The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

Frank wasn't chairman in 2003. And when he became chairman in 2007, he passed oversight of the GSE's in the House. And if there wasn't a problem, then why was Bush warning Congress that oversight was needed? And what oversight did the Republican-led Congress pass in response to Bush's warnings?

Yawn. Are you going to beat this dead horse yet again?
The Dems controlled Congress from 2007 on. They did nothing to prevent the melt down, denying it was happening. Since then they have enshrined all the problems into law, like too big to fail. Democrats are in favor of government bail outs of corporations and special breaks to shield them from their own bad decisions.
Obama's economic policies have produced the worst recovery ever. This is undoubted. Democrats must never be allowed to have power again. WE can keep them in minority status forever just to make it easier on newsmen looking for sound bites and late night comedy stars needing material.
No one is forcing you to beat a dead horse; and if that's a problem for you, I suggest you take the matter up with the individual who raised this issue, which wasn't me.

Now that I've addressed your whining, I will address your lies. It is a lie to claim that Democrats did nothing. In 2007, Frank got a bill passed in the House as did Pelosi. It's also completely moronic to blame Democrats, who passed oversight, while ignoring the failure of Republicans to pass any oversight over the previous 4 years, when it was needed most. But moronic nonsense is all you're armed with, so I expect nothing else from you.

I'm sorry,remind me how the Democrats averted the melt down. Yeah, they didnt. And their policies have only made it worse.
Worst economic performance coming out of a recession ever. It's a fail, s0n.
Yawn. Are you going to beat this dead horse yet again?
The Dems controlled Congress from 2007 on. They did nothing to prevent the melt down, denying it was happening. Since then they have enshrined all the problems into law, like too big to fail. Democrats are in favor of government bail outs of corporations and special breaks to shield them from their own bad decisions.
Obama's economic policies have produced the worst recovery ever. This is undoubted. Democrats must never be allowed to have power again. WE can keep them in minority status forever just to make it easier on newsmen looking for sound bites and late night comedy stars needing material.
No one is forcing you to beat a dead horse; and if that's a problem for you, I suggest you take the matter up with the individual who raised this issue, which wasn't me.

Now that I've addressed your whining, I will address your lies. It is a lie to claim that Democrats did nothing. In 2007, Frank got a bill passed in the House as did Pelosi. It's also completely moronic to blame Democrats, who passed oversight, while ignoring the failure of Republicans to pass any oversight over the previous 4 years, when it was needed most. But moronic nonsense is all you're armed with, so I expect nothing else from you.

I'm sorry,remind me how the Democrats averted the melt down. Yeah, they didnt. And their policies have only made it worse.
Worst economic performance coming out of a recession ever. It's a fail, s0n.
Holy fuck! Can you stop whacking yourself with the stupid stick long enough to elude the daze you're in to understand what you're saying?? You're actually blaming Democrats who tried to avert disaster while making up excuses for Republican who not only did nothing to prevent it, they drove us at full speed right into it. :eusa_doh: :eusa_doh: :eusa_doh: I know you're severely mentally handicapped, but Shirley, even you should be able to understand the gaping head wound in your [il]logic.
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No one is forcing you to beat a dead horse; and if that's a problem for you, I suggest you take the matter up with the individual who raised this issue, which wasn't me.

Now that I've addressed your whining, I will address your lies. It is a lie to claim that Democrats did nothing. In 2007, Frank got a bill passed in the House as did Pelosi. It's also completely moronic to blame Democrats, who passed oversight, while ignoring the failure of Republicans to pass any oversight over the previous 4 years, when it was needed most. But moronic nonsense is all you're armed with, so I expect nothing else from you.

I'm sorry,remind me how the Democrats averted the melt down. Yeah, they didnt. And their policies have only made it worse.
Worst economic performance coming out of a recession ever. It's a fail, s0n.
Holy fuck! Can you stop whacking yourself with the stupid stick long enough to elude the daze you're in to understand what you're saying?? You're actually blaming Democrats who tried to avert disaster while making up excuses for Republican who not only did nothing to prevent it, they drove us at full speed right into it. :eusa_doh: :eusa_doh: :eusa_doh: I know you're severely mentally handicapped, but Shirley, even you should be able to understand the gaping head wound in your [il]logic.

Remind me what Republicans did to drive us full speed into it.
Yeah, nothing.

Worst economic performance post WW2 ever, s0n.
I'm sorry,remind me how the Democrats averted the melt down. Yeah, they didnt. And their policies have only made it worse.
Worst economic performance coming out of a recession ever. It's a fail, s0n.
Holy fuck! Can you stop whacking yourself with the stupid stick long enough to elude the daze you're in to understand what you're saying?? You're actually blaming Democrats who tried to avert disaster while making up excuses for Republican who not only did nothing to prevent it, they drove us at full speed right into it. :eusa_doh: :eusa_doh: :eusa_doh: I know you're severely mentally handicapped, but Shirley, even you should be able to understand the gaping head wound in your [il]logic.

Remind me what Republicans did to drive us full speed into it.
Yeah, nothing.

Worst economic performance post WW2 ever, s0n.
It's funny how you answer your own questions ... and still get the answers wrong. :lmao:

Republicans gave us the policies which exploded home-ownership, which led to the real estate bubble, which led to the collapse of the economy.

Republicans were driving us towards a cliff with the pedal to the metal for four years. Not once did they hit the breaks (by passing oversight of the GSEs). Democrats take over the wheel as the car is going over the cliff, their feet pressing hard on the breaks (by passing oversight) ... and brain-dead Conservatives blame the Democrats because the car ended up a flaming heap of unrecognizable metal at the bottom of the ravine. :eusa_doh:
Holy fuck! Can you stop whacking yourself with the stupid stick long enough to elude the daze you're in to understand what you're saying?? You're actually blaming Democrats who tried to avert disaster while making up excuses for Republican who not only did nothing to prevent it, they drove us at full speed right into it. :eusa_doh: :eusa_doh: :eusa_doh: I know you're severely mentally handicapped, but Shirley, even you should be able to understand the gaping head wound in your [il]logic.

Remind me what Republicans did to drive us full speed into it.
Yeah, nothing.

Worst economic performance post WW2 ever, s0n.
It's funny how you answer your own questions ... and still get the answers wrong. :lmao:

Republicans gave us the policies which exploded home-ownership, which led to the real estate bubble, which led to the collapse of the economy.

Republicans were driving us towards a cliff with the pedal to the metal for four years. Not once did they hit the breaks (by passing oversight of the GSEs). Democrats take over the wheel as the car is going over the cliff, their feet pressing hard on the breaks (by passing oversight) ... and brain-dead Conservatives blame the Democrats because the car ended up a flaming heap of unrecognizable metal at the bottom of the ravine. :eusa_doh:

"Let's roll the dice on Fanny and Freddie." Republican Barney Frank.

Quit recycling tired Barack Obama campaign metaphors that make no sense. Democrats suck. Their policies are failures.
Remind me what Republicans did to drive us full speed into it.
Yeah, nothing.

Worst economic performance post WW2 ever, s0n.
It's funny how you answer your own questions ... and still get the answers wrong. :lmao:

Republicans gave us the policies which exploded home-ownership, which led to the real estate bubble, which led to the collapse of the economy.

Republicans were driving us towards a cliff with the pedal to the metal for four years. Not once did they hit the breaks (by passing oversight of the GSEs). Democrats take over the wheel as the car is going over the cliff, their feet pressing hard on the breaks (by passing oversight) ... and brain-dead Conservatives blame the Democrats because the car ended up a flaming heap of unrecognizable metal at the bottom of the ravine. :eusa_doh:

"Let's roll the dice on Fanny and Freddie." Republican Barney Frank.

Quit recycling tired Barack Obama campaign metaphors that make no sense. Democrats suck. Their policies are failures.

As usual, you swing wildly at a nail with your RWN hammer and hit nothing but thumb.

First of all, you didn't even get the quote right. Frank didn't say, "let's roll the dice on Fanny and Freddie," he said, "I want to roll the dice a little bit more in this situation towards subsidized housing."

Secondly, he was talking about Bush's homeownership plan which, which had just weeks earlier, revamped Fannie Mae's commitment to soften the housing markets even more. You're so unbelievably stupid, that you unwittingly blame Republicans when you think you're really taking a swing at Barney Frank.

Thirdly, Barney Frank said that in 2003 when he was just a member of the minority party, incapable of actually "rolling" any "dice." That means any actual "dice rolling" was done by the majority party Republicans. So again, your swing misses its intended target; only to hit yourself in the head.

Fourthly, according to you, as stupid as it is, there was no problem at the time Frank made that comment.

And lastly, your head is buried so far up your ass, you can see your tonsils.

Any more points you want to make to bolster my argument? :D:D:D
It's funny how you answer your own questions ... and still get the answers wrong. :lmao:

Republicans gave us the policies which exploded home-ownership, which led to the real estate bubble, which led to the collapse of the economy.

Republicans were driving us towards a cliff with the pedal to the metal for four years. Not once did they hit the breaks (by passing oversight of the GSEs). Democrats take over the wheel as the car is going over the cliff, their feet pressing hard on the breaks (by passing oversight) ... and brain-dead Conservatives blame the Democrats because the car ended up a flaming heap of unrecognizable metal at the bottom of the ravine. :eusa_doh:

"Let's roll the dice on Fanny and Freddie." Republican Barney Frank.

Quit recycling tired Barack Obama campaign metaphors that make no sense. Democrats suck. Their policies are failures.

As usual, you swing wildly at a nail with your RWN hammer and hit nothing but thumb.

First of all, you didn't even get the quote right. Frank didn't say, "let's roll the dice on Fanny and Freddie," he said, "I want to roll the dice a little bit more in this situation towards subsidized housing."

Secondly, he was talking about Bush's homeownership plan which, which had just weeks earlier, revamped Fannie Mae's commitment to soften the housing markets even more. You're so unbelievably stupid, that you unwittingly blame Republicans when you think you're really taking a swing at Barney Frank.

Thirdly, Barney Frank said that in 2003 when he was just a member of the minority party, incapable of actually "rolling" any "dice." That means any actual "dice rolling" was done by the majority party Republicans. So again, your swing misses its intended target; only to hit yourself in the head.

Fourthly, according to you, as stupid as it is, there was no problem at the time Frank made that comment.

And lastly, your head is buried so far up your ass, you can see your tonsils.

Any more points you want to make to bolster my argument? :D:D:D
The facts speak for themselves. Democrats never tried to rein in Fannie/Freddie. ANd since then have enshrined the worst excesses into law. The result has been the worst economy since WW2.
You lose, game, set, match.
"Let's roll the dice on Fanny and Freddie." Republican Barney Frank.

Quit recycling tired Barack Obama campaign metaphors that make no sense. Democrats suck. Their policies are failures.

As usual, you swing wildly at a nail with your RWN hammer and hit nothing but thumb.

First of all, you didn't even get the quote right. Frank didn't say, "let's roll the dice on Fanny and Freddie," he said, "I want to roll the dice a little bit more in this situation towards subsidized housing."

Secondly, he was talking about Bush's homeownership plan which, which had just weeks earlier, revamped Fannie Mae's commitment to soften the housing markets even more. You're so unbelievably stupid, that you unwittingly blame Republicans when you think you're really taking a swing at Barney Frank.

Thirdly, Barney Frank said that in 2003 when he was just a member of the minority party, incapable of actually "rolling" any "dice." That means any actual "dice rolling" was done by the majority party Republicans. So again, your swing misses its intended target; only to hit yourself in the head.

Fourthly, according to you, as stupid as it is, there was no problem at the time Frank made that comment.

And lastly, your head is buried so far up your ass, you can see your tonsils.

Any more points you want to make to bolster my argument? :D:D:D
The facts speak for themselves. Democrats never tried to rein in Fannie/Freddie. ANd since then have enshrined the worst excesses into law. The result has been the worst economy since WW2.
You lose, game, set, match.
Poor, rightard. When will you learn that lying doesn't win arguments. Democrats passed a bill and tried to reign in the damage, despite your lies to the contrary. It was the Republicans who, though in charge for 4 years, failed to pass oversight.
The highest for a year would be RR.

The highest for a month would be RR.
"Let's roll the dice on Fanny and Freddie." Republican Barney Frank.

Quit recycling tired Barack Obama campaign metaphors that make no sense. Democrats suck. Their policies are failures.

As usual, you swing wildly at a nail with your RWN hammer and hit nothing but thumb.

First of all, you didn't even get the quote right. Frank didn't say, "let's roll the dice on Fanny and Freddie," he said, "I want to roll the dice a little bit more in this situation towards subsidized housing."

Secondly, he was talking about Bush's homeownership plan which, which had just weeks earlier, revamped Fannie Mae's commitment to soften the housing markets even more. You're so unbelievably stupid, that you unwittingly blame Republicans when you think you're really taking a swing at Barney Frank.

Thirdly, Barney Frank said that in 2003 when he was just a member of the minority party, incapable of actually "rolling" any "dice." That means any actual "dice rolling" was done by the majority party Republicans. So again, your swing misses its intended target; only to hit yourself in the head.

Fourthly, according to you, as stupid as it is, there was no problem at the time Frank made that comment.

And lastly, your head is buried so far up your ass, you can see your tonsils.

Any more points you want to make to bolster my argument? :D:D:D
The facts speak for themselves. Democrats never tried to rein in Fannie/Freddie. ANd since then have enshrined the worst excesses into law. The result has been the worst economy since WW2.
You lose, game, set, match.
Neither did the GOP, the difference being the GOP talked about it while doing nothing but block any reform.

While the crash happened in 2007, and thus you blame the Dems, the problem didn't happen in just a matter of months, it was years of GOP control in the making, starting with Bush's 2002 plan to get 5.5 million new minority homeowners by the end of the decade and HIS orders to Fannie and Freddie to make loans to minorities with bad credit for homes they can't afford. It is not Barney Frank on this video!!!!

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It's less misleading than averaging out the numbers, which assign blame for the recession numbers to Obama and conceal the fact that unemployment nearly doubled under Bush.

Still Reagan is the only Republican president to lower unemployment at this point (an barely at that); by contrast, there hasn't been a Democrat president who's increased unemployment. Clearly, employment does better when the president is a Democrat.

That's 100% false, as unemployment did rise under President Carter, but because you only look at the first month and the last month of a Presidents time in office, you have no idea that happened.

When George Bush came into office, the unemployment rate was on the rise and continued to rise. This rise was stopped and the unemployment rate was lowered and then remained low, at historical lows for years on end. In February of 2008, Bush's last year in office, the unemployment rate was still BELOW 5%. But you don't get to see these things when you narrowly look at simply the first month and last month of Presidents time in office.

How would you like your school record or job record to be based only on the first month and last month you were in those positions? How about your relationships with other people? Perhaps as long as sports team wins their last game they deserve to go to the playoffs instead of a team that won all of its games except for the last one.

For nearly all of George W. Bush's term, the unemployment rate was below 6%. IN FACT, THE PRESIDENTIAL ADMINSTRATION THAT LOGGED THE MOST MONTHS OF AN UNEMPLOYMENT RATE BELOW 6% IN AMERICAN HISTORY WAS THE ADMINISTRATION OF GEORGE W BUSH. That's right, most months of an unemployment rate below 6%, once consider the natural rate of unemployment by economist, during a Presidential administration, belongs to George Bush.

You can't look at the last months of the George Bush Administration and decide that those conditions were what conditions were like through all 96 months of the administration. That is grossly inaccurate. The average man on the street could get a job while Bush was in the oval office. He has had a much harder time while Obama has been sittiing, there harder than under any President since World War II. That's a FACT that will not change no matter who you try and pin blame for the unemployment rate on.

I'm talking about how no Democrat president left office with unemployment in worse condition than they inherited it in. In contrast, except for Regean, no Republican president left office with unemployment in better condition than they inherited it.

I know what you are talking about. The first month the President was in office vs the last month they were in office in regards to the Unemployment rate. YOU CAN'T RATE A PRESIDENT ON ONLY 2 MONTHS IN OFFICE. YOU ARE ESSENTIALLY SAYING THAT IT IS OK FOR THE UNEMPLOYMENT RATE TO RISE TO 10%, 20%, or even 40% while they are in office, just as long as it is down to or below where it was the first month of office by the time of their last month in office. That is beyond Absurd!
I know what you are talking about. The first month the President was in office vs the last month they were in office in regards to the Unemployment rate. YOU CAN'T RATE A PRESIDENT ON ONLY 2 MONTHS IN OFFICE. YOU ARE ESSENTIALLY SAYING THAT IT IS OK FOR THE UNEMPLOYMENT RATE TO RISE TO 10%, 20%, or even 40% while they are in office, just as long as it is down to or below where it was the first month of office by the time of their last month in office. That is beyond Absurd!

The problem here comes that people want to find statistics to attack or defend the president. People will use whatever they have, and often will use of statistic to "prove" something.

Context is extremely important. Obama came into the presidency at a point where anyone who would have won the presidency would have seen major problems. In 2008 people were saying this was going to be the worst recession since the great depression, and it's been bad. It's not Obama's fault, and as president how much could he realistically have done to solve any problems?
Yes, there's stuff he did that may have made it better or worse by a small margin, perhaps had someone else won it might have been better or worse, but we can't really know.
I know what you are talking about. The first month the President was in office vs the last month they were in office in regards to the Unemployment rate. YOU CAN'T RATE A PRESIDENT ON ONLY 2 MONTHS IN OFFICE. YOU ARE ESSENTIALLY SAYING THAT IT IS OK FOR THE UNEMPLOYMENT RATE TO RISE TO 10%, 20%, or even 40% while they are in office, just as long as it is down to or below where it was the first month of office by the time of their last month in office. That is beyond Absurd!

The problem here comes that people want to find statistics to attack or defend the president. People will use whatever they have, and often will use of statistic to "prove" something.

Context is extremely important. Obama came into the presidency at a point where anyone who would have won the presidency would have seen major problems. In 2008 people were saying this was going to be the worst recession since the great depression, and it's been bad. It's not Obama's fault, and as president how much could he realistically have done to solve any problems?
Yes, there's stuff he did that may have made it better or worse by a small margin, perhaps had someone else won it might have been better or worse, but we can't really know.

Obama can't be faulted for what he was presented with on the first day in office. But since then, its been his responsibility to help guide the US economy. Regardless of whether you think Obama has done a good job or not, it does not change the fact that under Obama, the United States has had the worst average unemployment rate since the end of World War II!
I know what you are talking about. The first month the President was in office vs the last month they were in office in regards to the Unemployment rate. YOU CAN'T RATE A PRESIDENT ON ONLY 2 MONTHS IN OFFICE. YOU ARE ESSENTIALLY SAYING THAT IT IS OK FOR THE UNEMPLOYMENT RATE TO RISE TO 10%, 20%, or even 40% while they are in office, just as long as it is down to or below where it was the first month of office by the time of their last month in office. That is beyond Absurd!

The problem here comes that people want to find statistics to attack or defend the president. People will use whatever they have, and often will use of statistic to "prove" something.

Context is extremely important. Obama came into the presidency at a point where anyone who would have won the presidency would have seen major problems. In 2008 people were saying this was going to be the worst recession since the great depression, and it's been bad. It's not Obama's fault, and as president how much could he realistically have done to solve any problems?
Yes, there's stuff he did that may have made it better or worse by a small margin, perhaps had someone else won it might have been better or worse, but we can't really know.

Obama can't be faulted for what he was presented with on the first day in office. But since then, its been his responsibility to help guide the US economy. Regardless of whether you think Obama has done a good job or not, it does not change the fact that under Obama, the United States has had the worst average unemployment rate since the end of World War II!

Record poverty, record debt, historic-first credit rating downgrade, rising food & gas prices, Fast & Furious travesty, massive domestic spying, ugly IRS abuses, arresting Filmmakers & Journalists etc etc...

That's his legacy. It's definitely not a legacy worth celebrating. It's actually an awful tragedy.
Obama can't be faulted for what he was presented with on the first day in office. But since then, its been his responsibility to help guide the US economy. Regardless of whether you think Obama has done a good job or not, it does not change the fact that under Obama, the United States has had the worst average unemployment rate since the end of World War II!

No, it doesn't change the fact. But facts can say a lot of things. They can even say something that isn't right, if you look at something in isolation.
Some people clearly use such a fact in such a bad way in order to have another swipe at a guy they don't like because he's on the wrong team.

Which is what it boils down to. It's so boring seeing hundreds of comments from either side attacking the other side just because they're the other side.

People need Proportional Representation so they can get away from this.
Record poverty, record debt, historic-first credit rating downgrade, rising food & gas prices, Fast & Furious travesty, massive domestic spying, ugly IRS abuses, arresting Filmmakers & Journalists etc etc...

That's his legacy. It's definitely not a legacy worth celebrating. It's actually an awful tragedy.

Name one president who has done everything well?

Bush, legacy, Iraq war and the complete mess he left behind him. Afghanistan and the complete mess he left behind him. Katrina, and the complete mess that that was. The economic downturn, the worst since WW2 that led to record debt, credit downgrading, rising prices, massive domestic spying etc etc.

The point is clearly that presidents are not representing the people, nor are those in Congress.

What do people do about it? They play the team sport of slag off the other side. Which gets everyone nowhere. Why not actually do something CONSTRUCTIVE and fight for the end to the monopoly of the two political mafias?
In the GPO controlled Senate the GOP blocked the reform bill that passed in the House when the GOP Senate Majority leader sent the House bill to committee to die, which it did. And the Right blames the Dems for what the GOP Senate Majority leader did. :cuckoo:

"There is nothing wrong at FANNIE MAE"

Barney Frank

libs are losers who lie to themselves
Barney Frank was but one member of the minority party. I'll ask you the same question I asked of Mud ...

In 2003, Republicans were in control of both the House and the Senate ... so what did the Republican-led Congress do in response to Bush's warning ... ?

Democrats by themselves aren't much of a problem. They can be dismissed like the nut-cases they are if it weren't for their relationship with the media. They've controlled the media for decades, and that gives them advantages over the GOP that cancels out their minority status.
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Record poverty, record debt, historic-first credit rating downgrade, rising food & gas prices, Fast & Furious travesty, massive domestic spying, ugly IRS abuses, arresting Filmmakers & Journalists etc etc...

That's his legacy. It's definitely not a legacy worth celebrating. It's actually an awful tragedy.

Name one president who has done everything well?

Bush, legacy, Iraq war and the complete mess he left behind him. Afghanistan and the complete mess he left behind him. Katrina, and the complete mess that that was. The economic downturn, the worst since WW2 that led to record debt, credit downgrading, rising prices, massive domestic spying etc etc.

The point is clearly that presidents are not representing the people, nor are those in Congress.

What do people do about it? They play the team sport of slag off the other side. Which gets everyone nowhere. Why not actually do something CONSTRUCTIVE and fight for the end to the monopoly of the two political mafias?

We invaded Europe and Japan, and we hung around long enough to turn both of them into world economic powers.

The Middle East is a different story. Those people are really a bunch of opinionated bigots that have little tolerance for other races or other religions. Once you get them out of trouble they turn on you like you're an unwanted orphan dropped on their doorstep. All they want to do is kill you like you invaded their wonderful shithole of a country.

If it wasn't for oil or their growing nuke capabilities I'd wash my hands of the whole region.
That's 100% false, as unemployment did rise under President Carter, but because you only look at the first month and the last month of a Presidents time in office, you have no idea that happened.

When George Bush came into office, the unemployment rate was on the rise and continued to rise. This rise was stopped and the unemployment rate was lowered and then remained low, at historical lows for years on end. In February of 2008, Bush's last year in office, the unemployment rate was still BELOW 5%. But you don't get to see these things when you narrowly look at simply the first month and last month of Presidents time in office.

How would you like your school record or job record to be based only on the first month and last month you were in those positions? How about your relationships with other people? Perhaps as long as sports team wins their last game they deserve to go to the playoffs instead of a team that won all of its games except for the last one.

For nearly all of George W. Bush's term, the unemployment rate was below 6%. IN FACT, THE PRESIDENTIAL ADMINSTRATION THAT LOGGED THE MOST MONTHS OF AN UNEMPLOYMENT RATE BELOW 6% IN AMERICAN HISTORY WAS THE ADMINISTRATION OF GEORGE W BUSH. That's right, most months of an unemployment rate below 6%, once consider the natural rate of unemployment by economist, during a Presidential administration, belongs to George Bush.

You can't look at the last months of the George Bush Administration and decide that those conditions were what conditions were like through all 96 months of the administration. That is grossly inaccurate. The average man on the street could get a job while Bush was in the oval office. He has had a much harder time while Obama has been sittiing, there harder than under any President since World War II. That's a FACT that will not change no matter who you try and pin blame for the unemployment rate on.

I'm talking about how no Democrat president left office with unemployment in worse condition than they inherited it in. In contrast, except for Regean, no Republican president left office with unemployment in better condition than they inherited it.

I know what you are talking about. The first month the President was in office vs the last month they were in office in regards to the Unemployment rate. YOU CAN'T RATE A PRESIDENT ON ONLY 2 MONTHS IN OFFICE. YOU ARE ESSENTIALLY SAYING THAT IT IS OK FOR THE UNEMPLOYMENT RATE TO RISE TO 10%, 20%, or even 40% while they are in office, just as long as it is down to or below where it was the first month of office by the time of their last month in office. That is beyond Absurd!

There are issues every president has to deal with. There is nothing absurd about pointing out whether presidents leave office with a better or worse economy than they were handed. You just don`t like it because not a single Democrat left office with worse unemployment than when they stared, whereas not a single Republican president, except for Reagan, improved unemployment by the time they were done.
"There is nothing wrong at FANNIE MAE"

Barney Frank

libs are losers who lie to themselves
Barney Frank was but one member of the minority party. I'll ask you the same question I asked of Mud ...

In 2003, Republicans were in control of both the House and the Senate ... so what did the Republican-led Congress do in response to Bush's warning ... ?

Democrats by themselves aren't much of a problem. They can be dismissed like the nut-cases they are if it weren't for their relationship with the media. They've controlled the media for decades, and that gives them advantages over the GOP that cancels out their minority status.
That's pretty rightarded, even for you. It also fails miserably to explain why Republicans didn't pass oversight for the 4 years following Bush's warning. Guess we should never elect Republicans to office again, huh, since they will let the country go to hell if they're in charge because of the librul media?

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