The Problem With Socialism

No, I'm not saying that.

Are you saying the US economy doesn't have large elements of socialism in it?

Certainly it has some elements of socialism in it and there are those who for less than honest or honorable reasons would see us slide down that hole. The point remains that once socialism runs out of OPC (Other People's Cash) to support it, it crashes and burns.
Most industrial economies today are mixtures of socialism and capitalism and have been for many years. At one time there was a belief that socialism led to communism.
I've had this notion on my mind for quite a few years.

It's called "The Million Barrel March".

Assembled on the Mall in D.C. are thousands of domestic oil producers, all representing one million barrels per day of U.S. oil production.

Why do I say "thousands of producers"? I say that because there are over 700,000 oil wells in the United States each producing less than 15 barrels of oil per day. These are classified as "stripper" wells.

Stripper Well Facts - National Stripper Well Association

Collectively, these people have it within their power to remove one million barrels of oil production per day from our domestic market simply by flipping a switch.

Or- they could ADD it back... by flipping a switch.

"Stripper" wells are owned by small companies- most often family-owned concerns who's history spans decades.

Power to the mother fucking people, brotches. :slap:
I've had this notion on my mind for quite a few years.

It's called "The Million Barrel March".

Assembled on the Mall in D.C. are thousands of domestic oil producers, all representing one million barrels per day of U.S. oil production.

Why do I say "thousands of producers"? I say that because there are over 700,000 oil wells in the United States each producing less than 15 barrels of oil per day. These are classified as "stripper" wells.

Stripper Well Facts - National Stripper Well Association

Collectively, these people have it within their power to remove one million barrels of oil production per day from our domestic market simply by flipping a switch.

Or- they could ADD it back... by flipping a switch.

"Stripper" wells are owned by small companies- most often family-owned concerns who's history spans decades.

Power to the mother fucking people, brotches. :slap:

Sounds socialist, in its original meaning.
I've had this notion on my mind for quite a few years.

It's called "The Million Barrel March".

Assembled on the Mall in D.C. are thousands of domestic oil producers, all representing one million barrels per day of U.S. oil production.

Why do I say "thousands of producers"? I say that because there are over 700,000 oil wells in the United States each producing less than 15 barrels of oil per day. These are classified as "stripper" wells.

Stripper Well Facts - National Stripper Well Association

Collectively, these people have it within their power to remove one million barrels of oil production per day from our domestic market simply by flipping a switch.

Or- they could ADD it back... by flipping a switch.

"Stripper" wells are owned by small companies- most often family-owned concerns who's history spans decades.

Power to the mother fucking people, brotches. :slap:

Sounds socialist, in its original meaning.
LOL, I do see some truth in that. Albeit with a Brotch bent. :slap:

But lemme ax u dis... when we place floor prices on Agricultural commodities is that Socialism?

When we place tariffs on imported steel to protect our own industry is that Socialism?

When we deny oil producers both a floor price AND a tariff... what is that?
Venezuela will soon find asking China for monies isn't easy or cost free. They will have to give up something big to get China's 'help'.

Yup ... OIL, and what could be more fitting than one socialist state ceding the rights of its only resource and export to another in exchange for some cold, hard cash. I tell ya, it warms my heart.

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