The progressive war on Christmas/Christianity

Is that your post? Give it up okay before you make a complete fool of yourself.
Reading your little quote..."Thou shalt ...." you seem to be exactly what most of the christian people profess. CINO..Christian In Name Only.

Anything in the name of Christianity is okay by this crowd. They are so upset and bitch about their little symbols more than they are about true practice of their beliefs.
They are idolaters.

God's gonna get 'em for violating Jesus' commandment :

"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind -- and thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself."

Why does the left want to bring that up? when the right give more. from their hearts.....just a question? that I know you cant answer. frickin tards....
The Establishment Clause was specifically designed to prevent the state from interfering in things religious by showing preference of one religion over another -- thus the admonition against a state religion.


That would be the Free Exercise Clause. The Establishment Clause prohibits government from establishing, promoting, or endorsing religion, such as prayer in pubic schools.

Since secularism is nothing more than a godless religion, it follows that the state cannot prefer it over any other religion.

Since ‘secularism’ is not a ‘religion,’ this statement is nonsense.

People have both the right and the duty to vote their consicence and to elect those whom they trust to best represent them.

No one said they didn’t.

But the people do not have the right or authority, either through their elected representatives or referenda, to dictate to others what rights a class of persons may have or may not have. As there is no factual, objective evidence in support of laws prohibiting same-sex couples accessing marriage law, such measures are predicated solely on religious grounds, contrary to the intent of the First Amendment.

Gays have no more right to marriage than cousins or polygamists. In fact, they have the same right to marriage as anyone else.


Laws prohibiting polygamy are Constitutional because they’re applied to everyone equally, are predicated on a factual, rational basis, and are absent animus toward any specific class of persons.

The same cannot be said of same-sex couples, where laws prohibiting same-sex couples access to marriage law seeks to make homosexuals unequal to everyone else, and are absent a legitimate legislative end.

You can't summon rights from the air based on your fanciful interpretations of the Constitution.

Equal protection and due process rights are neither ‘fanciful’ nor ‘summoned,’ they are at the core of Fifth and 14th Amendment jurisprudence where in order for the state to deny a class of persons their rights, the greater burden lies with the state to justify such an infringement.

In denying same-sex couples access to their marriage laws, the states have failed to meet this burden.
Progressive Christmas: attacking God, Jesus & the cross:


The progressive war on Christmas - and Christianity in general - continues to rage on. The latest example comes from a small town in Kansas that found itself smack dab in the middle of a battle with progressives who were oh-so offended that a cross was on public property! Hear the oblivious local news report and get Glenn’s reaction on radio today.

Kansas town flirts with “progress” and loses traditional values

There is a sign in the town of Buhler, Kansas causing controversy in the news this week. The sign in the small town, described as a town rooted in “small town values”, featured a large cross, representative of much of the towns values. The sign is now being changed following a law suit from the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF).



Glenn was referring to the slogan on the sign that on one version reads: “Our second century of progress,” and on another says, “Tradional Values. Progressive Ideas.”

Glenn pointed out that the town is ironically up in arms over a group wanting to remove the cross from the public sign — they don’t understand why.

Well, because it’s a progress organization and they’re pushing their “progressive ideas”.

“You’re eventually going to lose the cross in your seal if your seal has “progressive ideas” in it,” Glenn quipped. “No doubt about it.”

Glenn continued to point out the irony in the situation noting that the communities solution is to move the sign to private property.

“What is the progressive idea? The elimination of private property,” he said. “If you continue with these progressive ideals and ideas, you will lose your private property. Which means you have no place to have your point of view. None.”

The situation with this town’s sign is a great example of what progressivism does to traditional values, Glenn pointed out. The sign mixed the church with progressivism from the get-go.

Kansas town flirts with “progress” and loses traditional values – Glenn Beck

Yes it is a war, a war on MENTAL ILLNESS, to save America from the debilitating virus of the mind named fundamentalist Christianity

Thank you, tpoker. Everyone here is now fully aware that the mental illness you keep shrieking about is your own. There's really no other way to explain your hysterical ranting.
Are you really that ignorant. It seems that you and the rest of you that whine so incessantly about your ability to display your precious symbols have lost the true meaning of your so-called faith.
Not once have I made the claim to not practice, you can practice all you want in your house of worship. See how utterly simple that is and for your ignorant mind it seems you could figure that out.
Alas, you don't know how to comprehend when you have such a hatred for others.

I find it interesting how easily we find an acceptance of a fat man in a red suit, little elves with pointy ears making toys, and flying reindeer. However, throw a representation of a nativity to express another "view" of what someone believes, and all of a sudden someone feels threatened by a little baby in a manger who is visited by three wise men. Yet has there ever been found the same outcry by Christians to remove this "Santa" everyone else believes in from a public place? Apparently one group has learned to be more respectful and tolerant of someone else's beliefs, than the other.
That's the whole point !!

No one (adult) is so mentally unhinged as to believe in Santa Claus.

Whereas, with the delusions of religion....
It may be that no group of people can be free from "religion". The push for secularism is just the advocacy of a new religion, not the absence of religion. Secularism could be called the worship of man in general and self in particular. Like all other religions, it does not want competition.

That is a very ignorant post. "We can't rid ourselves of myth as our guiding principles without replaceing them with some other myth". That is pretty much what you just said.

Removing religion from government means just that. Whether it is one person believing in sky fairies or a hundred or 100 million it is still nonsense.

The Christians believe the Muslims are crazy. How could a billion plus people be wrong?

The Muslims believe the Christians are crazy. How could a billion ish people be wrong?

Most people believe the Mormans are crazy. How could the majority of the human race be wrong?

The Jews have been a boil on the ass of humanity since they got thier little crazy party going. "What's not to like"?

The Buddists and other less aggressive religions are still no less irrational.

I agree with all of the above statements.

There isn't one of the listed religions that does not prefer that the whole world submit to thier dogma.

I have no problem with anyone believing in any rediculous fairy story. My favorite is Santa Claus. I like getting free stuff. I just don't care if you get free stuff. :lol:

Atheism is not a myth.

[ame=]No Myth (Acoustic) - Michael Penn - YouTube[/ame]
This is quite a deflection from the topic. Again, no one is taking away anyone's right to worship not any part of it.
That amazes me that it is still that surface topical to those that profess being christian.

Are you really that ignorant. It seems that you and the rest of you that whine so incessantly about your ability to display your precious symbols have lost the true meaning of your so-called faith.
Not once have I made the claim to not practice, you can practice all you want in your house of worship. See how utterly simple that is and for your ignorant mind it seems you could figure that out.
Alas, you don't know how to comprehend when you have such a hatred for others.

I find it interesting how easily we find an acceptance of a fat man in a red suit, little elves with pointy ears making toys, and flying reindeer. However, throw a representation of a nativity to express another "view" of what someone believes, and all of a sudden someone feels threatened by a little baby in a manger who is visited by three wise men. Yet has there ever been found the same outcry by Christians to remove this "Santa" everyone else believes in from a public place? Apparently one group has learned to be more respectful and tolerant of someone else's beliefs, than the other.
Anything in the name of Christianity is okay by this crowd. They are so upset and bitch about their little symbols more than they are about true practice of their beliefs.
They are idolaters.

God's gonna get 'em for violating Jesus' commandment :

"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind -- and thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself."
The Lord Jesus Christ also believed in discipline with a cat o' nine tails of sorts used against merchants engaged in trading wares in a church synagogue for excessive profits.

Many people think Christians must be yes-people. Let me clear up your apparent confusion: that is seldom true. One can love the Lord God with all their hearts, souls, and minds and still go after, full steam ahead, wrongdoers who go against what God requires. That is outlined quite explicitly in the sixth chapter of the book of Micah if one misunderstood Mosaic laws outlined in Exodus and Deuteronomy, Jesus' suscinct summary of the law in His two-fold expression you just quoted, and the Great Commission given to his disciples after He arose from the dead. Furthermore, God looks on the heart and judges. I'd let Him decide who is and who is not correct according to the scriptures.
Once again , explain how someone is taking your right to worship!
Give examples of how they are stopping you from praying and going to your weekly/daily vigils of worship.
We need some hard evidence.
Everything posted on here about taking away the freedom do worship in your own way is bogus. Totally bogus!

Anything in the name of Christianity is okay by this crowd. They are so upset and bitch about their little symbols more than they are about true practice of their beliefs.
They are idolaters.

God's gonna get 'em for violating Jesus' commandment :

"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind -- and thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself."
The Lord Jesus Christ also believed in discipline with a cat o' nine tails of sorts used against merchants engaged in trading wares in a church synagogue for excessive profits.

Many people think Christians must be yes-people. Let me clear up your apparent confusion: that is seldom true. One can love the Lord God with all their hearts, souls, and minds and still go after, full steam ahead, wrongdoers who go against what God requires. That is outlined quite explicitly in the sixth chapter of the book of Micah if one misunderstood Mosaic laws outlined in Exodus and Deuteronomy, Jesus' suscinct summary of the law in His two-fold expression you just quoted, and the Great Commission given to his disciples after He arose from the dead. Furthermore, God looks on the heart and judges. I'd let Him decide who is and who is not correct according to the scriptures.
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Anything in the name of Christianity is okay by this crowd. They are so upset and bitch about their little symbols more than they are about true practice of their beliefs.
They are idolaters.

God's gonna get 'em for violating Jesus' commandment :

"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind -- and thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself."
The Lord Jesus Christ also believed in discipline with a cat o' nine tails of sorts used against merchants engaged in trading wares in a church synagogue for excessive profits.

Many people think Christians must be yes-people. Let me clear up your apparent confusion: that is seldom true. One can love the Lord God with all their hearts, souls, and minds and still go after, full steam ahead, wrongdoers who go against what God requires. That is outlined quite explicitly in the sixth chapter of the book of Micah if one misunderstood Mosaic laws outlined in Exodus and Deuteronomy, Jesus' suscinct summary of the law in His two-fold expression you just quoted, and the Great Commission given to his disciples after He arose from the dead. Furthermore, God looks on the heart and judges. I'd let Him decide who is and who is not correct according to the scriptures.

Therin lies the "heart and soul" of the problem. Every religion thinks it's "scriptures" take preference over every one elses. Every religion cries literally to the high heavens that thier scriptures are being trampled upon. What the world (ours is the U S A) needs is an unbiased arbitrator that can sort out what is free religious expression and what is invading the rights of others free religious/or not expression and what are the rights of people that are offended by ANY person's or religion's fair and free rights.

I say..keep it in your home/property. Keep it in your place of worship or gathering. I don't care if you have a cross on your front lawn..I don't care if your neighbor has one burning on his.
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We hear people on this site all the time saying things like "we just don't want to see you tebowing every chance you get" and "your religion belongs in your house and your church behind closed doors" and "politicians cannot reference their religion" or "christians are mentally ill and should be locked up".

Every one of those statements poses a very real threat to our freedom of religion, and to everybody's freedom.

We will continue to openly adhere to our religion...and we will continue to object to human rights violations, and we will continue to demand that freedom of religion in this country remain inviolate.

You can ridicule, jeer, jail, legislate all you want. In the end, you'll have to kill Christians if you want them to hide their faith because they never will.
They are idolaters.

God's gonna get 'em for violating Jesus' commandment :

"Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind -- and thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself."
The Lord Jesus Christ also believed in discipline with a cat o' nine tails of sorts used against merchants engaged in trading wares in a church synagogue for excessive profits.

Many people think Christians must be yes-people. Let me clear up your apparent confusion: that is seldom true. One can love the Lord God with all their hearts, souls, and minds and still go after, full steam ahead, wrongdoers who go against what God requires. That is outlined quite explicitly in the sixth chapter of the book of Micah if one misunderstood Mosaic laws outlined in Exodus and Deuteronomy, Jesus' suscinct summary of the law in His two-fold expression you just quoted, and the Great Commission given to his disciples after He arose from the dead. Furthermore, God looks on the heart and judges. I'd let Him decide who is and who is not correct according to the scriptures.

Therin lies the "heart and soul" of the problem. Every religion thinks it's "scriptures" take preference over every one elses. Every religion cries literally to the high heavens that thier scriptures are being trampled upon. What the world (ours is the U S A) needs is an unbiased arbitrator that can sort out what is free religious expression and what is invading the rights of others free religious/or not expression and what are the rights of people that are offended by ANY person's or religion's fair and free rights.

I say..keep it in your home/property. Keep it in your place of worship or gathering. I don't care if you have a cross on your front lawn..I don't care if your neighbor has one burning on his.

Tough shit. I don't have to keep it in my home or on my property. I can trumpet it from the hills, in the store...psssst...I can even approach you on the street and share the news with you.

We're still in America. Not China, not India, not Egypt and not Saudi Arabia....where people are not allowed such freedom. Thank God.
The Lord Jesus Christ also believed in discipline with a cat o' nine tails of sorts used against merchants engaged in trading wares in a church synagogue for excessive profits.
I have long thought that many Christians were addicted to the use of cat-o'-nine-tails -- either on other people or on themselves.
The Lord Jesus Christ also believed in discipline with a cat o' nine tails of sorts used against merchants engaged in trading wares in a church synagogue for excessive profits.

Many people think Christians must be yes-people. Let me clear up your apparent confusion: that is seldom true. One can love the Lord God with all their hearts, souls, and minds and still go after, full steam ahead, wrongdoers who go against what God requires. That is outlined quite explicitly in the sixth chapter of the book of Micah if one misunderstood Mosaic laws outlined in Exodus and Deuteronomy, Jesus' suscinct summary of the law in His two-fold expression you just quoted, and the Great Commission given to his disciples after He arose from the dead. Furthermore, God looks on the heart and judges. I'd let Him decide who is and who is not correct according to the scriptures.

Therin lies the "heart and soul" of the problem. Every religion thinks it's "scriptures" take preference over every one elses. Every religion cries literally to the high heavens that thier scriptures are being trampled upon. What the world (ours is the U S A) needs is an unbiased arbitrator that can sort out what is free religious expression and what is invading the rights of others free religious/or not expression and what are the rights of people that are offended by ANY person's or religion's fair and free rights.

I say..keep it in your home/property. Keep it in your place of worship or gathering. I don't care if you have a cross on your front lawn..I don't care if your neighbor has one burning on his.

Tough shit. I don't have to keep it in my home or on my property. I can trumpet it from the hills, in the store...psssst...I can even approach you on the street and share the news with you.

We're still in America. Not China, not India, not Egypt and not Saudi Arabia....where people are not allowed such freedom. Thank God.

"Tough shit"? Not on "my" street Sugar Tits. You will get treated the same as any other public nuisance. Badly. You will get sent on your way as do the drug dealers, pimps, whores and gang bangers.
Whatever. I'm not too worried about it. Drug dealers, pimps, whores and gang bangers are breaking the law.

It isn't breaking the law to share the Word. And it isn't breaking the law to proclaim your faith, or publicly pray.

So again, tough shit. I'm not intimidated by an internet punk....just as I'm not intimidated by punks in real life.
Are you really that ignorant. It seems that you and the rest of you that whine so incessantly about your ability to display your precious symbols have lost the true meaning of your so-called faith.
Not once have I made the claim to not practice, you can practice all you want in your house of worship. See how utterly simple that is and for your ignorant mind it seems you could figure that out.
Alas, you don't know how to comprehend when you have such a hatred for others.

I find it interesting how easily we find an acceptance of a fat man in a red suit, little elves with pointy ears making toys, and flying reindeer. However, throw a representation of a nativity to express another "view" of what someone believes, and all of a sudden someone feels threatened by a little baby in a manger who is visited by three wise men. Yet has there ever been found the same outcry by Christians to remove this "Santa" everyone else believes in from a public place? Apparently one group has learned to be more respectful and tolerant of someone else's beliefs, than the other.

This is quite a deflection from the topic. Again, no one is taking away anyone's right to worship not any part of it.
That amazes me that it is still that surface topical to those that profess being christian.

Not a deflection at all, it only proves a valid point. There are New Testament biblical passages where Christians openly expressed their beliefs in public view. Jesus himself, never kept His faith to within a "place of worship", but OPENLY shared His faith to the woman at the well (for example). I'd say He qualifies more to testifying how a Christian ought to share one's belief, than you. Again, why this "threat" or "fear" over an individual's ability to choose HOW they may desire to express their faith? It's this very form of "freedom of speech", granted to each one of us through the First Amendment. Just as they have the same right to freedom of assembly as anyone else, another Constitutional right.

If Christians can learn to be respectful and tolerant of another's chosen belief in Santa, who are you to deny a Christian the same Constitutional right to express their view? Perhaps the real issue is in YOUR ability to respect and tolerate someone else's belief that happens to be different than your own? Perhaps you need to begin by developing an understanding for the word "tolerance" and what that actually means? At the very least, show some respect towards another set of beliefs that happens to be different from yours.

When has our United States Constitution been shown to hold special favor over the ability to PUBLICLY display one set of beliefs (atheism, or Santa) while neglecting the rights of another (Christianity and Jesus)? We are each granted the same freedom of speech, no matter which version of Christmas you happen to believe.
Whatever. I'm not too worried about it. Drug dealers, pimps, whores and gang bangers are breaking the law.

It isn't breaking the law to share the Word. And it isn't breaking the law to proclaim your faith, or publicly pray.

So again, tough shit. I'm not intimidated by an internet punk....just as I'm not intimidated by punks in real life.

We are not talking about your freedom to proclaim your fantasies on the internets. We are talking about what you think you have a right to do on private property. The formentioned "illegal activities" rarely occur on the property I manage any more. They get sent on thier way just because. Because that's what I get paid for. ANY nuisances that distract from the purpose of the owner's commerce is sent packing. I would equate what you are talking about with panhandlers. Not illegal also. They are shown an exit also.
The Establishment Clause was specifically designed to prevent the state from interfering in things religious by showing preference of one religion over another -- thus the admonition against a state religion.


That would be the Free Exercise Clause. The Establishment Clause prohibits government from establishing, promoting, or endorsing religion, such as prayer in pubic schools.

Incorrect. Establishment is about government FORCING all other denominations to conform to one specific set of beliefs, with penalties towards those who choose not to conform. This would then prevent others who share a different set of beliefs, the ability to freely worship as they so choose.

You never did study United States history as it pertains to the colonies, like the Puritans and the Quakers (for example), and religion as it was known in England..... did you? That explains your response.

Prayer in school, for example, is the freedom to allow someone to silently take time towards their faith. As well as that same moment to allow someone, without a particular belief, the same freedom to choose not to express themselves at that time. To take that away is to favor the atheist belief, point of view, as being predominantly more important [favored] over any other opposing belief.

There has never been found a single case equating to an "establishment" of religion, with respect to Christianity, in the history of this country.
The Establishment Clause was specifically designed to prevent the state from interfering in things religious by showing preference of one religion over another -- thus the admonition against a state religion.


That would be the Free Exercise Clause. The Establishment Clause prohibits government from establishing, promoting, or endorsing religion, such as prayer in pubic schools.

Incorrect. Establishment is about government FORCING all other denominations to conform to one specific set of beliefs, with penalties towards those who choose not to conform. This would then prevent others who share a different set of beliefs, the ability to freely worship as they so choose.

You never did study United States history as it pertains to the colonies, like the Puritans and the Quakers (for example), and religion as it was known in England..... did you? That explains your response.

Prayer in school, for example, is the freedom to allow someone to silently take time towards their faith. As well as that same moment to allow someone, without a particular belief, the same freedom to choose not to express themselves at that time. To take that away is to favor the atheist belief, point of view, as being predominantly more important [favored] over any other opposing belief.

There has never been found a single case equating to an "establishment" of religion, with respect to Christianity, in the history of this country.

Forcing "others" to take time so someone else can pray is sick. You people should be run out of your communities.

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