The President with the worst average unemployment rate since World War II is?

To drag this thread back on topic .... the presidents with the worst average unemployment rate....

After 78 months in office ...

Ronald Reagan ... 8.0%
Barack Obama .... 8.0%

Here are the FACTS from The Bureau of Labor Statistics: Notice Data not available U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
After 78 months the unemployment rate for Reagan was :7.2%
Obama at the 78th month 5.3%

One should keep in perspective though that the Misery Index which was a Carter’s misery index peaked at 21.98% in June of 1980.
His misery index was still above 20% come November 1980, so Reagan (R) was able to use Carter’s own words and the misery index against him in the following election and make Carter a rare one-term President.

Reagan took office in January 1981 with a misery index of 19.33%. By November of 1984 the misery index had fallen steadily to 11.25% and Reagan was reelected. By November 1988 the misery index was 9.55%
Misery Index
View attachment 47589
First of all, thank you for reiterating my point from my last post..... even though this thread was started by a rightard, you righties no longer want to talk about the president with the worst unemployment average since Obama and Reagan are tied at 8%. No sooner do I point that out and along you come, trying to derail the thread off topic again.

At any rate, the average monthly misery after 78 months in office...

Ronald Reagan ... 12.62
Barack Obama ...... 9.47

Right no question Reagan had a misery index that compared to Obama was "miserly"!!
The problem is Obama has had very little issues to fix as Reagan did.

The two components in case you don't remember of the Misery Index are inflation and unemployment.

View attachment 47605

Don't believe the happy talk coming out of the White House, Federal Reserve and Treasury Department when it comes to the real unemployment rate and the true “Misery Index.” Because, according to an influential Wall Street advisor, the figures are a fraud.

In a memo to clients provided to Secrets, David John Marotta calculates the actual unemployment rate of those not working at a sky-high 37.2 percent, not the 6.7 percent advertised by the Fed, and the Misery Index at over 14, not the 8 claimed by the government.

Marotta, who recently advised those worried about an imploding economy to get a gun, said that the government isn't being honest in how it calculates those out of the workforce or inflation, the two numbers used to get the Misery Index figure.

“The unemployment rate only describes people who are currently working or looking for work,” he said. That leaves out a ton more.
Unemployment in its truest definition, meaning the portion of people who do not have any job, is 37.2 percent. This number obviously includes some people who are not or never plan to seek employment. But it does describe how many people are not able to, do not want to or cannot find a way to work. Policies that remove the barriers to employment, thus decreasing this number, are obviously beneficial,” he and colleague Megan Russell in their new investors note from their offices in Charlottesville, Va.
Today, the Misery Index would be 7.54 using official numbers,” they wrote. But if calculations tabulating the full national unemployment including discouraged workers, which is 10.2 percent, and the historical method of calculating inflation, which is now 4.5 percent, ‘the current misery index is closer to 14.7, worse even than during the Ford administration.”
Wall Street adviser Actual unemployment is 37.2 misery index worst in 40 years Washington Examiner

You mean don't measure Obama like we do Ronnie? lol

Yes, Dubya/GOP dug a HUGE hole for US!


ONCE AGAIN UNTIL YOU IDIOTS that make those STUPID, IGNORANT totally absent of any perspective comments about GWB "digging a hole"
NOT ONE president has every had this accumulated cataclysmic events occur in one Presidency!

I will continue to POST THESE EVENTS until you dummies recognize THEY HAPPENED!
THEY had an affect on the economy! But you dumb sh...ts don't remember or are ignoring for what reason I don't understand!

1) Are you aware that a recession started under Clinton and became official 3/01 ended 11/01?
Because you don't seem to comprehend... RECESSIONS are like football length tankers... it takes miles to turn one...i.e. so does
a "RECESSION"... it doesn't just start the day NBER states... it is a slow degradation and it started under CLINTON!!!
Source: - It s official 2001 recession only lasted eight months

A Major $5 trillion market loss
2) Are you aware that the bust occurred and cost $5 trillion in losses?
Again Clinton laid claim BUT someone had to pay and it occurred during Bush's first year! $5 trillion in market losses MEAN lost tax revenue
According to the Los Angeles Times, when the dot-com bubble burst, it wiped out $5 trillion dollars in market value for tech companies. More than half of the Internet companies created since 1995 were gone by 2004 - and hundreds of thousands of skilled technology workers were out of jobs.
Source: The dot-com bubble How to lose 5 trillion Anderson Cooper 360 - Blogs

The worst attacks on the USA in History.. 3,000 deaths!!!
3)Obviously most of you are UNAWARE 9/11 cost 3,000 lives, $2 trillion in lost businesses,market values assets. Jobs lost in New York owing to the attacks: 146,100 JUST in New York.
Are you aware this happened???
Year 2001: September 11 Terrorist Attacks
The 9/11 terrorist attacks were the events that helped shape other financial events of the decade. After that terrible day in September 2001, our economic climate was never to be the same again. It was only the third time in history that the New York Stock Exchange was shut down for a period of time. In this case, it was closed from September 10 - 17. Besides the tragic human loss of that day, the economic loss cannot even be estimated. Some estimate that there was over $60 billion in insurance losses alone. Airlines didn't fly for 3 days!
Approximately 18,000 small businesses were either displaced or destroyed in Lower Manhattan after the Twin Towers fell. There was a buildup in homeland security on all levels. 9/11 caused a catastrophic financial loss for the U.S.
Source: The Top 10 Financial Events of the Decade

Anthrax Attacks...
The 2001 anthrax attacks in the United States, also known as Amerithrax from its Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) case name, occurred over the course of several weeks beginning on Tuesday, September 18, 2001, one week after the September 11 attacks. Letters containing anthrax spores were mailed to several news media offices and two DemocraticU.S. Senators, killing five people and infecting 17 others.

4) $1 trillion in losses due to the WORST Hurricane SEASONS in history.
The worst, Katrina made landfall in Louisiana as a Category 3 in 2005. It took 1,836 lives and caused $81.2 billion in damages. It quickly became the biggest natural disaster in U.S. history, almost destroying New Orleans due to severe flooding.

Rank Disaster Year Deaths Damage* $250 Billion in damages in the 8 disasters of the top 15 disasters in history!
1. Hurricane Katrina (LA/MS/AL/FL) 2005 1833 $133,800,000,000
6. Hurricane Ike (TX/LA/MS) 2008 112 $27,000,000,000
7. Hurricane Wilma (FL) 2005 35 $17,100,000,000
8. Hurricane Rita (TX/LA) 2005 119 $17,100,000,000
9. Hurricane Charley (FL) 2004 35 $16,500,000,000
12. Midwest Floods 2008 24 $15,000,000,000
13. Hurricane Ivan (FL/AL) 2004 57 $13,000,000,000
14. 30-State Drought 2002 0 $11,400,000,000
Costliest U.S. Weather Disasters Weather Underground

YET in SPITE of :
a) 400,000 jobs lost due to Hurricanes Katrina/Rita ,
b) 2,800,000 jobs lost in alone due to 9/11,
c) 300,000 jobs lost due to busts...
In spite of nearly $8 trillion in lost businesses, market values, destroyed property.. IN SPITE of that:

AFTER the tax cuts Federal Tax REVENUES Increased an average of 9.78% per year!!!
Government Revenue Details Federal State Local for 2008 - Charts

2000 $236.2 billion surplus
2001 $128.2 billion surplus
2002 $157.8 billion deficit.. also 9/11 occurred and tax revenues lowered for years later
2003 $377.6 billion deficit.. BRAND new cabinet Homeland Security, plus loans made to businesses.. again tax revenues down..affect of 9/11
2004 $412.7 billion deficit.. Revenues up by 5.5% spending increased and economy getting back.
2005 $318.3 billion deficit.. revenues up by 14.5% deficit decreasing at rate of 22%
2006 $248.2 billion deficit.. revenues up by 11.7% deficit decrease 22%
2007 $160.7 billion deficit.. revenues up by 6.7% deficit decrease 35%
2008 $458.6 billion deficit.. revenues down and deficit INCREASED TARP loan mostly...
Historical Federal Receipt and Outlay Summary

Largest Gross Domestic Product in history!!
When Bush took office in 2001 GDP was $12.355,271,000,000
when Bush left office in 2008 GDP was $14,359,490,000,000
A 16% increase in GDP or $2 TRILLION.
So how did those 4 gigantic events affect the Gross Domestic Product from 2000 to 2009?

So starting in 2001 132,548,000 people were working.
At the end of 2008 138,056,000 people working..

IN spite of recession, bust, 9/11, worst hurricanes.... MORE people were working... more tax revenue was collected. GDP grew!

But IDIOTS like you FFOs and LIPs ..............
WHY is it so hard for idiots like you to RECOGNIZE that these EVENTS cost jobs and in spite of the economy GREW!!!

FACTS... NOT hyperbole! REALITY!!!

1) Recession? That lil blip that was almost nothing? Seriously? You are trying to argue PAPER MONEY (most of the $5 trillion lost in dotcom bust which had peaked March 2000????

2) 9/11 Yep, Dubya's admin ignored warnings and it cost US a lot!

Bush Received More Warnings About 9/11 Than We Realized

We already knew about the presidential brief from Aug. 6, 2001 that was titled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.” The White House has shown that this declassified document was primarily a history of Al Qaeda, not a warning of imminent attack.

But there were other briefings, some seen by Eichenwald, that did warn of an imminent attack.

On May 1 the CIA said that a terrorist group in the U.S. was planning an attack.

On June 22 it warned that this attack was "imminent."

On June 29 the brief warned of near-term attacks with "dramatic consequences" including major casualties.

On July 1, the briefing said that the terrorist attack had been delayed but "will occur soon."

On July 24, the president was told again that the attack had been delayed but would occur within months.

These and other similar warnings were ignored by the White House. The Neocons in charge insisted that the threat was instead a coordinated diversion meant to distract attention from Saddam Hussein, according to Eichenwald. This opinion frustrated the intelligence community, who saw the theory as totally illogical.

Bush Received More Warnings About 9 11 Than We Realized - Business Insider

"IN spite of recession, bust, 9/11, worst hurricanes.... MORE people were working... more tax revenue was collected. GDP grew!"

Liar, Dubya had a PONZI scheme bubble (subprime) that he cheered on that artificially inflated jobs, until they didn't. BOTH tax cuts cost the US treasury revenues, EVERY credible economist agrees!!!

Total private sector job

Jan 2001 111,861,000
Dec 2008 107,203,000 (THIS IS WITHOUT THE 4_ MILLION JOBS LOST IN 2009)




Notice Data not available U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Q When did the Bush Mortgage Bubble start?

A The general timeframe is it started late 2004.

From Bush’s President’s Working Group on Financial Markets October 2008

“The Presidents Working Group’s March policy statement acknowledged that turmoil in financial markets clearly was triggered by a dramatic weakening of underwriting standards for U.S. subprime mortgages, beginning in late 2004 and extending into 2007.”

Bush's documented policies and statements in timeframe leading up to the start of the Bush Mortgage Bubble include (but not limited to)

Wanting 5.5 million more minority homeowners
Tells congress there is nothing wrong with GSEs
Pledging to use federal policy to increase home ownership
Routinely taking credit for the housing market
Forcing GSEs to buy more low income home loans by raising their Housing Goals (2004)
Lowering Investment banks capital requirements, Net Capital rule (2004)
Reversing the Clinton rule that restricted GSEs purchases of subprime loans (2004)
Lowering down payment requirements to 0% (2004)
Forcing GSEs to spend an additional $440 billion in the secondary markets (2004)
Giving away 40,000 free down payments (2004-2007)

But the biggest policy was regulators not enforcing lending standards.

FBI saw threat of loan crisis

A top official warned of widening mortgage fraud in 2004, but the agency focused its resources elsewhere

"It has the potential to be an epidemic,"

"We think we can prevent a problem that could have as much impact as the S&L crisis,"

They ended up with fewer resources, rather than more.

FBI saw threat of loan crisis - latimes

Right-wingers Want To Erase How George Bush's "Homeowner Society" Helped Cause The Economic Collapse

FACTS on Dubya s great recession US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
To drag this thread back on topic .... the presidents with the worst average unemployment rate....

After 78 months in office ...

Ronald Reagan ... 8.0%
Barack Obama .... 8.0%

Here are the FACTS from The Bureau of Labor Statistics: Notice Data not available U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
After 78 months the unemployment rate for Reagan was :7.2%
Obama at the 78th month 5.3%

One should keep in perspective though that the Misery Index which was a Carter’s misery index peaked at 21.98% in June of 1980.
His misery index was still above 20% come November 1980, so Reagan (R) was able to use Carter’s own words and the misery index against him in the following election and make Carter a rare one-term President.

Reagan took office in January 1981 with a misery index of 19.33%. By November of 1984 the misery index had fallen steadily to 11.25% and Reagan was reelected. By November 1988 the misery index was 9.55%
Misery Index
View attachment 47589
First of all, thank you for reiterating my point from my last post..... even though this thread was started by a rightard, you righties no longer want to talk about the president with the worst unemployment average since Obama and Reagan are tied at 8%. No sooner do I point that out and along you come, trying to derail the thread off topic again.

At any rate, the average monthly misery after 78 months in office...

Ronald Reagan ... 12.62
Barack Obama ...... 9.47

Right no question Reagan had a misery index that compared to Obama was "miserly"!!
The problem is Obama has had very little issues to fix as Reagan did.

The two components in case you don't remember of the Misery Index are inflation and unemployment.

View attachment 47605

Don't believe the happy talk coming out of the White House, Federal Reserve and Treasury Department when it comes to the real unemployment rate and the true “Misery Index.” Because, according to an influential Wall Street advisor, the figures are a fraud.

In a memo to clients provided to Secrets, David John Marotta calculates the actual unemployment rate of those not working at a sky-high 37.2 percent, not the 6.7 percent advertised by the Fed, and the Misery Index at over 14, not the 8 claimed by the government.

Marotta, who recently advised those worried about an imploding economy to get a gun, said that the government isn't being honest in how it calculates those out of the workforce or inflation, the two numbers used to get the Misery Index figure.

“The unemployment rate only describes people who are currently working or looking for work,” he said. That leaves out a ton more.
Unemployment in its truest definition, meaning the portion of people who do not have any job, is 37.2 percent. This number obviously includes some people who are not or never plan to seek employment. But it does describe how many people are not able to, do not want to or cannot find a way to work. Policies that remove the barriers to employment, thus decreasing this number, are obviously beneficial,” he and colleague Megan Russell in their new investors note from their offices in Charlottesville, Va.
Today, the Misery Index would be 7.54 using official numbers,” they wrote. But if calculations tabulating the full national unemployment including discouraged workers, which is 10.2 percent, and the historical method of calculating inflation, which is now 4.5 percent, ‘the current misery index is closer to 14.7, worse even than during the Ford administration.”
Wall Street adviser Actual unemployment is 37.2 misery index worst in 40 years Washington Examiner

You mean don't measure Obama like we do Ronnie? lol

Yes, Dubya/GOP dug a HUGE hole for US!


ONCE AGAIN UNTIL YOU IDIOTS that make those STUPID, IGNORANT totally absent of any perspective comments about GWB "digging a hole"
NOT ONE president has every had this accumulated cataclysmic events occur in one Presidency!

I will continue to POST THESE EVENTS until you dummies recognize THEY HAPPENED!
THEY had an affect on the economy! But you dumb sh...ts don't remember or are ignoring for what reason I don't understand!

1) Are you aware that a recession started under Clinton and became official 3/01 ended 11/01?
Because you don't seem to comprehend... RECESSIONS are like football length tankers... it takes miles to turn one...i.e. so does
a "RECESSION"... it doesn't just start the day NBER states... it is a slow degradation and it started under CLINTON!!!
Source: - It s official 2001 recession only lasted eight months

A Major $5 trillion market loss
2) Are you aware that the bust occurred and cost $5 trillion in losses?
Again Clinton laid claim BUT someone had to pay and it occurred during Bush's first year! $5 trillion in market losses MEAN lost tax revenue
According to the Los Angeles Times, when the dot-com bubble burst, it wiped out $5 trillion dollars in market value for tech companies. More than half of the Internet companies created since 1995 were gone by 2004 - and hundreds of thousands of skilled technology workers were out of jobs.
Source: The dot-com bubble How to lose 5 trillion Anderson Cooper 360 - Blogs

The worst attacks on the USA in History.. 3,000 deaths!!!
3)Obviously most of you are UNAWARE 9/11 cost 3,000 lives, $2 trillion in lost businesses,market values assets. Jobs lost in New York owing to the attacks: 146,100 JUST in New York.
Are you aware this happened???
Year 2001: September 11 Terrorist Attacks
The 9/11 terrorist attacks were the events that helped shape other financial events of the decade. After that terrible day in September 2001, our economic climate was never to be the same again. It was only the third time in history that the New York Stock Exchange was shut down for a period of time. In this case, it was closed from September 10 - 17. Besides the tragic human loss of that day, the economic loss cannot even be estimated. Some estimate that there was over $60 billion in insurance losses alone. Airlines didn't fly for 3 days!
Approximately 18,000 small businesses were either displaced or destroyed in Lower Manhattan after the Twin Towers fell. There was a buildup in homeland security on all levels. 9/11 caused a catastrophic financial loss for the U.S.
Source: The Top 10 Financial Events of the Decade

Anthrax Attacks...
The 2001 anthrax attacks in the United States, also known as Amerithrax from its Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) case name, occurred over the course of several weeks beginning on Tuesday, September 18, 2001, one week after the September 11 attacks. Letters containing anthrax spores were mailed to several news media offices and two DemocraticU.S. Senators, killing five people and infecting 17 others.

4) $1 trillion in losses due to the WORST Hurricane SEASONS in history.
The worst, Katrina made landfall in Louisiana as a Category 3 in 2005. It took 1,836 lives and caused $81.2 billion in damages. It quickly became the biggest natural disaster in U.S. history, almost destroying New Orleans due to severe flooding.

Rank Disaster Year Deaths Damage* $250 Billion in damages in the 8 disasters of the top 15 disasters in history!
1. Hurricane Katrina (LA/MS/AL/FL) 2005 1833 $133,800,000,000
6. Hurricane Ike (TX/LA/MS) 2008 112 $27,000,000,000
7. Hurricane Wilma (FL) 2005 35 $17,100,000,000
8. Hurricane Rita (TX/LA) 2005 119 $17,100,000,000
9. Hurricane Charley (FL) 2004 35 $16,500,000,000
12. Midwest Floods 2008 24 $15,000,000,000
13. Hurricane Ivan (FL/AL) 2004 57 $13,000,000,000
14. 30-State Drought 2002 0 $11,400,000,000
Costliest U.S. Weather Disasters Weather Underground

YET in SPITE of :
a) 400,000 jobs lost due to Hurricanes Katrina/Rita ,
b) 2,800,000 jobs lost in alone due to 9/11,
c) 300,000 jobs lost due to busts...
In spite of nearly $8 trillion in lost businesses, market values, destroyed property.. IN SPITE of that:

AFTER the tax cuts Federal Tax REVENUES Increased an average of 9.78% per year!!!
Government Revenue Details Federal State Local for 2008 - Charts

2000 $236.2 billion surplus
2001 $128.2 billion surplus
2002 $157.8 billion deficit.. also 9/11 occurred and tax revenues lowered for years later
2003 $377.6 billion deficit.. BRAND new cabinet Homeland Security, plus loans made to businesses.. again tax revenues down..affect of 9/11
2004 $412.7 billion deficit.. Revenues up by 5.5% spending increased and economy getting back.
2005 $318.3 billion deficit.. revenues up by 14.5% deficit decreasing at rate of 22%
2006 $248.2 billion deficit.. revenues up by 11.7% deficit decrease 22%
2007 $160.7 billion deficit.. revenues up by 6.7% deficit decrease 35%
2008 $458.6 billion deficit.. revenues down and deficit INCREASED TARP loan mostly...
Historical Federal Receipt and Outlay Summary

Largest Gross Domestic Product in history!!
When Bush took office in 2001 GDP was $12.355,271,000,000
when Bush left office in 2008 GDP was $14,359,490,000,000
A 16% increase in GDP or $2 TRILLION.
So how did those 4 gigantic events affect the Gross Domestic Product from 2000 to 2009?

So starting in 2001 132,548,000 people were working.
At the end of 2008 138,056,000 people working..

IN spite of recession, bust, 9/11, worst hurricanes.... MORE people were working... more tax revenue was collected. GDP grew!

But IDIOTS like you FFOs and LIPs ..............
WHY is it so hard for idiots like you to RECOGNIZE that these EVENTS cost jobs and in spite of the economy GREW!!!

FACTS... NOT hyperbole! REALITY!!!
No recession started under Clinton. That's a lie and that's as far as I got in your post since it's reasonable to assume that everything else you posted is also a lie.

If truth and facts were on your side you wouldn't have to lie.
Here are the FACTS from The Bureau of Labor Statistics: Notice Data not available U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
After 78 months the unemployment rate for Reagan was :7.2%
Obama at the 78th month 5.3%

One should keep in perspective though that the Misery Index which was a Carter’s misery index peaked at 21.98% in June of 1980.
His misery index was still above 20% come November 1980, so Reagan (R) was able to use Carter’s own words and the misery index against him in the following election and make Carter a rare one-term President.

Reagan took office in January 1981 with a misery index of 19.33%. By November of 1984 the misery index had fallen steadily to 11.25% and Reagan was reelected. By November 1988 the misery index was 9.55%
Misery Index
View attachment 47589
First of all, thank you for reiterating my point from my last post..... even though this thread was started by a rightard, you righties no longer want to talk about the president with the worst unemployment average since Obama and Reagan are tied at 8%. No sooner do I point that out and along you come, trying to derail the thread off topic again.

At any rate, the average monthly misery after 78 months in office...

Ronald Reagan ... 12.62
Barack Obama ...... 9.47

Right no question Reagan had a misery index that compared to Obama was "miserly"!!
The problem is Obama has had very little issues to fix as Reagan did.

The two components in case you don't remember of the Misery Index are inflation and unemployment.

View attachment 47605

Don't believe the happy talk coming out of the White House, Federal Reserve and Treasury Department when it comes to the real unemployment rate and the true “Misery Index.” Because, according to an influential Wall Street advisor, the figures are a fraud.

In a memo to clients provided to Secrets, David John Marotta calculates the actual unemployment rate of those not working at a sky-high 37.2 percent, not the 6.7 percent advertised by the Fed, and the Misery Index at over 14, not the 8 claimed by the government.

Marotta, who recently advised those worried about an imploding economy to get a gun, said that the government isn't being honest in how it calculates those out of the workforce or inflation, the two numbers used to get the Misery Index figure.

“The unemployment rate only describes people who are currently working or looking for work,” he said. That leaves out a ton more.
Unemployment in its truest definition, meaning the portion of people who do not have any job, is 37.2 percent. This number obviously includes some people who are not or never plan to seek employment. But it does describe how many people are not able to, do not want to or cannot find a way to work. Policies that remove the barriers to employment, thus decreasing this number, are obviously beneficial,” he and colleague Megan Russell in their new investors note from their offices in Charlottesville, Va.
Today, the Misery Index would be 7.54 using official numbers,” they wrote. But if calculations tabulating the full national unemployment including discouraged workers, which is 10.2 percent, and the historical method of calculating inflation, which is now 4.5 percent, ‘the current misery index is closer to 14.7, worse even than during the Ford administration.”
Wall Street adviser Actual unemployment is 37.2 misery index worst in 40 years Washington Examiner

You mean don't measure Obama like we do Ronnie? lol

Yes, Dubya/GOP dug a HUGE hole for US!


ONCE AGAIN UNTIL YOU IDIOTS that make those STUPID, IGNORANT totally absent of any perspective comments about GWB "digging a hole"
NOT ONE president has every had this accumulated cataclysmic events occur in one Presidency!

I will continue to POST THESE EVENTS until you dummies recognize THEY HAPPENED!
THEY had an affect on the economy! But you dumb sh...ts don't remember or are ignoring for what reason I don't understand!

1) Are you aware that a recession started under Clinton and became official 3/01 ended 11/01?
Because you don't seem to comprehend... RECESSIONS are like football length tankers... it takes miles to turn one...i.e. so does
a "RECESSION"... it doesn't just start the day NBER states... it is a slow degradation and it started under CLINTON!!!
Source: - It s official 2001 recession only lasted eight months

A Major $5 trillion market loss
2) Are you aware that the bust occurred and cost $5 trillion in losses?
Again Clinton laid claim BUT someone had to pay and it occurred during Bush's first year! $5 trillion in market losses MEAN lost tax revenue
According to the Los Angeles Times, when the dot-com bubble burst, it wiped out $5 trillion dollars in market value for tech companies. More than half of the Internet companies created since 1995 were gone by 2004 - and hundreds of thousands of skilled technology workers were out of jobs.
Source: The dot-com bubble How to lose 5 trillion Anderson Cooper 360 - Blogs

The worst attacks on the USA in History.. 3,000 deaths!!!
3)Obviously most of you are UNAWARE 9/11 cost 3,000 lives, $2 trillion in lost businesses,market values assets. Jobs lost in New York owing to the attacks: 146,100 JUST in New York.
Are you aware this happened???
Year 2001: September 11 Terrorist Attacks
The 9/11 terrorist attacks were the events that helped shape other financial events of the decade. After that terrible day in September 2001, our economic climate was never to be the same again. It was only the third time in history that the New York Stock Exchange was shut down for a period of time. In this case, it was closed from September 10 - 17. Besides the tragic human loss of that day, the economic loss cannot even be estimated. Some estimate that there was over $60 billion in insurance losses alone. Airlines didn't fly for 3 days!
Approximately 18,000 small businesses were either displaced or destroyed in Lower Manhattan after the Twin Towers fell. There was a buildup in homeland security on all levels. 9/11 caused a catastrophic financial loss for the U.S.
Source: The Top 10 Financial Events of the Decade

Anthrax Attacks...
The 2001 anthrax attacks in the United States, also known as Amerithrax from its Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) case name, occurred over the course of several weeks beginning on Tuesday, September 18, 2001, one week after the September 11 attacks. Letters containing anthrax spores were mailed to several news media offices and two DemocraticU.S. Senators, killing five people and infecting 17 others.

4) $1 trillion in losses due to the WORST Hurricane SEASONS in history.
The worst, Katrina made landfall in Louisiana as a Category 3 in 2005. It took 1,836 lives and caused $81.2 billion in damages. It quickly became the biggest natural disaster in U.S. history, almost destroying New Orleans due to severe flooding.

Rank Disaster Year Deaths Damage* $250 Billion in damages in the 8 disasters of the top 15 disasters in history!
1. Hurricane Katrina (LA/MS/AL/FL) 2005 1833 $133,800,000,000
6. Hurricane Ike (TX/LA/MS) 2008 112 $27,000,000,000
7. Hurricane Wilma (FL) 2005 35 $17,100,000,000
8. Hurricane Rita (TX/LA) 2005 119 $17,100,000,000
9. Hurricane Charley (FL) 2004 35 $16,500,000,000
12. Midwest Floods 2008 24 $15,000,000,000
13. Hurricane Ivan (FL/AL) 2004 57 $13,000,000,000
14. 30-State Drought 2002 0 $11,400,000,000
Costliest U.S. Weather Disasters Weather Underground

YET in SPITE of :
a) 400,000 jobs lost due to Hurricanes Katrina/Rita ,
b) 2,800,000 jobs lost in alone due to 9/11,
c) 300,000 jobs lost due to busts...
In spite of nearly $8 trillion in lost businesses, market values, destroyed property.. IN SPITE of that:

AFTER the tax cuts Federal Tax REVENUES Increased an average of 9.78% per year!!!
Government Revenue Details Federal State Local for 2008 - Charts

2000 $236.2 billion surplus
2001 $128.2 billion surplus
2002 $157.8 billion deficit.. also 9/11 occurred and tax revenues lowered for years later
2003 $377.6 billion deficit.. BRAND new cabinet Homeland Security, plus loans made to businesses.. again tax revenues down..affect of 9/11
2004 $412.7 billion deficit.. Revenues up by 5.5% spending increased and economy getting back.
2005 $318.3 billion deficit.. revenues up by 14.5% deficit decreasing at rate of 22%
2006 $248.2 billion deficit.. revenues up by 11.7% deficit decrease 22%
2007 $160.7 billion deficit.. revenues up by 6.7% deficit decrease 35%
2008 $458.6 billion deficit.. revenues down and deficit INCREASED TARP loan mostly...
Historical Federal Receipt and Outlay Summary

Largest Gross Domestic Product in history!!
When Bush took office in 2001 GDP was $12.355,271,000,000
when Bush left office in 2008 GDP was $14,359,490,000,000
A 16% increase in GDP or $2 TRILLION.
So how did those 4 gigantic events affect the Gross Domestic Product from 2000 to 2009?

So starting in 2001 132,548,000 people were working.
At the end of 2008 138,056,000 people working..

IN spite of recession, bust, 9/11, worst hurricanes.... MORE people were working... more tax revenue was collected. GDP grew!

But IDIOTS like you FFOs and LIPs ..............
WHY is it so hard for idiots like you to RECOGNIZE that these EVENTS cost jobs and in spite of the economy GREW!!!

FACTS... NOT hyperbole! REALITY!!!
No recession started under Clinton. That's a lie and that's as far as I got in your post since it's reasonable to assume that everything else you posted is also a lie.

If truth and facts were on your side you wouldn't have to lie.
So "recessions" are just like water faucets. You turn on a faucet water comes out. Recession starts immediately... is that your perception?
For totally ignorant people about the economy the prime basis for determining a "recession" is:
The technical indicator of a recession is two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth as measured by a country's gross domestic product (GDP); although the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) does not necessarily need to see this occur to call a recession.
Recession Definition Investopedia

NOW you extremely economics illiterate................
The official start of the 2001 recession started according to the following FACT:
year Qtr GDP in billions

2000 I 9,629.4
2000 II 9,822.8
2000 III 9,862.1
2000 IV 9,953.6 downturn....
2001 I 10,024.8 UP!
2001 II 10,088.2 UP!
2001 III 10,096.2 UP!
2001 IV 10,193.9 UP!
Screen Shot 2015-08-18 at 7.32.25 AM.png

The U.S. Recession of 2001-2002
But of course YOU blame Bush for 9/11 but totally seem to forget the Gorelick Memo that was created to prevent the CIA from sharing with the FBI the 9/11 bombers in this country! All because Clinton accepted bribes from China!

Gorelick Memo that created the wall between FBI & CIA thus no knowledge of the 9/11 bombers shared with the FBI!!!
looks especially imprudent 10 years later.
1995 memo she wrote, stated explicitly that they would “go beyond what is legally required, [to] prevent any risk of creating an unwarranted appearance that FISA is being used to avoid procedural safeguards which would apply in a criminal investigation.” GORELICK WALL!
Here read what NOT my words but other sources:
Jamie Gorelick’s wall barred anti-terror investigators from accessing the computer of Zacarias Moussaoui, the 20th hijacker, already in custody on an immigration violation shortly before 9/11.

At the time, an enraged FBI investigator wrote a prophetic memo to headquarters about the wall
Whatever has happened to this — someday someone will die — and wall or not — the public will not understand why we were not more effective in throwing every resource we had at certain problems…..especially since the biggest threat to us UBL [Usama bin Laden], is getting the most protection.
So, a year before the 9/11 attacks, a special unit in the U.S. military was aware of the presence of an al-Queda cell in Brooklyn, New York, and sought to share its information with the FBI but was stopped cold.Why?Because (as described in the April 16, 2004 Washington Times piece) “on March 4, 1995, [Jamie Gorelick, the then number 2 official in the Clinton Justice Department, sent a 4-page directive] to FBI Director Louis Freeh and Mary Jo White, the New York-based U.S. attorney investigating the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. In the memo, Ms. Gorelick ordered Mr. Freeh and Ms. White to follow information-sharing procedures that ‘go beyond what is legally required,’ in order to avoid ‘any risk of creating an unwarranted appearance’ that the Justice Department was using Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants, instead of ordinary criminal investigative procedures, in an effort to undermine the civil liberties of terrorism suspects.”

Could 9 11 Have Been Prevented The Gorelick Memo and What We Knew

The 9/11 attacks had both immediate and long-term economic impacts, some of which continue to this day.
The attacks caused the Dow to drop more than 600 points, the 2001 recession to deepen,
and led to one of the biggest government spending programs in U.S. history -- the War on Terror.

9/11 Death Toll
Nearly 2,600 people died at the World Trade Center, 125 died at the Pentagon and 256 died on the four planes. The total death toll of 2,975 surpassed that at Pearl Harbor in December 1941. (Source: 9/11 Commission Report; CBS News, "Official 9/11 Death Toll Climbs by One," September 10, 2009)
2001 Recession
The stock market closed for four trading days after the attacks, the first time since the Great Depression. (In March 1933, President Franklin D. Roosevelt closed the markets for two days, as part of a bank holiday to prevent a run on the banks.) The stock market reopened on September 17, 2001. The Dow promptly fell 7.13%, closing at 8,920.70. The 617.78 point loss was the Dow's worst one-day drop ever.
9 11 Attacks Economic Impact
And of course YOU totally Bush bashing ignoratii.... YOU never mention the hurricanes that happened during 2001 through 2008.
NOTHING in the history of the USA has ever occurred as they did during his terms.

$1 trillion in losses due to the WORST Hurricane SEASONS in history.
The worst, Katrina made landfall in Louisiana as a Category 3 in 2005. It took 1,836 lives and caused $81.2 billion in damages. It quickly became the biggest natural disaster in U.S. history, almost destroying New Orleans due to severe flooding.

Rank Disaster Year Deaths Damage* $250 Billion in damages in the 8 disasters of the top 15 disasters in history!
1. Hurricane Katrina (LA/MS/AL/FL) 2005 1833 $133,800,000,000
6. Hurricane Ike (TX/LA/MS) 2008 112 $27,000,000,000
7. Hurricane Wilma (FL) 2005 35 $17,100,000,000
8. Hurricane Rita (TX/LA) 2005 119 $17,100,000,000
9. Hurricane Charley (FL) 2004 35 $16,500,000,000
12. Midwest Floods 2008 24 $15,000,000,000
13. Hurricane Ivan (FL/AL) 2004 57 $13,000,000,000
14. 30-State Drought 2002 0 $11,400,000,000
Costliest U.S. Weather Disasters Weather Underground

Because ignorati like you don't see the connection between businesses being destroyed and TAX revenue PLUS disaster recovery funds being spent here let me help you!
What tax incentives were created in response to Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma?
Congress passed two major pieces of legislation providing tax relief to victims of the hurricanes that struck the Gulf Coast in the fall of 2005. The Katrina Emergency Tax Relief Act of 2005 (KETRA) established tax incentives to provide relief to Hurricane Katrina victims and stimulate donations to relief efforts. The Gulf Opportunity Zone Act of 2005 extended KETRA incentives to areas affected by Hurricanes Rita and Wilma and created additional tax incentives to support the economic recovery of the region, dubbed the Gulf Opportunity Zone (GO Zone). The Joint Committee on Taxation estimates that, from 2006 to 2010, KETRA and the Gulf Opportunity Zone Act will cost $6.1 billion and $7.8 billion, respectively.
What tax incentives were created in response to Hurricanes Katrina Rita and Wilma
THESE cost TAX revenue PLUS !

Hurricane Katrina ALONE!!!
The economic effects of Hurricane Katrina, which hit Louisiana, Florida, Texas and Mississippi in late August 2005, were far-reaching. 2006, the Bush Administration had sought $105 billion for repairs and reconstruction in the region, making it the costliest natural disaster in US history.[1] And this does not account for damage to the economy caused by potential interruption of the oil supply and exports of commodities such as cotton. Also, before Hurricane Katrina, the region supported approximately one million non-farm jobs, with 600,000 of them in New Orleans. One study, by Mark Burton and Michael J. Hicks estimated the total economic impact to Louisiana and Mississippi may exceed $150 billion. Economic effects of Hurricane Katrina - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

But of course you idiots don't seem to take these events into consideration!
YET in spite of the recession starting in 2000, in spite of the $5 trillion in bust LOST tax revenue, in spite of hurricanes, this is the FACT of TAX REVENUE
under BUSH!!!
Tax revenues were increasing after the Recession/ bust/911 and worst hurricanes !
Historical Tables The White House
Screen Shot 2015-08-18 at 8.45.50 AM.png
First of all, thank you for reiterating my point from my last post..... even though this thread was started by a rightard, you righties no longer want to talk about the president with the worst unemployment average since Obama and Reagan are tied at 8%. No sooner do I point that out and along you come, trying to derail the thread off topic again.

At any rate, the average monthly misery after 78 months in office...

Ronald Reagan ... 12.62
Barack Obama ...... 9.47

Right no question Reagan had a misery index that compared to Obama was "miserly"!!
The problem is Obama has had very little issues to fix as Reagan did.

The two components in case you don't remember of the Misery Index are inflation and unemployment.

View attachment 47605

Don't believe the happy talk coming out of the White House, Federal Reserve and Treasury Department when it comes to the real unemployment rate and the true “Misery Index.” Because, according to an influential Wall Street advisor, the figures are a fraud.

In a memo to clients provided to Secrets, David John Marotta calculates the actual unemployment rate of those not working at a sky-high 37.2 percent, not the 6.7 percent advertised by the Fed, and the Misery Index at over 14, not the 8 claimed by the government.

Marotta, who recently advised those worried about an imploding economy to get a gun, said that the government isn't being honest in how it calculates those out of the workforce or inflation, the two numbers used to get the Misery Index figure.

“The unemployment rate only describes people who are currently working or looking for work,” he said. That leaves out a ton more.
Unemployment in its truest definition, meaning the portion of people who do not have any job, is 37.2 percent. This number obviously includes some people who are not or never plan to seek employment. But it does describe how many people are not able to, do not want to or cannot find a way to work. Policies that remove the barriers to employment, thus decreasing this number, are obviously beneficial,” he and colleague Megan Russell in their new investors note from their offices in Charlottesville, Va.
Today, the Misery Index would be 7.54 using official numbers,” they wrote. But if calculations tabulating the full national unemployment including discouraged workers, which is 10.2 percent, and the historical method of calculating inflation, which is now 4.5 percent, ‘the current misery index is closer to 14.7, worse even than during the Ford administration.”
Wall Street adviser Actual unemployment is 37.2 misery index worst in 40 years Washington Examiner

You mean don't measure Obama like we do Ronnie? lol

Yes, Dubya/GOP dug a HUGE hole for US!


ONCE AGAIN UNTIL YOU IDIOTS that make those STUPID, IGNORANT totally absent of any perspective comments about GWB "digging a hole"
NOT ONE president has every had this accumulated cataclysmic events occur in one Presidency!

I will continue to POST THESE EVENTS until you dummies recognize THEY HAPPENED!
THEY had an affect on the economy! But you dumb sh...ts don't remember or are ignoring for what reason I don't understand!

1) Are you aware that a recession started under Clinton and became official 3/01 ended 11/01?
Because you don't seem to comprehend... RECESSIONS are like football length tankers... it takes miles to turn one...i.e. so does
a "RECESSION"... it doesn't just start the day NBER states... it is a slow degradation and it started under CLINTON!!!
Source: - It s official 2001 recession only lasted eight months

A Major $5 trillion market loss
2) Are you aware that the bust occurred and cost $5 trillion in losses?
Again Clinton laid claim BUT someone had to pay and it occurred during Bush's first year! $5 trillion in market losses MEAN lost tax revenue
According to the Los Angeles Times, when the dot-com bubble burst, it wiped out $5 trillion dollars in market value for tech companies. More than half of the Internet companies created since 1995 were gone by 2004 - and hundreds of thousands of skilled technology workers were out of jobs.
Source: The dot-com bubble How to lose 5 trillion Anderson Cooper 360 - Blogs

The worst attacks on the USA in History.. 3,000 deaths!!!
3)Obviously most of you are UNAWARE 9/11 cost 3,000 lives, $2 trillion in lost businesses,market values assets. Jobs lost in New York owing to the attacks: 146,100 JUST in New York.
Are you aware this happened???
Year 2001: September 11 Terrorist Attacks
The 9/11 terrorist attacks were the events that helped shape other financial events of the decade. After that terrible day in September 2001, our economic climate was never to be the same again. It was only the third time in history that the New York Stock Exchange was shut down for a period of time. In this case, it was closed from September 10 - 17. Besides the tragic human loss of that day, the economic loss cannot even be estimated. Some estimate that there was over $60 billion in insurance losses alone. Airlines didn't fly for 3 days!
Approximately 18,000 small businesses were either displaced or destroyed in Lower Manhattan after the Twin Towers fell. There was a buildup in homeland security on all levels. 9/11 caused a catastrophic financial loss for the U.S.
Source: The Top 10 Financial Events of the Decade

Anthrax Attacks...
The 2001 anthrax attacks in the United States, also known as Amerithrax from its Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) case name, occurred over the course of several weeks beginning on Tuesday, September 18, 2001, one week after the September 11 attacks. Letters containing anthrax spores were mailed to several news media offices and two DemocraticU.S. Senators, killing five people and infecting 17 others.

4) $1 trillion in losses due to the WORST Hurricane SEASONS in history.
The worst, Katrina made landfall in Louisiana as a Category 3 in 2005. It took 1,836 lives and caused $81.2 billion in damages. It quickly became the biggest natural disaster in U.S. history, almost destroying New Orleans due to severe flooding.

Rank Disaster Year Deaths Damage* $250 Billion in damages in the 8 disasters of the top 15 disasters in history!
1. Hurricane Katrina (LA/MS/AL/FL) 2005 1833 $133,800,000,000
6. Hurricane Ike (TX/LA/MS) 2008 112 $27,000,000,000
7. Hurricane Wilma (FL) 2005 35 $17,100,000,000
8. Hurricane Rita (TX/LA) 2005 119 $17,100,000,000
9. Hurricane Charley (FL) 2004 35 $16,500,000,000
12. Midwest Floods 2008 24 $15,000,000,000
13. Hurricane Ivan (FL/AL) 2004 57 $13,000,000,000
14. 30-State Drought 2002 0 $11,400,000,000
Costliest U.S. Weather Disasters Weather Underground

YET in SPITE of :
a) 400,000 jobs lost due to Hurricanes Katrina/Rita ,
b) 2,800,000 jobs lost in alone due to 9/11,
c) 300,000 jobs lost due to busts...
In spite of nearly $8 trillion in lost businesses, market values, destroyed property.. IN SPITE of that:

AFTER the tax cuts Federal Tax REVENUES Increased an average of 9.78% per year!!!
Government Revenue Details Federal State Local for 2008 - Charts

2000 $236.2 billion surplus
2001 $128.2 billion surplus
2002 $157.8 billion deficit.. also 9/11 occurred and tax revenues lowered for years later
2003 $377.6 billion deficit.. BRAND new cabinet Homeland Security, plus loans made to businesses.. again tax revenues down..affect of 9/11
2004 $412.7 billion deficit.. Revenues up by 5.5% spending increased and economy getting back.
2005 $318.3 billion deficit.. revenues up by 14.5% deficit decreasing at rate of 22%
2006 $248.2 billion deficit.. revenues up by 11.7% deficit decrease 22%
2007 $160.7 billion deficit.. revenues up by 6.7% deficit decrease 35%
2008 $458.6 billion deficit.. revenues down and deficit INCREASED TARP loan mostly...
Historical Federal Receipt and Outlay Summary

Largest Gross Domestic Product in history!!
When Bush took office in 2001 GDP was $12.355,271,000,000
when Bush left office in 2008 GDP was $14,359,490,000,000
A 16% increase in GDP or $2 TRILLION.
So how did those 4 gigantic events affect the Gross Domestic Product from 2000 to 2009?

So starting in 2001 132,548,000 people were working.
At the end of 2008 138,056,000 people working..

IN spite of recession, bust, 9/11, worst hurricanes.... MORE people were working... more tax revenue was collected. GDP grew!

But IDIOTS like you FFOs and LIPs ..............
WHY is it so hard for idiots like you to RECOGNIZE that these EVENTS cost jobs and in spite of the economy GREW!!!

FACTS... NOT hyperbole! REALITY!!!
No recession started under Clinton. That's a lie and that's as far as I got in your post since it's reasonable to assume that everything else you posted is also a lie.

If truth and facts were on your side you wouldn't have to lie.
So "recessions" are just like water faucets. You turn on a faucet water comes out. Recession starts immediately... is that your perception?
For totally ignorant people about the economy the prime basis for determining a "recession" is:
The technical indicator of a recession is two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth as measured by a country's gross domestic product (GDP); although the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) does not necessarily need to see this occur to call a recession.
Recession Definition Investopedia

NOW you extremely economics illiterate................
The official start of the 2001 recession started according to the following FACT:
year Qtr GDP in billions

2000 I 9,629.4
2000 II 9,822.8
2000 III 9,862.1
2000 IV 9,953.6 downturn....
2001 I 10,024.8 UP!
2001 II 10,088.2 UP!
2001 III 10,096.2 UP!
2001 IV 10,193.9 UP!
View attachment 47703
The U.S. Recession of 2001-2002
As always, you prove to be too retarded to make a cogent argument. First off all, you're referencing nominal figures, not real figures. Too fucking stupid. :cuckoo: You don't use nominal figures because you like them better than real numbers.

Secondly, for some bizarre reason, you put the word, "downturn," next to a quarter indicating growth. Just how stupid are you to think you can magically alter history if you just type a misplaced word? :cuckoo:

And lastly, the recession started in March, 2001, and there's nothing on this planet you can use to change that. In fact, there might not have even been a recession if not for 9.11.
But of course YOU blame Bush for 9/11 but totally seem to forget the Gorelick Memo that was created to prevent the CIA from sharing with the FBI the 9/11 bombers in this country! All because Clinton accepted bribes from China!

Gorelick Memo that created the wall between FBI & CIA thus no knowledge of the 9/11 bombers shared with the FBI!!!
looks especially imprudent 10 years later.
1995 memo she wrote, stated explicitly that they would “go beyond what is legally required, [to] prevent any risk of creating an unwarranted appearance that FISA is being used to avoid procedural safeguards which would apply in a criminal investigation.” GORELICK WALL!
Here read what NOT my words but other sources:
Jamie Gorelick’s wall barred anti-terror investigators from accessing the computer of Zacarias Moussaoui, the 20th hijacker, already in custody on an immigration violation shortly before 9/11.

At the time, an enraged FBI investigator wrote a prophetic memo to headquarters about the wall
Whatever has happened to this — someday someone will die — and wall or not — the public will not understand why we were not more effective in throwing every resource we had at certain problems…..especially since the biggest threat to us UBL [Usama bin Laden], is getting the most protection.
So, a year before the 9/11 attacks, a special unit in the U.S. military was aware of the presence of an al-Queda cell in Brooklyn, New York, and sought to share its information with the FBI but was stopped cold.Why?Because (as described in the April 16, 2004 Washington Times piece) “on March 4, 1995, [Jamie Gorelick, the then number 2 official in the Clinton Justice Department, sent a 4-page directive] to FBI Director Louis Freeh and Mary Jo White, the New York-based U.S. attorney investigating the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. In the memo, Ms. Gorelick ordered Mr. Freeh and Ms. White to follow information-sharing procedures that ‘go beyond what is legally required,’ in order to avoid ‘any risk of creating an unwarranted appearance’ that the Justice Department was using Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants, instead of ordinary criminal investigative procedures, in an effort to undermine the civil liberties of terrorism suspects.”

Could 9 11 Have Been Prevented The Gorelick Memo and What We Knew

The 9/11 attacks had both immediate and long-term economic impacts, some of which continue to this day.
The attacks caused the Dow to drop more than 600 points, the 2001 recession to deepen,
and led to one of the biggest government spending programs in U.S. history -- the War on Terror.

9/11 Death Toll
Nearly 2,600 people died at the World Trade Center, 125 died at the Pentagon and 256 died on the four planes. The total death toll of 2,975 surpassed that at Pearl Harbor in December 1941. (Source: 9/11 Commission Report; CBS News, "Official 9/11 Death Toll Climbs by One," September 10, 2009)
2001 Recession
The stock market closed for four trading days after the attacks, the first time since the Great Depression. (In March 1933, President Franklin D. Roosevelt closed the markets for two days, as part of a bank holiday to prevent a run on the banks.) The stock market reopened on September 17, 2001. The Dow promptly fell 7.13%, closing at 8,920.70. The 617.78 point loss was the Dow's worst one-day drop ever.
9 11 Attacks Economic Impact
Of course Bush is responsible for not protecting us on 9.11. That was his job and he failed miserably. Despite warnings of a possible attack, Bush did absolutely nothing to protect America.
Right no question Reagan had a misery index that compared to Obama was "miserly"!!
The problem is Obama has had very little issues to fix as Reagan did.

The two components in case you don't remember of the Misery Index are inflation and unemployment.

View attachment 47605

Don't believe the happy talk coming out of the White House, Federal Reserve and Treasury Department when it comes to the real unemployment rate and the true “Misery Index.” Because, according to an influential Wall Street advisor, the figures are a fraud.

In a memo to clients provided to Secrets, David John Marotta calculates the actual unemployment rate of those not working at a sky-high 37.2 percent, not the 6.7 percent advertised by the Fed, and the Misery Index at over 14, not the 8 claimed by the government.

Marotta, who recently advised those worried about an imploding economy to get a gun, said that the government isn't being honest in how it calculates those out of the workforce or inflation, the two numbers used to get the Misery Index figure.

“The unemployment rate only describes people who are currently working or looking for work,” he said. That leaves out a ton more.
Unemployment in its truest definition, meaning the portion of people who do not have any job, is 37.2 percent. This number obviously includes some people who are not or never plan to seek employment. But it does describe how many people are not able to, do not want to or cannot find a way to work. Policies that remove the barriers to employment, thus decreasing this number, are obviously beneficial,” he and colleague Megan Russell in their new investors note from their offices in Charlottesville, Va.
Today, the Misery Index would be 7.54 using official numbers,” they wrote. But if calculations tabulating the full national unemployment including discouraged workers, which is 10.2 percent, and the historical method of calculating inflation, which is now 4.5 percent, ‘the current misery index is closer to 14.7, worse even than during the Ford administration.”
Wall Street adviser Actual unemployment is 37.2 misery index worst in 40 years Washington Examiner

You mean don't measure Obama like we do Ronnie? lol

Yes, Dubya/GOP dug a HUGE hole for US!


ONCE AGAIN UNTIL YOU IDIOTS that make those STUPID, IGNORANT totally absent of any perspective comments about GWB "digging a hole"
NOT ONE president has every had this accumulated cataclysmic events occur in one Presidency!

I will continue to POST THESE EVENTS until you dummies recognize THEY HAPPENED!
THEY had an affect on the economy! But you dumb sh...ts don't remember or are ignoring for what reason I don't understand!

1) Are you aware that a recession started under Clinton and became official 3/01 ended 11/01?
Because you don't seem to comprehend... RECESSIONS are like football length tankers... it takes miles to turn one...i.e. so does
a "RECESSION"... it doesn't just start the day NBER states... it is a slow degradation and it started under CLINTON!!!
Source: - It s official 2001 recession only lasted eight months

A Major $5 trillion market loss
2) Are you aware that the bust occurred and cost $5 trillion in losses?
Again Clinton laid claim BUT someone had to pay and it occurred during Bush's first year! $5 trillion in market losses MEAN lost tax revenue
According to the Los Angeles Times, when the dot-com bubble burst, it wiped out $5 trillion dollars in market value for tech companies. More than half of the Internet companies created since 1995 were gone by 2004 - and hundreds of thousands of skilled technology workers were out of jobs.
Source: The dot-com bubble How to lose 5 trillion Anderson Cooper 360 - Blogs

The worst attacks on the USA in History.. 3,000 deaths!!!
3)Obviously most of you are UNAWARE 9/11 cost 3,000 lives, $2 trillion in lost businesses,market values assets. Jobs lost in New York owing to the attacks: 146,100 JUST in New York.
Are you aware this happened???
Year 2001: September 11 Terrorist Attacks
The 9/11 terrorist attacks were the events that helped shape other financial events of the decade. After that terrible day in September 2001, our economic climate was never to be the same again. It was only the third time in history that the New York Stock Exchange was shut down for a period of time. In this case, it was closed from September 10 - 17. Besides the tragic human loss of that day, the economic loss cannot even be estimated. Some estimate that there was over $60 billion in insurance losses alone. Airlines didn't fly for 3 days!
Approximately 18,000 small businesses were either displaced or destroyed in Lower Manhattan after the Twin Towers fell. There was a buildup in homeland security on all levels. 9/11 caused a catastrophic financial loss for the U.S.
Source: The Top 10 Financial Events of the Decade

Anthrax Attacks...
The 2001 anthrax attacks in the United States, also known as Amerithrax from its Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) case name, occurred over the course of several weeks beginning on Tuesday, September 18, 2001, one week after the September 11 attacks. Letters containing anthrax spores were mailed to several news media offices and two DemocraticU.S. Senators, killing five people and infecting 17 others.

4) $1 trillion in losses due to the WORST Hurricane SEASONS in history.
The worst, Katrina made landfall in Louisiana as a Category 3 in 2005. It took 1,836 lives and caused $81.2 billion in damages. It quickly became the biggest natural disaster in U.S. history, almost destroying New Orleans due to severe flooding.

Rank Disaster Year Deaths Damage* $250 Billion in damages in the 8 disasters of the top 15 disasters in history!
1. Hurricane Katrina (LA/MS/AL/FL) 2005 1833 $133,800,000,000
6. Hurricane Ike (TX/LA/MS) 2008 112 $27,000,000,000
7. Hurricane Wilma (FL) 2005 35 $17,100,000,000
8. Hurricane Rita (TX/LA) 2005 119 $17,100,000,000
9. Hurricane Charley (FL) 2004 35 $16,500,000,000
12. Midwest Floods 2008 24 $15,000,000,000
13. Hurricane Ivan (FL/AL) 2004 57 $13,000,000,000
14. 30-State Drought 2002 0 $11,400,000,000
Costliest U.S. Weather Disasters Weather Underground

YET in SPITE of :
a) 400,000 jobs lost due to Hurricanes Katrina/Rita ,
b) 2,800,000 jobs lost in alone due to 9/11,
c) 300,000 jobs lost due to busts...
In spite of nearly $8 trillion in lost businesses, market values, destroyed property.. IN SPITE of that:

AFTER the tax cuts Federal Tax REVENUES Increased an average of 9.78% per year!!!
Government Revenue Details Federal State Local for 2008 - Charts

2000 $236.2 billion surplus
2001 $128.2 billion surplus
2002 $157.8 billion deficit.. also 9/11 occurred and tax revenues lowered for years later
2003 $377.6 billion deficit.. BRAND new cabinet Homeland Security, plus loans made to businesses.. again tax revenues down..affect of 9/11
2004 $412.7 billion deficit.. Revenues up by 5.5% spending increased and economy getting back.
2005 $318.3 billion deficit.. revenues up by 14.5% deficit decreasing at rate of 22%
2006 $248.2 billion deficit.. revenues up by 11.7% deficit decrease 22%
2007 $160.7 billion deficit.. revenues up by 6.7% deficit decrease 35%
2008 $458.6 billion deficit.. revenues down and deficit INCREASED TARP loan mostly...
Historical Federal Receipt and Outlay Summary

Largest Gross Domestic Product in history!!
When Bush took office in 2001 GDP was $12.355,271,000,000
when Bush left office in 2008 GDP was $14,359,490,000,000
A 16% increase in GDP or $2 TRILLION.
So how did those 4 gigantic events affect the Gross Domestic Product from 2000 to 2009?

So starting in 2001 132,548,000 people were working.
At the end of 2008 138,056,000 people working..

IN spite of recession, bust, 9/11, worst hurricanes.... MORE people were working... more tax revenue was collected. GDP grew!

But IDIOTS like you FFOs and LIPs ..............
WHY is it so hard for idiots like you to RECOGNIZE that these EVENTS cost jobs and in spite of the economy GREW!!!

FACTS... NOT hyperbole! REALITY!!!
No recession started under Clinton. That's a lie and that's as far as I got in your post since it's reasonable to assume that everything else you posted is also a lie.

If truth and facts were on your side you wouldn't have to lie.
So "recessions" are just like water faucets. You turn on a faucet water comes out. Recession starts immediately... is that your perception?
For totally ignorant people about the economy the prime basis for determining a "recession" is:
The technical indicator of a recession is two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth as measured by a country's gross domestic product (GDP); although the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) does not necessarily need to see this occur to call a recession.
Recession Definition Investopedia

NOW you extremely economics illiterate................
The official start of the 2001 recession started according to the following FACT:
year Qtr GDP in billions

2000 I 9,629.4
2000 II 9,822.8
2000 III 9,862.1
2000 IV 9,953.6 downturn....
2001 I 10,024.8 UP!
2001 II 10,088.2 UP!
2001 III 10,096.2 UP!
2001 IV 10,193.9 UP!
View attachment 47703
The U.S. Recession of 2001-2002
As always, you prove to be too retarded to make a cogent argument. First off all, you're referencing nominal figures, not real figures. Too fucking stupid. :cuckoo: You don't use nominal figures because you like them better than real numbers.

Secondly, for some bizarre reason, you put the word, "downturn," next to a quarter indicating growth. Just how stupid are you to think you can magically alter history if you just type a misplaced word? :cuckoo:

And lastly, the recession started in March, 2001, and there's nothing on this planet you can use to change that. In fact, there might not have even been a recession if not for 9.11.

And like a little kid you think "hmm Recession starts March 1, 2001 because that's when the NBER said so."
Recessions are not like water faucets. They don't just magically start on a specific date.
But of course YOU blame Bush for 9/11 but totally seem to forget the Gorelick Memo that was created to prevent the CIA from sharing with the FBI the 9/11 bombers in this country! All because Clinton accepted bribes from China!

Gorelick Memo that created the wall between FBI & CIA thus no knowledge of the 9/11 bombers shared with the FBI!!!
looks especially imprudent 10 years later.
1995 memo she wrote, stated explicitly that they would “go beyond what is legally required, [to] prevent any risk of creating an unwarranted appearance that FISA is being used to avoid procedural safeguards which would apply in a criminal investigation.” GORELICK WALL!
Here read what NOT my words but other sources:
Jamie Gorelick’s wall barred anti-terror investigators from accessing the computer of Zacarias Moussaoui, the 20th hijacker, already in custody on an immigration violation shortly before 9/11.

At the time, an enraged FBI investigator wrote a prophetic memo to headquarters about the wall
Whatever has happened to this — someday someone will die — and wall or not — the public will not understand why we were not more effective in throwing every resource we had at certain problems…..especially since the biggest threat to us UBL [Usama bin Laden], is getting the most protection.
So, a year before the 9/11 attacks, a special unit in the U.S. military was aware of the presence of an al-Queda cell in Brooklyn, New York, and sought to share its information with the FBI but was stopped cold.Why?Because (as described in the April 16, 2004 Washington Times piece) “on March 4, 1995, [Jamie Gorelick, the then number 2 official in the Clinton Justice Department, sent a 4-page directive] to FBI Director Louis Freeh and Mary Jo White, the New York-based U.S. attorney investigating the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. In the memo, Ms. Gorelick ordered Mr. Freeh and Ms. White to follow information-sharing procedures that ‘go beyond what is legally required,’ in order to avoid ‘any risk of creating an unwarranted appearance’ that the Justice Department was using Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants, instead of ordinary criminal investigative procedures, in an effort to undermine the civil liberties of terrorism suspects.”

Could 9 11 Have Been Prevented The Gorelick Memo and What We Knew

The 9/11 attacks had both immediate and long-term economic impacts, some of which continue to this day.
The attacks caused the Dow to drop more than 600 points, the 2001 recession to deepen,
and led to one of the biggest government spending programs in U.S. history -- the War on Terror.

9/11 Death Toll
Nearly 2,600 people died at the World Trade Center, 125 died at the Pentagon and 256 died on the four planes. The total death toll of 2,975 surpassed that at Pearl Harbor in December 1941. (Source: 9/11 Commission Report; CBS News, "Official 9/11 Death Toll Climbs by One," September 10, 2009)
2001 Recession
The stock market closed for four trading days after the attacks, the first time since the Great Depression. (In March 1933, President Franklin D. Roosevelt closed the markets for two days, as part of a bank holiday to prevent a run on the banks.) The stock market reopened on September 17, 2001. The Dow promptly fell 7.13%, closing at 8,920.70. The 617.78 point loss was the Dow's worst one-day drop ever.
9 11 Attacks Economic Impact

REALLY? So HIGH LEVEL warnings to the Bush white house (at least 18) should be ignored? lol


'He Kept Us Safe': Bush Ignored Repeated Warnings Of Terrorist Attack

... despite repeated, urgent warnings from intelligence officials about an impending Al Qaeda attack, Bush did nothing because his neoconservative advisers told him that the threats were merely a “ruse” and a distraction.

He Kept Us Safe Bush Ignored Repeated Warnings Of Terrorist Attack - The National Memo

While those documents are still not public, I have read excerpts from many of them, along with other recently declassified records, and come to an inescapable conclusion: the administration’s reaction to what Mr. Bush was told in the weeks before that infamous briefing reflected significantly more negligence than has been disclosed. In other words, the Aug. 6 document, for all of the controversy it provoked, is not nearly as shocking as the briefs that came before it.

The direct warnings to Mr. Bush about the possibility of a Qaeda attack began in the spring of 2001. By May 1, the Central Intelligence Agency told the White House of a report that “a group presently in the United States” was planning a terrorist operation. Weeks later, on June 22, the daily brief reported that Qaeda strikes could be “imminent,” although intelligence suggested the time frame was flexible.

But some in the administration considered the warning to be just bluster.

...“The U.S. is not the target of a disinformation campaign by Usama Bin Laden,”
And of course YOU totally Bush bashing ignoratii.... YOU never mention the hurricanes that happened during 2001 through 2008.
NOTHING in the history of the USA has ever occurred as they did during his terms.

$1 trillion in losses due to the WORST Hurricane SEASONS in history.
The worst, Katrina made landfall in Louisiana as a Category 3 in 2005. It took 1,836 lives and caused $81.2 billion in damages. It quickly became the biggest natural disaster in U.S. history, almost destroying New Orleans due to severe flooding.

Rank Disaster Year Deaths Damage* $250 Billion in damages in the 8 disasters of the top 15 disasters in history!
1. Hurricane Katrina (LA/MS/AL/FL) 2005 1833 $133,800,000,000
6. Hurricane Ike (TX/LA/MS) 2008 112 $27,000,000,000
7. Hurricane Wilma (FL) 2005 35 $17,100,000,000
8. Hurricane Rita (TX/LA) 2005 119 $17,100,000,000
9. Hurricane Charley (FL) 2004 35 $16,500,000,000
12. Midwest Floods 2008 24 $15,000,000,000
13. Hurricane Ivan (FL/AL) 2004 57 $13,000,000,000
14. 30-State Drought 2002 0 $11,400,000,000
Costliest U.S. Weather Disasters Weather Underground

Because ignorati like you don't see the connection between businesses being destroyed and TAX revenue PLUS disaster recovery funds being spent here let me help you!
What tax incentives were created in response to Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma?
Congress passed two major pieces of legislation providing tax relief to victims of the hurricanes that struck the Gulf Coast in the fall of 2005. The Katrina Emergency Tax Relief Act of 2005 (KETRA) established tax incentives to provide relief to Hurricane Katrina victims and stimulate donations to relief efforts. The Gulf Opportunity Zone Act of 2005 extended KETRA incentives to areas affected by Hurricanes Rita and Wilma and created additional tax incentives to support the economic recovery of the region, dubbed the Gulf Opportunity Zone (GO Zone). The Joint Committee on Taxation estimates that, from 2006 to 2010, KETRA and the Gulf Opportunity Zone Act will cost $6.1 billion and $7.8 billion, respectively.
What tax incentives were created in response to Hurricanes Katrina Rita and Wilma
THESE cost TAX revenue PLUS !

Hurricane Katrina ALONE!!!
The economic effects of Hurricane Katrina, which hit Louisiana, Florida, Texas and Mississippi in late August 2005, were far-reaching. 2006, the Bush Administration had sought $105 billion for repairs and reconstruction in the region, making it the costliest natural disaster in US history.[1] And this does not account for damage to the economy caused by potential interruption of the oil supply and exports of commodities such as cotton. Also, before Hurricane Katrina, the region supported approximately one million non-farm jobs, with 600,000 of them in New Orleans. One study, by Mark Burton and Michael J. Hicks estimated the total economic impact to Louisiana and Mississippi may exceed $150 billion. Economic effects of Hurricane Katrina - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

But of course you idiots don't seem to take these events into consideration!
YET in spite of the recession starting in 2000, in spite of the $5 trillion in bust LOST tax revenue, in spite of hurricanes, this is the FACT of TAX REVENUE
under BUSH!!!
Tax revenues were increasing after the Recession/ bust/911 and worst hurricanes !
Historical Tables The White House
View attachment 47704

WAIT, NOW you want to argue tax revenues DIDN'T increase after BOTH OF DUBYA'S TAX CUTS (one while we were at war and expected to blow up the budgets!)?

every messageboard you can always find some Sorostard spamming up the joint with irreelvant, spoon-fed stupidity
And of course YOU totally Bush bashing ignoratii.... YOU never mention the hurricanes that happened during 2001 through 2008.
NOTHING in the history of the USA has ever occurred as they did during his terms.

$1 trillion in losses due to the WORST Hurricane SEASONS in history.
The worst, Katrina made landfall in Louisiana as a Category 3 in 2005. It took 1,836 lives and caused $81.2 billion in damages. It quickly became the biggest natural disaster in U.S. history, almost destroying New Orleans due to severe flooding.

Rank Disaster Year Deaths Damage* $250 Billion in damages in the 8 disasters of the top 15 disasters in history!
1. Hurricane Katrina (LA/MS/AL/FL) 2005 1833 $133,800,000,000
6. Hurricane Ike (TX/LA/MS) 2008 112 $27,000,000,000
7. Hurricane Wilma (FL) 2005 35 $17,100,000,000
8. Hurricane Rita (TX/LA) 2005 119 $17,100,000,000
9. Hurricane Charley (FL) 2004 35 $16,500,000,000
12. Midwest Floods 2008 24 $15,000,000,000
13. Hurricane Ivan (FL/AL) 2004 57 $13,000,000,000
14. 30-State Drought 2002 0 $11,400,000,000
Costliest U.S. Weather Disasters Weather Underground

Because ignorati like you don't see the connection between businesses being destroyed and TAX revenue PLUS disaster recovery funds being spent here let me help you!
What tax incentives were created in response to Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma?
Congress passed two major pieces of legislation providing tax relief to victims of the hurricanes that struck the Gulf Coast in the fall of 2005. The Katrina Emergency Tax Relief Act of 2005 (KETRA) established tax incentives to provide relief to Hurricane Katrina victims and stimulate donations to relief efforts. The Gulf Opportunity Zone Act of 2005 extended KETRA incentives to areas affected by Hurricanes Rita and Wilma and created additional tax incentives to support the economic recovery of the region, dubbed the Gulf Opportunity Zone (GO Zone). The Joint Committee on Taxation estimates that, from 2006 to 2010, KETRA and the Gulf Opportunity Zone Act will cost $6.1 billion and $7.8 billion, respectively.
What tax incentives were created in response to Hurricanes Katrina Rita and Wilma
THESE cost TAX revenue PLUS !

Hurricane Katrina ALONE!!!
The economic effects of Hurricane Katrina, which hit Louisiana, Florida, Texas and Mississippi in late August 2005, were far-reaching. 2006, the Bush Administration had sought $105 billion for repairs and reconstruction in the region, making it the costliest natural disaster in US history.[1] And this does not account for damage to the economy caused by potential interruption of the oil supply and exports of commodities such as cotton. Also, before Hurricane Katrina, the region supported approximately one million non-farm jobs, with 600,000 of them in New Orleans. One study, by Mark Burton and Michael J. Hicks estimated the total economic impact to Louisiana and Mississippi may exceed $150 billion. Economic effects of Hurricane Katrina - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

But of course you idiots don't seem to take these events into consideration!
YET in spite of the recession starting in 2000, in spite of the $5 trillion in bust LOST tax revenue, in spite of hurricanes, this is the FACT of TAX REVENUE
under BUSH!!!
Tax revenues were increasing after the Recession/ bust/911 and worst hurricanes !
Historical Tables The White House
View attachment 47704

WAIT, NOW you want to argue tax revenues DIDN'T increase after BOTH OF DUBYA'S TAX CUTS (one while we were at war and expected to blow up the budgets!)?


"dubya's subprime bubble.."
and this is why you cant be taken seriously. Democrats not only supported those policies; they were neck-deep in the banks that offered sub-prime mortgages. democrats WANT TO RETURN TO THOSE POLICIES
a community organizer from Chicago SUED BANKS TO EASE THEIR LENDING PRACTICES

But of course YOU blame Bush for 9/11 but totally seem to forget the Gorelick Memo that was created to prevent the CIA from sharing with the FBI the 9/11 bombers in this country! All because Clinton accepted bribes from China!

Gorelick Memo that created the wall between FBI & CIA thus no knowledge of the 9/11 bombers shared with the FBI!!!
looks especially imprudent 10 years later.
1995 memo she wrote, stated explicitly that they would “go beyond what is legally required, [to] prevent any risk of creating an unwarranted appearance that FISA is being used to avoid procedural safeguards which would apply in a criminal investigation.” GORELICK WALL!
Here read what NOT my words but other sources:
Jamie Gorelick’s wall barred anti-terror investigators from accessing the computer of Zacarias Moussaoui, the 20th hijacker, already in custody on an immigration violation shortly before 9/11.

At the time, an enraged FBI investigator wrote a prophetic memo to headquarters about the wall
Whatever has happened to this — someday someone will die — and wall or not — the public will not understand why we were not more effective in throwing every resource we had at certain problems…..especially since the biggest threat to us UBL [Usama bin Laden], is getting the most protection.
So, a year before the 9/11 attacks, a special unit in the U.S. military was aware of the presence of an al-Queda cell in Brooklyn, New York, and sought to share its information with the FBI but was stopped cold.Why?Because (as described in the April 16, 2004 Washington Times piece) “on March 4, 1995, [Jamie Gorelick, the then number 2 official in the Clinton Justice Department, sent a 4-page directive] to FBI Director Louis Freeh and Mary Jo White, the New York-based U.S. attorney investigating the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. In the memo, Ms. Gorelick ordered Mr. Freeh and Ms. White to follow information-sharing procedures that ‘go beyond what is legally required,’ in order to avoid ‘any risk of creating an unwarranted appearance’ that the Justice Department was using Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants, instead of ordinary criminal investigative procedures, in an effort to undermine the civil liberties of terrorism suspects.”

Could 9 11 Have Been Prevented The Gorelick Memo and What We Knew

The 9/11 attacks had both immediate and long-term economic impacts, some of which continue to this day.
The attacks caused the Dow to drop more than 600 points, the 2001 recession to deepen,
and led to one of the biggest government spending programs in U.S. history -- the War on Terror.

9/11 Death Toll
Nearly 2,600 people died at the World Trade Center, 125 died at the Pentagon and 256 died on the four planes. The total death toll of 2,975 surpassed that at Pearl Harbor in December 1941. (Source: 9/11 Commission Report; CBS News, "Official 9/11 Death Toll Climbs by One," September 10, 2009)
2001 Recession
The stock market closed for four trading days after the attacks, the first time since the Great Depression. (In March 1933, President Franklin D. Roosevelt closed the markets for two days, as part of a bank holiday to prevent a run on the banks.) The stock market reopened on September 17, 2001. The Dow promptly fell 7.13%, closing at 8,920.70. The 617.78 point loss was the Dow's worst one-day drop ever.
9 11 Attacks Economic Impact

REALLY? So HIGH LEVEL warnings to the Bush white house (at least 18) should be ignored? lol


'He Kept Us Safe': Bush Ignored Repeated Warnings Of Terrorist Attack

... despite repeated, urgent warnings from intelligence officials about an impending Al Qaeda attack, Bush did nothing because his neoconservative advisers told him that the threats were merely a “ruse” and a distraction.

He Kept Us Safe Bush Ignored Repeated Warnings Of Terrorist Attack - The National Memo

While those documents are still not public, I have read excerpts from many of them, along with other recently declassified records, and come to an inescapable conclusion: the administration’s reaction to what Mr. Bush was told in the weeks before that infamous briefing reflected significantly more negligence than has been disclosed. In other words, the Aug. 6 document, for all of the controversy it provoked, is not nearly as shocking as the briefs that came before it.

The direct warnings to Mr. Bush about the possibility of a Qaeda attack began in the spring of 2001. By May 1, the Central Intelligence Agency told the White House of a report that “a group presently in the United States” was planning a terrorist operation. Weeks later, on June 22, the daily brief reported that Qaeda strikes could be “imminent,” although intelligence suggested the time frame was flexible.

But some in the administration considered the warning to be just bluster.

...“The U.S. is not the target of a disinformation campaign by Usama Bin Laden,”

YES THEY WERE IN THE USA ALREADY; in fact ALL OF THEM were already in the USA when Clinton handed the country over to Bush; THEY CAME IN ON CLINTON'S WATCH.
shame on bush for retaining Clinton's TOP INTEL GUY CIA DIRECTOR GEORGE TENET

snicker; love it when you bold-typing, propaganda-spewing left-wing idiots are chopped down
And of course YOU totally Bush bashing ignoratii.... YOU never mention the hurricanes that happened during 2001 through 2008.
NOTHING in the history of the USA has ever occurred as they did during his terms.

$1 trillion in losses due to the WORST Hurricane SEASONS in history.
The worst, Katrina made landfall in Louisiana as a Category 3 in 2005. It took 1,836 lives and caused $81.2 billion in damages. It quickly became the biggest natural disaster in U.S. history, almost destroying New Orleans due to severe flooding.

Rank Disaster Year Deaths Damage* $250 Billion in damages in the 8 disasters of the top 15 disasters in history!
1. Hurricane Katrina (LA/MS/AL/FL) 2005 1833 $133,800,000,000
6. Hurricane Ike (TX/LA/MS) 2008 112 $27,000,000,000
7. Hurricane Wilma (FL) 2005 35 $17,100,000,000
8. Hurricane Rita (TX/LA) 2005 119 $17,100,000,000
9. Hurricane Charley (FL) 2004 35 $16,500,000,000
12. Midwest Floods 2008 24 $15,000,000,000
13. Hurricane Ivan (FL/AL) 2004 57 $13,000,000,000
14. 30-State Drought 2002 0 $11,400,000,000
Costliest U.S. Weather Disasters Weather Underground

Because ignorati like you don't see the connection between businesses being destroyed and TAX revenue PLUS disaster recovery funds being spent here let me help you!
What tax incentives were created in response to Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma?
Congress passed two major pieces of legislation providing tax relief to victims of the hurricanes that struck the Gulf Coast in the fall of 2005. The Katrina Emergency Tax Relief Act of 2005 (KETRA) established tax incentives to provide relief to Hurricane Katrina victims and stimulate donations to relief efforts. The Gulf Opportunity Zone Act of 2005 extended KETRA incentives to areas affected by Hurricanes Rita and Wilma and created additional tax incentives to support the economic recovery of the region, dubbed the Gulf Opportunity Zone (GO Zone). The Joint Committee on Taxation estimates that, from 2006 to 2010, KETRA and the Gulf Opportunity Zone Act will cost $6.1 billion and $7.8 billion, respectively.
What tax incentives were created in response to Hurricanes Katrina Rita and Wilma
THESE cost TAX revenue PLUS !

Hurricane Katrina ALONE!!!
The economic effects of Hurricane Katrina, which hit Louisiana, Florida, Texas and Mississippi in late August 2005, were far-reaching. 2006, the Bush Administration had sought $105 billion for repairs and reconstruction in the region, making it the costliest natural disaster in US history.[1] And this does not account for damage to the economy caused by potential interruption of the oil supply and exports of commodities such as cotton. Also, before Hurricane Katrina, the region supported approximately one million non-farm jobs, with 600,000 of them in New Orleans. One study, by Mark Burton and Michael J. Hicks estimated the total economic impact to Louisiana and Mississippi may exceed $150 billion. Economic effects of Hurricane Katrina - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

But of course you idiots don't seem to take these events into consideration!
YET in spite of the recession starting in 2000, in spite of the $5 trillion in bust LOST tax revenue, in spite of hurricanes, this is the FACT of TAX REVENUE
under BUSH!!!
Tax revenues were increasing after the Recession/ bust/911 and worst hurricanes !
Historical Tables The White House
View attachment 47704

WAIT, NOW you want to argue tax revenues DIDN'T increase after BOTH OF DUBYA'S TAX CUTS (one while we were at war and expected to blow up the budgets!)?


"dubya's subprime bubble.."
and this is why you cant be taken seriously. Democrats not only supported those policies; they were neck-deep in the banks that offered sub-prime mortgages. democrats WANT TO RETURN TO THOSE POLICIES

Gawddd what a fukkin liar you are Bubs

George W. Bush

From the start, Bush embraced a governing philosophy of deregulation. That trickled down to federal oversight agencies, which in turn eased off on banks and mortgage brokers

SEC head William Donaldson tried to boost regulation of mutual and hedge funds, he was blocked by Bush's advisers at the White House as well as other powerful Republicans and quit.


Bush's documented policies and statements in timeframe leading up to the start of the Bush Mortgage Bubble include (but not limited to)

Wanting 5.5 million more minority homeowners
Tells congress there is nothing wrong with GSEs
Pledging to use federal policy to increase home ownership
Routinely taking credit for the housing market
Forcing GSEs to buy more low income home loans by raising their Housing Goals
Lowering Investment banks capital requirements, Net Capital rule
Reversing the Clinton rule that restricted GSEs purchases of subprime loans
Lowering down payment requirements to 0%
Forcing GSEs to spend an additional $440 billion in the secondary markets
Giving away 40,000 free down payments

But the biggest policy was regulators not enforcing lending standards.

FACTS on Dubya s great recession US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

"Another form of easing facilitated the rapid rise of mortgages that didn't require borrowers to fully document their incomes. In 2006, these low- or no-doc loans comprised 81 percent of near-prime, 55 percent of jumbo, 50 percent of subprime and 36 percent of prime securitized mortgages."


A Yes.


A Banks.

Q WHY??!?!!!?!

A Two reasons, greed and Bush's regulators let them

Alan Greenspan has famously testified before Congress that the reason he did nothing to stop this rapid growth in unconventional mortgages is that he believed banks would not have made these loans if they thought they were too risky.

There were two main reasons banks pursued these risky subprime loans so aggressively. The first, which we discuss at greater length below, is that there were fewer and fewer loans left to sell in the saturated prime market. The other reason is that subprime origination and securitization turned out to be enormously profitable of Disaster_0.pdf
And of course YOU totally Bush bashing ignoratii.... YOU never mention the hurricanes that happened during 2001 through 2008.
NOTHING in the history of the USA has ever occurred as they did during his terms.

$1 trillion in losses due to the WORST Hurricane SEASONS in history.
The worst, Katrina made landfall in Louisiana as a Category 3 in 2005. It took 1,836 lives and caused $81.2 billion in damages. It quickly became the biggest natural disaster in U.S. history, almost destroying New Orleans due to severe flooding.

Rank Disaster Year Deaths Damage* $250 Billion in damages in the 8 disasters of the top 15 disasters in history!
1. Hurricane Katrina (LA/MS/AL/FL) 2005 1833 $133,800,000,000
6. Hurricane Ike (TX/LA/MS) 2008 112 $27,000,000,000
7. Hurricane Wilma (FL) 2005 35 $17,100,000,000
8. Hurricane Rita (TX/LA) 2005 119 $17,100,000,000
9. Hurricane Charley (FL) 2004 35 $16,500,000,000
12. Midwest Floods 2008 24 $15,000,000,000
13. Hurricane Ivan (FL/AL) 2004 57 $13,000,000,000
14. 30-State Drought 2002 0 $11,400,000,000
Costliest U.S. Weather Disasters Weather Underground

Because ignorati like you don't see the connection between businesses being destroyed and TAX revenue PLUS disaster recovery funds being spent here let me help you!
What tax incentives were created in response to Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma?
Congress passed two major pieces of legislation providing tax relief to victims of the hurricanes that struck the Gulf Coast in the fall of 2005. The Katrina Emergency Tax Relief Act of 2005 (KETRA) established tax incentives to provide relief to Hurricane Katrina victims and stimulate donations to relief efforts. The Gulf Opportunity Zone Act of 2005 extended KETRA incentives to areas affected by Hurricanes Rita and Wilma and created additional tax incentives to support the economic recovery of the region, dubbed the Gulf Opportunity Zone (GO Zone). The Joint Committee on Taxation estimates that, from 2006 to 2010, KETRA and the Gulf Opportunity Zone Act will cost $6.1 billion and $7.8 billion, respectively.
What tax incentives were created in response to Hurricanes Katrina Rita and Wilma
THESE cost TAX revenue PLUS !

Hurricane Katrina ALONE!!!
The economic effects of Hurricane Katrina, which hit Louisiana, Florida, Texas and Mississippi in late August 2005, were far-reaching. 2006, the Bush Administration had sought $105 billion for repairs and reconstruction in the region, making it the costliest natural disaster in US history.[1] And this does not account for damage to the economy caused by potential interruption of the oil supply and exports of commodities such as cotton. Also, before Hurricane Katrina, the region supported approximately one million non-farm jobs, with 600,000 of them in New Orleans. One study, by Mark Burton and Michael J. Hicks estimated the total economic impact to Louisiana and Mississippi may exceed $150 billion. Economic effects of Hurricane Katrina - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

But of course you idiots don't seem to take these events into consideration!
YET in spite of the recession starting in 2000, in spite of the $5 trillion in bust LOST tax revenue, in spite of hurricanes, this is the FACT of TAX REVENUE
under BUSH!!!
Tax revenues were increasing after the Recession/ bust/911 and worst hurricanes !
Historical Tables The White House
View attachment 47704

WAIT, NOW you want to argue tax revenues DIDN'T increase after BOTH OF DUBYA'S TAX CUTS (one while we were at war and expected to blow up the budgets!)?


"dubya's subprime bubble.."
and this is why you cant be taken seriously. Democrats not only supported those policies; they were neck-deep in the banks that offered sub-prime mortgages. democrats WANT TO RETURN TO THOSE POLICIES

Gawddd what a fukkin liar you are Bubs

George W. Bush

From the start, Bush embraced a governing philosophy of deregulation. That trickled down to federal oversight agencies, which in turn eased off on banks and mortgage brokers

SEC head William Donaldson tried to boost regulation of mutual and hedge funds, he was blocked by Bush's advisers at the White House as well as other powerful Republicans and quit.


Bush's documented policies and statements in timeframe leading up to the start of the Bush Mortgage Bubble include (but not limited to)

Wanting 5.5 million more minority homeowners
Tells congress there is nothing wrong with GSEs
Pledging to use federal policy to increase home ownership
Routinely taking credit for the housing market
Forcing GSEs to buy more low income home loans by raising their Housing Goals
Lowering Investment banks capital requirements, Net Capital rule
Reversing the Clinton rule that restricted GSEs purchases of subprime loans
Lowering down payment requirements to 0%
Forcing GSEs to spend an additional $440 billion in the secondary markets
Giving away 40,000 free down payments

But the biggest policy was regulators not enforcing lending standards.

FACTS on Dubya s great recession US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

"Another form of easing facilitated the rapid rise of mortgages that didn't require borrowers to fully document their incomes. In 2006, these low- or no-doc loans comprised 81 percent of near-prime, 55 percent of jumbo, 50 percent of subprime and 36 percent of prime securitized mortgages."


A Yes.


A Banks.

Q WHY??!?!!!?!

A Two reasons, greed and Bush's regulators let them

Alan Greenspan has famously testified before Congress that the reason he did nothing to stop this rapid growth in unconventional mortgages is that he believed banks would not have made these loans if they thought they were too risky.

There were two main reasons banks pursued these risky subprime loans so aggressively. The first, which we discuss at greater length below, is that there were fewer and fewer loans left to sell in the saturated prime market. The other reason is that subprime origination and securitization turned out to be enormously profitable of Disaster_0.pdf

eyou poor dumb
And of course YOU totally Bush bashing ignoratii.... YOU never mention the hurricanes that happened during 2001 through 2008.
NOTHING in the history of the USA has ever occurred as they did during his terms.

$1 trillion in losses due to the WORST Hurricane SEASONS in history.
The worst, Katrina made landfall in Louisiana as a Category 3 in 2005. It took 1,836 lives and caused $81.2 billion in damages. It quickly became the biggest natural disaster in U.S. history, almost destroying New Orleans due to severe flooding.

Rank Disaster Year Deaths Damage* $250 Billion in damages in the 8 disasters of the top 15 disasters in history!
1. Hurricane Katrina (LA/MS/AL/FL) 2005 1833 $133,800,000,000
6. Hurricane Ike (TX/LA/MS) 2008 112 $27,000,000,000
7. Hurricane Wilma (FL) 2005 35 $17,100,000,000
8. Hurricane Rita (TX/LA) 2005 119 $17,100,000,000
9. Hurricane Charley (FL) 2004 35 $16,500,000,000
12. Midwest Floods 2008 24 $15,000,000,000
13. Hurricane Ivan (FL/AL) 2004 57 $13,000,000,000
14. 30-State Drought 2002 0 $11,400,000,000
Costliest U.S. Weather Disasters Weather Underground

Because ignorati like you don't see the connection between businesses being destroyed and TAX revenue PLUS disaster recovery funds being spent here let me help you!
What tax incentives were created in response to Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma?
Congress passed two major pieces of legislation providing tax relief to victims of the hurricanes that struck the Gulf Coast in the fall of 2005. The Katrina Emergency Tax Relief Act of 2005 (KETRA) established tax incentives to provide relief to Hurricane Katrina victims and stimulate donations to relief efforts. The Gulf Opportunity Zone Act of 2005 extended KETRA incentives to areas affected by Hurricanes Rita and Wilma and created additional tax incentives to support the economic recovery of the region, dubbed the Gulf Opportunity Zone (GO Zone). The Joint Committee on Taxation estimates that, from 2006 to 2010, KETRA and the Gulf Opportunity Zone Act will cost $6.1 billion and $7.8 billion, respectively.
What tax incentives were created in response to Hurricanes Katrina Rita and Wilma
THESE cost TAX revenue PLUS !

Hurricane Katrina ALONE!!!
The economic effects of Hurricane Katrina, which hit Louisiana, Florida, Texas and Mississippi in late August 2005, were far-reaching. 2006, the Bush Administration had sought $105 billion for repairs and reconstruction in the region, making it the costliest natural disaster in US history.[1] And this does not account for damage to the economy caused by potential interruption of the oil supply and exports of commodities such as cotton. Also, before Hurricane Katrina, the region supported approximately one million non-farm jobs, with 600,000 of them in New Orleans. One study, by Mark Burton and Michael J. Hicks estimated the total economic impact to Louisiana and Mississippi may exceed $150 billion. Economic effects of Hurricane Katrina - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

But of course you idiots don't seem to take these events into consideration!
YET in spite of the recession starting in 2000, in spite of the $5 trillion in bust LOST tax revenue, in spite of hurricanes, this is the FACT of TAX REVENUE
under BUSH!!!
Tax revenues were increasing after the Recession/ bust/911 and worst hurricanes !
Historical Tables The White House
View attachment 47704

WAIT, NOW you want to argue tax revenues DIDN'T increase after BOTH OF DUBYA'S TAX CUTS (one while we were at war and expected to blow up the budgets!)?


"dubya's subprime bubble.."
and this is why you cant be taken seriously. Democrats not only supported those policies; they were neck-deep in the banks that offered sub-prime mortgages. democrats WANT TO RETURN TO THOSE POLICIES

Gawddd what a fukkin liar you are Bubs

George W. Bush

From the start, Bush embraced a governing philosophy of deregulation. That trickled down to federal oversight agencies, which in turn eased off on banks and mortgage brokers

SEC head William Donaldson tried to boost regulation of mutual and hedge funds, he was blocked by Bush's advisers at the White House as well as other powerful Republicans and quit.


Bush's documented policies and statements in timeframe leading up to the start of the Bush Mortgage Bubble include (but not limited to)

Wanting 5.5 million more minority homeowners
Tells congress there is nothing wrong with GSEs
Pledging to use federal policy to increase home ownership
Routinely taking credit for the housing market
Forcing GSEs to buy more low income home loans by raising their Housing Goals
Lowering Investment banks capital requirements, Net Capital rule
Reversing the Clinton rule that restricted GSEs purchases of subprime loans
Lowering down payment requirements to 0%
Forcing GSEs to spend an additional $440 billion in the secondary markets
Giving away 40,000 free down payments

But the biggest policy was regulators not enforcing lending standards.

FACTS on Dubya s great recession US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

"Another form of easing facilitated the rapid rise of mortgages that didn't require borrowers to fully document their incomes. In 2006, these low- or no-doc loans comprised 81 percent of near-prime, 55 percent of jumbo, 50 percent of subprime and 36 percent of prime securitized mortgages."


A Yes.


A Banks.

Q WHY??!?!!!?!

A Two reasons, greed and Bush's regulators let them

Alan Greenspan has famously testified before Congress that the reason he did nothing to stop this rapid growth in unconventional mortgages is that he believed banks would not have made these loans if they thought they were too risky.

There were two main reasons banks pursued these risky subprime loans so aggressively. The first, which we discuss at greater length below, is that there were fewer and fewer loans left to sell in the saturated prime market. The other reason is that subprime origination and securitization turned out to be enormously profitable of Disaster_0.pdf

yes you poor dumb lemming. we all see why it takes you so long to come back with another long, boring piece of propaganda; you have to have it anally downloaded into you directly from George Soros
But of course YOU blame Bush for 9/11 but totally seem to forget the Gorelick Memo that was created to prevent the CIA from sharing with the FBI the 9/11 bombers in this country! All because Clinton accepted bribes from China!

Gorelick Memo that created the wall between FBI & CIA thus no knowledge of the 9/11 bombers shared with the FBI!!!
looks especially imprudent 10 years later.
1995 memo she wrote, stated explicitly that they would “go beyond what is legally required, [to] prevent any risk of creating an unwarranted appearance that FISA is being used to avoid procedural safeguards which would apply in a criminal investigation.” GORELICK WALL!
Here read what NOT my words but other sources:
Jamie Gorelick’s wall barred anti-terror investigators from accessing the computer of Zacarias Moussaoui, the 20th hijacker, already in custody on an immigration violation shortly before 9/11.

At the time, an enraged FBI investigator wrote a prophetic memo to headquarters about the wall
Whatever has happened to this — someday someone will die — and wall or not — the public will not understand why we were not more effective in throwing every resource we had at certain problems…..especially since the biggest threat to us UBL [Usama bin Laden], is getting the most protection.
So, a year before the 9/11 attacks, a special unit in the U.S. military was aware of the presence of an al-Queda cell in Brooklyn, New York, and sought to share its information with the FBI but was stopped cold.Why?Because (as described in the April 16, 2004 Washington Times piece) “on March 4, 1995, [Jamie Gorelick, the then number 2 official in the Clinton Justice Department, sent a 4-page directive] to FBI Director Louis Freeh and Mary Jo White, the New York-based U.S. attorney investigating the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. In the memo, Ms. Gorelick ordered Mr. Freeh and Ms. White to follow information-sharing procedures that ‘go beyond what is legally required,’ in order to avoid ‘any risk of creating an unwarranted appearance’ that the Justice Department was using Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrants, instead of ordinary criminal investigative procedures, in an effort to undermine the civil liberties of terrorism suspects.”

Could 9 11 Have Been Prevented The Gorelick Memo and What We Knew

The 9/11 attacks had both immediate and long-term economic impacts, some of which continue to this day.
The attacks caused the Dow to drop more than 600 points, the 2001 recession to deepen,
and led to one of the biggest government spending programs in U.S. history -- the War on Terror.

9/11 Death Toll
Nearly 2,600 people died at the World Trade Center, 125 died at the Pentagon and 256 died on the four planes. The total death toll of 2,975 surpassed that at Pearl Harbor in December 1941. (Source: 9/11 Commission Report; CBS News, "Official 9/11 Death Toll Climbs by One," September 10, 2009)
2001 Recession
The stock market closed for four trading days after the attacks, the first time since the Great Depression. (In March 1933, President Franklin D. Roosevelt closed the markets for two days, as part of a bank holiday to prevent a run on the banks.) The stock market reopened on September 17, 2001. The Dow promptly fell 7.13%, closing at 8,920.70. The 617.78 point loss was the Dow's worst one-day drop ever.
9 11 Attacks Economic Impact

REALLY? So HIGH LEVEL warnings to the Bush white house (at least 18) should be ignored? lol


'He Kept Us Safe': Bush Ignored Repeated Warnings Of Terrorist Attack

... despite repeated, urgent warnings from intelligence officials about an impending Al Qaeda attack, Bush did nothing because his neoconservative advisers told him that the threats were merely a “ruse” and a distraction.

He Kept Us Safe Bush Ignored Repeated Warnings Of Terrorist Attack - The National Memo

While those documents are still not public, I have read excerpts from many of them, along with other recently declassified records, and come to an inescapable conclusion: the administration’s reaction to what Mr. Bush was told in the weeks before that infamous briefing reflected significantly more negligence than has been disclosed. In other words, the Aug. 6 document, for all of the controversy it provoked, is not nearly as shocking as the briefs that came before it.

The direct warnings to Mr. Bush about the possibility of a Qaeda attack began in the spring of 2001. By May 1, the Central Intelligence Agency told the White House of a report that “a group presently in the United States” was planning a terrorist operation. Weeks later, on June 22, the daily brief reported that Qaeda strikes could be “imminent,” although intelligence suggested the time frame was flexible.

But some in the administration considered the warning to be just bluster.

...“The U.S. is not the target of a disinformation campaign by Usama Bin Laden,”

YES THEY WERE IN THE USA ALREADY; in fact ALL OF THEM were already in the USA when Clinton handed the country over to Bush; THEY CAME IN ON CLINTON'S WATCH.
shame on bush for retaining Clinton's TOP INTEL GUY CIA DIRECTOR GEORGE TENET

snicker; love it when you bold-typing, propaganda-spewing left-wing idiots are chopped down

Oh right, since they were already here in the US, why should Dubya and his admin listen to over 18 high level warnings right? NEVER having a meeting on Bin Laden or Al Queda...
redlining is where poeple are prevented from getting loans and suc

obama sued to get them not only loans but sub-prime loans y ou idiot

you made my point for me


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