The President Speaks Of Hope For The Future

I see no relation to the quote in the OP, so it seems you are just engaging in your Rabbi shuffle
Thats because you're dumb.
So when Obama extols Faith in one quote and associates it with clinging bitterly in small towns in another, which one is true? They cant both be.

I'm dumb?

You're the moron who thinks that Obama quote has anything to do with the OP

You have still not said why you oppose to what was said in the OP. Seems like strong Republican values
What's wrong is the POS talks out of both sides of his mouth and never practices what he preaches. A dedicated communist, he uses the talking points of the Communist Manifesto.


What could you possibly object to in:
There is nothing wrong with America that faith, love of freedom, intelligence, and energy of her citizens cannot cure."
I don't object to the words. What I object to is he doesn't adhere to them. He's a slippery, evil POS and he has made the Pied Piper look like a hero.

Well, I respect your opinon, but I do not share it.
I see no relation to the quote in the OP, so it seems you are just engaging in your Rabbi shuffle
Thats because you're dumb.
So when Obama extols Faith in one quote and associates it with clinging bitterly in small towns in another, which one is true? They cant both be.

I'm dumb?

You're the moron who thinks that Obama quote has anything to do with the OP

You have still not said why you oppose to what was said in the OP. Seems like strong Republican values
What's wrong is the POS talks out of both sides of his mouth and never practices what he preaches. A dedicated communist, he uses the talking points of the Communist Manifesto.


What could you possibly object to in:
There is nothing wrong with America that faith, love of freedom, intelligence, and energy of her citizens cannot cure."
I don't object to the words. What I object to is he doesn't adhere to them. He's a slippery, evil POS and he has made the Pied Piper look like a hero.

The only time he doesn't adhere is when Congress (the right) don't allow him to, and that has been happening over and over.
"There is nothing wrong with America that faith, love of freedom, intelligence, and energy of her citizens cannot cure."

"Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels -- men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine. As their heirs, may we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion."

Great words, deep words. I was awed when I just read his words.

Thank you, Mr. President!
All Obama has is words. His is the administration engaged in an unprecedented attack on the 1A. His administration is engaged in unprecedented attacks on dissent through the IRS and other agencies. This is the president who won the Nobel Peace Prize and has since bombed everything in sight and sent drones to kill people.
And amazingly morons like you fall for it every time.

Funny, when Bush started unnecessary wars and over 4000 of our men gave their lives, and many innocent people were killed in Iraq, all the ones on the right could do was defend Bush. I guess those people didn't matter then, but now, because it is Obama, they matter? The only reason we're having to deal with all these terrorists is because of Bush's decision to invade a country that hadn't done squat to us....Bush is the one that you should be dissing now, not Obama. Obama has had to deal with the shit that Bush left behind, including the economy, unemployment and other crap that Obama has fixed.
The reason the U.S. has to deal with terrorists goes back far longer than George W. Bush, though he certainly made the problem worse.

Yes, agreed. Far longer indeed. You might say back to when we overthrew Mohammad Mosaddegh.
Thats because you're dumb.
So when Obama extols Faith in one quote and associates it with clinging bitterly in small towns in another, which one is true? They cant both be.

I'm dumb?

You're the moron who thinks that Obama quote has anything to do with the OP

You have still not said why you oppose to what was said in the OP. Seems like strong Republican values
What's wrong is the POS talks out of both sides of his mouth and never practices what he preaches. A dedicated communist, he uses the talking points of the Communist Manifesto.


What could you possibly object to in:
There is nothing wrong with America that faith, love of freedom, intelligence, and energy of her citizens cannot cure."
I don't object to the words. What I object to is he doesn't adhere to them. He's a slippery, evil POS and he has made the Pied Piper look like a hero.

Well, I respect your opinon, but I do not share it.

And as usual, the right has to resort to insults and name-calling, because they really can't back up what they say. Saying they heard it on Faux News doesn't cover it anymore.
The President also said this not too long ago:

“You do not lead by hitting people over the head -- that's assault, not leadership.”

I can understand that Righties might not like that one, considering that Obama never served in the US armed forces, but it is interesting.

Well said, Mr. President.
You seem to be missing the point that Obama's words do not match his actions.

how so? explain.
I explained earlier in the thread, but I'll be happy to point out the contradictions with this Obama quote as well.

Don't hit people over the head? How many individuals, including American citizens, has Obama had assassinated? How many innocent civilians have been murdered because of Obama's drone strikes? Obama believes in projecting American power as much as any neocon does, and yet we're supposed to take this quote seriously?
Thats because you're dumb.
So when Obama extols Faith in one quote and associates it with clinging bitterly in small towns in another, which one is true? They cant both be.

I'm dumb?

You're the moron who thinks that Obama quote has anything to do with the OP

You have still not said why you oppose to what was said in the OP. Seems like strong Republican values
What's wrong is the POS talks out of both sides of his mouth and never practices what he preaches. A dedicated communist, he uses the talking points of the Communist Manifesto.


What could you possibly object to in:
There is nothing wrong with America that faith, love of freedom, intelligence, and energy of her citizens cannot cure."
I don't object to the words. What I object to is he doesn't adhere to them. He's a slippery, evil POS and he has made the Pied Piper look like a hero.

The only time he doesn't adhere is when Congress (the right) don't allow him to, and that has been happening over and over.
I heartily agree and it's for the good of the country.
I agree.

He sounds great speaking the words but of course they are only words.

He's made a point of pointing out that there is nothing Exemplary about America.

Kinda makes ya wonder if he's lying through his teeth every time he makes one of those "great" speechs.

Oh yeah. He's a top ten POTUS all right. RW is out to lunch as usual. He'll be right down there one step below Carter. Right where he belongs.
The President also said this not too long ago:

“You do not lead by hitting people over the head -- that's assault, not leadership.”

I can understand that Righties might not like that one, considering that Obama never served in the US armed forces, but it is interesting.

Well said, Mr. President.
You seem to be missing the point that Obama's words do not match his actions.

how so? explain.

Here's where you play stupid...
So predictable.

Ok, interesting. So, tell me, when has the President hit people on the head?
Libya, Iraq, Somalia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, etc... And those are just some examples of hard power. Let's not forget the behind the scenes soft power, like supporting regime change in Ukraine to provoke Putin.
The President also said this not too long ago:

“You do not lead by hitting people over the head -- that's assault, not leadership.”

I can understand that Righties might not like that one, considering that Obama never served in the US armed forces, but it is interesting.

Well said, Mr. President.
You seem to be missing the point that Obama's words do not match his actions.

how so? explain.

Here's where you play stupid...
So predictable.

If you're so smart why don't you explain what he meant?

Just how stupid are you? It's been discussed ad nauseam on this board.
I'm not playing the game with you morons.
"There is nothing wrong with America that faith, love of freedom, intelligence, and energy of her citizens cannot cure."

"Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels -- men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine. As their heirs, may we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion."

Great words, deep words. I was awed when I just read his words.

Thank you, Mr. President!
All Obama has is words. His is the administration engaged in an unprecedented attack on the 1A. His administration is engaged in unprecedented attacks on dissent through the IRS and other agencies. This is the president who won the Nobel Peace Prize and has since bombed everything in sight and sent drones to kill people.
And amazingly morons like you fall for it every time.

Funny, when Bush started unnecessary wars and over 4000 of our men gave their lives, and many innocent people were killed in Iraq, all the ones on the right could do was defend Bush. I guess those people didn't matter then, but now, because it is Obama, they matter? The only reason we're having to deal with all these terrorists is because of Bush's decision to invade a country that hadn't done squat to us....Bush is the one that you should be dissing now, not Obama. Obama has had to deal with the shit that Bush left behind, including the economy, unemployment and other crap that Obama has fixed.
The reason the U.S. has to deal with terrorists goes back far longer than George W. Bush, though he certainly made the problem worse.

Yes, agreed. Far longer indeed. You might say back to when we overthrew Mohammad Mosaddegh.
That would be much closer to the start of the problems.
I agree.

He sounds great speaking the words but of course they are only words.

He's made a point of pointing out that there is nothing Exemplary about America.

Kinda makes ya wonder if he's lying through his teeth every time he makes one of those "great" speechs.

Oh yeah. He's a top ten POTUS all right. RW is out to lunch as usual. He'll be right up there one step below Carter. Right where he belongs.

I bet you like this quote more:

"I have just realized that it is due to you, and to Mr. James Thomas and his staff of the Army Navy Country Club that the putting green here on the White House lawn is already in such excellent condition. I assure you that I get a great deal of pleasure and relaxation out of using the green in an occasional late afternoon hour."

I'm dumb?

You're the moron who thinks that Obama quote has anything to do with the OP

You have still not said why you oppose to what was said in the OP. Seems like strong Republican values
What's wrong is the POS talks out of both sides of his mouth and never practices what he preaches. A dedicated communist, he uses the talking points of the Communist Manifesto.


What could you possibly object to in:
There is nothing wrong with America that faith, love of freedom, intelligence, and energy of her citizens cannot cure."
I don't object to the words. What I object to is he doesn't adhere to them. He's a slippery, evil POS and he has made the Pied Piper look like a hero.

Well, I respect your opinon, but I do not share it.

And as usual, the right has to resort to insults and name-calling, because they really can't back up what they say. Saying they heard it on Faux News doesn't cover it anymore.
Calling a spade a spade is not name calling, Mertex. One question, though. Does anyone know anything about this man? Every President we've had has been catalogued from birth to death except this one. Why is everything in his life a closely guarded secret? Why have people made statements, revealed information and next day say they made a mistake. Something fishy there
I am really starting to think that the President says some very wise things.
Bullshit. You always thought that.

The President, in the OP, shows why he universally acknowledged as one of our greatest Presidents
I saw a poll yesterday and he was rated the 5th worst. If I can find it I'll post it.


In the end....even Republicans and arch Conservatives will respect what he accomplished as President
What's wrong is the POS talks out of both sides of his mouth and never practices what he preaches. A dedicated communist, he uses the talking points of the Communist Manifesto.


What could you possibly object to in:
There is nothing wrong with America that faith, love of freedom, intelligence, and energy of her citizens cannot cure."
I don't object to the words. What I object to is he doesn't adhere to them. He's a slippery, evil POS and he has made the Pied Piper look like a hero.

Well, I respect your opinon, but I do not share it.

And as usual, the right has to resort to insults and name-calling, because they really can't back up what they say. Saying they heard it on Faux News doesn't cover it anymore.
Calling a spade a spade is not name calling, Mertex. One question, though. Does anyone know anything about this man? Every President we've had has been catalogued from birth to death except this one. Why is everything in his life a closely guarded secret? Why have people made statements, revealed information and next day say they made a mistake. Something fishy there
I am unaware of any secrets. His life is an open book and he is respected around the world as a great American

What could you possibly object to in:
There is nothing wrong with America that faith, love of freedom, intelligence, and energy of her citizens cannot cure."
I don't object to the words. What I object to is he doesn't adhere to them. He's a slippery, evil POS and he has made the Pied Piper look like a hero.

Well, I respect your opinon, but I do not share it.

And as usual, the right has to resort to insults and name-calling, because they really can't back up what they say. Saying they heard it on Faux News doesn't cover it anymore.
Calling a spade a spade is not name calling, Mertex. One question, though. Does anyone know anything about this man? Every President we've had has been catalogued from birth to death except this one. Why is everything in his life a closely guarded secret? Why have people made statements, revealed information and next day say they made a mistake. Something fishy there
I am unaware of any secrets. His life is an open book and he is respected around the world as a great American

Now I know you're trolling...
I agree.

He sounds great speaking the words but of course they are only words.

He's made a point of pointing out that there is nothing Exemplary about America.

Kinda makes ya wonder if he's lying through his teeth every time he makes one of those "great" speechs.

Oh yeah. He's a top ten POTUS all right. RW is out to lunch as usual. He'll be right up there one step below Carter. Right where he belongs.

I bet you like this quote more:

"I have just realized that it is due to you, and to Mr. James Thomas and his staff of the Army Navy Country Club that the putting green here on the White House lawn is already in such excellent condition. I assure you that I get a great deal of pleasure and relaxation out of using the green in an occasional late afternoon hour."

He spent too much fucking time on golf
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What could you possibly object to in:
There is nothing wrong with America that faith, love of freedom, intelligence, and energy of her citizens cannot cure."
I don't object to the words. What I object to is he doesn't adhere to them. He's a slippery, evil POS and he has made the Pied Piper look like a hero.

Well, I respect your opinon, but I do not share it.

And as usual, the right has to resort to insults and name-calling, because they really can't back up what they say. Saying they heard it on Faux News doesn't cover it anymore.
Calling a spade a spade is not name calling, Mertex. One question, though. Does anyone know anything about this man? Every President we've had has been catalogued from birth to death except this one. Why is everything in his life a closely guarded secret? Why have people made statements, revealed information and next day say they made a mistake. Something fishy there
I am unaware of any secrets. His life is an open book and he is respected around the world as a great American

But Stephanie is very displeased with the President's words...... she asked who in the world speaks like that, talked about needing a decoder ring. LOL

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