The Price Of Food And Energy Going Up And Obama Won't Lift A Finger

Regardless of where the fault lies the POTUS will get the blame.

It is what it is.

Barry is pushing his green agenda by backing companies that get our taxdollar and then go bankrupt. We taxpayers are then out our hardearned dollars.

If anyone thinks Barry gives a shit what you and I have to pay for gas then they are fools.

Anything to push his green agenda is okay by him. Of course his green bs ain't thought out worth a damn. Its all seat of the pants crap.

The only reason he's even spoken about the price of gas is because its an election year.
Yeah. Here too ! The fucking lubricenter raised the cost of a front end alignment from $19 to $22 and Obama didn't do a fucking thing !:cuckoo:
Everyone, except the RW who just want to blame everything on the President, knows that it is speculators that are driving up the price of fuel (which drives up the price of every fucking thing else).

So, what would the RW like the President to do about the speculators? Won't he need Congress to get anything passed that would rein in this rampant speculation?

"It is similar to the gambling Wall Street did on whether or not people would pay their subprime (below-market rate) mortgages in the mortgage meltdown," said Michael Greenberger, a law professor at the University of Maryland and a former federal regulator of financial markets. "Now they are betting on the upward direction of the price of oil."

Speculators "speculate" based partly on U.S. energy policy. Our current policy, which seems to be severely limit oil exploration and recovery, tells speculators that oil supply will remain low, pushing demand higher. Also, if it's all the speculators and isn't effected by supply, then why were Obama and Cameron planning a release of stored oil reserves ?
He can't bring about his "Fundamental Transformation Of America" with the populace, fat, happy and satieted, anymore than Hitler would have been asked to assume the post of Chancellor of Germany without the unrest and turmoil that preceded that event.
People's possessions and life savings have to be expropriated by and for the Government's exclusive use, people unsuitable for Obama's "Fundamental Transformation" have to be eliminated. No Communist Revolution ever took place without a little bloodshed. He needs the angry mobs. If he can pair and augment the angry mobs emanating from #OWS with the angry, howling mobs emanating from the supposed Trayvon Martin injustice, its so much the better for Obama.
What better way to create unrest than a large pool of individuals unable to feed their families for whatever reason.
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Everyone, except the RW who just want to blame everything on the President, knows that it is speculators that are driving up the price of fuel (which drives up the price of every fucking thing else).

So, what would the RW like the President to do about the speculators? Won't he need Congress to get anything passed that would rein in this rampant speculation?

"It is similar to the gambling Wall Street did on whether or not people would pay their subprime (below-market rate) mortgages in the mortgage meltdown," said Michael Greenberger, a law professor at the University of Maryland and a former federal regulator of financial markets. "Now they are betting on the upward direction of the price of oil."

Your argument is an exact carbon-copy of reality.

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