The problem with the Democrats is they don't love

Bit at all true!

Democrats DO have love!

They love all "victims" so long as they vote Democrat. There is nothing they wouldn't give one of their long as it was something belonging to someone else.
Democrats can't convince me they have compassion for anyone so long as they have no compassion for unborn babies.
Democrats have no love in their hearts, that's the basic thing wrong with them.

Not so much the average democrat voter. The John Doe democrat voter or activist lite believes he or she is fighting for a cause so historically important that they can go far, far out onto the frontier of the sociopathic cultural revolution and still come back home to the familiar and return to "normal" productive lives when it's all over, after Donald Trump is vanquished. Perhaps by proxy of their hatred for one man, for our POTUS, it could be true the average democrat voter has lost love for his or her nation; for its history, system of government, rule of law, national culture and even the soil beneath their feet.

The truly radicalized democrat activist? Yes, I agree. Those people used to love all sorts of normal things but hatred pure and hard benighted their hearts and eclipsed all ability to love from their persons. They also believe that they can one day return to normal; a normal where their fellow citizens will again look upon them as average, upright citizens rather than the savages they've become. However, they are far too far gone, by far, to ever be human again. Many of them have committed crimes so heinous against their fellow countrymen and nation the nightmares alone will never allow even a shred of normal thought or behavior to ever again enter their souls. They are like rabid dogs or meat gone off, and must be handled accordingly. Perhaps a truly gifted and dedicated cult deprogrammer could return them to some modicum of normal human, but who has the time and is willing to expend such effort for that?
Golf Clap.

Simplicity and Reality.

The single greatest thought I have processed by another person in a long time.
Democrats have no love in their hearts, that's the basic thing wrong with them.

Once again an idiot conservative tells people he doesn't know and doesn't have the first idea about, what is wrong with them. This is why no one takes conservatives seriously.

You're always telling liberals what's wrong with THEM. Look to yourself dolt!

He's clearly mentally stunted to me. You're gonna have to dig deeper if you plan on conversing with Cult45. Lots of brainwashing happening there.
Democrats can't convince me they have compassion for anyone so long as they have no compassion for unborn babies.

Conservatives will never convince me that they have compassion for anyone as long as the ONLY children they care about are the unborn. The moment the child draws breath, conservatives could care less if he lives or dies. No health care, no decent public schools, no nothing to help you or your parents succeed.

When conservatives start caring about LIVING BREATHING CHILDREN, and their families and their lives, I'll take you seriously.

Pretending to care about babies. Lying fucking hypocrites. CARE ABOUT THE LIVING!!
Why did Trump get 4 divorces?
Why does Trump turn his back and ignore 130,000+ COVID deaths?
Why does Trump make an economy designed to make the rich richer and the poor poorer?
Why are Trump and the GOP trying to take away people's health care insurance?
Why does the GOP push for the Death Penalty? Where's the love?
Democrats can't convince me they have compassion for anyone so long as they have no compassion for unborn babies.

Conservatives will never convince me that they have compassion for anyone as long as the ONLY children they care about are the unborn. The moment the child draws breath, conservatives could care less if he lives or dies. No health care, no decent public schools, no nothing to help you or your parents succeed.

When conservatives start caring about LIVING BREATHING CHILDREN, and their families and their lives, I'll take you seriously.

Pretending to care about babies. Lying fucking hypocrites. CARE ABOUT THE LIVING!!
That's a completely ridiculous set of assumptions you've made in those paragraphs you've written.

It's obvious to me you've never met any real conservatives in your life.

You hate some sort of cartoon image of conservatives you've created in your imagination.

Do you not know even one conservative?
Democrats hate some fantasy nightmare they've concocted of what conservatives believe.
If you don't love EVERYONE, including unborn babies, then you don't love ANYONE.

Or, let's make this easier for the Democrats.

You love only as much as those you love the least.
The homeless man who asks you for a dollar, what do you do?

Last time that happened to me, I gave him five.

I'm not boasting.

I'm just saying, you really don't know anything about conservatives if you think we hate the poor.
Love is the answer to all our problems.

It's too bad so many people don't realize it.

That's a platitude worthy of a Democrat. In fact...


Democrats can't talk about love until they stop supporting abortion.
Democrats can't convince me they have compassion for anyone so long as they have no compassion for unborn babies.

Conservatives will never convince me that they have compassion for anyone as long as the ONLY children they care about are the unborn. The moment the child draws breath, conservatives could care less if he lives or dies. No health care, no decent public schools, no nothing to help you or your parents succeed.

When conservatives start caring about LIVING BREATHING CHILDREN, and their families and their lives, I'll take you seriously.

Pretending to care about babies. Lying fucking hypocrites. CARE ABOUT THE LIVING!!
Well, I agree conservatives should clean up the Department of Education and make it better, and do better.

However, using your logic I’d like to say something. If they should care about living people, should the living people care about themselves?

I ask because people in communities with riots and such, are partly responsible for the savagery we see going on. They are destroying their neighborhoods.

I don’t get you logic. How can we help people that do such things?
Democrats can't convince me they have compassion for anyone so long as they have no compassion for unborn babies.

Conservatives will never convince me that they have compassion for anyone as long as the ONLY children they care about are the unborn. The moment the child draws breath, conservatives could care less if he lives or dies. No health care, no decent public schools, no nothing to help you or your parents succeed.

When conservatives start caring about LIVING BREATHING CHILDREN, and their families and their lives, I'll take you seriously.

Pretending to care about babies. Lying fucking hypocrites. CARE ABOUT THE LIVING!!

public schools arent decent- its the libs who want big gubmint to be the blacks daddy.
I feel helpless to save the Democrats from the fate that awaits them when Jesus judges them for what they did, and what they didn't do.

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