The Post Truth Culture


Dim Bulb

Today there are no objective facts any more. Whoever screams their opinions loudest and tramples their enemy with repetition can be said to be speaking the Truth. Look for example at the inane conversation about crowd size and whether the president actually had a difference with the "intelligence" community or whether it was media-induced. Post Truth Culture screaming of opinions to make them into facts.

And if you say, "the Democrats are worse" or the "Republicans are worse," then you are buying into the Post Truth Culture yourself.
Today there are no objective facts any more. Whoever screams their opinions loudest and tramples their enemy with repetition can be said to be speaking the Truth. Look for example at the inane conversation about crowd size and whether the president actually had a difference with the "intelligence" community or whether it was media-induced. Post Truth Culture screaming of opinions to make them into facts.

And if you say, "the Democrats are worse" or the "Republicans are worse," then you are buying into the Post Truth Culture yourself.
This is all being exacerbated by the fact that ideologues no longer have to expose themselves to thought and opinion that conflicts with their own.

You would think that adults would want to hear contrary thought, that people possess an innate curiosity, but that simply is no longer the case.

The walls of the ideological bubbles are only growing thicker.
Today there are no objective facts any more. Whoever screams their opinions loudest and tramples their enemy with repetition can be said to be speaking the Truth. Look for example at the inane conversation about crowd size and whether the president actually had a difference with the "intelligence" community or whether it was media-induced. Post Truth Culture screaming of opinions to make them into facts.

And if you say, "the Democrats are worse" or the "Republicans are worse," then you are buying into the Post Truth Culture yourself.
This is all being exacerbated by the fact that ideologues no longer have to expose themselves to thought and opinion that conflicts with their own.

You would think that adults would want to hear contrary thought, that people possess an innate curiosity, but that simply is no longer the case.

The walls of the ideological bubbles are only growing thicker.
Indeed yes. On my team I find it absolutely essential to have a person reporting to me who is willing to tell me "that's a ridiculous idea." Worth its weight in gold.
Each of us needs to Change this by making the truth Paramount in our lives.
Today there are no objective facts any more. Whoever screams their opinions loudest and tramples their enemy with repetition can be said to be speaking the Truth. Look for example at the inane conversation about crowd size and whether the president actually had a difference with the "intelligence" community or whether it was media-induced. Post Truth Culture screaming of opinions to make them into facts.

And if you say, "the Democrats are worse" or the "Republicans are worse," then you are buying into the Post Truth Culture yourself.
This is all being exacerbated by the fact that ideologues no longer have to expose themselves to thought and opinion that conflicts with their own.

You would think that adults would want to hear contrary thought, that people possess an innate curiosity, but that simply is no longer the case.

The walls of the ideological bubbles are only growing thicker.
Indeed yes. On my team I find it absolutely essential to have a person reporting to me who is willing to tell me "that's a ridiculous idea." Worth its weight in gold.
Yep. And similarly, there are organizations that freeze and decay when they fall into the "no, because we've never done it that way before" trap.

That's also what we're seeing now.
Change is scary, people get accustomed to their comfy position..Even if they can spend 15 minutes and save $450 dollars, doesn't mean they will.....
Each of us needs to Change this by making the truth Paramount in our lives.
Whose "truth"? We can't even agree on what is a fact right now.

And that is the predictable result of the abject breakdown of communication that has beset the country.

When I'm always "right" and you're always "wrong", there's no reason for intelligent conversation, and definitions (such as "truth") are irrelevant.
I was reading this book by Richard Wrangham called "Catching Fire." Unrelated to politics, he is an anthropologist. But in his book he wrote:

"In animals, more tolerant individuals cooperate and communicate better.... As tolerance and communication ability increased, individuals would have become better at reaching a mutual understanding forming alliances and excluding the intolerant. Such changes in social temperament would have contributed to a growing ability to communicate, including the evolution of language."

Of course, he was talking about chimpanzees and homo erectus, but it sort of struck a nerve given current political discourse.
I was reading this book by Richard Wrangham called "Catching Fire." Unrelated to politics, he is an anthropologist. But in his book he wrote:

"In animals, more tolerant individuals cooperate and communicate better.... As tolerance and communication ability increased, individuals would have become better at reaching a mutual understanding forming alliances and excluding the intolerant. Such changes in social temperament would have contributed to a growing ability to communicate, including the evolution of language."

Of course, he was talking about chimpanzees and homo erectus, but it sort of struck a nerve given current political discourse.
Look at what happens in a business when communication decays: Silos go up, inefficiencies multiply, creativity & productivity deteriorate.

Honestly, I can't even believe we've reached a point where I'd be motivated to even bring that up, something that obvious. Intelligent adults should know instinctively that communication is a requirement of advancement, an absolutely fundamental piece.

It's only getting worse, with no end in sight.
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The question is, how do we stop the silliness here and start a real discussion? This morning is bad.
The question is, how do we stop the silliness here and start a real discussion? This morning is bad.

Stop calling people names because they disagree on policy. People aren't racist, sexist, homophobes because they disagree with liberal policies. They aren't snowflakes because hhey disagree with conservatives.

No one is going to listen to someone iinsulting them.
The question is, how do we stop the silliness here and start a real discussion? This morning is bad.

Stop calling people names because they disagree on policy. People aren't racist, sexist, homophobes because they disagree with liberal policies. They aren't snowflakes because hhey disagree with conservatives.

No one is going to listen to someone iinsulting them.

I totally agree with this point. I think our current culture is so dissonant with so many inputs, TV, internet, etc. that people are yearning desperately for a group to which they can belong. So they jump into a group and name call others so that they get a sense of belonging. It's kind of like high school.
Trump is a classic example of someone for whom lies have worked, and worked repeatedly, and worked extremely well.

The simple reason he will never stop lying is that he has no reason to alter his record of success via lying.

As they say in big league baseball, what got you here is gonna keep you here.
Trump is a classic example of someone for whom lies have worked, and worked repeatedly, and worked extremely well.

The simple reason he will never stop lying is that he has no reason to alter his record of success via lying.

As they say in big league baseball, what got you here is gonna keep you here.

After defending Obamas lies for 8 are you are shocked that trump gets away with his.
Trump is a classic example of someone for whom lies have worked, and worked repeatedly, and worked extremely well.

The simple reason he will never stop lying is that he has no reason to alter his record of success via lying.

As they say in big league baseball, what got you here is gonna keep you here.

After defending Obamas lies for 8 are you are shocked that trump gets away with his.

There is no comparison. That you don't know that proves my point.
Trump is a classic example of someone for whom lies have worked, and worked repeatedly, and worked extremely well.

The simple reason he will never stop lying is that he has no reason to alter his record of success via lying.

As they say in big league baseball, what got you here is gonna keep you here.

After defending Obamas lies for 8 are you are shocked that trump gets away with his.

There is no comparison. That you don't know that proves my point.

No. I co pletely understand that if you have a D next to your name you an lie your ass off and be praised for it. If you don't you are a villainous thug who is unforgivable.

Wouldn't it be easier, healthier, and better doe our nation to just expect and demand everyone speak the truth to you?

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