The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Lying again aren't you Rabbi?

Why does your bogus chart show the Obama administration starting in mid 2008 during the worst of the Bush depression?

FACT: Bush's last full month in office saw a labor force participation rate of 65.8%. April 2014 labor force participation rate was 62.8%! That's a full 3 point drop in just roughly 5 years. It is the largest and fastest labor force participation rate drop EVER!

Well, you better get used to it until the boomers get done retiring. It is going to get worse before it gets better

But Republicans have a plan. They will stymie the economy so Boomers can't afford to retire
Deflecting from the fact you've been caught lying? How typical.
Labor force participation is on a downward trend for the next 20 years...get used to it

What you are failing to mention is how hard it is to boost employment numbers while you are simultaneously slashing government employment and government spending

Ah...didn't the Obama Stimulus increase government employment and spending only to have unemployment go up substantially?

In reality, unemployment started to drop shortly after the stimulus passed and hasn't looked back since

In what "alternative universe" did that take place in, Winger? I know it didn't happen in THIS one! When the Obama Stimulus was approved unemployment stood at 7.8%. By the end of six months it had shot all the way up to 10%. It didn't come back to 7.8% until September of 2012 almost three YEARS after the stimulus was passed. Do you really not know this stuff? Damn, gotta stop watching MSNBC!!!
Ah...didn't the Obama Stimulus increase government employment and spending only to have unemployment go up substantially?

In reality, unemployment started to drop shortly after the stimulus passed and hasn't looked back since

In what "alternative universe" did that take place in, Winger? I know it didn't happen in THIS one! When the Obama Stimulus was approved unemployment stood at 7.8%. By the end of six months it had shot all the way up to 10%. It didn't come back to 7.8% until September of 2012 almost three YEARS after the stimulus was passed. Do you really not know this stuff? Damn, gotta stop watching MSNBC!!!

Lets look at the impact that Obamas Stimulus had on employment shall we?

Stimulus passed on Feb 17 2009


Within six weeks of the passing of the Stimulus the number of jobs being lost each month went from losing 800,000 to losing 650,000 to losing 380,000 a month. We finally went to positive employment in March 2010.

Even a casual observation shows how dramatic the change in jobs being lost was.
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In reality, unemployment started to drop shortly after the stimulus passed and hasn't looked back since

In what "alternative universe" did that take place in, Winger? I know it didn't happen in THIS one! When the Obama Stimulus was approved unemployment stood at 7.8%. By the end of six months it had shot all the way up to 10%. It didn't come back to 7.8% until September of 2012 almost three YEARS after the stimulus was passed. Do you really not know this stuff? Damn, gotta stop watching MSNBC!!!

Lets look at the impact that Obamas Stimulus had on employment shall we?

Stimulus passed on Feb 17 2009


Within six weeks of the passing of the Stimulus the number of jobs being lost each month went from losing 800,000 to losing 650,000 to losing 380,000 a month. We finally went to positive employment in March 2010.

Even a casual observation shows how dramatic the change in jobs being lost was.

LOL...wait a second! You just claimed that after the Obama Stimulus kicked in that unemployment started going down almost immediately. I just showed that it DIDN'T! That in fact after the stimulus unemployment continued to go up until it hit 10% and that it didn't come back down to the rate it was when the Obama Stimulus was passed until YEARS later!

Economies historically rebound from recessions. We've had dozens of them and they've all rebounded in much the same fashion. The Obama Stimulus was a nearly trillion dollar liberal "pork fest" that rewarded Democratic supporters and created so few jobs that the Obama Administration had to come up with a new labor statistic "jobs created or saved" to hide just how bad it was.

Perhaps instead of a "casual observation", you might want to take a GOOD LOOK?
In reality, unemployment started to drop shortly after the stimulus passed and hasn't looked back since

In what "alternative universe" did that take place in, Winger? I know it didn't happen in THIS one! When the Obama Stimulus was approved unemployment stood at 7.8%. By the end of six months it had shot all the way up to 10%. It didn't come back to 7.8% until September of 2012 almost three YEARS after the stimulus was passed. Do you really not know this stuff? Damn, gotta stop watching MSNBC!!!

Lets look at the impact that Obamas Stimulus had on employment shall we?

Stimulus passed on Feb 17 2009


Within six weeks of the passing of the Stimulus the number of jobs being lost each month went from losing 800,000 to losing 650,000 to losing 380,000 a month. We finally went to positive employment in March 2010.

Even a casual observation shows how dramatic the change in jobs being lost was.

More proof you can't read a graph.
Try posting something about the Unemployment Rate, moron.
In what "alternative universe" did that take place in, Winger? I know it didn't happen in THIS one! When the Obama Stimulus was approved unemployment stood at 7.8%. By the end of six months it had shot all the way up to 10%. It didn't come back to 7.8% until September of 2012 almost three YEARS after the stimulus was passed. Do you really not know this stuff? Damn, gotta stop watching MSNBC!!!

Lets look at the impact that Obamas Stimulus had on employment shall we?

Stimulus passed on Feb 17 2009


Within six weeks of the passing of the Stimulus the number of jobs being lost each month went from losing 800,000 to losing 650,000 to losing 380,000 a month. We finally went to positive employment in March 2010.

Even a casual observation shows how dramatic the change in jobs being lost was.

LOL...wait a second! You just claimed that after the Obama Stimulus kicked in that unemployment started going down almost immediately. I just showed that it DIDN'T! That in fact after the stimulus unemployment continued to go up until it hit 10% and that it didn't come back down to the rate it was when the Obama Stimulus was passed until YEARS later!

Economies historically rebound from recessions. We've had dozens of them and they've all rebounded in much the same fashion. The Obama Stimulus was a nearly trillion dollar liberal "pork fest" that rewarded Democratic supporters and created so few jobs that the Obama Administration had to come up with a new labor statistic "jobs created or saved" to hide just how bad it was.

Perhaps instead of a "casual observation", you might want to take a GOOD LOOK?


Yea...the old Republican standby
The economy would have reversed itself anyway

The biggest failure of Bush was not that we went into recession but that he denied the fact that we were in a recession and stood by doing nothing waiting for his recession to self correct. It took Government action to halt the Bush economic collapse and it was Obama who saved us from a depression
Lets look at the impact that Obamas Stimulus had on employment shall we?

Stimulus passed on Feb 17 2009


Within six weeks of the passing of the Stimulus the number of jobs being lost each month went from losing 800,000 to losing 650,000 to losing 380,000 a month. We finally went to positive employment in March 2010.

Even a casual observation shows how dramatic the change in jobs being lost was.

LOL...wait a second! You just claimed that after the Obama Stimulus kicked in that unemployment started going down almost immediately. I just showed that it DIDN'T! That in fact after the stimulus unemployment continued to go up until it hit 10% and that it didn't come back down to the rate it was when the Obama Stimulus was passed until YEARS later!

Economies historically rebound from recessions. We've had dozens of them and they've all rebounded in much the same fashion. The Obama Stimulus was a nearly trillion dollar liberal "pork fest" that rewarded Democratic supporters and created so few jobs that the Obama Administration had to come up with a new labor statistic "jobs created or saved" to hide just how bad it was.

Perhaps instead of a "casual observation", you might want to take a GOOD LOOK?


Yea...the old Republican standby
The economy would have reversed itself anyway

The biggest failure of Bush was not that we went into recession but that he denied the fact that we were in a recession and stood by doing nothing waiting for his recession to self correct. It took Government action to halt the Bush economic collapse and it was Obama who saved us from a depression

Sorry, what fiction are you basing this on? When did Bush deny it was a recession? Do you recall what TARP was?
You have zero credibility, Nutsucker.
LOL...wait a second! You just claimed that after the Obama Stimulus kicked in that unemployment started going down almost immediately. I just showed that it DIDN'T! That in fact after the stimulus unemployment continued to go up until it hit 10% and that it didn't come back down to the rate it was when the Obama Stimulus was passed until YEARS later!

Economies historically rebound from recessions. We've had dozens of them and they've all rebounded in much the same fashion. The Obama Stimulus was a nearly trillion dollar liberal "pork fest" that rewarded Democratic supporters and created so few jobs that the Obama Administration had to come up with a new labor statistic "jobs created or saved" to hide just how bad it was.

Perhaps instead of a "casual observation", you might want to take a GOOD LOOK?


Yea...the old Republican standby
The economy would have reversed itself anyway

The biggest failure of Bush was not that we went into recession but that he denied the fact that we were in a recession and stood by doing nothing waiting for his recession to self correct. It took Government action to halt the Bush economic collapse and it was Obama who saved us from a depression

Sorry, what fiction are you basing this on? When did Bush deny it was a recession? Do you recall what TARP was?
You have zero credibility, Nutsucker.

Douche Gargler (its fun when we get to call eachother names isn't it?)

Bushs attempt at TARP did not happen until a month before the 2008 election. Kind of late considering the recession had been going on for a year. As can be seen by the employment charts and the continued collapse of the stock market the Bush TARP was inneffective

Thankfully, President Obama came in and righted the ship

Yea...the old Republican standby
The economy would have reversed itself anyway

The biggest failure of Bush was not that we went into recession but that he denied the fact that we were in a recession and stood by doing nothing waiting for his recession to self correct. It took Government action to halt the Bush economic collapse and it was Obama who saved us from a depression

Sorry, what fiction are you basing this on? When did Bush deny it was a recession? Do you recall what TARP was?
You have zero credibility, Nutsucker.

Douche Gargler (its fun when we get to call eachother names isn't it?)

Bushs attempt at TARP did not happen until a month before the 2008 election. Kind of late considering the recession had been going on for a year. As can be seen by the employment charts and the continued collapse of the stock market the Bush TARP was inneffective

Thankfully, President Obama came in and righted the ship

righted the shop?

lmao what an idiot

obama voted FOR Bush's TARP; which was a success. anyway TARP was WRITTEN BY AND PASSED throught a Congress that was majority Dem in both chambers. if you want to call it a failure leftard that's on you; lol!

anyway unemployment skyrocketed to over 10.1% on obama's watch and didnt start falling until Republicans took the House back

true story

libs are losers who lie to themselves
The Reagan economy that G.H.W. Bush left for Clinton was in decline a year before G.W. Bush took Office.

You nutsucking Democrats will spin a turd into a gold bar.
LOL...wait a second! You just claimed that after the Obama Stimulus kicked in that unemployment started going down almost immediately. I just showed that it DIDN'T! That in fact after the stimulus unemployment continued to go up until it hit 10% and that it didn't come back down to the rate it was when the Obama Stimulus was passed until YEARS later!

Economies historically rebound from recessions. We've had dozens of them and they've all rebounded in much the same fashion. The Obama Stimulus was a nearly trillion dollar liberal "pork fest" that rewarded Democratic supporters and created so few jobs that the Obama Administration had to come up with a new labor statistic "jobs created or saved" to hide just how bad it was.

Perhaps instead of a "casual observation", you might want to take a GOOD LOOK?


Yea...the old Republican standby
The economy would have reversed itself anyway

The biggest failure of Bush was not that we went into recession but that he denied the fact that we were in a recession and stood by doing nothing waiting for his recession to self correct. It took Government action to halt the Bush economic collapse and it was Obama who saved us from a depression

Sorry, what fiction are you basing this on? When did Bush deny it was a recession? Do you recall what TARP was?
You have zero credibility, Nutsucker.
Well let us see. The Bush Depression began Dec 2007.

Bush says economy sound; mum on stimulus plan | Reuters
Jan 4, 2008

U.S. President George W. Bush said on Friday that the U.S. economy was on solid footing despite a weak employment report, and gave no hint of what his administration may have in store to bolster growth.
"This economy of ours is on a solid foundation, but we can't take economic growth for granted," Bush told reporters after meeting with his so-called Working Group on Financial Markets. "If the foundation is strong, yet indicators are mixed, the worst thing that Congress can do is raise taxes."
His comments came hours after a government report showed U.S. job growth in December was the weakest in more than four years, while the unemployment rate climbed to 5 percent, the highest mark in two years.


"The big drain on the economy for the past year and a half has been housing ... eventually that is going to bottom out and when that bottom outs, even if it doesn't expand, it will remove that negative drag on the economy," he said.
The White House noted the employment report showed continued job growth, and said the unemployment rate was still low by historic standards.
Who cares? Presidents don't decide who works or who doesn't.

I'm just curious. Why would you average in the first month or 3 months or 6 months of a president's term implying that he had anything to do with that unemployment rate?

Excuse me....why did you people do hand-springs when it dipped below 8%.

Obama had everything to do with that.

He lost the statistics from California and he fudged the numbers to miraculously come up with 800,000 new jobs right in time for the election. Course that would mean that the economy would have had to grow by 4.8% at the same time, and that hasn't happened during Obama's entire time in the White House. We've had a constantly shrinking UE number but job contraction, not job growth. How does that happen?

Easy, they don't count those who haven't found a job in 2 years or more.

Wow!!! How convenient is that!!!!

You guys spend so much time lying to yourselves you've lost all sense of reality.
Sorry, what fiction are you basing this on? When did Bush deny it was a recession? Do you recall what TARP was?
You have zero credibility, Nutsucker.

Douche Gargler (its fun when we get to call eachother names isn't it?)

Bushs attempt at TARP did not happen until a month before the 2008 election. Kind of late considering the recession had been going on for a year. As can be seen by the employment charts and the continued collapse of the stock market the Bush TARP was inneffective

Thankfully, President Obama came in and righted the ship

righted the shop?

lmao what an idiot

obama voted FOR Bush's TARP; which was a success. anyway TARP was WRITTEN BY AND PASSED throught a Congress that was majority Dem in both chambers. if you want to call it a failure leftard that's on you; lol!

anyway unemployment skyrocketed to over 10.1% on obama's watch and didnt start falling until Republicans took the House back

true story

libs are losers who lie to themselves
Again, you know the economy is improving when the Right tries to take credit for it!!!

True story!
Who cares? Presidents don't decide who works or who doesn't.

I'm just curious. Why would you average in the first month or 3 months or 6 months of a president's term implying that he had anything to do with that unemployment rate?

Excuse me....why did you people do hand-springs when it dipped below 8%.

Obama had everything to do with that.

He lost the statistics from California and he fudged the numbers to miraculously come up with 800,000 new jobs right in time for the election. Course that would mean that the economy would have had to grow by 4.8% at the same time, and that hasn't happened during Obama's entire time in the White House. We've had a constantly shrinking UE number but job contraction, not job growth. How does that happen?

Easy, they don't count those who haven't found a job in 2 years or more.

Wow!!! How convenient is that!!!!

You guys spend so much time lying to yourselves you've lost all sense of reality.
Liar! :eusa_liar:

Yea...the old Republican standby
The economy would have reversed itself anyway

The biggest failure of Bush was not that we went into recession but that he denied the fact that we were in a recession and stood by doing nothing waiting for his recession to self correct. It took Government action to halt the Bush economic collapse and it was Obama who saved us from a depression

Sorry, what fiction are you basing this on? When did Bush deny it was a recession? Do you recall what TARP was?
You have zero credibility, Nutsucker.
Well let us see. The Bush Depression began Dec 2007.

Bush says economy sound; mum on stimulus plan | Reuters
Jan 4, 2008

U.S. President George W. Bush said on Friday that the U.S. economy was on solid footing despite a weak employment report, and gave no hint of what his administration may have in store to bolster growth.
"This economy of ours is on a solid foundation, but we can't take economic growth for granted," Bush told reporters after meeting with his so-called Working Group on Financial Markets. "If the foundation is strong, yet indicators are mixed, the worst thing that Congress can do is raise taxes."
His comments came hours after a government report showed U.S. job growth in December was the weakest in more than four years, while the unemployment rate climbed to 5 percent, the highest mark in two years.


"The big drain on the economy for the past year and a half has been housing ... eventually that is going to bottom out and when that bottom outs, even if it doesn't expand, it will remove that negative drag on the economy," he said.
The White House noted the employment report showed continued job growth, and said the unemployment rate was still low by historic standards.

" The Bush Depression began Dec 2007."

Yup. The Democrats Controlling Congress made sure of that.

The recession they caused ended early in 2009. Great timing, don't you think?

So we've had nearly 5 years to recover. Problem is, Democrat policies aren't designed to improve the economy. They're designed to cause hardship in the economy, then blame it on Bush or anyone who tries to end the hardship.
Douche Gargler (its fun when we get to call eachother names isn't it?)

Bushs attempt at TARP did not happen until a month before the 2008 election. Kind of late considering the recession had been going on for a year. As can be seen by the employment charts and the continued collapse of the stock market the Bush TARP was inneffective

Thankfully, President Obama came in and righted the ship

righted the shop?

lmao what an idiot

obama voted FOR Bush's TARP; which was a success. anyway TARP was WRITTEN BY AND PASSED throught a Congress that was majority Dem in both chambers. if you want to call it a failure leftard that's on you; lol!

anyway unemployment skyrocketed to over 10.1% on obama's watch and didnt start falling until Republicans took the House back

true story

libs are losers who lie to themselves
Again, you know the economy is improving when the Right tries to take credit for it!!!

True story!

i'm just stating facts idiot.

but speaking of trying to take credit. you were the same losers that were just ranting that the "job creators werent creating jobs" and "hiding their money in the cayman islands" and other assorted left-wing rants and talking points

now you want to give obama and dems credit for job creation?

you're nothing but a hypocritical clown

Yea...the old Republican standby
The economy would have reversed itself anyway

The biggest failure of Bush was not that we went into recession but that he denied the fact that we were in a recession and stood by doing nothing waiting for his recession to self correct. It took Government action to halt the Bush economic collapse and it was Obama who saved us from a depression

Sorry, what fiction are you basing this on? When did Bush deny it was a recession? Do you recall what TARP was?
You have zero credibility, Nutsucker.
Well let us see. The Bush Depression began Dec 2007.

Bush says economy sound; mum on stimulus plan | Reuters
Jan 4, 2008

U.S. President George W. Bush said on Friday that the U.S. economy was on solid footing despite a weak employment report, and gave no hint of what his administration may have in store to bolster growth.
"This economy of ours is on a solid foundation, but we can't take economic growth for granted," Bush told reporters after meeting with his so-called Working Group on Financial Markets. "If the foundation is strong, yet indicators are mixed, the worst thing that Congress can do is raise taxes."
His comments came hours after a government report showed U.S. job growth in December was the weakest in more than four years, while the unemployment rate climbed to 5 percent, the highest mark in two years.


"The big drain on the economy for the past year and a half has been housing ... eventually that is going to bottom out and when that bottom outs, even if it doesn't expand, it will remove that negative drag on the economy," he said.
The White House noted the employment report showed continued job growth, and said the unemployment rate was still low by historic standards.

The first time Bush admitted we were in a Recession was Dec 2008, a month after Republicans were trounced in the 2008 elections

President Bush Finally Admits We're In A Recession | Crooks and Liars

President George W. Bush publicly acknowledged for the first time Friday that the U.S. economy is in a recession and worried aloud that Detroit's Big Three automakers may not all survive their mounting troubles.

Four days after the government made the long-suspected existence of a recession official, Bush used the word himself.

"Our economy is in a recession," Bush said flatly, speaking to reporters on the South Lawn only hours after the release of a government report showing the biggest month of job losses in 34 years. "This is in large part because of severe problems in our housing, credit and financial markets, which have resulted in significant job losses."
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Yea...the old Republican standby
The economy would have reversed itself anyway

The biggest failure of Bush was not that we went into recession but that he denied the fact that we were in a recession and stood by doing nothing waiting for his recession to self correct. It took Government action to halt the Bush economic collapse and it was Obama who saved us from a depression

Sorry, what fiction are you basing this on? When did Bush deny it was a recession? Do you recall what TARP was?
You have zero credibility, Nutsucker.

Douche Gargler (its fun when we get to call eachother names isn't it?)

Bushs attempt at TARP did not happen until a month before the 2008 election. Kind of late considering the recession had been going on for a year. As can be seen by the employment charts and the continued collapse of the stock market the Bush TARP was inneffective

Thankfully, President Obama came in and righted the ship
The recession was not going on for a year. Remember McCain suspending his campaign to return to DC? Yeah, that was in the summer of 2008. So getting a big package like TARP passed within a coupel of months is a real achievment. That's what leaders do, work with people who disagree with them.
The economy had stabilized by the time Obozo got into office. We did not see the large firm failures after that.
Obozo's policies made both recession last longer and the recovery weaker.

Don't even try to attempt to rewrite the history here. We all know the real story.
libs said:

"job creators arent creating jobs"


"corporations are sitting on trillions" and "hiding their money in the Cayman Islands"


"corporations are sending the jobs that are here overseas"

now all of a sudden under obam real job creation is supposed to be happenging and the credit goes to obama and the dem Party?

libs are laughable losers who lie to themselves and exptect others to believe the lies
In what "alternative universe" did that take place in, Winger? I know it didn't happen in THIS one! When the Obama Stimulus was approved unemployment stood at 7.8%. By the end of six months it had shot all the way up to 10%. It didn't come back to 7.8% until September of 2012 almost three YEARS after the stimulus was passed. Do you really not know this stuff? Damn, gotta stop watching MSNBC!!!

Lets look at the impact that Obamas Stimulus had on employment shall we?

Stimulus passed on Feb 17 2009


Within six weeks of the passing of the Stimulus the number of jobs being lost each month went from losing 800,000 to losing 650,000 to losing 380,000 a month. We finally went to positive employment in March 2010.

Even a casual observation shows how dramatic the change in jobs being lost was.

LOL...wait a second! You just claimed that after the Obama Stimulus kicked in that unemployment started going down almost immediately. I just showed that it DIDN'T! That in fact after the stimulus unemployment continued to go up until it hit 10% and that it didn't come back down to the rate it was when the Obama Stimulus was passed until YEARS later!

Economies historically rebound from recessions. We've had dozens of them and they've all rebounded in much the same fashion. The Obama Stimulus was a nearly trillion dollar liberal "pork fest" that rewarded Democratic supporters and created so few jobs that the Obama Administration had to come up with a new labor statistic "jobs created or saved" to hide just how bad it was.

Perhaps instead of a "casual observation", you might want to take a GOOD LOOK?

The Stimulus was a scam. It was designed to establish a spending base. It's called baseline budgeting.

That's why Obama had a $1.4 trillion dollar deficit his first year. The year before, under Bush, the deficit was $400 billion. The year before that, before the Dems took back Congress it was $159 billion.

So Obama would have over a trillion dollars in deficit spending because of baseline budgeting, but he gets a gift from Boehner. A $600 tax increase, which would have put us into a surplus if we didn't establish this new base.

As it is, we're still at $600 billion in deficit spending and our taxes are ever higher, and Obama is still looking for more money to steal from us and more ways to spend it. But compared to Obama's first two years of trillion dollar deficits, $600 billion appears like an improvement. So, of course, the liberals crow about it constantly.
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