"The president can’t have a conflict of interest" Trump said....

You'll undermine and sabotage Trump every step of the way. But that's not unexpected. And i do think it'll only help Trump win easier next time. It'll strengthen his supporters' resolve.

True....can't easily fix STUPID...........
(one wonders how those coal miners who were promised that they would get their jobs back will feel.)

At least Trump will try. That's much more than Hussein ever did for Americans. I wish Trump all the best.

You use of Obama's middle name .....like a moron's typical attempt at a slur.....says quite a bit about you and some of your racist ilk.

Fluck Hussein. He never represented American Citizens. And that's because he likely isn't an American Citizen. He's an Anti-American Globalist foreigner. Good riddance.
He has a 57% approval rating. 30 points higher than when George W. left office. Why do you think that is?
Really???.....A president can’t have a conflict of interest??

Nixon once stated that anything that a president does CANNOT be interpreted as "illegal", and that attitude eventually got him to resign or face impeachment.

Are we headed toward a situation where whatever a president does is tantamount to absolution before the law; simply stated, is a president ABOVE the law?
There is no law relevant to this situation. If Trump tries to pull a Clinton and use his office for personal gain, then he should be prosecuted, just as Clinton should be prosecuted for ignoring the law.
Pull a Clinton? What are you talking about? Republicans investigated the Clintons over 30 years with the full power of the FBI, the CIA and using unlimited tax payer money on dozens of congressional investigation. If, after all the, all you could find was a blowjob between a married man and a 24 year old woman, then a blowjob is all you could find. And you wouldn't even have found that if she had kept her mouth shut.
It took law enforcement years to get John Gotti, too.
That's a really weird comparison. Care to explain? And please, stick to the facts, not wild right wing conspiracies.
In other words, you will dismiss anything that points to the Clintons' crimes as right wing conspiracy theories.
You'll undermine and sabotage Trump every step of the way. But that's not unexpected. And i do think it'll only help Trump win easier next time. It'll strengthen his supporters' resolve.

True....can't easily fix STUPID...........
(one wonders how those coal miners who were promised that they would get their jobs back will feel.)

At least Trump will try. That's much more than Hussein ever did for Americans. I wish Trump all the best.

You use of Obama's middle name .....like a moron's typical attempt at a slur.....says quite a bit about you and some of your racist ilk.

Fluck Hussein. He never represented American Citizens. And that's because he likely isn't an American Citizen. He's an Anti-American Globalist foreigner. Good riddance.
He has a 57% approval rating. 30 points higher than when George W. left office. Why do you think that is?

So a whole lotta Americans are morons? Not exactly breaking news there. Hussein represented everyone but American Citizens. And that's because he likely isn't an American Citizen himself. He was raised on Marxist Anti-Americanism.

The man's done awful irreparable damage to our nation. His dismantling of our Immigration System was criminal. He's in violation of the oath of office he swore to. He refused to uphold the laws of the land. He should be arrested. But we all know he's above the law. So of course that isn't gonna happen. The sooner the traitor's gone, the happier i'll be. Period, end of story.

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