The Problem With Socialism


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
Once you run out of OPC (Other People's Cash) to support it, socialism crashes and burns. President Maduro is in China to beg for more cash and on his way to the Mideast to beg fellow OPEC members to slash their oil exports in order to shore up the price of his Venezuelan oil exports. If it wasn't so tragic (and predictable) it would be funny:

Venezuelan leader turns to China amid oil collapse - Yahoo Finance

Caracas (AFP) - Sliding oil prices have sent Venezuela on a downward spiral -- and sent President Nicolas Maduro on a trip to China to make an urgent appeal for cash...

Venezuela was already mired in economic woes before oil began its recent slide, but the sharp downturn in crude prices -- which hit five-and-a-half-year lows Tuesday -- has been especially punishing for a country that relies on oil for 96 percent of its foreign currency...

Numerous economic analysts have warned that Venezuela is on the brink of a debt default, struggling to pay its bills while maintaining its lavish subsidies, oil discounts to allies and rigid system of foreign exchange controls.
The South American country is estimated to have the largest oil reserves in the world but depends largely on imports for basic goods, including food and medicine...

But late deliveries of some oil shipments and the lack of a "clearly necessary structural adjustment plan" mean China may be hesitant to increase its backing...

Maduro's popularity rating has tumbled to 22.6 percent, and 86 percent of Venezuelans have a negative view of the country's current situation, according to a recent poll.
Economists say Venezuela is facing an imminent devaluation of the bolivar currency, propped up by exchange rate controls since 2003.
But that would only increase prices for already scarce imported goods in a country where gasoline costs $0.02 a liter ($0.08 a gallon) but a bottle of water costs $2.
They're hoping they can disarm everyone before they run out of other people's money.
Socialism is where the means of production, distribution and exchange are held in common cause, usually through the agency of the state.

If you think the US does not have large elements of socialism in its economy you are probably a rightard.
Socialism is where the means of production, distribution and exchange are held in common cause, usually through the agency of the state.

If you think the US does not have large elements of socialism in its economy you are probably a rightard.

If you can't discern the difference between our economy and the socialist economy of Venezuela you clearly are a fuktard or a socialist (or both).
Are you saying the US economy doesn't have large elements of socialism in it?
If you can't discern the difference between our economy and the socialist economy of Venezuela you clearly are a fuktard or a socialist (or both).

Are you saying the US economy doesn't have large elements of socialism in it?

Are you saying you can't discern the difference between our economy and the socialist economy of Venezuela?
No, I'm not saying that.

Are you saying the US economy doesn't have large elements of socialism in it?
No, I'm not saying that.

Are you saying the US economy doesn't have large elements of socialism in it?

Certainly it has some elements of socialism in it and there are those who for less than honest or honorable reasons would see us slide down that hole. The point remains that once socialism runs out of OPC (Other People's Cash) to support it, it crashes and burns.
Why don't we put a floor price on crude oil in this country? It would at least keep it from falling below a price that would cause E&P companies to cease their... E&P.
This from 2008... Bill Richardson, then Secretary of Energy under Clinton, makes the hat-in-hand tour urging OPEC countries to INCREASE production in an effort to drive DOWN the price of crude:

He did as he was asked PolitiFact

"I went to OPEC countries and tried to get them to increase production so prices would go down," Richardson boasted. "At the time, there was a home heating oil crisis here in New England. I created reserves of home heating oil."
Why don't we put a floor price on crude oil in this country? It would at least keep it from falling below a price that would cause E&P companies to cease their... E&P.

We could and should find a way to keep frackers fracking if only to keep global oil prices at a level that serves both our domestic economy and our international security strategy. Fucking over OPEC and reining in Russian military adventurism while pumping up our economy seems, at least to me, to be a win-win-win.
To me, this is one of those elements of Socialism that is endemic to the Liberal mindset - artificially control markets in an effort to wrest the forces of supply and demand and hold commerce subservient to political agenda.
Why don't we put a floor price on crude oil in this country? It would at least keep it from falling below a price that would cause E&P companies to cease their... E&P.

We could and should find a way to keep frackers fracking if only to keep global oil prices at a level that serves both our domestic economy and our international security strategy. Fucking over OPEC and reining in Russian military adventurism while pumping up our economy seems, at least to me, to be a win-win-win.
This is how we keep farmers farming, isn't it? Floor prices on commodities, crop insurance, sales tax exemptions, Section 179 credits?
To me, this is one of those elements of Socialism that is endemic to the Liberal mindset - artificially control markets in an effort to wrest the forces of supply and demand and hold commerce subservient to political agenda.

And the article in the OP expresses where the socialist agenda invariably ends. Once they run out of OPC (Other People's Cash) to support it, socialism crashes and burns. It is comical that the president of the country with the world's largest oil reserves must go to China for cash to keep his socialist dream alive.
To me, this is one of those elements of Socialism that is endemic to the Liberal mindset - artificially control markets in an effort to wrest the forces of supply and demand and hold commerce subservient to political agenda.

And the article in the OP expresses where the socialist agenda invariably ends. Once they run out of OPC (Other People's Cash) to support it, socialism crashes and burns. It is comical that the president of the country with the world's largest oil reserves must go to China for cash to keep his socialist dream alive.
And, as I illustrated above, it was also comical when Bill Richardson went to OPEC countries in an effort to keep the U.S. Liberal socialist dream alive.
Why don't we put a floor price on crude oil in this country? It would at least keep it from falling below a price that would cause E&P companies to cease their... E&P.

We could and should find a way to keep frackers fracking if only to keep global oil prices at a level that serves both our domestic economy and our international security strategy. Fucking over OPEC and reining in Russian military adventurism while pumping up our economy seems, at least to me, to be a win-win-win.

most people do not know it but we have been fracking oil since the 1940s

fracking isnt anything new
Let me add this... in 2008 , NPR had a live interview with a Clinton Administration official and they were discussing this very incident. It was broadcast on my local NPR station and they were fielding phone calls.

So I called and asked why Bill Richardson didn't travel to the country with the the third highest oil production in the world and ask that they also increase production.

There was silence on the end of my line, until I stated that the U.S. (at that time) is the third largest oil producer in the world.

I left those fuckers speechless.
Socialism was a response to the dehumanizing Industrial Revolution. It began with general strikes and union organizations. The early visionaries talked of worker owned industries. Today, many worker owned businesses still exist, like WinCo grocery and Full Sail Brewery.

Marx came along and his adherents co-opted the meaning of socialism. They simply transferred ownership of production from capital to the State. The result was in many ways even more dehumanizing. The new socialism was antagonistic to strikes, unionization and employee ownership.

"When the world's two great propaganda systems agree on some doctrine, it requires some intellectual effort to escape its shackles. One such doctrine is that the society created by Lenin and Trotsky and molded further by Stalin and his successors has some relation to socialism in some meaningful or historically accurate sense of this concept. In fact, if there is a relation, it is the relation of contradiction." -Chomsky

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