The Problem of Refusing to Admit that the Other Party's President Has Done Anything Good


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
Our politics have become so polarized and divisive that many Republicans refuse to admit that Biden has done anything good, and many Democrats refuse to admit that Trump did anything good. This is a troubling sign. Part of the problem is that many Republicans only get their news from conservative news outlets, and many Democrats only get their news from liberal news outlets.

Just because I am not voting for Biden does not mean I cannot acknowledge that he has done many good things. He has also done many bad things, and I think the bad things outweigh the good things. But when we go to the extreme of pretending that a President has done nothing good because he belongs to a different party, we are not being objective or factual.

Many Republicans--and many Democrats--do not know that Biden has left about 90-95% of the Trump tax cuts intact. He deserves credit for this. But many Republicans and Democrats do not even know he's done this. As someone whose net pay increased by over $200 per month thanks to the Trump tax cuts, I am grateful that Biden has left most of those tax cuts intact.

Many Democrats--and many Republicans--do not know that Trump's USMCA trade deal, which was passed by Congress with huge bipartisan majorities in 2020, is substantially protectionist and includes provisions to protect American industries and workers against competition from foreign dirt-wage industries and workers. Even devout liberals Elizabeth Warren and Patrick Leahy voted for it, as did staunch conservatives Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz. It passed the Senate 89-10. It passed the House 385-41.

Republicans ardently defended and praised Trump's imposition of stiff tariffs on Chinese imports in response to China's long history of unfair and predatory trade practices. Yet, when Biden recently extended and expanded Trump's China tariffs, few Republicans praised him for it, and many Republicans accused him of "protectionism," ignoring the fact that these are Trump's tariffs and acting as though there's something wrong with protecting American jobs, workers, and industry from unfair trade practices.
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Many Republicans--and many Democrats--do not know that Biden has left about 90-95% of the Trump tax cuts intact. He deserves credit for this.

I cherry picked. Trump ran up $7.8 trillion in debt and Biden is running up even more. They deserve credit for this?
Presidents have very little influence over the deficit. But the Trump tax cuts resulted in increased revenues for both personal income taxes and corporate income taxes. Allowing them to expire will have the opposite effect.

When Biden does something that is not actually harmful - a rare thing - it is inadvertent. He is a total stooge for the most extreme factions of the Left. Trump told us exactly what he wanted to accomplish, then did everything within his power to do everything he "promised" - despite a full-court-press in Congress and the Media to thwart his initiatives. History will record that his accomplishments in the face of the overwhelming sabotage against him were astounding.

Seriously, is there anyone in the U.S. who actually wants Joe Biden to have a second term? I cannot imagine a single reason why they would. His apparent support is ALL irrational hatred of Donald Trump.
Presidents have very little influence over the deficit.

They sign off on every penny of it.

But the Trump tax cuts resulted in increased revenues for both personal income taxes and corporate income taxes. Allowing them to expire will have the opposite effect.

No it didn't. The trillions we pumped into the markets did that but we are now paying for all of that.
Many Republicans--and many Democrats--do not know that Biden has left about 90-95% of the Trump tax cuts intact. He deserves credit for this.

I cherry picked. Trump ran up $7.8 trillion in debt and Biden is running up even more. They deserve credit for this?
Sigh. . . . #Ignoring_the_Point.

No, they don't deserve credit for this, because running up the debt is not a good thing. Remember that the OP's point is that we need to start admitting when the other party's White House occupant does something good.
Sigh. . . . #Ignoring_the_Point.

You made it a part of the point.

No, they don't deserve credit for this, because running up the debt is not a good thing. Remember that the OP's point is that we need to start admitting when the other party's White House occupant does something good.

And pointing out how running up the debt was one example of that.
They sign off on every penny of it.

No it didn't. The trillions we pumped into the markets did that but we are now paying for all of that.
Ahhh...the fiat currency. Keep politicians in power fora half century like Joe. He even was part of the currency starting its massive decline.
Saying that Pedo Peter has done good things presumes that he is the one in control....He clearly is not.

After that, anything that the Uniparty™ caporegime does that ends up benefiting the hoi polloy is incidental....The career self-servers even take the few crumbs that oh-by-the-way fall to We the Peons as a credit to them, and rationale for our continued supplicating servitude under the heel of their boot.
Sigh. . . . #Ignoring_the_Point.

No, they don't deserve credit for this, because running up the debt is not a good thing. Remember that the OP's point is that we need to start admitting when the other party's White House occupant does something good.
It’s hard to admit any recent potus did good, when they’ve all done so much harm.
lol at the OP, by a conspiratard who thinks FDR was the most awfulest Pres Evar and posts all sorts of idiot gossip and spin now hopes to sell himself as a credible and objective political hack. lol big fail.
Considering the oil and gas reserves he has sold off he is much more likely to surpass everyone in spending. Not much good to say about Biden.
Considering he had no choice but leave some of what Trump did in place not much to say about him here either.
He has always been on the wrong side of everything, made up stories and plagiarized so to claim is is a decent human would be stretching the truth.
The blob cut taxes for the ultra wealthy and we had $8T in new debt.
It was an obvious cause and effect.

One thing the blob did that was good was that he didn’t start any new wars. Of course, he didn’t end any either. He didn’t (and doesn’t) have the backbone to have to talk to a grieving family. Any time he had to do something like that the families who were aggrieved criticized the crap out of him because he was so aloof.
Seriously, is there anyone in the U.S. who actually wants Joe Biden to have a second term? I cannot imagine a single reason why they would.
Perhaps you can't imagine it because you don't make an honest effort to accurately understand the life experiences, perspectives and priorities of those Americans who don't think just like you.

That doesn't mean you have to agree with them, but you would at least understand them. If you actually want to, that is.
Nothing done (as you now label as good by Obiden) can overcome the Lawfare launched against anything Trump over many years now. Pure harrassment on made up paperwork violations, 9 figure fines, 72 yr old locked up for talking about clear cut election fraud. Never Trumper OP is not fooling anyone. It started with phony Russian BS and is still going on. Yet you chirp how great Obiden is?
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