The Potemkin Grocery Store


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. I read Jung Changā€™s memoir of growing up under Maoā€™s Communist Regime. Every bit of information was tightly controlled, especially any sights or descriptions offered to foreign visitors.
Communist venues as so very sensitive to the failure of their system, that they need control the evidence.

When the socialists are in charge, one must believeā€¦and agreeā€¦.with every lie. least pretend to.
To survive and thrive, it is best to go even beyond the propaganda.

ā€œIt was a time when telling fantasies to oneself as well as others, and believing them, was practiced to an incredible degree. Peasants moved crops from several plots of land to one plot to show Party officials that they had produced a miracle harvest. Similar ā€œPotemkin fieldsā€ were shown off to gullibleā€”or self-blindedā€” agricultural scientists, reporters, visitors from other regions, and foreigners.ā€
Chang, ā€œWild Swans.ā€

2. These facts were driven home, poignantly, when a listener called in yesterday, to the Chris Plante Radio Show, and shared a tale reinforcing the sort of thing that government school and the media hide, about the pretense and lies and conditions under which the victims of socialist/communist rule must exist.

The caller, an American, met a Chinese exchange student in graduate school, who lived in Wuhan during the Mao regime. The girlā€™s parents had been sent to a re-education camp, and were never seen again. She lived on a farm during the famine, and, eventually, was sent to America to get a degree. Those who left China in this fashion were closely watched and controlled.

Some years after, both of them keeping in touch, she invited her Chinese friend to visit. She went grocery shopping with her visitor, and when in the store, her friend asked ā€˜is today a holiday?ā€

ā€œNoā€¦.an ordinary day.ā€

ā€œDid you call them and tell them youā€™d be bringing me?ā€

ā€œNoā€¦.why would I, and why would they care?ā€

Some time later, hearing how her friend had had to live in Communist China, she understood that the friend believed the American government would change things for foreign visitors to pretend that the country was great and prosperousā€¦ā€¦as they did in China.

Such was the impact of a fully stocked grocery storeā€¦..something unseen under Communist governance.

3. Brought up in Maoā€™s China, she thought America was the same, with pretend-prosperity. She believed that America would set up a Potemkin Supermarket to trick foreigners.
The term ā€˜Potemkinā€™ originally referred to fake villages set up by the Bolsheviks to fool foreign visitors into believing that communism work. You donā€™t know about this if you were a victim of government schoolā€¦..essentially ā€˜Potemkin schooling.ā€™

4. Potemkin village

ā€œIn politics and economics, a Potemkin village is any construction whose sole purpose is to provide an external faƧade to a country which is faring poorly, making people believe that the country is faring better, although statistics and charts would state otherwise.ā€
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1. I read Jung Changā€™s memoir of growing up under Maoā€™s Communist Regime. Every bit of information was tightly controlled, especially any sights or descriptions offered to foreign visitors.
Communist venues as so very sensitive to the failure of their system, that they need control the evidence.

When the socialists are in charge, one must believeā€¦and agreeā€¦.with every lie. least pretend to.
To survive and thrive, it is best to go even beyond the propaganda.

ā€œIt was a time when telling fantasies to oneself as well as others, and believing them, was practiced to an incredible degree. Peasants moved crops from several plots of land to one plot to show Party officials that they had produced a miracle harvest. Similar ā€œPotemkin fieldsā€ were shown off to gullibleā€”or self-blindedā€” agricultural scientists, reporters, visitors from other regions, and foreigners.ā€
Chang, ā€œWild Swans.ā€

2. These facts were driven home, poignantly, when a listener called in yesterday, to the Chris Plante Radio Show, and shared a tale reinforcing the sort of thing that government school and the media hide, about the pretense and lies and conditions under which the victims of socialist/communist rule must exist.

The caller, an American, met a Chinese exchange student in graduate school, who lived in Wuhan during the Mao regime. The girlā€™s parents had been sent to a re-education camp, and were never seen again. She lived on a farm during the famine, and, eventually, was sent to America to get a degree. Those who left China in this fashion were closely watched and controlled.

Some years after, both of them keeping in touch, she invited her Chinese friend to visit. She went grocery shopping with her visitor, and when in the store, her friend asked ā€˜is today a holiday?ā€

ā€œNoā€¦.an ordinary day.ā€

ā€œDid you call them and tell them youā€™d be bringing me?ā€

ā€œNoā€¦.why would I, and why would they care?ā€

Some time later, hearing how her friend had had to live in Communist China, she understood that the friend believed the American government would change things for foreign visitors to pretend that the country was great and prosperousā€¦ā€¦as they did in China.

Such was the impact of a fully stocked grocery storeā€¦..something unseen under Communist governance.

3. Brought up in Maoā€™s China, she thought America was the same, with pretend-prosperity. She believed that America would set up a Potemkin Supermarket to trick foreigners.
The term ā€˜Potemkinā€™ originally referred to fake villages set up by the Bolsheviks to fool foreign visitors into believing that communism work. You donā€™t know about this if you were a victim of government schoolā€¦..essentially ā€˜Potemkin schooling.ā€™

4. Potemkin village

ā€œIn politics and economics, a Potemkin village is any construction whose sole purpose is to provide an external faƧade to a country which is faring poorly, making people believe that the country is faring better, although statistics and charts would state otherwise.ā€

Potemkin village pre-dates the Bolsheviks. Potemkin lived during Catherine the Great's reign.
He built fake villages to trick visiting officials.
I've read The Unknown Story by Chang. I'll have to check out Wild Swans. There's another book that details the depravity of the north korean regime that just astounds the mind. The Aquariums of Pyongyang.

Thank you, Browny....I'll put both on my list.
I've read The Unknown Story by Chang. I'll have to check out Wild Swans. There's another book that details the depravity of the north korean regime that just astounds the mind. The Aquariums of Pyongyang.
But you have to admit, Kims sister is hot, very hot.
^^^^ message brought to you on behalf of average Dimocrat Dopers.

5. In the early years after the Bolshevik Revolution, the communists used manipulations, such as the Potemkin Villages, to persuade the world how admirable and successful the revolution had been. One technique was to invite prominent American and British leftists to take carefully planned tours. And these ā€˜Potemkin Progressives,ā€™ for the most part, behaved and thought just as they were meant to. Woodrow Wilson wouldnā€™t recognize the Bolshevik regime, nor would the contemporary British government (Churchill had famously told Lloyd George, ā€˜You might a well legalize sodomyā€¦ā€™)

Lenin, and then Stalin, carefully arranged the tours so that these progressives would then go back to their countries and praise Soviet Russia, and have the citizens demand that Russia be recognized.

As one of his earliest foreign policy endeavors, FDR did what no previous President would do.....recognize the bloody regime.

A dupe is one who is easily deceived or fooled. As far back as Washingtonā€™s Farewell Address, we find the warning against dupes: ā€œReal patriots who may resist the intrigues of the favorite are liable to become suspected and odious, while its tools and dupes usurp the applause and confidence of the people, to surrender their interests.

Dupes, in this connection, are folks who have been used by the communists to believe that either the communists are just like them, and therefore deserve their protection, or have been led to believe that the communist party is no more menacing than any other American political party.
Dr. Paul Kengor, Hoover Institution, Stanford ā€œDUPES: How America's Adversaries Have Manipulated Progressives for a Centuryā€

6. The archives tell a tale of plans and schemes between the CPUSA and the Communist International in Moscow, to dupe progressives and liberals: ā€œgo to rallies,ā€ ā€œdonā€™t let them know you are a communist!,ā€ ā€œIf anyone reveals that you are a communist, claim it is red-baiting,ā€ ā€œyell ā€˜McCarthyism!ā€

Today, anyone who uses the term ā€˜McCarthyismā€™ can be assumed to be a dupe.
7. Some of the most influential individuals have been duped by Bolshevik Potemkin Villages and tours.

H.G. Wells met with Stalin in 1934, and wrote ā€œIā€™ve never met a man more candid, fair and honest!ā€ and ā€œā€¦everyone trusts him!ā€™ And of Lenin, ā€œā€¦frank, refreshing, and an amazing little man!ā€™ Of course, 1934 was the start of the Great Purge, ā€œSergey Kirov's murder in 1934 was used by Stalin as a pretext to launch the Great Purge, in which about a million people perished. Some later historians came to believe that Stalin himself arranged the murder, or at least that there was sufficient evidence to reach such a conclusion.ā€ Conquest, Robert, ā€œStalin and the Kirov Murderā€, p. 122-138.

George Bernard Shaw met with Stalin, as well. He returned, and wrote, ā€œ We cannot afford to give ourselves moral airs when our most enterprising neighbors, the Soviet Union, humanely and judiciously liquidates a handful of exploiters and speculators to make the world safe for honest men.ā€ Now, lest one thinks this was said sarcastically, Lady Aster and others who were present, and took notes, from the meeting, wrote that that was exactly and precisely what Stalin had said. He parroted the exact line that Stalin had given him!

When he returned from the Soviet Union, Shaw backed up ever lie that Walter Duranty reported. He testified that there was not, and never could be, a food shortage in the USSR. Paul Hollander, ā€œPolitical Pilgrims,ā€ p.119

Damn it Political Chic, you do the best posts here on the Libtard bullshit.
I agree. I've been a fan and friend of her since day 1 ... :cool:
Youz is da' best, Sunni!
You can judge a person by the company they keep. PoliticalChic, always ready to call the Democrats anti-semitic, is buddy-buddy with USMB's resident anti-semite, Sunni Man. Classic hypocrisy. Congrats PoliticalChic, I just wish I was surprised.
You can judge a person by the company they keep. PoliticalChic, always ready to call the Democrats anti-semitic, is buddy-buddy with USMB's resident anti-semite, Sunni Man. Classic hypocrisy. Congrats PoliticalChic, I just wish I was surprised.
Obviously, you haven't read any of Political Chic's threads where she is vehemently opposed to Islam and roasts muslims relentlessly, and I take her to task for being Islamophobic, and her support of the terrorist state of Israel. ... :cool:
You can judge a person by the company they keep. PoliticalChic, always ready to call the Democrats anti-semitic, is buddy-buddy with USMB's resident anti-semite, Sunni Man. Classic hypocrisy. Congrats PoliticalChic, I just wish I was surprised.
Obviously, you haven't read any of Political Chic's threads where she is vehemently opposed to Islam and roasts muslims relentlessly, and I take her to to task for being Islamophobic. ... :cool:
Is that better or worse than being anti-Semitic?
8. The Soviet Potemkin Villages worked like a charmā€¦..on the least insightful: American Progressives and Liberalsā€¦..the same sort who vote Democrat today.

One of the most significant dupes is the man who has had more of an effect on American children than even Santa Clauseā€¦ā€¦.Communist John Dewey. He dictated how our children would be ā€˜educatedā€™ in government schools, for a totalitarian society.

In 1928, Dewey, on his trip to the Soviet, was given the full Potemkin treatment. He laughed off the possibility of his being manipulatedā€¦ā€the warning, which appears humorous in retrospect by my kindly friends is that I would be fooled by being taken to show placesā€¦ā€ Of course, immediately upon returning, he wrote a six part series for The New Republic, the political ā€˜font of all knowledgeā€™ of the American left. ā€œMy mind was in a whirl of new impressions in those early days in Leningrad. Readjustment was difficult, and I lived somewhat dazedā€¦.ā€ Impressions of Soviet Russia, by John Dewey.

John Dewey was a communist dupe, a Potemkin Progressive. Yet, this man is the greatest single influence on American schoolchildren; his books have been used to train generations of teachers. Even while the Russian civil war was still going on (some seven million killed between 1917 and 1921), Deweyā€™s books were translated into Russian by the Bolsheviks: they immediately recognized the importance of his ideas to the Soviet collective communist state.

  1. 1918, ā€œSchoolā€™s of Tomorrow,ā€ published in Russian.
  2. 1919, ā€œHow We Think,ā€ published in Russian.
  3. 1920, ā€œThe School and Society,ā€ published in Russian.
  4. 1921, ā€œDemocracy and Education,ā€ published in Russian. The English version, of course, became a bible at Columbia Teacherā€™s College.
Damn it Political Chic, you do the best posts here on the Libtard bullshit.
I agree. I've been a fan and friend of her since day 1 ... :cool:
Youz is da' best, Sunni!
You can judge a person by the company they keep. PoliticalChic, always ready to call the Democrats anti-semitic, is buddy-buddy with USMB's resident anti-semite, Sunni Man. Classic hypocrisy. Congrats PoliticalChic, I just wish I was surprised.

You government school grads are as dumb as asphalt.

OK.....try and incorporate these elements in what passes for thinking from your sort.

a. Sunni doesn't make public policy, he simply has a different opinion from mine. As a conservative, I allow for individualism.

b. On every other topic, he and I are on the same page, and as the first Republican President so wisely stated:
"Stand with anybody that stands RIGHT. Stand with him while he is right and PART with him when he goes wrong." Abraham Lincoln, Speech at Peoria, Illinois (October 16, 1854),

Get it now, dunce?

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