The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

lt sounds like the election of a president is the primary factor that determines the employment rate.
If that is true then we only have to elect the right president and bingo we have full employment.
But I wonder if there is more to America's employment rate, I mean the president can't pass laws so how does his election change the employment rate?
Is there a book that explains how the election of a president determines the employment rate?
Have economists figured out why employment varies so much?
Does the employment rate change as soon as a president is elected?
Are there factors that determine the employment rate other than the election of a president?
How many economic factors determine an employment rate?
Does each of those multiple employment factors have to be in the same proportion to have a good or bad effect on employment?

Whatever the factors are, there's no denying that employment does better under Democrat presidents than Republicans...

Here's a list of the presidents, along with the amount of increase/decrease, of the unemployment rate after 64 months in office...

Clinton -3.1 -42%
Johnson -2.3 -40%
Obama -1.5 -19%
Kennedy** -0.9 -14%

Reagan -0.4 -5%
Carter*** 0.0%
Bush +0.5 +12%
Nixon +1.7 +50%
GHW Bush*** +1.9 +35%
Ford* +2.0 +36%
Eisenhower +4.5 +155%

* = in office 29 months

** = in office 34 months

*** = in office 48 months

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Simply comparing the first month of administration with its last month is misleading. It misses 99% of the data which tell a different story over the course of the administration. You could have multiple rises and falls which are never seen with such data. That is why the only accurate way to assess the unemployment rate during this periods of time is to look at the average, which uses all of the DATA. We don't judge students by simply their first month in school and their last month. Students get judged by their GPA which averages all their grades over the course of the year or time in school. For unemployment, its also the only accurate way to judge how good or bad things were during a Presidents entire time in office.
lt sounds like the election of a president is the primary factor that determines the employment rate.
If that is true then we only have to elect the right president and bingo we have full employment.
But I wonder if there is more to America's employment rate, I mean the president can't pass laws so how does his election change the employment rate?
Is there a book that explains how the election of a president determines the employment rate?
Have economists figured out why employment varies so much?
Does the employment rate change as soon as a president is elected?
Are there factors that determine the employment rate other than the election of a president?
How many economic factors determine an employment rate?
Does each of those multiple employment factors have to be in the same proportion to have a good or bad effect on employment?

Whatever the factors are, there's no denying that employment does better under Democrat presidents than Republicans...

Here's a list of the presidents, along with the amount of increase/decrease, of the unemployment rate after 64 months in office...

Clinton -3.1 -42%
Johnson -2.3 -40%
Obama -1.5 -19%
Kennedy** -0.9 -14%

Reagan -0.4 -5%
Carter*** 0.0%
Bush +0.5 +12%
Nixon +1.7 +50%
GHW Bush*** +1.9 +35%
Ford* +2.0 +36%
Eisenhower +4.5 +155%

* = in office 29 months

** = in office 34 months

*** = in office 48 months

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Simply comparing the first month of administration with its last month is misleading. It misses 99% of the data which tell a different story over the course of the administration. You could have multiple rises and falls which are never seen with such data. That is why the only accurate way to assess the unemployment rate during this periods of time is to look at the average, which uses all of the DATA. We don't judge students by simply their first month in school and their last month. Students get judged by their GPA which averages all their grades over the course of the year or time in school. For unemployment, its also the only accurate way to judge how good or bad things were during a Presidents entire time in office.

It's less misleading than averaging out the numbers, which assign blame for the recession numbers to Obama and conceal the fact that unemployment nearly doubled under Bush.

Still Reagan is the only Republican president to lower unemployment at this point (an barely at that); by contrast, there hasn't been a Democrat president who's increased unemployment. Clearly, employment does better when the president is a Democrat.
Yeah, we're all doing so gosh darned good under Barry! The "real unemployment" numbers are historically awful and have been for YEARS! We've spent trillions on stimulus which our kids and grandkids are going to get stuck paying off and the economy is still limping along with growth rates so anemic that this White House throws a party if it gets near 2%. After six years of Barack Obama, housing prices are still depressed...the cost of gas and groceries continues to rise...and the average American's pay is the same as it was twenty years ago.

The only people who have prospered under these idiots are the very folks that you liberals are always complaining about...the top 5% has made a killing in the stock market with 0 interest money given to them by one round of quantitative easing after another.

That's how incompetent these clowns ARE in this Administration. They fuck over the people they're trying to help while the people they're trying hurt have Christmas every damn day! You couldn't make this shit up...I swear!
Up until Obama The President of the United States was accountable for many things....

Obama is not it seems....

So George W Bush is not accountable for the economic crisis that was in place at the end of his term?

Is Obama accountable for the booming stock market?

What about the record year we had in the US automobile industry last year?

If the stock market had crashed or the automobile industry bombed, then right wing idiots would surely hold Obama accountable. Does it work both ways?
lt sounds like the election of a president is the primary factor that determines the employment rate.
If that is true then we only have to elect the right president and bingo we have full employment.
But I wonder if there is more to America's employment rate, I mean the president can't pass laws so how does his election change the employment rate?
Is there a book that explains how the election of a president determines the employment rate?
Have economists figured out why employment varies so much?
Does the employment rate change as soon as a president is elected?
Are there factors that determine the employment rate other than the election of a president?
How many economic factors determine an employment rate?
Does each of those multiple employment factors have to be in the same proportion to have a good or bad effect on employment?

Whatever the factors are, there's no denying that employment does better under Democrat presidents than Republicans...

Here's a list of the presidents, along with the amount of increase/decrease, of the unemployment rate after 64 months in office...

Clinton -3.1 -42%
Johnson -2.3 -40%
Obama -1.5 -19%
Kennedy** -0.9 -14%

Reagan -0.4 -5%
Carter*** 0.0%
Bush +0.5 +12%
Nixon +1.7 +50%
GHW Bush*** +1.9 +35%
Ford* +2.0 +36%
Eisenhower +4.5 +155%

* = in office 29 months

** = in office 34 months

*** = in office 48 months

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Simply comparing the first month of administration with its last month is misleading. It misses 99% of the data which tell a different story over the course of the administration. You could have multiple rises and falls which are never seen with such data. That is why the only accurate way to assess the unemployment rate during this periods of time is to look at the average, which uses all of the DATA. We don't judge students by simply their first month in school and their last month. Students get judged by their GPA which averages all their grades over the course of the year or time in school. For unemployment, its also the only accurate way to judge how good or bad things were during a Presidents entire time in office.

Only a pure ignorant moron would think that a president could come in office and during his first three months have much, if any, impact on unemployment numbers. If it is going to be simplified down to the right wing ignorant way of thinking, then Obama should be judged based on what was going on when he came in office. George W Bush will have to be accountable for the economic collapse he presided over. It can't work both ways. There is little question that the economy is doing better now than when George W Bush left office.
Yeah, we're all doing so gosh darned good under Barry! The "real unemployment" numbers are historically awful and have been for YEARS! We've spent trillions on stimulus which our kids and grandkids are going to get stuck paying off and the economy is still limping along with growth rates so anemic that this White House throws a party if it gets near 2%. After six years of Barack Obama, housing prices are still depressed...the cost of gas and groceries continues to rise...and the average American's pay is the same as it was twenty years ago.

The only people who have prospered under these idiots are the very folks that you liberals are always complaining about...the top 5% has made a killing in the stock market with 0 interest money given to them by one round of quantitative easing after another.

That's how incompetent these clowns ARE in this Administration. They fuck over the people they're trying to help while the people they're trying hurt have Christmas every damn day! You couldn't make this shit up...I swear!

Right wing extremist continue to root for America to fail.
The Economy and Jobs sucks!!!!!

What is growing in the USA, hell, what are the industries? Lets say world wide.

Or what should we be importing, should we be importing garlic from China? Does this cost us jobs, make us stronger or weaker?

What about components for Nuclear Reactors, do we have this manufacturing capability? Do we replace these parts? What would this industry be called?

Computers? are they made here? should they be?

What about Levi Jeans? Are they made in Egypt or the USA?

I say quit talking about statistics and numbers that have no basis in reality.

How about Kool Aid, that was made in the USA, is it today? Or what about toothpaste? Where is that made?

Things made in the the USA should be tax exempt, tax the imports.
The monthly unemployment rate for April 2014 was 6.3%. This is Obama's 64th month of office. This drops the average unemployment rate for the time he has been in office slightly, from the average 8.56% in March 2014 at 63 months to the average 8.52% in April 2014 at 64 months.

Here is the new standings for the Presidents with Obama's revised numbers:

The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Barrack Obama: 8.52%

Average Unemployment Rates For US Presidents since World War II:

01. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
02. Harry Truman: 4.26%
03. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
04. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
05. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
06. George W. Bush: 5.27%
07. John Kennedy: 5.98%
08. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
09. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
10. Ronald Reagan: 7.54%
11. Gerald Ford: 7.77%
12. Barack Obama: 8.52%

How many Presidents were able to drop the unemployment rate 4% during their presidency?

FDR did. And his policies produced the Great Depression.
Wanna try again, Ace?

We were already in the depth of the Depression when FDR took office

It was Republican policies that drove us into the Depression
The monthly unemployment rate for April 2014 was 6.3%. This is Obama's 64th month of office. This drops the average unemployment rate for the time he has been in office slightly, from the average 8.56% in March 2014 at 63 months to the average 8.52% in April 2014 at 64 months.

Here is the new standings for the Presidents with Obama's revised numbers:

The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Barrack Obama: 8.52%

Average Unemployment Rates For US Presidents since World War II:

01. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
02. Harry Truman: 4.26%
03. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
04. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
05. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
06. George W. Bush: 5.27%
07. John Kennedy: 5.98%
08. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
09. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
10. Ronald Reagan: 7.54%
11. Gerald Ford: 7.77%
12. Barack Obama: 8.52%

How many Presidents were able to drop the unemployment rate 4% during their presidency?

Lol ! Are you sure you wanna go with that ?

Who wouldn't?

We gage a president on what they were given and what they did once they took office. Dropping unemployment 4% is outstanding
How many Presidents were able to drop the unemployment rate 4% during their presidency?

FDR did. And his policies produced the Great Depression.
Wanna try again, Ace?

We were already in the depth of the Depression when FDR took office

It was Republican policies that drove us into the Depression

No, it was progressive policies. Hoover was a progressive. His policies were continued by FDR on steroids.
Really it's tough to argue with people who know so little they have to be educated in every post. And they still dont learn.
FDR did. And his policies produced the Great Depression.
Wanna try again, Ace?

We were already in the depth of the Depression when FDR took office

It was Republican policies that drove us into the Depression

No, it was progressive policies. Hoover was a progressive. His policies were continued by FDR on steroids.
Really it's tough to argue with people who know so little they have to be educated in every post. And they still dont learn.

Wrong again ol' Rabbi

Hoover was only in office ten months when the Market Collapsed. It was years of market deregulation and unchecked speculation that caused the crash. Hoovers greatest fault was listeneng to his conservative advisors and waiting for the market to self correct

"Prosperity is just around the corner"
it's hilarious the way the Left celebrates failure and rabidly defends obama's record of failure!

Yeah, we're all doing so gosh darned good under Barry! The "real unemployment" numbers are historically awful and have been for YEARS! We've spent trillions on stimulus which our kids and grandkids are going to get stuck paying off and the economy is still limping along with growth rates so anemic that this White House throws a party if it gets near 2%. After six years of Barack Obama, housing prices are still depressed...the cost of gas and groceries continues to rise...and the average American's pay is the same as it was twenty years ago.

The only people who have prospered under these idiots are the very folks that you liberals are always complaining about...the top 5% has made a killing in the stock market with 0 interest money given to them by one round of quantitative easing after another.

That's how incompetent these clowns ARE in this Administration. They fuck over the people they're trying to help while the people they're trying hurt have Christmas every damn day! You couldn't make this shit up...I swear!

Right wing extremist continue to root for America to fail.

No...left wing ideologues like you refuse to admit that the guy they elected with zero executive experience doesn't have a clue what to do with the economy and hasn't had a plan to fix it since his first stimulus failed miserably FIVE YEARS AGO!!! I want America to succeed. How does pointing out how awful Barack Obama's Administration has been on the economy and job creation "rooting for America to fail"?
We were already in the depth of the Depression when FDR took office

It was Republican policies that drove us into the Depression

No, it was progressive policies. Hoover was a progressive. His policies were continued by FDR on steroids.
Really it's tough to argue with people who know so little they have to be educated in every post. And they still dont learn.

Wrong again ol' Rabbi

Hoover was only in office ten months when the Market Collapsed. It was years of market deregulation and unchecked speculation that caused the crash. Hoovers greatest fault was listeneng to his conservative advisors and waiting for the market to self correct

"Prosperity is just around the corner"
Your ignorance is so overwhelming it would take a book to correct it.
No, it was progressive policies. Hoover was a progressive. His policies were continued by FDR on steroids.
Really it's tough to argue with people who know so little they have to be educated in every post. And they still dont learn.

Wrong again ol' Rabbi

Hoover was only in office ten months when the Market Collapsed. It was years of market deregulation and unchecked speculation that caused the crash. Hoovers greatest fault was listeneng to his conservative advisors and waiting for the market to self correct

"Prosperity is just around the corner"
Your ignorance is so overwhelming it would take a book to correct it.


Good comeback Rabbi. What I usually anticipate from you when you are getting your ass handed to you

Why don't you cut and paste some rightwing revisionist history for me?
Wrong again ol' Rabbi

Hoover was only in office ten months when the Market Collapsed. It was years of market deregulation and unchecked speculation that caused the crash. Hoovers greatest fault was listeneng to his conservative advisors and waiting for the market to self correct

"Prosperity is just around the corner"
Your ignorance is so overwhelming it would take a book to correct it.


Good comeback Rabbi. What I usually anticipate from you when you are getting your ass handed to you

Why don't you cut and paste some rightwing revisionist history for me?
It would be a waste. Because in addition to having the knowledge base of a gnat you have the intellectual ability of a chocolate bar. I see this because you post the same crap over and over, long after someone has provided proof it isn't true.
Whatever the factors are, there's no denying that employment does better under Democrat presidents than Republicans...

Here's a list of the presidents, along with the amount of increase/decrease, of the unemployment rate after 64 months in office...

Clinton -3.1 -42%
Johnson -2.3 -40%
Obama -1.5 -19%
Kennedy** -0.9 -14%

Reagan -0.4 -5%
Carter*** 0.0%
Bush +0.5 +12%
Nixon +1.7 +50%
GHW Bush*** +1.9 +35%
Ford* +2.0 +36%
Eisenhower +4.5 +155%

* = in office 29 months

** = in office 34 months

*** = in office 48 months

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Simply comparing the first month of administration with its last month is misleading. It misses 99% of the data which tell a different story over the course of the administration. You could have multiple rises and falls which are never seen with such data. That is why the only accurate way to assess the unemployment rate during this periods of time is to look at the average, which uses all of the DATA. We don't judge students by simply their first month in school and their last month. Students get judged by their GPA which averages all their grades over the course of the year or time in school. For unemployment, its also the only accurate way to judge how good or bad things were during a Presidents entire time in office.

It's less misleading than averaging out the numbers, which assign blame for the recession numbers to Obama and conceal the fact that unemployment nearly doubled under Bush.

Still Reagan is the only Republican president to lower unemployment at this point (an barely at that); by contrast, there hasn't been a Democrat president who's increased unemployment. Clearly, employment does better when the president is a Democrat.

That's 100% false, as unemployment did rise under President Carter, but because you only look at the first month and the last month of a Presidents time in office, you have no idea that happened.

When George Bush came into office, the unemployment rate was on the rise and continued to rise. This rise was stopped and the unemployment rate was lowered and then remained low, at historical lows for years on end. In February of 2008, Bush's last year in office, the unemployment rate was still BELOW 5%. But you don't get to see these things when you narrowly look at simply the first month and last month of Presidents time in office.

How would you like your school record or job record to be based only on the first month and last month you were in those positions? How about your relationships with other people? Perhaps as long as sports team wins their last game they deserve to go to the playoffs instead of a team that won all of its games except for the last one.

For nearly all of George W. Bush's term, the unemployment rate was below 6%. IN FACT, THE PRESIDENTIAL ADMINSTRATION THAT LOGGED THE MOST MONTHS OF AN UNEMPLOYMENT RATE BELOW 6% IN AMERICAN HISTORY WAS THE ADMINISTRATION OF GEORGE W BUSH. That's right, most months of an unemployment rate below 6%, once consider the natural rate of unemployment by economist, during a Presidential administration, belongs to George Bush.

You can't look at the last months of the George Bush Administration and decide that those conditions were what conditions were like through all 96 months of the administration. That is grossly inaccurate. The average man on the street could get a job while Bush was in the oval office. He has had a much harder time while Obama has been sittiing, there harder than under any President since World War II. That's a FACT that will not change no matter who you try and pin blame for the unemployment rate on.
Whatever the factors are, there's no denying that employment does better under Democrat presidents than Republicans...

Here's a list of the presidents, along with the amount of increase/decrease, of the unemployment rate after 64 months in office...

Clinton -3.1 -42%
Johnson -2.3 -40%
Obama -1.5 -19%
Kennedy** -0.9 -14%

Reagan -0.4 -5%
Carter*** 0.0%
Bush +0.5 +12%
Nixon +1.7 +50%
GHW Bush*** +1.9 +35%
Ford* +2.0 +36%
Eisenhower +4.5 +155%

* = in office 29 months

** = in office 34 months

*** = in office 48 months

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

Simply comparing the first month of administration with its last month is misleading. It misses 99% of the data which tell a different story over the course of the administration. You could have multiple rises and falls which are never seen with such data. That is why the only accurate way to assess the unemployment rate during this periods of time is to look at the average, which uses all of the DATA. We don't judge students by simply their first month in school and their last month. Students get judged by their GPA which averages all their grades over the course of the year or time in school. For unemployment, its also the only accurate way to judge how good or bad things were during a Presidents entire time in office.

Only a pure ignorant moron would think that a president could come in office and during his first three months have much, if any, impact on unemployment numbers. If it is going to be simplified down to the right wing ignorant way of thinking, then Obama should be judged based on what was going on when he came in office. George W Bush will have to be accountable for the economic collapse he presided over. It can't work both ways. There is little question that the economy is doing better now than when George W Bush left office.

1 Were not comparing just a few months of one administration to another.

2. This thread uses ALL THE DATA provided by the office of labor Statistics on the monthly unemployment rate. In order to compare each President since World War II's time in office, the monthly rates are added up and divided by the number of months for each President. Nothing here is slanted in favor of any President or Party. This is RAW data from the labor statistics office. Every month available is used, nothing is left out!
Your ignorance is so overwhelming it would take a book to correct it.


Good comeback Rabbi. What I usually anticipate from you when you are getting your ass handed to you

Why don't you cut and paste some rightwing revisionist history for me?
It would be a waste. Because in addition to having the knowledge base of a gnat you have the intellectual ability of a chocolate bar. I see this because you post the same crap over and over, long after someone has provided proof it isn't true.

Wow....double down on YOU ARE STOOPID!

What usually happens when you have lost an argument. Guess it worked in second grade didn't it?

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