The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

And under Obama barely more people are working today than 7 years ago, which is even worse given the growth in the potential workforce.
Your hallucinations grow increasingly bizarre. In reality, there are 6.4 million more people working today than there were when Obama became president. If 6.4 million in little more than 6 years (about 1 million per year) is your idea of "barely" growing, who knows what you think of Bush41's 4 years in office, which produced only 592K jobs per year. The second lowest growth. His son, Bush43, was the only one worse producing only 547K per year.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

These numbers are from the BLS Data link.

You cherry pick 4 years of Bush against 6 years and 4 months of Obama, so I will use 8 years of Bush against 6 years and 4 months of Obama.

Number employed
142,152,000 Jan 2009
148,523,000 Apr 2015
Increase 6,371,000

136,559,000 Jan 2000
143,369,000 Dec 2008
Increase 6,810,000

You will say the baby boomers just started retiring in 2009 and I will say he population growth has added more people to the work force.

All it proves is that numbers can be manipulated to satisfy one's agenda.

Increasing the number employed from 143 million in December 2008 to 148 million in April 2015, is a small increase, not on track with population growth or historical trends.
Bullshit. You're factoring in the negative impact from a massive recession and then concluding that over the last 6.5 years, the increase doesn't keep up with historical trends. The reality is over the last 5 years, it has. Once we got past the recession plus the lag time which follows, employment growth has been back on track. In fact, we're currently into the 62 consecutive month of the longest streak of job growth in the private sector recorded in U.S. history.

And yet that long streak has created way fewer actual jobs than previous recoveries because the recovery has been so endlessly soft. If you think our economy is as good now as before the recession then you are at most 14 years old

And where is Obama magically supposed to find jobs? Lower taxes? Taxes are lower than they were under Reagan.
Wrong! His average for the first 76 months in office is 8.09%. Even by the end of this year and current rates, he will still be behind Gerald Ford!
So? He also inherited the highest unemployment rate of any president along with an economy in recession. And as has been pointed out, averaging out the unemployment rate is quite useless.

Actually, Sparky, Reagan and W inhereted economies going into recession and W got one that was just coming out of one. Any excuse for the messiah, ay?

Reagan's economy went into recession in July of 1981.

Reagan is responsible for a recession that started 5 months into his Presidency, Obama isn't responsible for the economy six and a half years into his Presidency. Your usual brain dead perspective.

Here's a chance to redeem yourself. So what was Reagan's policy that caused the economy to stop as soon as he entered office?

This economy has been out of recession for almost 6 years. If you want to blame Obama for that, I see no reason to stand in your way.
Barely out. Obama like W has pursued endless tax and spend and regulate strategies that continue to weigh down growth.

Now what about answering the question? Since you blame Reagan for a recession that started 5 months into his Presidency "So what was Reagan's policy that caused the economy to stop as soon as he entered office?"
Your hallucinations grow increasingly bizarre. In reality, there are 6.4 million more people working today than there were when Obama became president. If 6.4 million in little more than 6 years (about 1 million per year) is your idea of "barely" growing, who knows what you think of Bush41's 4 years in office, which produced only 592K jobs per year. The second lowest growth. His son, Bush43, was the only one worse producing only 547K per year.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

These numbers are from the BLS Data link.

You cherry pick 4 years of Bush against 6 years and 4 months of Obama, so I will use 8 years of Bush against 6 years and 4 months of Obama.

Number employed
142,152,000 Jan 2009
148,523,000 Apr 2015
Increase 6,371,000

136,559,000 Jan 2000
143,369,000 Dec 2008
Increase 6,810,000

You will say the baby boomers just started retiring in 2009 and I will say he population growth has added more people to the work force.

All it proves is that numbers can be manipulated to satisfy one's agenda.

Increasing the number employed from 143 million in December 2008 to 148 million in April 2015, is a small increase, not on track with population growth or historical trends.
Bullshit. You're factoring in the negative impact from a massive recession and then concluding that over the last 6.5 years, the increase doesn't keep up with historical trends. The reality is over the last 5 years, it has. Once we got past the recession plus the lag time which follows, employment growth has been back on track. In fact, we're currently into the 62 consecutive month of the longest streak of job growth in the private sector recorded in U.S. history.

And yet that long streak has created way fewer actual jobs than previous recoveries because the recovery has been so endlessly soft. If you think our economy is as good now as before the recession then you are at most 14 years old

And where is Obama magically supposed to find jobs? Lower taxes? Taxes are lower than they were under Reagan.

You are only counting income taxes, taxes are choking businesses across the board. And job killing regulations even moreso
And under Obama barely more people are working today than 7 years ago, which is even worse given the growth in the potential workforce.
Your hallucinations grow increasingly bizarre. In reality, there are 6.4 million more people working today than there were when Obama became president. If 6.4 million in little more than 6 years (about 1 million per year) is your idea of "barely" growing, who knows what you think of Bush41's 4 years in office, which produced only 592K jobs per year. The second lowest growth. His son, Bush43, was the only one worse producing only 547K per year.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

These numbers are from the BLS Data link.

You cherry pick 4 years of Bush against 6 years and 4 months of Obama, so I will use 8 years of Bush against 6 years and 4 months of Obama.

Number employed
142,152,000 Jan 2009
148,523,000 Apr 2015
Increase 6,371,000

136,559,000 Jan 2000
143,369,000 Dec 2008
Increase 6,810,000

You will say the baby boomers just started retiring in 2009 and I will say he population growth has added more people to the work force.

All it proves is that numbers can be manipulated to satisfy one's agenda.

Increasing the number employed from 143 million in December 2008 to 148 million in April 2015, is a small increase, not on track with population growth or historical trends.
Bullshit. You're factoring in the negative impact from a massive recession and then concluding that over the last 6.5 years, the increase doesn't keep up with historical trends. The reality is over the last 5 years, it has. Once we got past the recession plus the lag time which follows, employment growth has been back on track. In fact, we're currently into the 62 consecutive month of the longest streak of job growth in the private sector recorded in U.S. history.

And yet that long streak has created way fewer actual jobs than previous recoveries because the recovery has been so endlessly soft. If you think our economy is as good now as before the recession then you are at most 14 years old
Why would anyone compare the economy now with an economy artificially inflated by the real estate bubble??
Wrong! His average for the first 76 months in office is 8.09%. Even by the end of this year and current rates, he will still be behind Gerald Ford!
So? He also inherited the highest unemployment rate of any president along with an economy in recession. And as has been pointed out, averaging out the unemployment rate is quite useless.

Actually, Sparky, Reagan and W inhereted economies going into recession and W got one that was just coming out of one. Any excuse for the messiah, ay?

Reagan's economy went into recession in July of 1981.

Reagan is responsible for a recession that started 5 months into his Presidency, Obama isn't responsible for the economy six and a half years into his Presidency. Your usual brain dead perspective.

Here's a chance to redeem yourself. So what was Reagan's policy that caused the economy to stop as soon as he entered office?

This economy has been out of recession for almost 6 years. If you want to blame Obama for that, I see no reason to stand in your way.
And yet almost every measure of wealth and income is about what it was 6 years ago. Except amogn the high income earners. How do you explain this?
Your hallucinations grow increasingly bizarre. In reality, there are 6.4 million more people working today than there were when Obama became president. If 6.4 million in little more than 6 years (about 1 million per year) is your idea of "barely" growing, who knows what you think of Bush41's 4 years in office, which produced only 592K jobs per year. The second lowest growth. His son, Bush43, was the only one worse producing only 547K per year.

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

These numbers are from the BLS Data link.

You cherry pick 4 years of Bush against 6 years and 4 months of Obama, so I will use 8 years of Bush against 6 years and 4 months of Obama.

Number employed
142,152,000 Jan 2009
148,523,000 Apr 2015
Increase 6,371,000

136,559,000 Jan 2000
143,369,000 Dec 2008
Increase 6,810,000

You will say the baby boomers just started retiring in 2009 and I will say he population growth has added more people to the work force.

All it proves is that numbers can be manipulated to satisfy one's agenda.

Increasing the number employed from 143 million in December 2008 to 148 million in April 2015, is a small increase, not on track with population growth or historical trends.
Bullshit. You're factoring in the negative impact from a massive recession and then concluding that over the last 6.5 years, the increase doesn't keep up with historical trends. The reality is over the last 5 years, it has. Once we got past the recession plus the lag time which follows, employment growth has been back on track. In fact, we're currently into the 62 consecutive month of the longest streak of job growth in the private sector recorded in U.S. history.

And yet that long streak has created way fewer actual jobs than previous recoveries because the recovery has been so endlessly soft. If you think our economy is as good now as before the recession then you are at most 14 years old

And where is Obama magically supposed to find jobs? Lower taxes? Taxes are lower than they were under Reagan.
Taxes are higher than under Reagan. Can you not look at two numbers and figure out which is more, dum-dum?
So? He also inherited the highest unemployment rate of any president along with an economy in recession. And as has been pointed out, averaging out the unemployment rate is quite useless.

Actually, Sparky, Reagan and W inhereted economies going into recession and W got one that was just coming out of one. Any excuse for the messiah, ay?

Reagan's economy went into recession in July of 1981.

Reagan is responsible for a recession that started 5 months into his Presidency, Obama isn't responsible for the economy six and a half years into his Presidency. Your usual brain dead perspective.

Here's a chance to redeem yourself. So what was Reagan's policy that caused the economy to stop as soon as he entered office?

This economy has been out of recession for almost 6 years. If you want to blame Obama for that, I see no reason to stand in your way.
Barely out. Obama like W has pursued endless tax and spend and regulate strategies that continue to weigh down growth.

Now what about answering the question? Since you blame Reagan for a recession that started 5 months into his Presidency "So what was Reagan's policy that caused the economy to stop as soon as he entered office?"
It was Fed policy of keeping interest rates excessively high to combat inflation.
Really? Hillary said, "In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program."

Show where Hussein worked to rebuild his WMD during those 4 years.......

Why don't you ask Hillary Clinton since she is the one who made the statement? That is why her statement is in quotation marks.
Average Unemployment Rates For US Presidents since World War II:

01. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
02. Harry Truman: 4.26%
03. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
04. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
05. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
06. George W. Bush: 5.27%
07. John Kennedy: 5.98%
08. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
09. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
10. Ronald Reagan: 7.54%
11. Gerald Ford: 7.77%
12. Barack Obama: 8.09%

Obama is still in last past and although it appears he will past Ford unless the unemployment rate goes up, its far from certain that he will pass Reagan and he will NEVER be able to beat BUSH!

Obama is already at 7.25% and still has another 18 months to drop it lower

Considering where he started, it is miraculous

7.25% after almost 6 1/2 years is "miraculous?" Your incredible standards for Republicans just disappear with Democrats...
So? At this point, Reagan was at 8.03%, just 7/100ths better than Obama. Only Reagan started with a rate 3/10ths lower than Obama and no recession. And Reagan is a god to righties.

You think Reagan started with a good economy?

What a great example of just how brain-dead you are. I point out how Reagan was handed an economy which wasn't in recession (which it wasn"t) -- and your deformed brain translated that into it meaning the economy was good. :ack-1:

Right 20% interest rates and inflation and we went into a recession 5 months into it. As you keep arguing with Obama, the President doesn't even do the first year budget. How exactly did Reagan accomplish that.

This is why I criticism leftists more than Republicans, your hypocrisies are just to ridiculously hysterical
Actually, Sparky, Reagan and W inhereted economies going into recession and W got one that was just coming out of one. Any excuse for the messiah, ay?

Reagan's economy went into recession in July of 1981.

Reagan is responsible for a recession that started 5 months into his Presidency, Obama isn't responsible for the economy six and a half years into his Presidency. Your usual brain dead perspective.

Here's a chance to redeem yourself. So what was Reagan's policy that caused the economy to stop as soon as he entered office?

This economy has been out of recession for almost 6 years. If you want to blame Obama for that, I see no reason to stand in your way.
Barely out. Obama like W has pursued endless tax and spend and regulate strategies that continue to weigh down growth.

Now what about answering the question? Since you blame Reagan for a recession that started 5 months into his Presidency "So what was Reagan's policy that caused the economy to stop as soon as he entered office?"
It was Fed policy of keeping interest rates excessively high to combat inflation.

And that made it "Reagan's economy?" It was under Carter's budget, the Fed kept rates high, but Reagan owned it?

Tell me again how Obama had no control over the economy the first year, it was W's budget.

What a lying douche sack of shit you are
Its the only accurate way to asses how things went of the course of 96 months. Your GPA is an average because its the most accurate way to assess how you did as far as your grades in school. Understand?
Actually, colleges and graduate schools value where you started and where you ended over the average, putting finishing with a higher GPA on top and finishing with a lower GPA at the bottom. Bush started at around 4% UE and nearly doubled it. Obama started at nearly 8% UE and may well halve it by the time he leavers.

Obama started in a recession and unemployment went down over 6 1/2 years. oooooohhhhhhhhhh impressive. Not
Funny how rightwingers thought it was a miracle when Reagan did that. Only to Obama's credit, he started with a higher UE rate than Reagan, in a recession, and still has the UE rate about a full point lower than Reagan had at this same point in his presidency. :mm:
Why don't you ask Hillary Clinton since she is the one who made the statement? That is why her statement is in quotation marks.
Obama is already at 7.25% and still has another 18 months to drop it lower

Considering where he started, it is miraculous

7.25% after almost 6 1/2 years is "miraculous?" Your incredible standards for Republicans just disappear with Democrats...
So? At this point, Reagan was at 8.03%, just 7/100ths better than Obama. Only Reagan started with a rate 3/10ths lower than Obama and no recession. And Reagan is a god to righties.

You think Reagan started with a good economy?

What a great example of just how brain-dead you are. I point out how Reagan was handed an economy which wasn't in recession (which it wasn"t) -- and your deformed brain translated that into it meaning the economy was good. :ack-1:

Right 20% interest rates and inflation and we went into a recession 5 months into it. As you keep arguing with Obama, the President doesn't even do the first year budget. How exactly did Reagan accomplish that.

This is why I criticism leftists more than Republicans, your hypocrisies are just to ridiculously hysterical
You're fucking insane. I said nothing hypocritical.
Reagan's economy went into recession in July of 1981.

Reagan is responsible for a recession that started 5 months into his Presidency, Obama isn't responsible for the economy six and a half years into his Presidency. Your usual brain dead perspective.

Here's a chance to redeem yourself. So what was Reagan's policy that caused the economy to stop as soon as he entered office?

This economy has been out of recession for almost 6 years. If you want to blame Obama for that, I see no reason to stand in your way.
Barely out. Obama like W has pursued endless tax and spend and regulate strategies that continue to weigh down growth.

Now what about answering the question? Since you blame Reagan for a recession that started 5 months into his Presidency "So what was Reagan's policy that caused the economy to stop as soon as he entered office?"
It was Fed policy of keeping interest rates excessively high to combat inflation.

And that made it "Reagan's economy?" It was under Carter's budget, the Fed kept rates high, but Reagan owned it?

Tell me again how Obama had no control over the economy the first year, it was W's budget.

What a lying douche sack of shit you are
You're becoming too fucking unhinged to converse with. I said none of that about Reagan other than the Fed kept interest rates excessively high. The rest stems from your demented imagination.
Perhaps Rice and Powell were listening to these virtuous, knowledgeable Democrats for their bullshit evidence.

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..."
- Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003 | Source

"There is unmistakable evidence that Saddam Hussein is working aggressively to develop nuclear weapons and will likely have nuclear weapons within the next five years ... We also should remember we have always underestimated the progress Saddam has made in development of weapons of mass destruction."
- Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D, WV), Oct 10, 2002 | Source

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
- Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002 | Source
Nope, they spoke out before then as they pointed out Iraq was not a threat. Furthermore ... nine years, 5000 American lives, and trillions of dollars later they proved to be correct.

Perhaps you should read what they all stated very carefully and then tell me they were correct.
Really? Hillary said, "In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program."

Show where Hussein worked to rebuild his WMD during those 4 years.......

Why don't you ask Hillary Clinton since she is the one who made the statement? That is why her statement is in quotation marks.
I think Obama has now passed Reagan, or is very close to it.

I saw that coming too. Hilarious.

Average Unemployment Rates For US Presidents since World War II:

01. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
02. Harry Truman: 4.26%
03. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
04. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
05. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
06. George W. Bush: 5.27%
07. John Kennedy: 5.98%
08. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
09. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
10. Ronald Reagan: 7.54%
11. Gerald Ford: 7.77%
12. Barack Obama: 8.09%

Obama is still in last past and although it appears he will past Ford unless the unemployment rate goes up, its far from certain that he will pass Reagan and he will NEVER be able to beat BUSH!

Obama is already at 7.25% and still has another 18 months to drop it lower

Considering where he started, it is miraculous

7.25% after almost 6 1/2 years is "miraculous?" Your incredible standards for Republicans just disappear with Democrats...
No President since FDR has been given a gloomier employment figure
Obama has it down to 5.3%

What made it miraculous was Obama did it with Republicans insisting on austerity and reducing government employment at all levels
Nope, they spoke out before then as they pointed out Iraq was not a threat. Furthermore ... nine years, 5000 American lives, and trillions of dollars later they proved to be correct.

Perhaps you should read what they all stated very carefully and then tell me they were correct.
Really? Hillary said, "In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program."

Show where Hussein worked to rebuild his WMD during those 4 years.......

Why don't you ask Hillary Clinton since she is the one who made the statement? That is why her statement is in quotation marks.
I think Obama has now passed Reagan, or is very close to it.

I saw that coming too. Hilarious.

Average Unemployment Rates For US Presidents since World War II:

01. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
02. Harry Truman: 4.26%
03. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
04. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
05. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
06. George W. Bush: 5.27%
07. John Kennedy: 5.98%
08. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
09. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
10. Ronald Reagan: 7.54%
11. Gerald Ford: 7.77%
12. Barack Obama: 8.09%

Obama is still in last past and although it appears he will past Ford unless the unemployment rate goes up, its far from certain that he will pass Reagan and he will NEVER be able to beat BUSH!

Obama is already at 7.25% and still has another 18 months to drop it lower

Considering where he started, it is miraculous

7.25% after almost 6 1/2 years is "miraculous?" Your incredible standards for Republicans just disappear with Democrats...
No President since FDR has been given a gloomier employment figure
Obama has it down to 5.3%

What made it miraculous was Obama did it with Republicans insisting on austerity and reducing government employment at all levels
That's right, Big Government Reagan brought UE down by growing the government while preaching smaller government.
Go figure! :dunno:
Perhaps you should read what they all stated very carefully and then tell me they were correct.
Really? Hillary said, "In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program."

Show where Hussein worked to rebuild his WMD during those 4 years.......

Why don't you ask Hillary Clinton since she is the one who made the statement? That is why her statement is in quotation marks.
I think Obama has now passed Reagan, or is very close to it.

I saw that coming too. Hilarious.

Average Unemployment Rates For US Presidents since World War II:

01. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
02. Harry Truman: 4.26%
03. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
04. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
05. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
06. George W. Bush: 5.27%
07. John Kennedy: 5.98%
08. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
09. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
10. Ronald Reagan: 7.54%
11. Gerald Ford: 7.77%
12. Barack Obama: 8.09%

Obama is still in last past and although it appears he will past Ford unless the unemployment rate goes up, its far from certain that he will pass Reagan and he will NEVER be able to beat BUSH!

Obama is already at 7.25% and still has another 18 months to drop it lower

Considering where he started, it is miraculous

7.25% after almost 6 1/2 years is "miraculous?" Your incredible standards for Republicans just disappear with Democrats...
No President since FDR has been given a gloomier employment figure
Obama has it down to 5.3%

What made it miraculous was Obama did it with Republicans insisting on austerity and reducing government employment at all levels
That's right, Big Government Reagan brought UE down by growing the government while preaching smaller government.
Go figure! :dunno:
The "Reagan miracle" was a result of massively increased defense spending and borrowing
Sheesh .. on one hand Democrats blame Bush exclusively for the economic downturn
Who cares? Presidents don't decide who works or who doesn't.

I'm just curious. Why would you average in the first month or 3 months or 6 months of a president's term implying that he had anything to do with that unemployment rate?
Why do Democrats like to forget that the economic downturn started right after Pelosi and Reid took over Congress the last 2 years of Bush's Presidency?
Sheesh .. on one hand Democrats blame Bush exclusively for the economic downturn
Who cares? Presidents don't decide who works or who doesn't.

I'm just curious. Why would you average in the first month or 3 months or 6 months of a president's term implying that he had anything to do with that unemployment rate?
Why do Democrats like to forget that the economic downturn started right after Pelosi and Reid took over Congress the last 2 years of Bush's Presidency?
Because anyone with a functioning brain knows that the 110th Congress did not cause the economic collapse. How could they have? It was caused by toxic loans written years earlier.
Sheesh .. on one hand Democrats blame Bush exclusively for the economic downturn
Who cares? Presidents don't decide who works or who doesn't.

I'm just curious. Why would you average in the first month or 3 months or 6 months of a president's term implying that he had anything to do with that unemployment rate?
Why do Democrats like to forget that the economic downturn started right after Pelosi and Reid took over Congress the last 2 years of Bush's Presidency?
And were blocked from doing ANYTHING by GOP filibusters and vetoes duh...
Really? Hillary said, "In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program."

Show where Hussein worked to rebuild his WMD during those 4 years.......

Why don't you ask Hillary Clinton since she is the one who made the statement? That is why her statement is in quotation marks.
Average Unemployment Rates For US Presidents since World War II:

01. Lyndon Johnson: 4.19%
02. Harry Truman: 4.26%
03. Dwight Eisenhower: 4.89%
04. Richard Nixon: 5.00%
05. Bill Clinton: 5.20%
06. George W. Bush: 5.27%
07. John Kennedy: 5.98%
08. George H.W. Bush: 6.30%
09. Jimmy Carter: 6.54%
10. Ronald Reagan: 7.54%
11. Gerald Ford: 7.77%
12. Barack Obama: 8.09%

Obama is still in last past and although it appears he will past Ford unless the unemployment rate goes up, its far from certain that he will pass Reagan and he will NEVER be able to beat BUSH!

Obama is already at 7.25% and still has another 18 months to drop it lower

Considering where he started, it is miraculous

7.25% after almost 6 1/2 years is "miraculous?" Your incredible standards for Republicans just disappear with Democrats...
No President since FDR has been given a gloomier employment figure
Obama has it down to 5.3%

What made it miraculous was Obama did it with Republicans insisting on austerity and reducing government employment at all levels
That's right, Big Government Reagan brought UE down by growing the government while preaching smaller government.
Go figure! :dunno:
The "Reagan miracle" was a result of massively increased defense spending and borrowing
Obama borrowed about 10 times as much and has about 1/10th to show for it.
You're wrong, as usual.

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