The Poverty Excuse

The woman that came up with this is a moron.

Its okay to steal if you are poor?? I'll just stand over here and LMFAO.
It might not be OK but sometimes it is just plain old survival.

I know from experience

in jail you get three meals a day, just given to you.

If DEATH is the alternative, then not arresting the thieves is not doing them any favors.

How much time do you suppose a 14 year old will get for stealing a bag of chips because he hadn't eaten all day?

I have no idea, and if you think that is the average shoplifter, you never worked in retail.

Shoplifters are more often drug addicts looking for something they can sell or trade for drugs.
During the Great Depression, with much of the United States mired in grinding poverty and unemployment, some Americans found increased opportunities in criminal activities like bootlegging, robbing banks, loan-sharking—even murder.

Criminal activity was illegal then, Seattle wants to make a lot of it acceptable. Time were different then, most of the country wasn't as mobile as it is now. So, if you stole something, people knew who you were and you didn't get away with it. Seattle wants to change that. Throw in the fact the Seattle and other cities want to defund the police, right? How does anyone not see the writing on the wall?

Criminal activity has long been legal for the rich. Did Trump go to prison for his theft?

What a useless deflection.

The reason for a criminal justice system is to take justice from the victims of a crime, and let the State handle it. If the State decides to relinquish that job, then it goes back to the people.

So the people should have resorting to stringing Trump up?

Talk about not wanting to debate the actual topic at hand.

I stated exactly what I think. I'm absolutely OK with it. We are not supposed to have a two tiered justice system.

I believe that all should be treated equally, however that has to be done.

Until it's your shit being stolen.

So how are businesses supposed to handle the deluge of shoplifters that will occur if said shoplifters know they can claim poverty?

I suppose what they do is support a justice system that treats everyone equally.

I look forward to the next round of whining about "food deserts".

Also, what happens when some shop owner decides that he is willing to protect his property with force?

What happens when the only shops surviving, are ones owned by such people?

An owner can protect his property but I have no idea how they relates to what I said.

So it is ok for the thief to steal AND it is ok for the shop owner to use force to stop him?

Is it ok for the thief to use force to steal?

Do you envision cops showing to the aftermath of gun battles and finding it to be just fine, nothing to see here, this is the new normal?

And does that change if the shop owner is white?

Depends on the force.

A kid stealing a candy bar is not a threat to the store clerk's life.

A hundred "kids" stealing thousands of dollars worth of merchandise, is a threat to his livelihood.

again when do 100 kids enter a store at the same time outside of a riot?

A store owner can prevent a single kid from shoplifting if he's paying attention.

But do you deny that for some that stealing can be an act of survival?

Like I said when I was a teen sometimes the only thing I ate in a day was the bag of chips, or a candy bar I could pocket. I guess i should have been shot for that huh?

Funny, it is so easy for a store owner to stop, then how did you pull it off?

I got caught plenty of times but I was faster than the clerk who didn't want to chase me for the cost of a candy bar

But there were days I still had to eat something so even though I would get caught sometimes I still needed to eat something

So, you dropping that 'easy to stop" claim?
During the Great Depression, with much of the United States mired in grinding poverty and unemployment, some Americans found increased opportunities in criminal activities like bootlegging, robbing banks, loan-sharking—even murder.

Criminal activity was illegal then, Seattle wants to make a lot of it acceptable. Time were different then, most of the country wasn't as mobile as it is now. So, if you stole something, people knew who you were and you didn't get away with it. Seattle wants to change that. Throw in the fact the Seattle and other cities want to defund the police, right? How does anyone not see the writing on the wall?

Criminal activity has long been legal for the rich. Did Trump go to prison for his theft?

What a useless deflection.

The reason for a criminal justice system is to take justice from the victims of a crime, and let the State handle it. If the State decides to relinquish that job, then it goes back to the people.

So the people should have resorting to stringing Trump up?

Talk about not wanting to debate the actual topic at hand.

I stated exactly what I think. I'm absolutely OK with it. We are not supposed to have a two tiered justice system.

I believe that all should be treated equally, however that has to be done.

Until it's your shit being stolen.

So how are businesses supposed to handle the deluge of shoplifters that will occur if said shoplifters know they can claim poverty?

I suppose what they do is support a justice system that treats everyone equally.

I look forward to the next round of whining about "food deserts".

Also, what happens when some shop owner decides that he is willing to protect his property with force?

What happens when the only shops surviving, are ones owned by such people?
Realizing a fact isn't whining.

And FYI food deserts for lack of a better term do exist not because of shop lifting but because poor people don't have enough money to spend at stores

When the same people that order the cops to stand down to let rioters burn down the stores and the same people that refuse to prosecute shoplifting and those same people are the ones that order the arrest of store owners that defend themselves,

when those same people complain about the painfully easy to predict results of their actions,

a certain level of ridicule is to be expected.

The solution is easy. Reform our justice system. Otherwise I support things burning down.

The justice system isn't the problem. THe break down of society is the problem.

The break down has a lot to do with an unjust justice system. Throwing people in prison for pot while letting millionaires rip people off with a slap on the wrist.

In all systems those that are rich and/or powerful use their resources to protect themselves, to the extent that they can.

It is a flaw of any and all human societies.

That you use it as an excuse to destroy one particular society, is an obvious rationalization.

What is your real reason for hating the society that created you?

I am straight with what I believe. You call it unfixable. I say if that's the case let it all fall apart.

Do you want all societies on the earth to collapse into violent chaos, or just America?
During the Great Depression, with much of the United States mired in grinding poverty and unemployment, some Americans found increased opportunities in criminal activities like bootlegging, robbing banks, loan-sharking—even murder.

Criminal activity was illegal then, Seattle wants to make a lot of it acceptable. Time were different then, most of the country wasn't as mobile as it is now. So, if you stole something, people knew who you were and you didn't get away with it. Seattle wants to change that. Throw in the fact the Seattle and other cities want to defund the police, right? How does anyone not see the writing on the wall?

Criminal activity has long been legal for the rich. Did Trump go to prison for his theft?

What a useless deflection.

The reason for a criminal justice system is to take justice from the victims of a crime, and let the State handle it. If the State decides to relinquish that job, then it goes back to the people.

So the people should have resorting to stringing Trump up?

Talk about not wanting to debate the actual topic at hand.

I stated exactly what I think. I'm absolutely OK with it. We are not supposed to have a two tiered justice system.

I believe that all should be treated equally, however that has to be done.

Until it's your shit being stolen.

So how are businesses supposed to handle the deluge of shoplifters that will occur if said shoplifters know they can claim poverty?

I suppose what they do is support a justice system that treats everyone equally.

I look forward to the next round of whining about "food deserts".

Also, what happens when some shop owner decides that he is willing to protect his property with force?

What happens when the only shops surviving, are ones owned by such people?
Realizing a fact isn't whining.

And FYI food deserts for lack of a better term do exist not because of shop lifting but because poor people don't have enough money to spend at stores

When the same people that order the cops to stand down to let rioters burn down the stores and the same people that refuse to prosecute shoplifting and those same people are the ones that order the arrest of store owners that defend themselves,

when those same people complain about the painfully easy to predict results of their actions,

a certain level of ridicule is to be expected.

The solution is easy. Reform our justice system. Otherwise I support things burning down.

The justice system isn't the problem. THe break down of society is the problem.

The break down has a lot to do with an unjust justice system. Throwing people in prison for pot while letting millionaires rip people off with a slap on the wrist.

In all systems those that are rich and/or powerful use their resources to protect themselves, to the extent that they can.

It is a flaw of any and all human societies.

That you use it as an excuse to destroy one particular society, is an obvious rationalization.

What is your real reason for hating the society that created you?

I am straight with what I believe. You call it unfixable. I say if that's the case let it all fall apart.

Do you want all societies on the earth to collapse into violent chaos, or just America?

I have no control what other countries do. They all aren't as unfair as the US though. Some are even worse. Some better. We can do far better.

If Qualified Immunity gets struck down that would be a step in the right direction. No one should be above the protections of the Constitution.
The woman that came up with this is a moron.

Its okay to steal if you are poor?? I'll just stand over here and LMFAO.
It might not be OK but sometimes it is just plain old survival.

I know from experience

in jail you get three meals a day, just given to you.

If DEATH is the alternative, then not arresting the thieves is not doing them any favors.

How much time do you suppose a 14 year old will get for stealing a bag of chips because he hadn't eaten all day?

I have no idea, and if you think that is the average shoplifter, you never worked in retail.

Shoplifters are more often drug addicts looking for something they can sell or trade for drugs.

I never mentioned anyone who stole for profit.

I said that for some poverty is a real reason to commit a crime. I used myself as an example. I never stole a lot of merchandise to sell on the streets.

I shoplifted because I would often go hungry.

It's so easy for you to lump the hungry kid who steals pop tarts with the people who steal multiple expensive items of clothing from a department store because you cannot or do not want to believe that sometimes the poor have to make a choice. Obey the law or go hungry.

When I started selling weed I didn't shoplift because I didn't have to but I suppose you'll equate me with Pablo Escobar because I sold nickel and dime bags of weed so I could have money to buy a winter coat right?

Don't judge a man until you walk a mile in his shoes
During the Great Depression, with much of the United States mired in grinding poverty and unemployment, some Americans found increased opportunities in criminal activities like bootlegging, robbing banks, loan-sharking—even murder.

Criminal activity was illegal then, Seattle wants to make a lot of it acceptable. Time were different then, most of the country wasn't as mobile as it is now. So, if you stole something, people knew who you were and you didn't get away with it. Seattle wants to change that. Throw in the fact the Seattle and other cities want to defund the police, right? How does anyone not see the writing on the wall?

Criminal activity has long been legal for the rich. Did Trump go to prison for his theft?

What a useless deflection.

The reason for a criminal justice system is to take justice from the victims of a crime, and let the State handle it. If the State decides to relinquish that job, then it goes back to the people.

So the people should have resorting to stringing Trump up?

Talk about not wanting to debate the actual topic at hand.

I stated exactly what I think. I'm absolutely OK with it. We are not supposed to have a two tiered justice system.

I believe that all should be treated equally, however that has to be done.

Until it's your shit being stolen.

So how are businesses supposed to handle the deluge of shoplifters that will occur if said shoplifters know they can claim poverty?

I suppose what they do is support a justice system that treats everyone equally.

I look forward to the next round of whining about "food deserts".

Also, what happens when some shop owner decides that he is willing to protect his property with force?

What happens when the only shops surviving, are ones owned by such people?
Realizing a fact isn't whining.

And FYI food deserts for lack of a better term do exist not because of shop lifting but because poor people don't have enough money to spend at stores

When the same people that order the cops to stand down to let rioters burn down the stores and the same people that refuse to prosecute shoplifting and those same people are the ones that order the arrest of store owners that defend themselves,

when those same people complain about the painfully easy to predict results of their actions,

a certain level of ridicule is to be expected.

The solution is easy. Reform our justice system. Otherwise I support things burning down.

The justice system isn't the problem. THe break down of society is the problem.

The break down has a lot to do with an unjust justice system. Throwing people in prison for pot while letting millionaires rip people off with a slap on the wrist.

In all systems those that are rich and/or powerful use their resources to protect themselves, to the extent that they can.

It is a flaw of any and all human societies.

That you use it as an excuse to destroy one particular society, is an obvious rationalization.

What is your real reason for hating the society that created you?

I am straight with what I believe. You call it unfixable. I say if that's the case let it all fall apart.

Do you want all societies on the earth to collapse into violent chaos, or just America?

I have no control what other countries do. They all aren't as unfair as the US though. Some are even worse. Some better. We can do far better.

If Qualified Immunity gets struck down that would be a step in the right direction. No one should be above the protections of the Constitution.

You don't have control over what happens here, so that is just a dodge.

What is your real reason for hating your own society?
During the Great Depression, with much of the United States mired in grinding poverty and unemployment, some Americans found increased opportunities in criminal activities like bootlegging, robbing banks, loan-sharking—even murder.

Criminal activity was illegal then, Seattle wants to make a lot of it acceptable. Time were different then, most of the country wasn't as mobile as it is now. So, if you stole something, people knew who you were and you didn't get away with it. Seattle wants to change that. Throw in the fact the Seattle and other cities want to defund the police, right? How does anyone not see the writing on the wall?

Criminal activity has long been legal for the rich. Did Trump go to prison for his theft?

What a useless deflection.

The reason for a criminal justice system is to take justice from the victims of a crime, and let the State handle it. If the State decides to relinquish that job, then it goes back to the people.

So the people should have resorting to stringing Trump up?

Talk about not wanting to debate the actual topic at hand.

I stated exactly what I think. I'm absolutely OK with it. We are not supposed to have a two tiered justice system.

I believe that all should be treated equally, however that has to be done.

Until it's your shit being stolen.

So how are businesses supposed to handle the deluge of shoplifters that will occur if said shoplifters know they can claim poverty?

I suppose what they do is support a justice system that treats everyone equally.

I look forward to the next round of whining about "food deserts".

Also, what happens when some shop owner decides that he is willing to protect his property with force?

What happens when the only shops surviving, are ones owned by such people?

An owner can protect his property but I have no idea how they relates to what I said.

So it is ok for the thief to steal AND it is ok for the shop owner to use force to stop him?

Is it ok for the thief to use force to steal?

Do you envision cops showing to the aftermath of gun battles and finding it to be just fine, nothing to see here, this is the new normal?

And does that change if the shop owner is white?

Depends on the force.

A kid stealing a candy bar is not a threat to the store clerk's life.

A hundred "kids" stealing thousands of dollars worth of merchandise, is a threat to his livelihood.

again when do 100 kids enter a store at the same time outside of a riot?

A store owner can prevent a single kid from shoplifting if he's paying attention.

But do you deny that for some that stealing can be an act of survival?

Like I said when I was a teen sometimes the only thing I ate in a day was the bag of chips, or a candy bar I could pocket. I guess i should have been shot for that huh?

Funny, it is so easy for a store owner to stop, then how did you pull it off?

I got caught plenty of times but I was faster than the clerk who didn't want to chase me for the cost of a candy bar

But there were days I still had to eat something so even though I would get caught sometimes I still needed to eat something

So, you dropping that 'easy to stop" claim?
no because i still got caught by the people who were paying attention. After a while you get to know the clerks who are stoned or who would real a magazine at the register instead of doing their jobs
During the Great Depression, with much of the United States mired in grinding poverty and unemployment, some Americans found increased opportunities in criminal activities like bootlegging, robbing banks, loan-sharking—even murder.

Criminal activity was illegal then, Seattle wants to make a lot of it acceptable. Time were different then, most of the country wasn't as mobile as it is now. So, if you stole something, people knew who you were and you didn't get away with it. Seattle wants to change that. Throw in the fact the Seattle and other cities want to defund the police, right? How does anyone not see the writing on the wall?

Criminal activity has long been legal for the rich. Did Trump go to prison for his theft?

What a useless deflection.

The reason for a criminal justice system is to take justice from the victims of a crime, and let the State handle it. If the State decides to relinquish that job, then it goes back to the people.

So the people should have resorting to stringing Trump up?

Talk about not wanting to debate the actual topic at hand.

I stated exactly what I think. I'm absolutely OK with it. We are not supposed to have a two tiered justice system.

I believe that all should be treated equally, however that has to be done.

Until it's your shit being stolen.

So how are businesses supposed to handle the deluge of shoplifters that will occur if said shoplifters know they can claim poverty?

I suppose what they do is support a justice system that treats everyone equally.

I look forward to the next round of whining about "food deserts".

Also, what happens when some shop owner decides that he is willing to protect his property with force?

What happens when the only shops surviving, are ones owned by such people?

An owner can protect his property but I have no idea how they relates to what I said.

So it is ok for the thief to steal AND it is ok for the shop owner to use force to stop him?

Is it ok for the thief to use force to steal?

Do you envision cops showing to the aftermath of gun battles and finding it to be just fine, nothing to see here, this is the new normal?

And does that change if the shop owner is white?

Depends on the force.

A kid stealing a candy bar is not a threat to the store clerk's life.

A hundred "kids" stealing thousands of dollars worth of merchandise, is a threat to his livelihood.

again when do 100 kids enter a store at the same time outside of a riot?

A store owner can prevent a single kid from shoplifting if he's paying attention.

But do you deny that for some that stealing can be an act of survival?

Like I said when I was a teen sometimes the only thing I ate in a day was the bag of chips, or a candy bar I could pocket. I guess i should have been shot for that huh?

Funny, it is so easy for a store owner to stop, then how did you pull it off?

I got caught plenty of times but I was faster than the clerk who didn't want to chase me for the cost of a candy bar a lot of those times I would just drop it and run as well

But there were days I still had to eat something so even though I would get caught sometimes I would still try

I call Bull Shit!
During the Great Depression, with much of the United States mired in grinding poverty and unemployment, some Americans found increased opportunities in criminal activities like bootlegging, robbing banks, loan-sharking—even murder.

Criminal activity was illegal then, Seattle wants to make a lot of it acceptable. Time were different then, most of the country wasn't as mobile as it is now. So, if you stole something, people knew who you were and you didn't get away with it. Seattle wants to change that. Throw in the fact the Seattle and other cities want to defund the police, right? How does anyone not see the writing on the wall?

Criminal activity has long been legal for the rich. Did Trump go to prison for his theft?

What a useless deflection.

The reason for a criminal justice system is to take justice from the victims of a crime, and let the State handle it. If the State decides to relinquish that job, then it goes back to the people.

So the people should have resorting to stringing Trump up?

Talk about not wanting to debate the actual topic at hand.

I stated exactly what I think. I'm absolutely OK with it. We are not supposed to have a two tiered justice system.

I believe that all should be treated equally, however that has to be done.

Until it's your shit being stolen.

So how are businesses supposed to handle the deluge of shoplifters that will occur if said shoplifters know they can claim poverty?

I suppose what they do is support a justice system that treats everyone equally.

I look forward to the next round of whining about "food deserts".

Also, what happens when some shop owner decides that he is willing to protect his property with force?

What happens when the only shops surviving, are ones owned by such people?
Realizing a fact isn't whining.

And FYI food deserts for lack of a better term do exist not because of shop lifting but because poor people don't have enough money to spend at stores

When the same people that order the cops to stand down to let rioters burn down the stores and the same people that refuse to prosecute shoplifting and those same people are the ones that order the arrest of store owners that defend themselves,

when those same people complain about the painfully easy to predict results of their actions,

a certain level of ridicule is to be expected.

The solution is easy. Reform our justice system. Otherwise I support things burning down.

The justice system isn't the problem. THe break down of society is the problem.

The break down has a lot to do with an unjust justice system. Throwing people in prison for pot while letting millionaires rip people off with a slap on the wrist.

In all systems those that are rich and/or powerful use their resources to protect themselves, to the extent that they can.

It is a flaw of any and all human societies.

That you use it as an excuse to destroy one particular society, is an obvious rationalization.

What is your real reason for hating the society that created you?

I am straight with what I believe. You call it unfixable. I say if that's the case let it all fall apart.

Move to Venezuela
During the Great Depression, with much of the United States mired in grinding poverty and unemployment, some Americans found increased opportunities in criminal activities like bootlegging, robbing banks, loan-sharking—even murder.

Criminal activity was illegal then, Seattle wants to make a lot of it acceptable. Time were different then, most of the country wasn't as mobile as it is now. So, if you stole something, people knew who you were and you didn't get away with it. Seattle wants to change that. Throw in the fact the Seattle and other cities want to defund the police, right? How does anyone not see the writing on the wall?

Criminal activity has long been legal for the rich. Did Trump go to prison for his theft?

What a useless deflection.

The reason for a criminal justice system is to take justice from the victims of a crime, and let the State handle it. If the State decides to relinquish that job, then it goes back to the people.

So the people should have resorting to stringing Trump up?

Talk about not wanting to debate the actual topic at hand.

I stated exactly what I think. I'm absolutely OK with it. We are not supposed to have a two tiered justice system.

I believe that all should be treated equally, however that has to be done.

Until it's your shit being stolen.

So how are businesses supposed to handle the deluge of shoplifters that will occur if said shoplifters know they can claim poverty?

I suppose what they do is support a justice system that treats everyone equally.

I look forward to the next round of whining about "food deserts".

Also, what happens when some shop owner decides that he is willing to protect his property with force?

What happens when the only shops surviving, are ones owned by such people?

An owner can protect his property but I have no idea how they relates to what I said.

So it is ok for the thief to steal AND it is ok for the shop owner to use force to stop him?

Is it ok for the thief to use force to steal?

Do you envision cops showing to the aftermath of gun battles and finding it to be just fine, nothing to see here, this is the new normal?

And does that change if the shop owner is white?

Depends on the force.

A kid stealing a candy bar is not a threat to the store clerk's life.

A hundred "kids" stealing thousands of dollars worth of merchandise, is a threat to his livelihood.

again when do 100 kids enter a store at the same time outside of a riot?

A store owner can prevent a single kid from shoplifting if he's paying attention.

But do you deny that for some that stealing can be an act of survival?

Like I said when I was a teen sometimes the only thing I ate in a day was the bag of chips, or a candy bar I could pocket. I guess i should have been shot for that huh?

Funny, it is so easy for a store owner to stop, then how did you pull it off?

I got caught plenty of times but I was faster than the clerk who didn't want to chase me for the cost of a candy bar a lot of those times I would just drop it and run as well

But there were days I still had to eat something so even though I would get caught sometimes I would still try

I call Bull Shit!
you refuse to believe what you cannot understand.

I'll tell you my story if you want. you already got some of it here.
During the Great Depression, with much of the United States mired in grinding poverty and unemployment, some Americans found increased opportunities in criminal activities like bootlegging, robbing banks, loan-sharking—even murder.

Criminal activity was illegal then, Seattle wants to make a lot of it acceptable. Time were different then, most of the country wasn't as mobile as it is now. So, if you stole something, people knew who you were and you didn't get away with it. Seattle wants to change that. Throw in the fact the Seattle and other cities want to defund the police, right? How does anyone not see the writing on the wall?

Criminal activity has long been legal for the rich. Did Trump go to prison for his theft?

What a useless deflection.

The reason for a criminal justice system is to take justice from the victims of a crime, and let the State handle it. If the State decides to relinquish that job, then it goes back to the people.

So the people should have resorting to stringing Trump up?

Talk about not wanting to debate the actual topic at hand.

I stated exactly what I think. I'm absolutely OK with it. We are not supposed to have a two tiered justice system.

I believe that all should be treated equally, however that has to be done.

Until it's your shit being stolen.

So how are businesses supposed to handle the deluge of shoplifters that will occur if said shoplifters know they can claim poverty?

I suppose what they do is support a justice system that treats everyone equally.

I look forward to the next round of whining about "food deserts".

Also, what happens when some shop owner decides that he is willing to protect his property with force?

What happens when the only shops surviving, are ones owned by such people?
Realizing a fact isn't whining.

And FYI food deserts for lack of a better term do exist not because of shop lifting but because poor people don't have enough money to spend at stores

When the same people that order the cops to stand down to let rioters burn down the stores and the same people that refuse to prosecute shoplifting and those same people are the ones that order the arrest of store owners that defend themselves,

when those same people complain about the painfully easy to predict results of their actions,

a certain level of ridicule is to be expected.

The solution is easy. Reform our justice system. Otherwise I support things burning down.

The justice system isn't the problem. THe break down of society is the problem.

The break down has a lot to do with an unjust justice system. Throwing people in prison for pot while letting millionaires rip people off with a slap on the wrist.

In all systems those that are rich and/or powerful use their resources to protect themselves, to the extent that they can.

It is a flaw of any and all human societies.

That you use it as an excuse to destroy one particular society, is an obvious rationalization.

What is your real reason for hating the society that created you?

I am straight with what I believe. You call it unfixable. I say if that's the case let it all fall apart.

Do you want all societies on the earth to collapse into violent chaos, or just America?

I have no control what other countries do. They all aren't as unfair as the US though. Some are even worse. Some better. We can do far better.

If Qualified Immunity gets struck down that would be a step in the right direction. No one should be above the protections of the Constitution.

You don't have control over what happens here, so that is just a dodge.

What is your real reason for hating your own society?

You may argue your positions dishonestly. I don't.
The woman that came up with this is a moron.

Its okay to steal if you are poor?? I'll just stand over here and LMFAO.
It might not be OK but sometimes it is just plain old survival.

I know from experience

in jail you get three meals a day, just given to you.

If DEATH is the alternative, then not arresting the thieves is not doing them any favors.

How much time do you suppose a 14 year old will get for stealing a bag of chips because he hadn't eaten all day?

I have no idea, and if you think that is the average shoplifter, you never worked in retail.

Shoplifters are more often drug addicts looking for something they can sell or trade for drugs.

I never mentioned anyone who stole for profit.

I said that for some poverty is a real reason to commit a crime. I used myself as an example. I never stole a lot of merchandise to sell on the streets.

I shoplifted because I would often go hungry.

It's so easy for you to lump the hungry kid who steals pop tarts with the people who steal multiple expensive items of clothing from a department store because you cannot or do not want to believe that sometimes the poor have to make a choice. Obey the law or go hungry.

When I started selling weed I didn't shoplift because I didn't have to but I suppose you'll equate me with Pablo Escobar because I sold nickel and dime bags of weed so I could have money to buy a winter coat right?

Don't judge a man until you walk a mile in his shoes

You assume I have never been poor? Amusing.

The law will be used by drug addicts shoplifting.

Laws are made by some people, and if they stay on the books end up getting used by other people often for reasons or for ends that are very, very different from the stated reasons for the law.
During the Great Depression, with much of the United States mired in grinding poverty and unemployment, some Americans found increased opportunities in criminal activities like bootlegging, robbing banks, loan-sharking—even murder.

Criminal activity was illegal then, Seattle wants to make a lot of it acceptable. Time were different then, most of the country wasn't as mobile as it is now. So, if you stole something, people knew who you were and you didn't get away with it. Seattle wants to change that. Throw in the fact the Seattle and other cities want to defund the police, right? How does anyone not see the writing on the wall?

Criminal activity has long been legal for the rich. Did Trump go to prison for his theft?

What a useless deflection.

The reason for a criminal justice system is to take justice from the victims of a crime, and let the State handle it. If the State decides to relinquish that job, then it goes back to the people.

So the people should have resorting to stringing Trump up?

Talk about not wanting to debate the actual topic at hand.

I stated exactly what I think. I'm absolutely OK with it. We are not supposed to have a two tiered justice system.

I believe that all should be treated equally, however that has to be done.

Until it's your shit being stolen.

So how are businesses supposed to handle the deluge of shoplifters that will occur if said shoplifters know they can claim poverty?

I suppose what they do is support a justice system that treats everyone equally.

I look forward to the next round of whining about "food deserts".

Also, what happens when some shop owner decides that he is willing to protect his property with force?

What happens when the only shops surviving, are ones owned by such people?
Realizing a fact isn't whining.

And FYI food deserts for lack of a better term do exist not because of shop lifting but because poor people don't have enough money to spend at stores

When the same people that order the cops to stand down to let rioters burn down the stores and the same people that refuse to prosecute shoplifting and those same people are the ones that order the arrest of store owners that defend themselves,

when those same people complain about the painfully easy to predict results of their actions,

a certain level of ridicule is to be expected.

The solution is easy. Reform our justice system. Otherwise I support things burning down.

The justice system isn't the problem. THe break down of society is the problem.

The break down has a lot to do with an unjust justice system. Throwing people in prison for pot while letting millionaires rip people off with a slap on the wrist.

In all systems those that are rich and/or powerful use their resources to protect themselves, to the extent that they can.

It is a flaw of any and all human societies.

That you use it as an excuse to destroy one particular society, is an obvious rationalization.

What is your real reason for hating the society that created you?

I am straight with what I believe. You call it unfixable. I say if that's the case let it all fall apart.

Move to Venezuela

You move.
During the Great Depression, with much of the United States mired in grinding poverty and unemployment, some Americans found increased opportunities in criminal activities like bootlegging, robbing banks, loan-sharking—even murder.

Criminal activity was illegal then, Seattle wants to make a lot of it acceptable. Time were different then, most of the country wasn't as mobile as it is now. So, if you stole something, people knew who you were and you didn't get away with it. Seattle wants to change that. Throw in the fact the Seattle and other cities want to defund the police, right? How does anyone not see the writing on the wall?

Criminal activity has long been legal for the rich. Did Trump go to prison for his theft?

What a useless deflection.

The reason for a criminal justice system is to take justice from the victims of a crime, and let the State handle it. If the State decides to relinquish that job, then it goes back to the people.

So the people should have resorting to stringing Trump up?

Talk about not wanting to debate the actual topic at hand.

I stated exactly what I think. I'm absolutely OK with it. We are not supposed to have a two tiered justice system.

I believe that all should be treated equally, however that has to be done.

Until it's your shit being stolen.

So how are businesses supposed to handle the deluge of shoplifters that will occur if said shoplifters know they can claim poverty?

I suppose what they do is support a justice system that treats everyone equally.

I look forward to the next round of whining about "food deserts".

Also, what happens when some shop owner decides that he is willing to protect his property with force?

What happens when the only shops surviving, are ones owned by such people?

An owner can protect his property but I have no idea how they relates to what I said.

So it is ok for the thief to steal AND it is ok for the shop owner to use force to stop him?

Is it ok for the thief to use force to steal?

Do you envision cops showing to the aftermath of gun battles and finding it to be just fine, nothing to see here, this is the new normal?

And does that change if the shop owner is white?

Depends on the force.

A kid stealing a candy bar is not a threat to the store clerk's life.

A hundred "kids" stealing thousands of dollars worth of merchandise, is a threat to his livelihood.

again when do 100 kids enter a store at the same time outside of a riot?

A store owner can prevent a single kid from shoplifting if he's paying attention.

But do you deny that for some that stealing can be an act of survival?

Like I said when I was a teen sometimes the only thing I ate in a day was the bag of chips, or a candy bar I could pocket. I guess i should have been shot for that huh?

Funny, it is so easy for a store owner to stop, then how did you pull it off?

I got caught plenty of times but I was faster than the clerk who didn't want to chase me for the cost of a candy bar

But there were days I still had to eat something so even though I would get caught sometimes I still needed to eat something

So, you dropping that 'easy to stop" claim?
no because i still got caught by the people who were paying attention. After a while you get to know the clerks who are stoned or who would real a magazine at the register instead of doing their jobs

Sure. Some poor clerk is bored and that makes it ok to steal.
During the Great Depression, with much of the United States mired in grinding poverty and unemployment, some Americans found increased opportunities in criminal activities like bootlegging, robbing banks, loan-sharking—even murder.

Criminal activity was illegal then, Seattle wants to make a lot of it acceptable. Time were different then, most of the country wasn't as mobile as it is now. So, if you stole something, people knew who you were and you didn't get away with it. Seattle wants to change that. Throw in the fact the Seattle and other cities want to defund the police, right? How does anyone not see the writing on the wall?

Criminal activity has long been legal for the rich. Did Trump go to prison for his theft?

What a useless deflection.

The reason for a criminal justice system is to take justice from the victims of a crime, and let the State handle it. If the State decides to relinquish that job, then it goes back to the people.

So the people should have resorting to stringing Trump up?

Talk about not wanting to debate the actual topic at hand.

I stated exactly what I think. I'm absolutely OK with it. We are not supposed to have a two tiered justice system.

I believe that all should be treated equally, however that has to be done.

Until it's your shit being stolen.

So how are businesses supposed to handle the deluge of shoplifters that will occur if said shoplifters know they can claim poverty?

I suppose what they do is support a justice system that treats everyone equally.

I look forward to the next round of whining about "food deserts".

Also, what happens when some shop owner decides that he is willing to protect his property with force?

What happens when the only shops surviving, are ones owned by such people?
Realizing a fact isn't whining.

And FYI food deserts for lack of a better term do exist not because of shop lifting but because poor people don't have enough money to spend at stores

When the same people that order the cops to stand down to let rioters burn down the stores and the same people that refuse to prosecute shoplifting and those same people are the ones that order the arrest of store owners that defend themselves,

when those same people complain about the painfully easy to predict results of their actions,

a certain level of ridicule is to be expected.

The solution is easy. Reform our justice system. Otherwise I support things burning down.

The justice system isn't the problem. THe break down of society is the problem.

The break down has a lot to do with an unjust justice system. Throwing people in prison for pot while letting millionaires rip people off with a slap on the wrist.

In all systems those that are rich and/or powerful use their resources to protect themselves, to the extent that they can.

It is a flaw of any and all human societies.

That you use it as an excuse to destroy one particular society, is an obvious rationalization.

What is your real reason for hating the society that created you?

I am straight with what I believe. You call it unfixable. I say if that's the case let it all fall apart.

Move to Venezuela

You move.

Nah, I’m for saving our great country, unlike you who wants to tear it down.
During the Great Depression, with much of the United States mired in grinding poverty and unemployment, some Americans found increased opportunities in criminal activities like bootlegging, robbing banks, loan-sharking—even murder.

Criminal activity was illegal then, Seattle wants to make a lot of it acceptable. Time were different then, most of the country wasn't as mobile as it is now. So, if you stole something, people knew who you were and you didn't get away with it. Seattle wants to change that. Throw in the fact the Seattle and other cities want to defund the police, right? How does anyone not see the writing on the wall?

Criminal activity has long been legal for the rich. Did Trump go to prison for his theft?

What a useless deflection.

The reason for a criminal justice system is to take justice from the victims of a crime, and let the State handle it. If the State decides to relinquish that job, then it goes back to the people.

So the people should have resorting to stringing Trump up?

Talk about not wanting to debate the actual topic at hand.

I stated exactly what I think. I'm absolutely OK with it. We are not supposed to have a two tiered justice system.

I believe that all should be treated equally, however that has to be done.

Until it's your shit being stolen.

So how are businesses supposed to handle the deluge of shoplifters that will occur if said shoplifters know they can claim poverty?

I suppose what they do is support a justice system that treats everyone equally.

I look forward to the next round of whining about "food deserts".

Also, what happens when some shop owner decides that he is willing to protect his property with force?

What happens when the only shops surviving, are ones owned by such people?
Realizing a fact isn't whining.

And FYI food deserts for lack of a better term do exist not because of shop lifting but because poor people don't have enough money to spend at stores

When the same people that order the cops to stand down to let rioters burn down the stores and the same people that refuse to prosecute shoplifting and those same people are the ones that order the arrest of store owners that defend themselves,

when those same people complain about the painfully easy to predict results of their actions,

a certain level of ridicule is to be expected.

The solution is easy. Reform our justice system. Otherwise I support things burning down.

The justice system isn't the problem. THe break down of society is the problem.

The break down has a lot to do with an unjust justice system. Throwing people in prison for pot while letting millionaires rip people off with a slap on the wrist.

In all systems those that are rich and/or powerful use their resources to protect themselves, to the extent that they can.

It is a flaw of any and all human societies.

That you use it as an excuse to destroy one particular society, is an obvious rationalization.

What is your real reason for hating the society that created you?

I am straight with what I believe. You call it unfixable. I say if that's the case let it all fall apart.

Do you want all societies on the earth to collapse into violent chaos, or just America?

I have no control what other countries do. They all aren't as unfair as the US though. Some are even worse. Some better. We can do far better.

If Qualified Immunity gets struck down that would be a step in the right direction. No one should be above the protections of the Constitution.

You don't have control over what happens here, so that is just a dodge.

What is your real reason for hating your own society?

You may argue your positions dishonestly. I don't.

I just pointed out why your previous post made no sense.

Either explain why I was wrong about that,

or tell what your real reason for hating our country is.
The woman that came up with this is a moron.

Its okay to steal if you are poor?? I'll just stand over here and LMFAO.
It might not be OK but sometimes it is just plain old survival.

I know from experience

in jail you get three meals a day, just given to you.

If DEATH is the alternative, then not arresting the thieves is not doing them any favors.

How much time do you suppose a 14 year old will get for stealing a bag of chips because he hadn't eaten all day?

I have no idea, and if you think that is the average shoplifter, you never worked in retail.

Shoplifters are more often drug addicts looking for something they can sell or trade for drugs.

I never mentioned anyone who stole for profit.

I said that for some poverty is a real reason to commit a crime. I used myself as an example. I never stole a lot of merchandise to sell on the streets.

I shoplifted because I would often go hungry.

It's so easy for you to lump the hungry kid who steals pop tarts with the people who steal multiple expensive items of clothing from a department store because you cannot or do not want to believe that sometimes the poor have to make a choice. Obey the law or go hungry.

When I started selling weed I didn't shoplift because I didn't have to but I suppose you'll equate me with Pablo Escobar because I sold nickel and dime bags of weed so I could have money to buy a winter coat right?

Don't judge a man until you walk a mile in his shoes

You assume I have never been poor? Amusing.

The law will be used by drug addicts shoplifting.

Laws are made by some people, and if they stay on the books end up getting used by other people often for reasons or for ends that are very, very different from the stated reasons for the law.

Have you ever had to steal just so you could eat one thing in a day?

I was a teenager on the streets. I could not get a job at 14 and I could not stand to spend time in the foster hell house I was stuck in when my drug addict mother died of an overdose.

But you go ahead and tell me how I could have got a legit job and earned enough money to eat 3 meals a day when I was 14
During the Great Depression, with much of the United States mired in grinding poverty and unemployment, some Americans found increased opportunities in criminal activities like bootlegging, robbing banks, loan-sharking—even murder.

Criminal activity was illegal then, Seattle wants to make a lot of it acceptable. Time were different then, most of the country wasn't as mobile as it is now. So, if you stole something, people knew who you were and you didn't get away with it. Seattle wants to change that. Throw in the fact the Seattle and other cities want to defund the police, right? How does anyone not see the writing on the wall?

Criminal activity has long been legal for the rich. Did Trump go to prison for his theft?

What a useless deflection.

The reason for a criminal justice system is to take justice from the victims of a crime, and let the State handle it. If the State decides to relinquish that job, then it goes back to the people.

So the people should have resorting to stringing Trump up?

Talk about not wanting to debate the actual topic at hand.

I stated exactly what I think. I'm absolutely OK with it. We are not supposed to have a two tiered justice system.

I believe that all should be treated equally, however that has to be done.

Until it's your shit being stolen.

So how are businesses supposed to handle the deluge of shoplifters that will occur if said shoplifters know they can claim poverty?

I suppose what they do is support a justice system that treats everyone equally.

I look forward to the next round of whining about "food deserts".

Also, what happens when some shop owner decides that he is willing to protect his property with force?

What happens when the only shops surviving, are ones owned by such people?
Realizing a fact isn't whining.

And FYI food deserts for lack of a better term do exist not because of shop lifting but because poor people don't have enough money to spend at stores

When the same people that order the cops to stand down to let rioters burn down the stores and the same people that refuse to prosecute shoplifting and those same people are the ones that order the arrest of store owners that defend themselves,

when those same people complain about the painfully easy to predict results of their actions,

a certain level of ridicule is to be expected.

The solution is easy. Reform our justice system. Otherwise I support things burning down.

The justice system isn't the problem. THe break down of society is the problem.

The break down has a lot to do with an unjust justice system. Throwing people in prison for pot while letting millionaires rip people off with a slap on the wrist.

In all systems those that are rich and/or powerful use their resources to protect themselves, to the extent that they can.

It is a flaw of any and all human societies.

That you use it as an excuse to destroy one particular society, is an obvious rationalization.

What is your real reason for hating the society that created you?

I am straight with what I believe. You call it unfixable. I say if that's the case let it all fall apart.

Do you want all societies on the earth to collapse into violent chaos, or just America?

I have no control what other countries do. They all aren't as unfair as the US though. Some are even worse. Some better. We can do far better.

If Qualified Immunity gets struck down that would be a step in the right direction. No one should be above the protections of the Constitution.

You don't have control over what happens here, so that is just a dodge.

What is your real reason for hating your own society?

You may argue your positions dishonestly. I don't.

I just pointed out why your previous post made no sense.

Either explain why I was wrong about that,

or tell what your real reason for hating our country is.

You explained nothing. Have we been able to get some reforms? We have.
During the Great Depression, with much of the United States mired in grinding poverty and unemployment, some Americans found increased opportunities in criminal activities like bootlegging, robbing banks, loan-sharking—even murder.

Criminal activity was illegal then, Seattle wants to make a lot of it acceptable. Time were different then, most of the country wasn't as mobile as it is now. So, if you stole something, people knew who you were and you didn't get away with it. Seattle wants to change that. Throw in the fact the Seattle and other cities want to defund the police, right? How does anyone not see the writing on the wall?

Criminal activity has long been legal for the rich. Did Trump go to prison for his theft?

What a useless deflection.

The reason for a criminal justice system is to take justice from the victims of a crime, and let the State handle it. If the State decides to relinquish that job, then it goes back to the people.

So the people should have resorting to stringing Trump up?

Talk about not wanting to debate the actual topic at hand.

I stated exactly what I think. I'm absolutely OK with it. We are not supposed to have a two tiered justice system.

I believe that all should be treated equally, however that has to be done.

Until it's your shit being stolen.

So how are businesses supposed to handle the deluge of shoplifters that will occur if said shoplifters know they can claim poverty?

I suppose what they do is support a justice system that treats everyone equally.

I look forward to the next round of whining about "food deserts".

Also, what happens when some shop owner decides that he is willing to protect his property with force?

What happens when the only shops surviving, are ones owned by such people?

An owner can protect his property but I have no idea how they relates to what I said.

So it is ok for the thief to steal AND it is ok for the shop owner to use force to stop him?

Is it ok for the thief to use force to steal?

Do you envision cops showing to the aftermath of gun battles and finding it to be just fine, nothing to see here, this is the new normal?

And does that change if the shop owner is white?

Depends on the force.

A kid stealing a candy bar is not a threat to the store clerk's life.

A hundred "kids" stealing thousands of dollars worth of merchandise, is a threat to his livelihood.

again when do 100 kids enter a store at the same time outside of a riot?

A store owner can prevent a single kid from shoplifting if he's paying attention.

But do you deny that for some that stealing can be an act of survival?

Like I said when I was a teen sometimes the only thing I ate in a day was the bag of chips, or a candy bar I could pocket. I guess i should have been shot for that huh?

Funny, it is so easy for a store owner to stop, then how did you pull it off?

I got caught plenty of times but I was faster than the clerk who didn't want to chase me for the cost of a candy bar a lot of those times I would just drop it and run as well

But there were days I still had to eat something so even though I would get caught sometimes I would still try

I call Bull Shit!
you refuse to believe what you cannot understand.

I'll tell you my story if you want. you already got some of it here.

lol, you can tell me anything you want anonymously on the internet....Doesn’t mean I have to believe it....So, can the Oliver Twist reenactment and just be honest.
Up for debate is a reform proposed by Seattle City Councilmember Lisa Herbold. For up to 100 different misdemeanor crimes, including theft, harassment, shoplifting, trespassing, and more, an individual could be excused if he or she claims poverty was their motive.

“In a situation where you took that sandwich because you were hungry and you were trying to meet your basic need of satisfying your hunger; we as the community will know that we should not punish that,” King County Director of Public Defense Anita Khandelwal said of the proposal, which she helped craft. “That conduct is excused.”

The intent of the proposal is to avoid punishing desperate people just trying to survive. But the provision exempts not only stealing food or similar necessities, but stealing anything—if you claim the money gained from its sale would be used for essentials.

First and foremost, this policy would obviously incentivize more crime and more theft.

Words fail to adequately describe the idiocy behind such proposals. If you want something, steal it and if you get caught plead poverty and cry me a river. This is basically anarchy, who could operate a business under such rules? Somebody breaks into your business and steals you blind and nothing happens. Or they burn the place down citing BLM. Geez, such a beautiful place that is on the fast track to being a shithole city.

During the Great Depression of the 1930s, did a lot of people engage in looting and robbery?
Some did

But no a lot and most.researchers.agreed crime in general declined

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