The Presidential Nomination Process

I think restrictions on party voting are a bad idea. You should be free to vote for whomever you choose without having to reveal any party affiliation.
Yes, I do not like how Mizzouri does it....I have lived in other states where you did not...
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I think restrictions on party voting are a bad idea. You should be free to vote for whomever you choose without having to reveal any party affiliation.

Party voting and all primaries on the same day prevent things like Limbaugh's "Operation Chaos" where opposition people can influence the candidate for another party.

what crap

just stop the news from lying like fox does and get the money out and stop the cheating
the only way Rs win anymore is by keeping Americans from voting

Don't be obtuse.

. It is the Left that prevents voters from exercising their rights. They do it by having judges throw out millions of votes.
the only way Rs win anymore is by keeping Americans from voting

Don't be obtuse.

. It is the Left that prevents voters from exercising their rights. They do it by having judges throw out millions of votes.
Just like when Bush was selected president by a court..

That never happened.

I'm always amused at the childish myths you Liberals believe.

Better duck: Here comes another custard pie I'm gonna smash in your kisser:

"In the first full study of Florida's ballots since the election ended, The Miami Herald and USA Today reported George W. Bush would have widened his 537-vote victory to a 1,665-vote margin if the recount ordered by the Florida Supreme Court would have been allowed to continue, using standards that would have allowed even faintly dimpled "undervotes" -- ballots the voter has noticeably indented but had not punched all the way through -- to be counted."

2. The lead of an April 4, 2001 USA Today story headlined, “Newspapers' recount shows Bush prevailed,” by reporter Dennis Cauchon:

3. "An exhaustive review of last year's disputed presidential election in Florida indicates that George W. Bush still would have defeated Al Gore even if Mr. Gore had been granted the limited vote recounts he was seeking. Several U.S. news organizations consider the study the final word on the 2000 presidential election.

The study found that even if Al Gore had won the right to limited recounts in Florida, he still would have lost to Mr. Bush by at least 200 votes. The official results gave Mr. Bush a 537 vote victory."

Now prove what a good little Liberal you are by not apologizing for your error.
Why, a court determined the outcome.....You are wrong again..

Wipe that custard pie off your face.
One of the greatest things about American politics is the nomination process. It's a blend of a rowdy sign carrying circus atmosphere combined with a patriotic respect for Constitutional law.

Personally I think one of the worst things about American politics is the nomination process with it's rowdy sign carrying circus atmosphere.

It takes to long with candidates running 2-years before an election and the way primaries and caucuses are spread out over such a long period and in some states you don't even have to be a registered member of a party to vote in their primaries make it difficult for a viable candidate to make it through the process.

To win the primaries candidates are often forced to extremes to survive the primary process but when they get to a national vote the positions they had to kowtow to hurt them in general elections.

What I'd like to see is something like this:

1. All primaries are held in one vote on the same day for all parties. There are separate ballots for each party. At the time of voting you declare a party and receive a ballot for that party and the type of ballot issued is noted.

2. Any candidate garnering 2/3rds majority of the primary vote for that party is the winner.

3. If 2/3rds majority is not achieved for a given party, 30-days later their is a "run off" vote consisting of the top 3 candidates by the vote. Only if you voted as a member of that party in the previous primary (See #1) are you allowed to vote in that parties run off vote.

4. If a candidate garners 50%(+1) vote they are the party candidate, if no candidate receives 50%(+1), then a second run off is held in 15-days with the winner of that run off as the candidate.

5. Sufficient time is allocated to allow up to 3 rounds of voting and to provide at least 90-days of campaigning prior to the full general election.​

The "nomination process" and primary elections are two different things although they overlap. McCain and Feingold tried to micro manage campaigns with a poorly written bill and we have a mess of a million tax exempt political entities. Why is the time span for presidential nomination so important when everyone knows that Barry Hussein spent almost his entire two terms campaigning.
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ZZZZZzzzzzzzzz wake me up when REAL conversation begins.

I'm starting to understand why this country and the political system is such a mess....

It's not complicated (the solution) - let the people decide. If it's a Democrat, so be it but at least the people are making the decision....
ZZZZZzzzzzzzzz wake me up when REAL conversation begins.

I'm starting to understand why this country and the political system is such a mess....

It's not complicated (the solution) - let the people decide. If it's a Democrat, so be it but at least the people are making the decision....
The people do decide.

It's just a bit more complicated than that.

ZZZZZzzzzzzzzz wake me up when REAL conversation begins.

I'm starting to understand why this country and the political system is such a mess....

It's not complicated (the solution) - let the people decide. If it's a Democrat, so be it but at least the people are making the decision....
The people do decide.

It's just a bit more complicated than that.


no, they really don't. additionally the system keeps out the best candidates...

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