The President Speaks Of Hope For The Future

The result of this thread is to prove once again that the rightwing will trash anything they associate with Obama....even when it comes from one of their heroes

Indeed. And there really is a difference between the neanderthal behavior of RWNJS and and that of Lefties.

I have posted more than 20,000 times on this forum, a lot of it in the elections section and in politics and current events.

I challenge every member of USMB to find even one single posting where I have trashed any American President, Vice-President, SOS,etc....

I have addressed every single President by his correct name and designation, for instance "former Pres. Gerald R. Ford" or "Vice President Joe Biden".

Not even once - not once - have I mutilated the name of a president or given him a nickname of any type.

Not even once have I called a President (or a Vice President or a member of a cabinet) a piece of shit or anything like that.


I have found nice - and historically correct - things to say about former presidents of the other party, for instance, I noted that Gerald Ford was in many ways a lucky accident for us, he ended up being a pretty darned good president in the short time he served. And no president in the last century has had a resume as deep and as broad as George H. W. Bush (41), who has done a helluva lot in his life.

Now, for the assholian armchair quarterbacks here in USMB, I have a simple message: only 43 people have occupied the White House as president. Especially in today's age, you have to be something really, really special to even get close to the Presidency. The job is arguably the hardest job in the world and whether we like or hate any one specific president, he has still earned our respect.

A lot of Lefties hurled all sorts of nastiness as George W. Bush (43). I never have, not even once.

Again, I challenge every single member here in USMB to find even one single, solitary post where I would have defamed Bush 43 even in the slightest of ways. Hint: you won't find one, cuz I have never written one.

A lot of Lefties didn't like Bush (43). I criticized his Iraq policy but I always showed respect for the man.

This is something that is seriously, and I mean, seriously lacking on the Right: decency. Many on the Right have so jumped the shark, are so full of venom 24/7 that they don't even realize how far down the abyss they have sunk.

Today's thread proved that very point. It's not just Obama's policies that the Right hates (although much of his policy was originally a Conservative idea, like the individual mandate) - it's Obama the person. And that hate is not limited to him. His wife, our nation's First Lady, has been attacked in ways the likes of which we have never seen before. There's horrifying, and then there is disgusting, and then there is the Right when it comes to the Obama's.

One cannot even publish two quotes from a very beloved president, but not indicate exactly from whom those quotes came, and like rabid dogs, Righties come out from under their rocks and howl and snarl - over two really wonderful quotes.

I am sure that were Ike to see what has happened to his party, he would cry. Really, he would.

Oh, and for those who didn't like getting punked - get a life, grow a pair of real balls and grow up some.

the result of this thread is? Liberals are dishonest and on this board if Scat and RW post anything, better google it to see if they are not lying. Good Job Scat. I all ways figured you for a sorry POS and you proved it today. BTW you did not fool me faggot.
The result of this thread is to prove once again that the rightwing will trash anything they associate with Obama....even when it comes from one of their heroes
Nobody trashed the content of the message. You still have failed to post one example where they have.
You trashed the author of the quote who was Ike

No one trashed the author. Just the plagiariser and chief.

No one plagiarized. You are living in a fantasy world. Snap out of it.
the result of this thread is? Liberals are dishonest and on this board if Scat and RW post anything, better google it to see if they are not lying. Good Job Scat. I all ways figured you for a sorry POS and you proved it today. BTW you did not fool me faggot.
The result of this thread is to prove once again that the rightwing will trash anything they associate with Obama....even when it comes from one of their heroes
Nobody trashed the content of the message. You still have failed to post one example where they have.
You trashed the author of the quote who was Ike

No one trashed the author. Just the plagiariser and chief.
Read the thread

Revisionist history will not save you
the result of this thread is? Liberals are dishonest and on this board if Scat and RW post anything, better google it to see if they are not lying. Good Job Scat. I all ways figured you for a sorry POS and you proved it today. BTW you did not fool me faggot.
The result of this thread is to prove once again that the rightwing will trash anything they associate with Obama....even when it comes from one of their heroes

Post # 50: Will you stop with the bullshit and make your point already!!
We know it's going to be a stupid one so just get it over with.

Boy was I right.
"There is nothing wrong with America that faith, love of freedom, intelligence, and energy of her citizens cannot cure."

"Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels -- men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine. As their heirs, may we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion."

Great words, deep words. I was awed when I just read his words.

Thank you, Mr. President!

About as deep as a Dixie cup.
Never figured your threshold for being awed was so low.
"There is nothing wrong with America that faith, love of freedom, intelligence, and energy of her citizens cannot cure."

"Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels -- men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine. As their heirs, may we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion."

Great words, deep words. I was awed when I just read his words.

Thank you, Mr. President!

About as deep as a Dixie cup.
Never figured your threshold for being awed was so low.

I see you are coming late to the party, you may find a surprise or two.
Looks like Stat just provided the rope and you guys lined up to hang yourself

You're a dumbfuck if you think it fooled anyone. Obvious troll thread was obvious.
I hate the messenger,not the message.

Well, I cannot possibly hate someone I don't even know.

What is it with RWNJs and their lack of emotional control?

Tsk, tsk.
Too funny, Stat makes something up, attributes to someone who didn't say and thinks he is the "brightest" guy/girl in the room.
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Looks like Stat just provided the rope and you guys lined up to hang yourself

You're a dumbfuck if you think it fooled anyone. Obvious troll thread was obvious.
I hate the messenger,not the message.

Well, I cannot possibly hate someone I don't even know.

What is it with RWNJs and their lack of emotional control?

Tsk, tsk.

So I guess you loved sweet.

Actually, I was ok with both Bushes. I very much like Bush 41.
"There is nothing wrong with America that faith, love of freedom, intelligence, and energy of her citizens cannot cure."

"Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels -- men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine. As their heirs, may we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion."

Great words, deep words. I was awed when I just read his words.

Thank you, Mr. President!

About as deep as a Dixie cup.
Never figured your threshold for being awed was so low.

I see you are coming late to the party, you may find a surprise or two.

mebbe I'll get a chance to catch up later...
"There is nothing wrong with America that faith, love of freedom, intelligence, and energy of her citizens cannot cure."

"Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels -- men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine. As their heirs, may we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion."

Great words, deep words. I was awed when I just read his words.

Thank you, Mr. President!

About as deep as a Dixie cup.
Never figured your threshold for being awed was so low.

I see you are coming late to the party, you may find a surprise or two.

mebbe I'll get a chance to catch up later...

Enjoy the thread... and the nice twist in the middle. :)
Nope, we've only questioned the hypocrisy of the man who said it.

So, you think that Ike was a hypocrite??

Tsk, tsk.

Golly,you are really quite awed by yourself,aren't you.

You took a quote and falsely implied that Obama said it and decided that it made you "clever". ;)

This thread was never about me, but it has often been my experience in USMB that whacked out RWNJs, like yourself, for instance, get all emotional when their logic fails them. And then they attack the person instead of discussing the idea.

I never once said that those two quotes in posting no. 1 were from Obama. Not even once. You are living in a fantasy world.
"There is nothing wrong with America that faith, love of freedom, intelligence, and energy of her citizens cannot cure."

"Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels -- men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine. As their heirs, may we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion."

Great words, deep words. I was awed when I just read his words.

Thank you, Mr. President!

About as deep as a Dixie cup.
Never figured your threshold for being awed was so low.

I see you are coming late to the party, you may find a surprise or two.

mebbe I'll get a chance to catch up later...

Enjoy the thread... and the nice twist in the middle. :)

The middle? I called you out on post # 50 and #385 and you ignored both of them.
Go figure....
"There is nothing wrong with America that faith, love of freedom, intelligence, and energy of her citizens cannot cure."

"Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels -- men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine. As their heirs, may we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion."

Great words, deep words. I was awed when I just read his words.

Thank you, Mr. President!

About as deep as a Dixie cup.
Never figured your threshold for being awed was so low.

I see you are coming late to the party, you may find a surprise or two.

mebbe I'll get a chance to catch up later...

Enjoy the thread... and the nice twist in the middle. :)

And look for all the not-so-hidden clues.

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