The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Record poverty, record debt., historic first credit downgrades, Obamacare nightmare, skyrocketing food & gas prices, criminal IRS & NSA abuses, arresting Filmmakers & Journalists, his NDAA travesty, and so on and so on...

But hey, there's always Wall Street. It seems to be thriving. But Obama and his Bot-followers can't even boast about that. Them being Communist Anti-Business nutters and all. Wall Street is supposedly their archenemy. They would come off as being pretty dishonest & hypocritical for boasting about increased Wall Street profits. But that probably won't stop him and some of his Bots from trying to take credit for Business success. They're desperate to boast about something...Anything.
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In a Capitalist system all you need to do is set up an economic environment that is conducive to growth and sit back and watch it grow. Obama, on the other hand, stifles growth at every turn, because he despises Capitalism.

Isn't that what led to the Bush Depression?

Let the banks and markets do what they want

Nope. That was yet another media lie perpetrated by the left.

Notice that Barney Fwank and Chris Dodd were in charge of oversight during the years when it went to shit. The libs greased the skids for a banking collapse by encouraging people to pull out their savings, get into loans they didn't qualify for before they started yelling that blacks need to be homeowners too. The Dems said that the system was racist and that whites were preventing blacks from being homeowners.

Unqualified borrowers started moving into mansions and then not pay a single mortgage payment for months. The banks foreclosed and booted them out. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac started backing risky non-conforming loans, using only stated income as a qualifier. No down payment, no loan history. I can't remember the name of the guy that somehow got put in charge of them. Friend of Obama of course.

Bush warned us about this way back in 2003 and the Dems said nothing was up. Barney Frank said the economy was strong. Nothing to see here. Move along.

Course we've been over this, and over this, again, and again, at nauseaum.

You seem to have the myth down....maybe you could explain your theory

Democrats took Congress in Jan 2007. The economy started to collapse in the summer of that year. In those nine months, Democrats passed laws, the laws took effect, people bought houses they were not qualified to buy and defaulted ....all in 9 months
Isn't that what led to the Bush Depression?

Let the banks and markets do what they want

Nope. That was yet another media lie perpetrated by the left.

Notice that Barney Fwank and Chris Dodd were in charge of oversight during the years when it went to shit. The libs greased the skids for a banking collapse by encouraging people to pull out their savings, get into loans they didn't qualify for before they started yelling that blacks need to be homeowners too. The Dems said that the system was racist and that whites were preventing blacks from being homeowners.

Unqualified borrowers started moving into mansions and then not pay a single mortgage payment for months. The banks foreclosed and booted them out. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac started backing risky non-conforming loans, using only stated income as a qualifier. No down payment, no loan history. I can't remember the name of the guy that somehow got put in charge of them. Friend of Obama of course.

Bush warned us about this way back in 2003 and the Dems said nothing was up. Barney Frank said the economy was strong. Nothing to see here. Move along.

Course we've been over this, and over this, again, and again, at nauseaum.

You seem to have the myth down....maybe you could explain your theory

Democrats took Congress in Jan 2007. The economy started to collapse in the summer of that year. In those nine months, Democrats passed laws, the laws took effect, people bought houses they were not qualified to buy and defaulted ....all in 9 months

It doesn't take a law to cause change.

Change enough regulations and people that used to qualify can't anymore. People who bought loans 3 years before that were fixed until the 3 years were up discovered their mortgage payment shifted to an adjustable rate. Their payments skyrocketed. Many of them tried to refinance and couldn't because they were never qualified to begin with. So, because of the fact they had this strange tendency not to give a fuck, hundreds of thousands of these borrowers walked, at the encouragement of the Democrats. They didn't care if their credit was messed up. They didn't plan on buying again anyway. The point being, none of them should have been buying in the first place, but Democrats claimed racism if you didn't bend over backwards for them. The housing market tanked, and even more walked out because they felt their property was worth less than they paid for it.
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Some people in California deal with this every 10 years or so. They buy a 2 bedroom townhouse for $200k. To buy a small 3 bedroom house with no AC and a postage stamp size lawn it costs $400k, pay $150k down on it and make payments on the rest. When the collapse comes people that have very little money in the property walk and these properties are available for a fraction of the mortgage balance owed. This is when the rich assholes with money clean up.

It's happened twice that I know of since I moved to California in 77'. The last collapse was 2006-2007. The time before was the late 80s, early 90s. You could buy 10 homes for the price of one back then.
Ironically, Obama and his loony Bot-followers only have increased Wall Street profits to boast about. And that's pretty funny considering they're all Communist Anti-Business nutters. There are no other Dear Leader 'accomplishments' worth celebrating. At the end of the day he's still left us with record poverty, record debt, Obamacare nightmare, skyrocketing food & gas prices, awful Government domestic spying, the NDAA, numerous IRS abuses, etc etc...

The only thing left for the Obamabots to hang their hats on, are those increased Wall Street profits. That's damn ironic, and a bit humorous.
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Ironically, Obama and his loony Bot-followers only have increased Wall Street profits to boast about. And that's pretty funny considering they're all Communist Anti-Business nutters. There are no other Dear Leader 'accomplishments' worth celebrating. At the end of the day he's still left us with record poverty, record debt, Obamacare nightmare, skyrocketing food & gas prices, awful Government domestic spying, the NDAA, numerous IRS abuses, etc etc...

The only thing left for the Obamabots to hang their hats on, are those increased Wall Street profits. That's damn ironic, and a bit humorous.

And they got Bin Laden......
In a Capitalist system all you need to do is set up an economic environment that is conducive to growth and sit back and watch it grow. Obama, on the other hand, stifles growth at every turn, because he despises Capitalism.

Isn't that what led to the Bush Depression?

Let the banks and markets do what they want

Nope. That was yet another media lie perpetrated by the left.

A lot of issues had to do with it. But but if you'll remember, Barney Fwank and Chris Dodd were in charge of oversight during the years when it went to shit. Fwank in the House and Dodd in the Senate. The libs greased the skids for a banking collapse by encouraging people to pull out their savings, get into loans they didn't qualify for before they started yelling that blacks need to be homeowners too. The Dems said that the system was racist and that whites were preventing blacks from being homeowners. Remember all of that talk about those evil lenders tricking the poor into buying their loan packages? Pure Marxist Bull Shit.

Unqualified borrowers started moving into mansions and then not pay a single mortgage payment for months. The banks foreclosed and booted them out. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac started backing risky non-conforming loans, using only stated income as a qualifier. No down payment, no loan history. I can't remember the name of the guy that somehow got put in charge of Fannie Mae (Frank Raines). Friend of Obama of course. Worked for Clinton. Highly questionable past.

Bush warned us about this way back in 2003 and the Dems said nothing was up. Barney Frank said the economy was strong. Nothing to see here. Move along.

Course we've been over this, and over this, again, and again, at nauseaum.
In 2003, Republicans were in control of both the House and the Senate ... so what did the Republican-led Congress do in response to Bush's warning ... ?
Isn't that what led to the Bush Depression?

Let the banks and markets do what they want

Nope. That was yet another media lie perpetrated by the left.

A lot of issues had to do with it. But but if you'll remember, Barney Fwank and Chris Dodd were in charge of oversight during the years when it went to shit. Fwank in the House and Dodd in the Senate. The libs greased the skids for a banking collapse by encouraging people to pull out their savings, get into loans they didn't qualify for before they started yelling that blacks need to be homeowners too. The Dems said that the system was racist and that whites were preventing blacks from being homeowners. Remember all of that talk about those evil lenders tricking the poor into buying their loan packages? Pure Marxist Bull Shit.

Unqualified borrowers started moving into mansions and then not pay a single mortgage payment for months. The banks foreclosed and booted them out. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac started backing risky non-conforming loans, using only stated income as a qualifier. No down payment, no loan history. I can't remember the name of the guy that somehow got put in charge of Fannie Mae (Frank Raines). Friend of Obama of course. Worked for Clinton. Highly questionable past.

Bush warned us about this way back in 2003 and the Dems said nothing was up. Barney Frank said the economy was strong. Nothing to see here. Move along.

Course we've been over this, and over this, again, and again, at nauseaum.
In 2003, Republicans were in control of both the House and the Senate ... so what did the Republican-led Congress do in response to Bush's warning ... ?
In the GPO controlled Senate the GOP blocked the reform bill that passed in the House when the GOP Senate Majority leader sent the House bill to committee to die, which it did. And the Right blames the Dems for what the GOP Senate Majority leader did. :cuckoo:
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Nope. That was yet another media lie perpetrated by the left.

A lot of issues had to do with it. But but if you'll remember, Barney Fwank and Chris Dodd were in charge of oversight during the years when it went to shit. Fwank in the House and Dodd in the Senate. The libs greased the skids for a banking collapse by encouraging people to pull out their savings, get into loans they didn't qualify for before they started yelling that blacks need to be homeowners too. The Dems said that the system was racist and that whites were preventing blacks from being homeowners. Remember all of that talk about those evil lenders tricking the poor into buying their loan packages? Pure Marxist Bull Shit.

Unqualified borrowers started moving into mansions and then not pay a single mortgage payment for months. The banks foreclosed and booted them out. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac started backing risky non-conforming loans, using only stated income as a qualifier. No down payment, no loan history. I can't remember the name of the guy that somehow got put in charge of Fannie Mae (Frank Raines). Friend of Obama of course. Worked for Clinton. Highly questionable past.

Bush warned us about this way back in 2003 and the Dems said nothing was up. Barney Frank said the economy was strong. Nothing to see here. Move along.

Course we've been over this, and over this, again, and again, at nauseaum.
In 2003, Republicans were in control of both the House and the Senate ... so what did the Republican-led Congress do in response to Bush's warning ... ?
In the GPO controlled Senate the GOP blocked the reform bill that passed in the House when the GOP Senate Majority leader sent the House bill to committee to die, which it did. And the Right blames the Dems for what the GOP Senate Majority leader did. :cuckoo:

"There is nothing wrong at FANNIE MAE"

Barney Frank

libs are losers who lie to themselves
In 2003, Republicans were in control of both the House and the Senate ... so what did the Republican-led Congress do in response to Bush's warning ... ?
In the GPO controlled Senate the GOP blocked the reform bill that passed in the House when the GOP Senate Majority leader sent the House bill to committee to die, which it did. And the Right blames the Dems for what the GOP Senate Majority leader did. :cuckoo:

"There is nothing wrong at FANNIE MAE"

Barney Frank

libs are losers who lie to themselves
Barney Frank was but one member of the minority party. I'll ask you the same question I asked of Mud ...

In 2003, Republicans were in control of both the House and the Senate ... so what did the Republican-led Congress do in response to Bush's warning ... ?
In the GPO controlled Senate the GOP blocked the reform bill that passed in the House when the GOP Senate Majority leader sent the House bill to committee to die, which it did. And the Right blames the Dems for what the GOP Senate Majority leader did. :cuckoo:

"There is nothing wrong at FANNIE MAE"

Barney Frank

libs are losers who lie to themselves
Barney Frank was but one member of the minority party. I'll ask you the same question I asked of Mud ...

In 2003, Republicans were in control of both the House and the Senate ... so what did the Republican-led Congress do in response to Bush's warning ... ?

Repubs didnt act on what Bush warned of.
the whole notion of giving people taxpayer-backed loans in the name of "fairness" to people that couldnt afford them is a liberal one; Bush went along with it; because was liberal that way
In 2003, Republicans were in control of both the House and the Senate ... so what did the Republican-led Congress do in response to Bush's warning ... ?
In the GPO controlled Senate the GOP blocked the reform bill that passed in the House when the GOP Senate Majority leader sent the House bill to committee to die, which it did. And the Right blames the Dems for what the GOP Senate Majority leader did. :cuckoo:

"There is nothing wrong at FANNIE MAE"

Barney Frank

libs are losers who lie to themselves
Frank was a POWERLESS member of the House minority party and the reform bill passed the House over his objections. It was the GOP Senate majority leader who killed the bill in committee, so the Right, in their utter brilliance, blame Frank. :cuckoo:
In the GPO controlled Senate the GOP blocked the reform bill that passed in the House when the GOP Senate Majority leader sent the House bill to committee to die, which it did. And the Right blames the Dems for what the GOP Senate Majority leader did. :cuckoo:

"There is nothing wrong at FANNIE MAE"

Barney Frank

libs are losers who lie to themselves
Barney Frank was but one member of the minority party. I'll ask you the same question I asked of Mud ...

In 2003, Republicans were in control of both the House and the Senate ... so what did the Republican-led Congress do in response to Bush's warning ... ?

Frank was not just one member. Frank became chairman of House Financial Services COmmittee, which helped oversee Fan/Fred.
In 2003 there wasnt a problem. The crisis didnt start until 2007 or so.
"There is nothing wrong at FANNIE MAE"

Barney Frank

libs are losers who lie to themselves
Barney Frank was but one member of the minority party. I'll ask you the same question I asked of Mud ...

In 2003, Republicans were in control of both the House and the Senate ... so what did the Republican-led Congress do in response to Bush's warning ... ?

Repubs didnt act on what Bush warned of.
the whole notion of giving people taxpayer-backed loans in the name of "fairness" to people that couldnt afford them is a liberal one; Bush went along with it; because was liberal that way
Then Republicans are to blame and not Barney Frank. Glad we agree.
"There is nothing wrong at FANNIE MAE"

Barney Frank

libs are losers who lie to themselves
Barney Frank was but one member of the minority party. I'll ask you the same question I asked of Mud ...

In 2003, Republicans were in control of both the House and the Senate ... so what did the Republican-led Congress do in response to Bush's warning ... ?

Frank was not just one member. Frank became chairman of House Financial Services COmmittee, which helped oversee Fan/Fred.
In 2003 there wasnt a problem. The crisis didnt start until 2007 or so.
Frank wasn't chairman in 2003. And when he became chairman in 2007, he passed oversight of the GSE's in the House. And if there wasn't a problem, then why was Bush warning Congress that oversight was needed? And what oversight did the Republican-led Congress pass in response to Bush's warnings?
Bush warned us about this way back in 2003 and the Dems said nothing was up. Barney Frank said the economy was strong. Nothing to see here. Move along.

In 2003 there wasnt a problem. The crisis didnt start until 2007 or so.
So you are saying in 2003 Frank was correct and Bush was lying!
That's funny. Sounds like he's either saying that or that it's ok that Republicans did nothing for 4 years until it became a huge problem for Democrats to have to deal with. :eek: Either way, that's quite a slap in the face of the GOP by one of the herd.
Barney Frank was but one member of the minority party. I'll ask you the same question I asked of Mud ...

In 2003, Republicans were in control of both the House and the Senate ... so what did the Republican-led Congress do in response to Bush's warning ... ?

Frank was not just one member. Frank became chairman of House Financial Services COmmittee, which helped oversee Fan/Fred.
In 2003 there wasnt a problem. The crisis didnt start until 2007 or so.
Frank wasn't chairman in 2003. And when he became chairman in 2007, he passed oversight of the GSE's in the House. And if there wasn't a problem, then why was Bush warning Congress that oversight was needed? And what oversight did the Republican-led Congress pass in response to Bush's warnings?

Yawn. Are you going to beat this dead horse yet again?
The Dems controlled Congress from 2007 on. They did nothing to prevent the melt down, denying it was happening. Since then they have enshrined all the problems into law, like too big to fail. Democrats are in favor of government bail outs of corporations and special breaks to shield them from their own bad decisions.
Obama's economic policies have produced the worst recovery ever. This is undoubted. Democrats must never be allowed to have power again. WE can keep them in minority status forever just to make it easier on newsmen looking for sound bites and late night comedy stars needing material.
Frank was not just one member. Frank became chairman of House Financial Services COmmittee, which helped oversee Fan/Fred.
In 2003 there wasnt a problem. The crisis didnt start until 2007 or so.
Frank wasn't chairman in 2003. And when he became chairman in 2007, he passed oversight of the GSE's in the House. And if there wasn't a problem, then why was Bush warning Congress that oversight was needed? And what oversight did the Republican-led Congress pass in response to Bush's warnings?

Yawn. Are you going to beat this dead horse yet again?
The Dems controlled Congress from 2007 on. They did nothing to prevent the melt down, denying it was happening. Since then they have enshrined all the problems into law, like too big to fail. Democrats are in favor of government bail outs of corporations and special breaks to shield them from their own bad decisions.
Obama's economic policies have produced the worst recovery ever. This is undoubted. Democrats must never be allowed to have power again. WE can keep them in minority status forever just to make it easier on newsmen looking for sound bites and late night comedy stars needing material.
No one is forcing you to beat a dead horse; and if that's a problem for you, I suggest you take the matter up with the individual who raised this issue, which wasn't me.

Now that I've addressed your whining, I will address your lies. It is a lie to claim that Democrats did nothing. In 2007, Frank got a bill passed in the House as did Pelosi. It's also completely moronic to blame Democrats, who passed oversight, while ignoring the failure of Republicans to pass any oversight over the previous 4 years, when it was needed most. But moronic nonsense is all you're armed with, so I expect nothing else from you.
Simply comparing the first month of administration with its last month is misleading. It misses 99% of the data which tell a different story over the course of the administration. You could have multiple rises and falls which are never seen with such data. That is why the only accurate way to assess the unemployment rate during this periods of time is to look at the average, which uses all of the DATA. We don't judge students by simply their first month in school and their last month. Students get judged by their GPA which averages all their grades over the course of the year or time in school. For unemployment, its also the only accurate way to judge how good or bad things were during a Presidents entire time in office.

It's less misleading than averaging out the numbers, which assign blame for the recession numbers to Obama and conceal the fact that unemployment nearly doubled under Bush.

Still Reagan is the only Republican president to lower unemployment at this point (an barely at that); by contrast, there hasn't been a Democrat president who's increased unemployment. Clearly, employment does better when the president is a Democrat.

That's 100% false, as unemployment did rise under President Carter, but because you only look at the first month and the last month of a Presidents time in office, you have no idea that happened.

When George Bush came into office, the unemployment rate was on the rise and continued to rise. This rise was stopped and the unemployment rate was lowered and then remained low, at historical lows for years on end. In February of 2008, Bush's last year in office, the unemployment rate was still BELOW 5%. But you don't get to see these things when you narrowly look at simply the first month and last month of Presidents time in office.

How would you like your school record or job record to be based only on the first month and last month you were in those positions? How about your relationships with other people? Perhaps as long as sports team wins their last game they deserve to go to the playoffs instead of a team that won all of its games except for the last one.

For nearly all of George W. Bush's term, the unemployment rate was below 6%. IN FACT, THE PRESIDENTIAL ADMINSTRATION THAT LOGGED THE MOST MONTHS OF AN UNEMPLOYMENT RATE BELOW 6% IN AMERICAN HISTORY WAS THE ADMINISTRATION OF GEORGE W BUSH. That's right, most months of an unemployment rate below 6%, once consider the natural rate of unemployment by economist, during a Presidential administration, belongs to George Bush.

You can't look at the last months of the George Bush Administration and decide that those conditions were what conditions were like through all 96 months of the administration. That is grossly inaccurate. The average man on the street could get a job while Bush was in the oval office. He has had a much harder time while Obama has been sittiing, there harder than under any President since World War II. That's a FACT that will not change no matter who you try and pin blame for the unemployment rate on.

I'm talking about how no Democrat president left office with unemployment in worse condition than they inherited it in. In contrast, except for Regean, no Republican president left office with unemployment in better condition than they inherited it.

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