The problem with the Democrats is they don't love

Democrats have no love in their hearts, that's the basic thing wrong with them.

Once again an idiot conservative tells people he doesn't know and doesn't have the first idea about, what is wrong with them. This is why no one takes conservatives seriously.

You're always telling liberals what's wrong with THEM. Look to yourself dolt!
Democrats have no love in their hearts, that's the basic thing wrong with them.

Once again an idiot conservative tells people he doesn't know and doesn't have the first idea about, what is wrong with them. This is why no one takes conservatives seriously.

You're always telling liberals what's wrong with THEM. Look to yourself dolt!
I think you know I'm right about this.

If you had love in your heart, you would never have an abortion, or think other women should have abortions.

You'd look for other ways.
Love is accepting.

Love is sharing.

Love is caring.

You're not going to burn down a liquor store if you have love in your heart.
Democrats have no love in their hearts, that's the basic thing wrong with them.

Not so much the average democrat voter. The John Doe democrat voter or activist lite believes he or she is fighting for a cause so historically important that they can go far, far out onto the frontier of the sociopathic cultural revolution and still come back home to the familiar and return to "normal" productive lives when it's all over, after Donald Trump is vanquished. Perhaps by proxy of their hatred for one man, for our POTUS, it could be true the average democrat voter has lost love for his or her nation; for its history, system of government, rule of law, national culture and even the soil beneath their feet.

The truly radicalized democrat activist? Yes, I agree. Those people used to love all sorts of normal things but hatred pure and hard benighted their hearts and eclipsed all ability to love from their persons. They also believe that they can one day return to normal; a normal where their fellow citizens will again look upon them as average, upright citizens rather than the savages they've become. However, they are far too far gone, by far, to ever be human again. Many of them have committed crimes so heinous against their fellow countrymen and nation the nightmares alone will never allow even a shred of normal thought or behavior to ever again enter their souls. They are like rabid dogs or meat gone off, and must be handled accordingly. Perhaps a truly gifted and dedicated cult deprogrammer could return them to some modicum of normal human, but who has the time and is willing to expend such effort for that?
Democrats have no love in their hearts, that's the basic thing wrong with them.

It's not only that they don't love

They don't love, they don't hate , they are zombies, they are total idiots and puppets....they only follow orders

In simple words....demonRats are total morons!
Conservatives mock liberals for caring about people every single day while looking for the most callous hard ass opinion they can come up with. You do not even know what empathy and compassion is.
Conservatives mock liberals for caring about people every single day while looking for the most callous hard ass opinion they can come up with. You do not even know what empathy and compassion is.
You talk about empathy and compassion but you never use the word "love".

Why is that?
Democrats have no love in their hearts, that's the basic thing wrong with them.
Why are all those ever-loving hookers always demanding abortion on demand and free birth control then? They can't stop loving 24×7, and they don't love babies, either. It's adult only.
Tearing people apart based on race, sex, and class isn't a loving thing to do.

Telling a woman to have an abortion isn't a loving thing to do.
Tearing people apart based on race, sex, and class isn't a loving thing to do.
Dude you're full of shit with that touchy-feely liberal hogwash. Lonely dude with a lot of money is going to get along just splendid with the poor sociable Catholic girls.
Telling a woman to have an abortion isn't a loving thing to do.
Some deadbeat dad fancies himself in love, but he doesn't want to support a child because that would interfere with his adult-only lifestyle of love and peace and marijuana.

That's what I hate about these churches.
Democrats have no love in their hearts, that's the basic thing wrong with them.
Look at you judging who has love in their hearts. What an IGNORANT fool you are
Calling someone a fool is a violation of the Fifth Commandment.

I say Democrats have no love because it is the truth.

Anyone who believes that a woman should solve her problems by killing her unborn child lacks love in their heart.
Love is the answer to all our problems.

It's too bad so many people don't realize it.
Conservatives mock liberals for caring about people every single day while looking for the most callous hard ass opinion they can come up with. You do not even know what empathy and compassion is.
You talk about empathy and compassion but you never use the word "love".

Why is that?
Love is the most misused and overused word in the world. It's also very often hate dressed up in a pretty package. I save that term for the people who love me back and whom I would probably die for. Way too personal a term to go around applying it to random shit and people I do not know.
Anyone who believes that a woman should solve her problems by killing her unborn child lacks love in their heart.
Uh huh. It's her body, and her unborn child. Not his. Standard Democratic Party feminist dogma, and the conservative churchgoing gentlemen play along willingly with it because it allows them to oh-so-conveniently evade their child support obligations.

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