The President as a Creepy Ass Cracka

Because Trayvon makes everyone stop looking at the government and Obama's sneaking spying ass. Obama is dancing his BS on the Constitution and on Trayvons grave at the same time:dance: and the MSM and Libs are happy to have it that way.
Of course he won't. He's corporate puppet. You don't get to be president without being a puppet and selling your soul to the military industrial complex etc. That's why there is no point in even voting any more. He might as well crown himself and dissolve congress.
Of course he won't. He's corporate puppet. You don't get to be president without being a puppet and selling your soul to the military industrial complex etc. That's why there is no point in even voting any more. He might as well crown himself and dissolve congress.

Call your Congressman today and ask for their support of the Amash Amendment to HR 2397 that would prohibit the NSA's blanket collection of phone records of persons who are not subjects of investigations.

Find Your Representative ·
Of course he won't. He's corporate puppet. You don't get to be president without being a puppet and selling your soul to the military industrial complex etc. That's why there is no point in even voting any more. He might as well crown himself and dissolve congress.
How sadly true that is.

Which is why the only hope this Nation has is a unified push for a radical political revolution. But for that to happen things must get a lot worse than they are -- and Obama's job has been to keep a lid on while maintaining the status quo for the Military Industrial Complex, for the banks, and for Wall Street. He was selected and financed to serve that purpose.

While few will agree with me, America would be far better off with a crazy Jew like Anthony Weiner in the White House than with the glib con artist we have now -- along with the wooden indian he appointed as Attorney General.

We need a brick-tosser.
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Any kind of revolution be it violent or rose colored need to have a collective mentality behind it. In other words, the sheep, all of them must see the enemy and recognize it but the sheep are too busy concerning themselves about royal babies, and Trayvon Martin's rotting corpse. End result: Complete authoritarian state that will eventually kill millions. This place is done for.
Of course he won't. He's corporate puppet. You don't get to be president without being a puppet and selling your soul to the military industrial complex etc. That's why there is no point in even voting any more. He might as well crown himself and dissolve congress.
How sadly true that is.

Which is why the only hope this Nation has is a unified push for a radical political revolution. But for that to happen things must get a lot worse than they are -- and Obama's job has been to keep a lid on while maintaining the status quo for the Military Industrial Complex, for the banks, and for Wall Street. He was selected and financed to serve that purpose.

While few will agree with me, America would be far better off with a crazy Jew like Anthony Weiner in the White House than with the glib con artist we have now -- along with the wooden indian he appointed as Attorney General.

We need a brick-tosser.

Call your Congressman today and ask for their support of the Amash Amendment to HR 2397 that would prohibit the NSA's blanket collection of phone records of persons who are not subjects of investigations.

Any kind of revolution be it violent or rose colored need to have a collective mentality behind it. In other words, the sheep, all of them must see the enemy and recognize it but the sheep are too busy concerning themselves about royal babies, and Trayvon Martin's rotting corpse. End result: Complete authoritarian state that will eventually kill millions. This place is done for.

I hope you're wrong and we still have a chance on getting this straightened out. Maybe that's wishful thinking but if it's going to happen it needs to happen now. Reguardless I'm not looking forward to what the future brings.
" ... You rise and sleep under the very blanket of the protection the NSA surveillance program provides and then you question the manner in which that protection is provided."

Col. Barack Jessup Obama.
Any kind of revolution be it violent or rose colored need to have a collective mentality behind it. In other words, the sheep, all of them must see the enemy and recognize it but the sheep are too busy concerning themselves about royal babies, and Trayvon Martin's rotting corpse. End result: Complete authoritarian state that will eventually kill millions. This place is done for.


With the mostus.

His hostess has the ass

of a lass

with proportions most bovine.
This is for Contumacious. I didn't use the quote feature becauseI suck.

Your response is inconclusive. Do you agree or disagree?

My guess is that you still have hope. Hope is good, but I'm more of a realist who expects and plans for the worst but will willingly accept the best while not actively attempting to dissuade people such as yourself from believing and acting in any way you see fit in order to rectify the situation.

I'm relatively certain I know the counter argument that you would present to my supposition so don't bother. I don't think I'll change you any more than you can me. Just keep rooting for the winning team.
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Corporations are profiled, Americans are continually profiled by federal, state and local government . The expanded census report last time was a profile. Profiles by the IRS can mean the difference between life and death. If the IRS profiles you for audit you must comply or you can kiss your ass goodbye literally and figuratively.

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