The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

/——-/ Two choices - employees lose their jobs when a business fails/ or has a chance to keep their jobs when the company emerges from bankruptcy. Your choice Mr Compassionate.
You don’t get it. We had an employer based HC system. Our govt while under a massive debt from wars and tax cuts had to also pay unemployment benefits and HC cost. Who can give any businesses start up loans….answer, no one.
Who had to bail out the banks ?
Was that all due to a few bad decisions by a few small businesses ? No stupid.
You don’t get it. We had an employer based HC system. Our govt while under a massive debt from wars and tax cuts had to also pay unemployment benefits and HC cost. Who can give any businesses start up loans….answer, no one.
Who had to bail out the banks ?
Was that all due to a few bad decisions by a few small businesses ? No stupid.
/——/ You’re flailing aimlessly. The original topic is how businesses use bankruptcy to salvage what they can and survive. Your stupid attitude is that bankruptcy automatically means they are shut down. Once again YOU’RE WRONG WRONG WRONG.
Real wage growth is declining in speed not actual falling real wages.

Inflation is a world wide phenomenon, caused by Covid, supply chain dislocations, and people staying hoem.

The US has the lowest inflation rate in the world.

Real wage growth is declining in speed not actual falling real wages.

How prevalent is this situation and how much is the shortfall? We find that a majority of employed workers’ real (inflation-adjusted) wages have failed to keep up with inflation in the past year. For these workers, the median decline in real wages is a little more than 8.5 percent. Taken together, these outcomes appear to be the most severe faced by employed workers over the past 25 years.

The US has the lowest inflation rate in the world.

That's hilarious! You should write for late night.
/——/ You’re flailing aimlessly. The original topic is how businesses use bankruptcy to salvage what they can and survive. Your stupid attitude is that bankruptcy automatically means they are shut down. Once again YOU’RE WRONG WRONG WRONG.
No it was not. You claimed recessions were normal and natural. They aren’t. They are abnormal and unnecessary.
you claim bankruptcies are normal for poorly run businesses My claim is even well run businesses suffer them during severe recessions. You don’t know shit and you are changing the subject. IT WAS ABOUT RECESSIONS.
No it was not. You claimed recessions were normal and natural. They aren’t. They are abnormal and unnecessary.
you claim bankruptcies are normal for poorly run businesses My claim is even well run businesses suffer them during severe recessions. You don’t know shit and you are changing the subject. IT WAS ABOUT RECESSIONS.
/——-/ #5441. It was you who brought up bankruptcies. I just responded.
“Deadwood ? Bankruptcies are a good to you…?? “
We have had very few recessions ( one);when democrats are in control of the admin. It’s not rocket science. You simply stop letting the big business lobbies write the President’s budget proposals. Huge tax cuts and/ or massive deregulations, then get out if the way is the agenda for recessions.
FALSE! There have been multiple recessions under both Obama and Biden.
Trump was responsible for mismanaging the covid economy, whereas Biden (as most Americans know) is doing a good job in getting us back on an even keel.

That consumer spending remains high with the great number of jobs being created with wage increases slowing is good news.
Totally FALSE! and laughable. Trump RESTORED the US economy with not only a great comeback from the Democrat created and maintained covid economy, he posted the highest GDP growth in US history (35.3%), followed by a very good last quarter of 2020 (3.9).

This momentum carried over to the first quarters of Biden's administration, which eventually gave way to Biden's horrible policies and economic collapse. Here's the latest reports of Biden's GDPs (a recession) >>

Yes, Biden's falling real wages make me mad.
Combined with his skyrocketing PRICES
I don't know, what? It is the 13.2 million jobs added? How about the 3.1% annualized real GDP growth?
talking about GDP growth, Biden is the embodiement of DISASTER. In his first year, he benefitted from Trump's excellent last 2 quarters, and shutdowns ending and people going back to work (which he and you laughably call "jobs added")

Since then, after the smoke cleared, and Biden no longer reaped the benefits of Trump overlap + post pandemic, Biden, on his own, last 5 quarters, since Jan 2022 has been a dismal FAILURE,

First 2 quarters, were below zero, followed by an improvement to 3.2%, only to collapse into recession, with 2 successive quarters of falling GDPs. Here's the ugly picture in graphic color >>

So you credit Bill Clinton with the 4% UE he left for GW Bush?

I think your first post was to the point and totally correct.

We seem to enjoy glorifying or demeaning presidents on the basis of the economic situation under their terms.

While they can influence the economy, it seems silly to think something that complex (the economy) can be reduced to a single variable (who is in the white house).
The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Barrack Obama: 8.86%

Average Unemployment Rates For US Presidents since World War II:

01. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
02. Harry Truman: 4.26%
03. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
04. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
05. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
06. George W. Bush: 5.27%
07. John Kennedy: 5.98%
08. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
09. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
10. Ronald Reagan: 7.54%
11. Gerald Ford: 7.77%
12. Barack Obama: 8.86%
That was when Wall Street had crashed and the banks were bailed out. Dubys Bush's Ownership Society dream had come tumbling down. Obama had to clean up that mess. I have to admit that I had great hopes for Obama but as soon as he bailed out the guys who brought the whole economy down, my crush on him was over. Nobody went to jail. Not one stinking banker or hedge funder. They didn't even take a hit.

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