The possible, unfortunate consequence of the GOP civil war......

Well....he would be following precedent set by nearly all his predecessors.

You liked when Ds did it, but really disliked when Rs did it. Does this indicate anything to you?

"defending" Trump by blaming others???

How many of those other instances involved nukes??? Should we debate the moronic WMDs claims during GWB's little escapade?

O led us into more war in the ME when he took over and set us on the precipice of being attacked by avoiding NK and allowing Iran to develop nuclear weapons. You're correct. Let's not kid ourselves.
The consequence of the in-fighting between traditional conservatives' "revolt" against the orange clown (aka, "fucking moron") that if Trump gets too insulted by his own party, the only way to hold on to his cult members is to possibly start a war....

I'm not being too overly dramatic here, but we must admit that the unstable Trump...when his back is firmly against the wall......with looming investigations' findings and the discord by saner members of his own cabinet and party.......may indeed lead to the start of a conflict with NK or Iran (or both) just to save his own hurt ego.

lol.... The Republican party has been trying to undermine POTUS since the primaries. This is nothing new, they are just now admitting it. But you see, POTUS was elected anyway and will again in 2020

I suspect the only way Trump wins in 2020, is the D party nominates Cankles again...which they might, due to their mental illness.

The Democrats have - literally - no one attractive to run in 2020.
The way the democratic party is ripping itself open, they may not have anyone to run in 2020.
The consequence of the in-fighting between traditional conservatives' "revolt" against the orange clown (aka, "fucking moron") that if Trump gets too insulted by his own party, the only way to hold on to his cult members is to possibly start a war....

I'm not being too overly dramatic here, but we must admit that the unstable Trump...when his back is firmly against the wall......with looming investigations' findings and the discord by saner members of his own cabinet and party.......may indeed lead to the start of a conflict with NK or Iran (or both) just to save his own hurt ego.

lol.... The Republican party has been trying to undermine POTUS since the primaries. This is nothing new, they are just now admitting it. But you see, POTUS was elected anyway and will again in 2020


Trump is such a moron that he makes it very easy to do so. Bigly easy.
A moron was able to beat both shitty political parties because they refuse to listen to the people and wholly SUCK ASS.

Imagine having Hillery or Jeb Bush. Holly more of the same, business as usual.
I can feel your hate for Trump through the internet.

I suspect it might be a precursor of mental illness...or maybe it is at an advanced stage. Check yourself.

Boy, are you ever wrong......It was a bit tough defending Obama, and now I'm having a great time bashing the orange clown since he offers COUNTLESS reasons to ridicule the "fucking moron"..........LOL
The consequence of the in-fighting between traditional conservatives' "revolt" against the orange clown (aka, "fucking moron") that if Trump gets too insulted by his own party, the only way to hold on to his cult members is to possibly start a war....

I'm not being too overly dramatic here, but we must admit that the unstable Trump...when his back is firmly against the wall......with looming investigations' findings and the discord by saner members of his own cabinet and party.......may indeed lead to the start of a conflict with NK or Iran (or both) just to save his own hurt ego.

lol.... The Republican party has been trying to undermine POTUS since the primaries. This is nothing new, they are just now admitting it. But you see, POTUS was elected anyway and will again in 2020

I suspect the only way Trump wins in 2020, is the D party nominates Cankles again...which they might, due to their mental illness.

The Democrats have - literally - no one attractive to run in 2020.
The way the democratic party is ripping itself open, they may not have anyone to run in 2020.

Their next candidate will be openly socialist, perhaps even publicly tagged as such. They are furious and desperate that they've lost/are losing nearly 80 years of progress undermining the national foundation, and may well be primed to remove what's left of their mask and run as what they truly are.

A showdown at High Noon. Place your bets. :laugh:

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