The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

That isnt promoting the general welfare. That is promoting the welfare of specific people at the expense of other people.
Another fail. Then again, you're crazy.

No law affects each person equally. Typically any law you pass helps one person at the expense of another

Yeah. Laws against stealing affect thieves more than they affect honest people.

it crack me up when morons like bripat goes on about Welfare ... if he took the time to look it up he would know you can only be on welfare for 2 years ... second it has dropped in numbers since Clinton passed the law change back in the 1990's ... third: it is only .11% of the national budget... in other word I guess stealing a dime is unbelievably dishonest ...
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If this were a GOP administration, not only would the average lib be constantly blaming the president for the unemployment #'s, but they would be joined by a constant drumbeat from the mainstream media.
If this were a GOP administration, not only would the average lib be constantly blaming the president for the unemployment #'s, but they would be joined by a constant drumbeat from the mainstream media.

lets look at a recent statement about unemployment by Chris Christie ... he was telling new Jersey citizens that since he's been governor unemployment has dropped to 7.8% ... he was bragging about these numbers to the press and they all wrote about it on how a great job he's doing ... yet Obama has brought down the unemployment numbers to 6.7 % and all along the way where he did his best, with no help from the right, not one of you righties here or in the country, has said he did a good job where everybody in Jersey are happy as hell over Christies numbers ... why's that???
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welfare is a non-issue when it comes to a government expense

You really are that stupid, aren't you?

the real question on whose stupid or not, is what do you know ??? or on how much the tax payer spends on welfare ... by your ignorant statement here it says you're a typical repub-lie-tard, who hasn't a clue in what it cost you as a tax payer .. its obvious you don't know other wise you would have appear so stupid here .11 percent of the national budget goes to welfare
The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?
That war put everybody back to work. It was the GREAT DEPRESSION before the war, caused by the republicans, that had the high unemployment. Like the economic collapse of 2007....caused by the republicans, again....That's why they were thrown out of power....again.
welfare is a non-issue when it comes to a government expense

You really are that stupid, aren't you?

the real question on whose stupid or not, is what do you know ??? or on how much the tax payer spends on welfare ... by your ignorant statement here it says you're a typical repub-lie-tard, who hasn't a clue in what it cost you as a tax payer .. its obvious you don't know other wise you would have appear so stupid here .11 percent of the national budget goes to welfare
Depends on how you define welfare. ABout 40% of the budget goes to transfer payments.
But even one dime to someone who doesnt deserve it is too much. Someone like you for example.
The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?
That war put everybody back to work. It was the GREAT DEPRESSION before the war, caused by the republicans, that had the high unemployment. Like the economic collapse of 2007....caused by the republicans, again....That's why they were thrown out of power....again.

Your knowledge of history comes from reading comic books, doesn't it?
welfare is a non-issue when it comes to a government expense

You really are that stupid, aren't you?

See, welfare is actually a stimulus to the economy because all that money gets spent, right? So it's like free money to the government.
Really some people actually believe that shit.

its not free money ...but it does stimulate the economy more they it cost the tax payer to pay for it ... food, rent, clothing, and so on where ever they spend it, it creates a stimulus in the economy... this has been proven time and time again ...but you righties just are stuck on the thought of doing nothing and getting money ... according to the welfare laws you have 2 year to get job train which they will help you get trained ... if you refuse the job training, you will be off the welfare rolls in 2 years that's the law created by Bill Clinton, a liberal ...
The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?
That war put everybody back to work. It was the GREAT DEPRESSION before the war, caused by the republicans, that had the high unemployment. Like the economic collapse of 2007....caused by the republicans, again....That's why they were thrown out of power....again.

Your knowledge of history comes from reading comic books, doesn't it?

well its Apparent he knows where it came from where you don't ... :lol::lol::lol:
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You really are that stupid, aren't you?

See, welfare is actually a stimulus to the economy because all that money gets spent, right? So it's like free money to the government.
Really some people actually believe that shit.

its not free money ...but it does stimulate the economy more they it cost the tax payer to pay for it ... food, rent, clothing, and so on where ever they spend it, it creates a stimulus in the economy... this has been proven time and time again ...but you righties just are stuck on the thought of doing nothing and getting money ... according to the welfare laws you have 2 year to get job train which they will help you get trained ... if you refuse the job training, you will be off the welfare rolls in 2 years that's the law created by Bill Clinton, a liberal ...

See, it's "free money" because it delivers more than it costs. The whole country should just go on welfare and we'll all be RICH!
Clinton was a centrist and stole welfare reform from the GOP, just like NAFTA.
You're a 'tard.
You really are that stupid, aren't you?

the real question on whose stupid or not, is what do you know ??? or on how much the tax payer spends on welfare ... by your ignorant statement here it says you're a typical repub-lie-tard, who hasn't a clue in what it cost you as a tax payer .. its obvious you don't know other wise you would have appear so stupid here .11 percent of the national budget goes to welfare
Depends on how you define welfare. ABout 40% of the budget goes to transfer payments.
But even one dime to someone who doesnt deserve it is too much. Someone like you for example.

welfare is only .11% of the nation budget ever you want to spin, it's your choice ...but facts are facts and that's one thing you can't change ... who are you who determines who get welfare or not ... you're a nobody ... you haven't any say in the matter if I go on welfare or not ... if they accept me if I qualify to go on welfare then I get to go on welfare, where still you haven't any say in that matter ... as for me being on welfare, I haven't ever been on welfare or any government assistance program ... but if I "choose" ( a word your repubbies hate) to sign up for one that's my choice and you still haven't any say in that matter... you don't get to choose who gets to be on welfare, deal with it ... I'm not talking about transfer payments I'm talking about welfare ... stop putting in shit that doesn't belong their ...
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See, welfare is actually a stimulus to the economy because all that money gets spent, right? So it's like free money to the government.
Really some people actually believe that shit.

its not free money ...but it does stimulate the economy more they it cost the tax payer to pay for it ... food, rent, clothing, and so on where ever they spend it, it creates a stimulus in the economy... this has been proven time and time again ...but you righties just are stuck on the thought of doing nothing and getting money ... according to the welfare laws you have 2 year to get job train which they will help you get trained ... if you refuse the job training, you will be off the welfare rolls in 2 years that's the law created by Bill Clinton, a liberal ...

See, it's "free money" because it delivers more than it costs. The whole country should just go on welfare and we'll all be RICH!
Clinton was a centrist and stole welfare reform from the GOP, just like NAFTA.
You're a 'tard.

Im not going to waste my time on you any more... you're just another ignorant repub-lie-tard ... a waste of time ..go educate yourself :lol::lol::lol:
If this were a GOP administration, not only would the average lib be constantly blaming the president for the unemployment #'s, but they would be joined by a constant drumbeat from the mainstream media.

lets look at a recent statement about unemployment by Chris Christie ... he was telling new Jersey citizens that since he's been governor unemployment has dropped to 7.8% ... he was bragging about these numbers to the press and they all wrote about it on how a great job he's doing ... yet Obama has brought down the unemployment numbers to 6.7 % and all along the way where he did his best, with no help from the right, not one of you righties here or in the country, has said he did a good job where everybody in Jersey are happy as hell over Christies numbers ... why's that???

I see you repub-lie-tards haven't any answer ...
See, welfare is actually a stimulus to the economy because all that money gets spent, right? So it's like free money to the government.
Really some people actually believe that shit.

its not free money ...but it does stimulate the economy more they it cost the tax payer to pay for it ... food, rent, clothing, and so on where ever they spend it, it creates a stimulus in the economy... this has been proven time and time again ...but you righties just are stuck on the thought of doing nothing and getting money ... according to the welfare laws you have 2 year to get job train which they will help you get trained ... if you refuse the job training, you will be off the welfare rolls in 2 years that's the law created by Bill Clinton, a liberal ...

See, it's "free money" because it delivers more than it costs. The whole country should just go on welfare and we'll all be RICH!
Clinton was a centrist and stole welfare reform from the GOP, just like NAFTA.
You're a 'tard.
NAFTA was Raygun's baby, just like GATT. Clinton just signed it into law given to him by a con congress. You should except REAL history instead of trying to re write it. Your "comic book history" just makes you look like a moron. Funny how morons don't see themselves as such, they just call others 'tards, because sandbox banter is the best they have.
nothing lie creative lying and I guess you have failed again When FDR came to office unemployment was at 24.9% ... FDR in 1937 still had an unemployment rate of 13.2% in 1937 which actually rose to 19.8% a year later. the rise was caused once again by dems listening to republicans ... FDR then reversed his position and unemployment went down before WW2 ... at the start of the war it was 14%... so nice try in spinning your lie here ... on and by the way the crash was caused by republicans deregulating the banks ... sound Filmillure ??? ...

unemployment is at 6.7% right now

Notice that he said "SINCE WW II."

Apparently you are illiterate.
I realize your historical Knowledge is limited ... but we all knew that... according to historical information WW2 started in 1939 ... I realize you don't seem to be well educated and the war did start in the beginnings of 1939 ... as my post stated in 1939 it was at 14%, as I'm pointed out to you, the real illiterate one here is you, that WW2 started in 1939 ... I realize the united states entered in 1941, but hey the guy did say SINCE WW2 ... he didn't say SINCE the United states came into the war, he clearly said SINCE WW II. ... so if you want to name call, I guess you dumb fucked www2 started in 1939 ... :fu::lol:
do you ever get tired of fucking your self over time and time again????

still waiting for you brilliant remake here ... cat got your fingers???
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its not free money ...but it does stimulate the economy more they it cost the tax payer to pay for it ... food, rent, clothing, and so on where ever they spend it, it creates a stimulus in the economy... this has been proven time and time again ...but you righties just are stuck on the thought of doing nothing and getting money ... according to the welfare laws you have 2 year to get job train which they will help you get trained ... if you refuse the job training, you will be off the welfare rolls in 2 years that's the law created by Bill Clinton, a liberal ...

See, it's "free money" because it delivers more than it costs. The whole country should just go on welfare and we'll all be RICH!
Clinton was a centrist and stole welfare reform from the GOP, just like NAFTA.
You're a 'tard.
NAFTA was Raygun's baby, just like GATT. Clinton just signed it into law given to him by a con congress. You should except REAL history instead of trying to re write it. Your "comic book history" just makes you look like a moron. Funny how morons don't see themselves as such, they just call others 'tards, because sandbox banter is the best they have.

ribbie never looks up anything ... he goes to his handler ... his asked his handlers please sir tell me what to say... handler says tell them its freebies and nobody benefits ... ribbie does what he's told cause he's a good little Rabbibott for his handlers ...
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