The Priority for the 118th Congress

Immigration reform is not going to happen...frankly, it wouldn 't matter if something got passed, the Xiden admin has made clear they will not enforce the law in this area.

So the GOP House needs to focus on oversight, in particular in like of the money laundering scandal involving a Ukraine and the Dem party
The time for that is BEFORE an election, while people are making up their minds about who to send to Washington. Saying it AFTER the election is kind of pointless.
Candidates cannot introduce legislation before they are elected, nor do they retire when they are elected.

Which elected representatives will be initiating the desperately-needed comprehensive immigration reform in January?
Candidates cannot introduce legislation before they are elected, nor do they retire when they are elected.

Which elected representatives will be initiating the desperately-needed comprehensive immigration reform in January?
desperately-needed comprehensive immigration reform in January?

immigration reform has been passed numerous times over the last 200 years

we need to enforce it,
Candidates cannot introduce legislation before they are elected, nor do they retire when they are elected.

Which elected representatives will be initiating the desperately-needed comprehensive immigration reform in January?
When you send a candidate to Washington who pledges to destroy the fossil fuel industry, you're not surprised when fuel prices go sky-high (Quid Pro Joe). When you send a candidate to Washington who promises a surge to the border after he's elected, you're not surprised when there are suddenly hundreds of thousands pushing at the border, trying to get in, legally or illegally (Quid Pro Joe). The time to push a candidate on an issue is before they get elected because it's a lot harder afterwards to move them.
immigration reform has been passed numerous times over the last 200 years

we need to enforce it,
So, despite relentless calls for comprehensive immigration reforms since 1986, not even those raving about it will introduce such legislation?
So, despite relentless calls for comprehensive immigration reforms since 1986, not even those raving about it will introduce such legislation?
why bother enacting more laws, if the ones on the books aren't going to be enforced?

Same with gun laws.
So, despite relentless calls for comprehensive immigration reforms since 1986, not even those raving about it will introduce such legislation?
Election Reform and Securing The Integrity of The Vote is the Number 1 issue. Issue Number 2 should keeping illegal aliens, and drug cartels out of America.
Dimm's have the Senate and will keep the Senate.
Dimm's want open borders and will keep open borders.
What part of this logic do you not understand??
Your excuse for politicians who like to blow gas about immigration not introducing immigration reform legislation is noted.

There is no support for "open borders" in either party in regard to immigration. Don't parrot such falsehoods.
Your excuse for politicians who like to blow gas about immigration not introducing immigration reform legislation is noted.

There is no support for "open borders" in either party in regard to immigration. Don't parrot such falsehoods.

Major Bullshit!
Dimm's love and adore open borders, you inveterate liar.
That was almost a decade ago, Smudgelips!!
Yes, and Republicans have been insisting that comprehensive immigration reform has been needed for much longer.

Republicans controlled the House and Senate when Trump was elected, and they did nothing concerning the comprehensive immigration reform they railed about.

Let's see if Republicans push this one again under anticipated Republican House leadership:

On March 17, 2021, several Republican members of Congress announced that they will introduce an immigration reform plan, which, in their opinion, could significantly improve the US’ immigration system.
Republican members, including Rep. Fred Upton and Sen. Lindsey Graham, presented the “Dignity Program” for Congress approval. This immigration plan proposes, among other things:
  • Protection for young immigrants brought to the US as minors, known as “Dreamers”.
  • A path to legal status for immigrants who have a clean criminal record and meet certain eligibility requirements.
  • Programs to improve English proficiency among immigrant communities in the US.
  • Measures to curb irregular immigration and control the situation at the US’ southern border.
Republican members also stated that Congress did not approve some of former President Trump’s proposals to increase surveillance and protection at the borders and that is one of the reasons why it now needs to pass new proposals to avoid a humanitarian catastrophe under the Biden administration.
Upton, who is one of the Republican members leading this immigration reform plan, stated during the conference, “We could pass a bill in the House and Senate for the president Biden to sign.”
[Republicans Propose Immigration Reform | Motion Law Immigration]
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Congress hasn’t succeeded in passing a comprehensive immigration reform bill since the Immigration Reform and Control Act ( IRCA) of 1986, 36 years ago.

The new Congress will convene on January 3, 2023, at noon.

Refusing to confront the issue and exploiting it as an elective gimmick has persisted for far too long.

If the American people want the issue addressed, insist that elected representatives do what they were elected to do.

That isn't continuing to point fingers for partisan purposes while wallowing in legislative indolence.

You make the assumption that the American people want the issue addressed as though that is a unifying concept. Sure, they want it addressed. The problem is how they want it addressed is fiercely opposed by about half the country.

That is what happens when you condense a complex issue into a single word: address. You cover up all the reasons that 'solution' is a non starter.
Candidates cannot introduce legislation before they are elected, nor do they retire when they are elected.

Which elected representatives will be initiating the desperately-needed comprehensive immigration reform in January?
Comprehensive is another weasel word here. It covers so much ground while ignoring that whatever you are assuming with 'comprehensive' is not fiercely opposed by half the nation. Which it is, no matter what you stuff into it.
Congress hasn’t succeeded in passing a comprehensive immigration reform bill since the Immigration Reform and Control Act ( IRCA) of 1986, 36 years ago.

The new Congress will convene on January 3, 2023, at noon.

Refusing to confront the issue and exploiting it as an elective gimmick has persisted for far too long.

If the American people want the issue addressed, insist that elected representatives do what they were elected to do.

That isn't continuing to point fingers for partisan purposes while wallowing in legislative indolence.

Here is the Republican agenda for the 118th Congress:

1. Impeach Joe Biden.

2. Impeach Joe Biden.

3. Impeach Joe Biden.

4. Subpoena Hunter Biden.

5. Impeach Joe Biden.

6. Dismantle the Jew space laser.

7. Ban kitty litter boxes from classrooms.

8. Expose and execute all the Satanic Catholics and Democrats.

9. Subpoena Paul Pelosi and sentence him to seek treatment for his gay prostitute addiction.

10. Expel all Muslims from America, including Loser Mehmet Oz.

11. Get negroes to learn their place and behave.

12. Enact a federal "Don't Say Covid" law.

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