The progressive war on Christmas/Christianity nutbags refer to freedom of religion as *bitching about little symbols*.

It just shows the mentality of the people who seek to remove our freedoms.

If you took ALL of the hideous monsters that have ever existed that without the influence of religion have commited the most heinous crimes and put them all together they are amateurs compared to the butchery done in the name of Jesus. I do not care about the freedoms of insane psychopathes.

Those of religion are the most consciousless predators earth has ever known. I care more about Charlie Manson's freedoms than yours. At least HE is honest about what he is. nutbags refer to freedom of religion as *bitching about little symbols*.

It just shows the mentality of the people who seek to remove our freedoms.


No one is trying to ‘remove’ anyone’s freedoms.

You’re free to practice your religion anywhere, anytime.

But don’t attempt to codify your religious dogma in the secular law by prohibiting same-sex couples from marrying or violating a woman’s privacy rights, for example.

The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment was specifically designed to protect citizens from the blind religious extremism you represent.
Thank you for proving my point. Bitch about a symbol yet you still can practice your religion but this is so more important to a simple mind.
How much more of a joke can you provide yourself to be. nutbags refer to freedom of religion as *bitching about little symbols*.

It just shows the mentality of the people who seek to remove our freedoms.

Wow I don't know, but I'll have to try hard to surpass the hilarity that post of yours provides...

Did you and that dyslexic halfwit, daws, attend the same school? Or, probably closer to the truth...ditch English comp class together? nutbags refer to freedom of religion as *bitching about little symbols*.

It just shows the mentality of the people who seek to remove our freedoms.

These people have a goal to complete pervert civilization into a sick joke.

They think they've succeeded, since the only people they associate with are just like themselves.
You still cannot come up with anything other than insults. Seems to be quite the consistent forte of yours. Try using something a little more intelligent but then that would be nearly, if not, impossible for someone like yourself.
Try as you must there is no truth to the lies you try to tell here.
You are such easy fodder.

Thank you for proving my point. Bitch about a symbol yet you still can practice your religion but this is so more important to a simple mind.
How much more of a joke can you provide yourself to be. nutbags refer to freedom of religion as *bitching about little symbols*.

It just shows the mentality of the people who seek to remove our freedoms.

Wow I don't know, but I'll have to try hard to surpass the hilarity that post of yours provides...

Did you and that dyslexic halfwit, daws, attend the same school? Or, probably closer to the truth...ditch English comp class together?
Progressive Christmas: attacking God, Jesus & the cross:


The progressive war on Christmas - and Christianity in general - continues to rage on. The latest example comes from a small town in Kansas that found itself smack dab in the middle of a battle with progressives who were oh-so offended that a cross was on public property! Hear the oblivious local news report and get Glenn’s reaction on radio today.

Kansas town flirts with “progress” and loses traditional values

There is a sign in the town of Buhler, Kansas causing controversy in the news this week. The sign in the small town, described as a town rooted in “small town values”, featured a large cross, representative of much of the towns values. The sign is now being changed following a law suit from the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF).



Glenn was referring to the slogan on the sign that on one version reads: “Our second century of progress,” and on another says, “Tradional Values. Progressive Ideas.”

Glenn pointed out that the town is ironically up in arms over a group wanting to remove the cross from the public sign — they don’t understand why.

Well, because it’s a progress organization and they’re pushing their “progressive ideas”.

“You’re eventually going to lose the cross in your seal if your seal has “progressive ideas” in it,” Glenn quipped. “No doubt about it.”

Glenn continued to point out the irony in the situation noting that the communities solution is to move the sign to private property.

“What is the progressive idea? The elimination of private property,” he said. “If you continue with these progressive ideals and ideas, you will lose your private property. Which means you have no place to have your point of view. None.”

The situation with this town’s sign is a great example of what progressivism does to traditional values, Glenn pointed out. The sign mixed the church with progressivism from the get-go.

Kansas town flirts with “progress” and loses traditional values – Glenn Beck

/Thread out the window.
No one is taking issue with ‘public displays of religion,’ the issue only concerns itself with violations of Establishment Clause jurisprudence, where persons of faith seek to conjoin church and state, by enacting measures that lack a secular motive, or attempting to promote religion through legislative means, or where there is an excessive entanglement between church and state. See: Lemon v. Kurtzman (1971).

Moreover, no one is seeking to ‘silence’ a view or belief, as the Constitution prohibits conjoining only church with state, as the First Amendment applies to government alone. And that the Constitution prohibits citizens attempting to codify their religious dogma, there is no Free Exercise Clause violation.

Clearly "establishment" is about government promoting one particular DENOMINATION and forcing others to conform to that particular DOCTRINE, with penalties towards those who don't comply. There has NEVER been such establishment of Christian doctrine to be found in the United States. Read the intent of what the Founders had in mind, if you want to educate yourself on the history behind the initial interpretation of the First Amendment.

By forcing the removal of ALL religious symbols and displays on government property, and not allowing the freedom of any religion to be displayed, you are in fact "establishing" atheism.

You ARE of course aware the United States Supreme Court building's east side has a depiction of Moses holding the Ten Commandments, aren't you? So much for this view of "violation" conjoin church and state with the First Amendment. Doesn't appear that our Founders really agree on that view.

I’m sorry, but this is just ignorant nonsense, having nothing to do with the facts of law I cited.

Our founders and what the early Congress of the 1850s had to say concerning establishment is ignorance? That really says a lot. ..... or is the truth in "controlling" religion as a whole to satisfy some minority atheistic [secular] view who has no sense of (or needs to be "educated" with respect to the term) tolerance.

Your facts of the law has no historical ground with respect to what our Founders had intended or established with respect to the First Amendment, when you look to the "facts" of what they had to say concerning religious freedom.
No one is taking issue with ‘public displays of religion,’ the issue only concerns itself with violations of Establishment Clause jurisprudence, where persons of faith seek to conjoin church and state, by enacting measures that lack a secular motive, or attempting to promote religion through legislative means, or where there is an excessive entanglement between church and state. See: Lemon v. Kurtzman (1971).

Moreover, no one is seeking to ‘silence’ a view or belief, as the Constitution prohibits conjoining only church with state, as the First Amendment applies to government alone. And that the Constitution prohibits citizens attempting to codify their religious dogma, there is no Free Exercise Clause violation.

Clearly "establishment" is about government promoting one particular DENOMINATION and forcing others to conform to that particular DOCTRINE, with penalties towards those who don't comply. There has NEVER been such establishment of Christian doctrine to be found in the United States. Read the intent of what the Founders had in mind, if you want to educate yourself on the history behind the initial interpretation of the First Amendment.

By forcing the removal of ALL religious symbols and displays on government property, and not allowing the freedom of any religion to be displayed, you are in fact "establishing" atheism.

You ARE of course aware the United States Supreme Court building's east side has a depiction of Moses holding the Ten Commandments, aren't you? So much for this view of "violation" conjoin church and state with the First Amendment. Doesn't appear that our Founders really agree on that view.

the Supreme Court building also features Mohammed, but we don't accept Shariah as legally binding.

Oh, and the building was constructed in the 1930's, so it isn't indicative of what our nation was founded on. :cuckoo:

There was a clear "view" towards the role of religion from the conception of the First Amendment.

March 27, 1854 Congress of the United States of America
received the report of Mr. Metacham of the House Committee on the Judiciary:

At the adoption of the Constitution... every State...provided as regularly for the support of the Church as for the support of the Government....
Down to the Revolution, every colony did sustain religion in some form. It was deemed peculiarly proper that the religion of liberty should be upheld by a free people. Had the people, during the Revolution, had a suspicion of any attempt to war against Christianity, that Revolution would have been strangled in its cradle.

At the time of the adoption of the Constitution and the amendments, the universal sentiment was that Christianity should be encouraged, not any one sect [denomination]. Any attempt to level and discard all religion would have been viewed with universal indignation. The object was not to substitute Judaism or Mohammedanism, or infidelity, but to prevent rivalry among the [Christian] sects to the exclusion of others.

January 19, 1853 Congress of the United States of America
as part of a Congressional investigation, records the report of Mr. Badger of the Senate Judiciary Committee:

They intended, by this amendment, to prohibit "an establishment of religion" such as the English Church presented, or anything like it. But they had no fear or jealousy of religion itself, nor did they wish to see us an irreligious people...

They did not intend to spread over all the public authorities and the whole public action of the nation the DEAD AND REVOLTING SPECTACLE OF ATHEISTIC APATHY.
Not so had the battles of Revolution been fought and the deliberations of the Revolutionary Congress been conducted.

Words engraved on the liberty bell, showing our early nation and Founders embrace towards Religion and religious freedom ..... NOT to it's exclusion for this country.

"Proclaim LIBERTY throughout all the Land unto all the Inhabitants thereof Lev. XXV X" (Lev 25:10 from the bible)

Liberty Bell
It may be that no group of people can be free from "religion". The push for secularism is just the advocacy of a new religion, not the absence of religion. Secularism could be called the worship of man in general and self in particular. Like all other religions, it does not want competition.
Anything in the name of Christianity is okay by this crowd. They are so upset and bitch about their little symbols more than they are about true practice of their beliefs.

When did you gain the right to tell people when and how to practice their religion?

Are you the theophobe Pope?
If you took ALL of the hideous monsters that have ever existed that without the influence of religion have commited the most heinous crimes and put them all together they are amateurs compared to the butchery done in the name of Jesus. I do not care about the freedoms of insane psychopathes.

Those of religion are the most consciousless predators earth has ever known. I care more about Charlie Manson's freedoms than yours. At least HE is honest about what he is.

What make you lie like that? You have an unhealthy theophobic obsession. You should seek counseling.

Oh, and I believe you meant conscienceless, though I doubt you know the difference. nutbags refer to freedom of religion as *bitching about little symbols*.

It just shows the mentality of the people who seek to remove our freedoms.


No one is trying to ‘remove’ anyone’s freedoms.

You’re free to practice your religion anywhere, anytime.

But don’t attempt to codify your religious dogma in the secular law by prohibiting same-sex couples from marrying or violating a woman’s privacy rights, for example.

The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment was specifically designed to protect citizens from the blind religious extremism you represent.

The Establishment Clause was specifically designed to prevent the state from interfering in things religious by showing preference of one religion over another -- thus the admonition against a state religion. Since secularism is nothing more than a godless religion, it follows that the state cannot prefer it over any other religion.

People have both the right and the duty to vote their consicence and to elect those whom they trust to best represent them.

Gays have no more right to marriage than cousins or polygamists. In fact, they have the same right to marriage as anyone else.

You can't summon rights from the air based on your fanciful interpretations of the Constitution.
It may be that no group of people can be free from "religion". The push for secularism is just the advocacy of a new religion, not the absence of religion. Secularism could be called the worship of man in general and self in particular. Like all other religions, it does not want competition.

You mean like the Secular Church

The Secular Church
Anything in the name of Christianity is okay by this crowd. They are so upset and bitch about their little symbols more than they are about true practice of their beliefs.
They are idolaters.

God's gonna get 'em for violating Jesus' commandment :

"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind -- and thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself."
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Are you really that ignorant. It seems that you and the rest of you that whine so incessantly about your ability to display your precious symbols have lost the true meaning of your so-called faith.
Not once have I made the claim to not practice, you can practice all you want in your house of worship. See how utterly simple that is and for your ignorant mind it seems you could figure that out.
Alas, you don't know how to comprehend when you have such a hatred for others.

Anything in the name of Christianity is okay by this crowd. They are so upset and bitch about their little symbols more than they are about true practice of their beliefs.

When did you gain the right to tell people when and how to practice their religion?

Are you the theophobe Pope?
They would do themselves better by practicing what they profess to be not to have their idols posted everywhere.
But you cannot tell someone with such hatred.
It makes me think of the greatness that Mahatma Gandhi by practicing the change he wanted to see. Not crying about showing their fake thoughts through idols.

Anything in the name of Christianity is okay by this crowd. They are so upset and bitch about their little symbols more than they are about true practice of their beliefs.
They are idolaters.

God's gonna get 'em for violating Jesus' commandment :

"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind -- and thou shalt live thy neighbour as thyself."
My favorite quote by Gandhi :

The first time he went to England, a reporter asked him --

What do you think of Western civilisation, Mr. Gandhi?

Gandhi replied, "I think it would be a very good idea."

Anything in the name of Christianity is okay by this crowd. They are so upset and bitch about their little symbols more than they are about true practice of their beliefs.
They are idolaters.

God's gonna get 'em for violating Jesus' commandment :

"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind -- and thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself."

Why does the left want to bring that up? when the right give more. from their hearts.....just a question? that I know you cant answer. frickin tards....

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