The President will speak at 12:45!

60 Million people in danger and you joke about Obama trying to tell you what he has found out from speaking with the Governors, FEMA, and other emergency operations people. Yup, pretty funy stuff!

Sandy could bring 'catastrophe,' impact 60 million -

Again we have already heard from our governor and our local authorities. We don't need Bam BAm to say it to us again.

There really is no reason for him to speak

Well yeah there skull.

Barry's gotta at least look like he's doing something. You know. Something where he doesn't drop the ball and can mayby get a few brownie points.

After all the election isn't far off and he needs all the fucking help he can get.
60 Million people in danger and you joke about Obama trying to tell you what he has found out from speaking with the Governors, FEMA, and other emergency operations people. Yup, pretty funy stuff!

Sandy could bring 'catastrophe,' impact 60 million -

Again we have already heard from our governor and our local authorities. We don't need Bam BAm to say it to us again.

There really is no reason for him to speak

It's an excuse for him to take up valuable time for those who KNOW what's going on so he can put his face in front of a camera.

obama can say nothing of importance because each state, if not each city is facing a different circumstance. Some areas have wind and rain, some are going to be in blizzard conditions with hurricane force winds. Each area needs to pay attention to their local authorities not obama. obama doesn't care about this, it's an excuse to put his face on a screen and act like he has something to say. Meanwhile, he's using time better served to be used by local authorities who have something of importance to say.
i want him to get in front of the cameras and say people, my people, my people facing a hurricane, you all will be facing a hurricane which is going to come in shore, along shore, or possibly miss the shore, than theres going to be snow, wind, rain and damage. that is all. im obama and i approve this message.
There's nothing that poc has to say that I'm interested in hearing other than bye come January.
Stupid fucks build there houses on telephone poles on the beach , and we are suppose to give a shit if it blows down ?
Just hear it on CNN

Hurrican Sandy will be the focus...Republican or Democrat or Independent...we all should listen.

the democrat way lets tell everyone what to do.

ok... you want to play...

you mean as opposed to the republican way where you leave thousands of people locked in a stadium so they can die?

or where you let a city drown?

which do you prefer?
The governments of the City of New Orleans and the State of Louisiana screwed the people down there. It wasn't Bush's place to rush in and take over the response without being asked to do so by the Governor of the state.

You are such a gullible twit!
Just hear it on CNN

Hurrican Sandy will be the focus...Republican or Democrat or Independent...we all should listen.

the democrat way lets tell everyone what to do.

ok... you want to play...

you mean as opposed to the republican way where you leave thousands of people locked in a stadium so they can die?

or where you let a city drown?

which do you prefer?

Democrat mayor and a democrat governor during Katrina, and no National Guard. I don't want to politicize this, but......just sayin
Odd, he never speaks when they come to Texas.
They don't come to Texas at the right time for him to has to be at a time when he can take emphasis away from one of his despicable failures (Benghazi..letting Americans be slaughtered by radical Muslims at our own fucking embassy) The storm is a blessing from Nature that helps him glaze over the LIES told by Hillary, Panetta and Jarrett about the attack being caused by an offensive video tape.

Obama is more and more each day a goddamned joke of a President!
Stupid fucks build there houses on telephone poles on the beach , and we are suppose to give a shit if it blows down ?

They don't decide to build homes on telephone poles. They MUST because that's the building code. It's so a storm surge won't take the house away but flow under it.
Stupid fucks build there houses on telephone poles on the beach , and we are suppose to give a shit if it blows down ?

They don't decide to build homes on telephone poles. They MUST because that's the building code. It's so a storm surge won't take the house away but flow under it.

Lol, I think his point was if you're dumb enough to build a house on the beach, why the hell should you be surprised when it washes away.
I remember when a huge storm hit So. Ca. and the surge flooded and washed away the foundations to several beach homes, that one of the residence told the media that, "he thought he and Neptune had a pact." :rolleyes:
lol @ Jillian

She should never post again after the beatdown she has received in this thread.


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liarintheWH should be ignored at all costsliarintheWH should be ignored at all costsliarintheWH should be ignored at all costsliarintheWH should be ignored at all costsliarintheWH should be ignored at all costsliarintheWH should be ignored at all costsliarintheWH should be ignored at all costsliarintheWH should be ignored at all costs
Stupid fucks build there houses on telephone poles on the beach , and we are suppose to give a shit if it blows down ?

They don't decide to build homes on telephone poles. They MUST because that's the building code. It's so a storm surge won't take the house away but flow under it.

Lol, I think his point was if you're dumb enough to build a house on the beach, why the hell should you be surprised when it washes away.

It's a gamble. After all there has never been a storm like Sandy before. Some of those homes have been there 50 years.
I guess hatred and anger make people say and do some pretty sick things. I am sorry for you who need to politicize the lives and well being on millions of people...
I guess hatred and anger make people say and do some pretty sick things. I am sorry for you who need to politicize the lives and well being on millions of people...

drama much?

I'm sitting here all cozy with the wind swirling and the rain coming down in sheets.

big deal. Most, if not everyone that has taken precautions will survive.

Might have a whiskey sour later while sitting in the jazuzzi looking out the window

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