will help in overstepping the current political strategic stage.

It is true that politics had played a great role in the recent years in minimizing the Sudanese exports and imports in the international markets, but we think that it is a successful step to discuss the areas exempted from the US economic embargo on Sudan.

We here recall the US Administration flexibility in allowing for dealing with agricultural inputs, so we are sure that it is possible to include other topics in the exemptions list towards lifting the sanctions gradually.

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