The Progs will DENY SCIENCE when it comes to record snowfalls, that havent happened like this over 100 years.

Think about it, the industrial revolution was in full swing when Woodrow Wilson(racist who segregated the government) was in office, during that time tons of CO2 was put into the air, the ratio went from 3 parts per million to 4 parts per million(that is 1/1000000) increase as the Progs say, yet we have record snowfall again, so early in the year. The progs had said that snow would disappear and that was 6 years ago, yet here we are once again, proving that "settled science" isnt really settled. Next time you see a Prog give him the 1 finger salute.

The precipitation tapered off Tuesday night after 7.9 inches of snow at Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport, shattering the previous record for Oct. 20 of 3 inches, set in 1916, and nearly besting the all-time snowiest October day in the Twin Cities.

Excess moisture in the air.

Okay.......but it has to be COLD for it to snow..

A warmer climate spurs the evaporation of water from land and sea and allows the atmosphere to hold more moisture—thus setting the stage for more extreme precipitation.

Yeah many warmer tropical climates see lots of RAIN------------------------------------

but not snow.
Carbon emissions are pollution

The extra CO2 in our atmosphere bear the tattle-tale signs of recently burnt fossil fuels ... as a waste product of man's activities simply dumped into the environment ... it is pollution ... is it dangerous like Cesium-135, or harmless like Helium? ... either way, it's pollution ...
How can CO2 be pollution when it is a vital part of the carbon cycle?
CO2 is exhaled by your body, too much in your system will kill you because it is pollution.

Now you understand dingy
No. I don't see how that relates to 400 ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere. Can you tell me why 400 ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere is a pollutant?
You are saying that excess CO2 in a system is not a pollutant. This is wrong as CO2 will kill you. Are you aware of this?

Seems not. As for how much CO2 should be in the atmosphere, no one knows because it has only been monitored for a very short time. CO2 may or may not be instrumental in climate change, I never said that it was, but too much CO2 in any mammal system is a pollutant, this has nothing to do with the global climate.
Correct. It's the carbon cycle. It's not toxic. What heating effect it provides is good for the planet. And you can't define the threshold where you say below this number it's not pollution and above this number it is pollution.

It doesn't meet the definition of pollution.
Again kid CO2 is lethally toxic

At what concentration is CO2 lethally toxic, Frannie?
Your continued assertion that CO2 is not dangerous is a sign of delusional thinking

Dangers of CO2: What You Need to Know
June 04, 2019
Click to see full size.
Carbon dioxide is a natural gas found in our atmosphere. It is colorless, odorless, and tasteless - indistinguishable by individuals.
By volume, dry air contains approximately 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 1% argon, but only 0.04% carbon dioxide and small amounts of other gases.
At 0.04% CO2 (400 parts per million) under normal conditions, you will never have to worry about Carbon Dioxide.
However, there are 3 ways carbon dioxide levels can be dangerous to individuals, given high concentrations and your exposure to the gas.
Breathing in a sealed environment
The most common way CO2 can be dangerous, is breathing in a sealed environment.
Your exhaled breath contains about 3% CO2. As we breath in a sealed environment, oxygen is slowly converted into CO2. The oxygen level falls while the CO2 level rises. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, OSHA, has determined the optimal breathing range to be between 19.5 and 23.5 percent oxygen. Serious side effects will occur if the oxygen levels are outside of the safe zone. At levels 17 percent or below, your mental abilities become impaired.
In a sealed environment, as oxygen levels drop from 21% to 17%, the CO2 level will rise to 4%. This level of CO2 can result in symptoms like dizziness, asphyxiation, confusion, fatigue, vertigo, headaches, tinnitus, and even seizures.
At higher levels of CO2, it can be life-threatening; and prolonged exposure to Carbon Dioxide (CO2) can even cause change in one's metabolism and bone calcium.
A real world example of this was Apollo 13, where the CO2 buildup was a more urgent problem than the oxygen shortage.
Always remember that in confined spaces or when breathing in a sealed environment, CO2 can quickly accumulate and your overall health could very well be at risk.
Other areas to be aware of in terms of CO2 exposure include:
  • Skin Contact - Liquefied CO2 or Dry Ice, can quickly burn and irritate the skin once made contact. For safety, gently remove any clothing that may restrict circulation, loosely cover the affected areas with a sterile cloth and immediately call a poison center or doctor professional.
  • Eye Contact - When coming into contact with Liquefied CO2 or Dry Ice, immediately flush eyes with lukewarm water and cover both eyes with a sterile cloth. Treatment is urgently required.
Natural out-gassing of CO2
The second way CO2 can be dangerous is a sudden out-gassing of CO2 from the ground.
Out-gassing is defined particularly when in reference to indoor air quality, or the release of a gas that was dissolved, trapped, frozen or absorbed in some material.
Under the right conditions, mines, volcanoes, or fissures in the earth’s surface can suddenly leak tremendous quantities of CO2. The heavier-than-air carbon dioxide settles into low areas and becomes a death trap for any living organisms inside it.
For example, in 1986 Lake Nyos in Cameroon emitted a large cloud of CO2, which suffocated 1,700 people and 3,500 livestock in nearby towns and villages.
Leaking compressed CO2 system
The third way CO2 can be dangerous is a leak in a compressed CO2 system. Virtually every restaurant, bar or brewery in the country stores pressurized tanks of carbon dioxide on premises. A CO2 leak inside an enclosed space becomes a potential death trap for anyone caught inside.
While death by CO2 leaks are rare, they do happen.

To ensure CO2 safety among individuals, customers, and employees worldwide, CO2Meter designed the Remote Storage Safety 3 Alarm (RAD-0102-6) which meets all local fire codes, NFPA, IFC, NFPA Requirements, OSHA/NIOSH TWA standards and is designed to protect customers and workers near stored carbon dioxide (CO2).
Currently, state and local municipalities around the country continually are writing new codes that require the use of CO2 safety alarms in buildings where anywhere more than 100 lbs. of compressed CO2 is stored or produced.
Signs of CO2 poisoning
If there is one thing you can take away, remember the signs of CO2 poisoning: disorientation, fatigue, dizziness, increased heart rate, muscle tremors, and shortness of breath.
Should you think your overall health, employees health or those around have been severely affected by exposure to Carbon Dioxide (CO2), contact your nearest health care professional.
For more information on CO2Meter Safety Solutions,
Speak to an expert today:

(877) 678 - 4259 or [email protected]


That's great, Frannie. So at 40,000 ppm it's lethal?

In a sealed environment, as oxygen levels drop from 21% to 17%, the CO2 level will rise to 4%. This level of CO2 can result in symptoms like dizziness, asphyxiation, confusion, fatigue, vertigo, headaches, tinnitus, and even seizures.
Does not have to be lethal to be pollutant......................

Why do submarines and spacecraft have Co2 scrubbers?

Do you know why Co2 scrubbers exist?

Well I will tell you, because CO2 is a pollutant.

If the delusions persist get help
I think it's great that you are making an argument of CO2 toxicity of 4,000 ppm when the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is at 400 ppm.

Really I do.
Actually I never mentioned the atmosphere levels, what I said was that CO2 is a lethal pollutant and I was right which has caused you to have mental fits
I think you should start warning people about it, Frannie.

Actually you are so confused that you are believing that I think that CO2 is causing warming, I do not. However CO2 is still a pollutant as I said. If not subs would not have CO2 scrubbers would they
It's probably from the CO2 poisoning from breathing in the 400 ppm atmosphere. I sure am glad you are sounding the warning on this, Francis.
Again CO2 is a pollutant and lethally toxic, all adults know this.

Got that kiddy
What about forest fires and volcanoes?

The CO2 from forest fires would carry the Carbon-13 signature, it has been circulating in the atmosphere high enough to get ZAPPED and gain a neutron ... say within the past million years or so ... still part of the natural 280 ppm ... and there have been volcanoes all along, so those would also be included in the natural 280 ppm and I don't think it's all that much ...

Not a trace of Carbon-13 in the remaining 125 ppm ... like the stuff has been buried for millions of years never reaching the upper atmosphere ... and that's why we're boiling the oceans off typing all this crap in ...

Pollution ...
I'm actually holding my breath so I don't pollute the atmosphere. I'm channeling James Nestor as we speak.
LOL do not worry, you will never set foot on a spacecraft or submarine, but you might find yourself in a cave collecting bat guano for your weed farm.


LOL was I not supposed to mention the weed farm?

The quiet is deafening
Last edited:
What about forest fires and volcanoes?

The CO2 from forest fires would carry the Carbon-13 signature, it has been circulating in the atmosphere high enough to get ZAPPED and gain a neutron ... say within the past million years or so ... still part of the natural 280 ppm ... and there have been volcanoes all along, so those would also be included in the natural 280 ppm and I don't think it's all that much ...

Not a trace of Carbon-13 in the remaining 125 ppm ... like the stuff has been buried for millions of years never reaching the upper atmosphere ... and that's why we're boiling the oceans off typing all this crap in ...

Pollution ...
I'm actually holding my breath so I don't pollute the atmosphere. I'm channeling James Nestor as we speak.
LOL do not worry, you will never set foot on a spacecraft or submarine, but you might find yourself in a cave collecting bat guano for your weed farm.


LOL was I not supposed to mention the weed farm?

The quiet is deafening
Given your dire prediction concerning atmospheric CO2 pollution, I'd be surprised if I survived the night, Frannie.
Carbon emissions are pollution

The extra CO2 in our atmosphere bear the tattle-tale signs of recently burnt fossil fuels ... as a waste product of man's activities simply dumped into the environment ... it is pollution ... is it dangerous like Cesium-135, or harmless like Helium? ... either way, it's pollution ...
How can CO2 be pollution when it is a vital part of the carbon cycle?
CO2 is exhaled by your body, too much in your system will kill you because it is pollution.

Now you understand dingy
No. I don't see how that relates to 400 ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere. Can you tell me why 400 ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere is a pollutant?
You are saying that excess CO2 in a system is not a pollutant. This is wrong as CO2 will kill you. Are you aware of this?

Seems not. As for how much CO2 should be in the atmosphere, no one knows because it has only been monitored for a very short time. CO2 may or may not be instrumental in climate change, I never said that it was, but too much CO2 in any mammal system is a pollutant, this has nothing to do with the global climate.
Correct. It's the carbon cycle. It's not toxic. What heating effect it provides is good for the planet. And you can't define the threshold where you say below this number it's not pollution and above this number it is pollution.

It doesn't meet the definition of pollution.
Again kid CO2 is lethally toxic

At what concentration is CO2 lethally toxic, Frannie?
Your continued assertion that CO2 is not dangerous is a sign of delusional thinking

Dangers of CO2: What You Need to Know
June 04, 2019
Click to see full size.
Carbon dioxide is a natural gas found in our atmosphere. It is colorless, odorless, and tasteless - indistinguishable by individuals.
By volume, dry air contains approximately 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 1% argon, but only 0.04% carbon dioxide and small amounts of other gases.
At 0.04% CO2 (400 parts per million) under normal conditions, you will never have to worry about Carbon Dioxide.
However, there are 3 ways carbon dioxide levels can be dangerous to individuals, given high concentrations and your exposure to the gas.
Breathing in a sealed environment
The most common way CO2 can be dangerous, is breathing in a sealed environment.
Your exhaled breath contains about 3% CO2. As we breath in a sealed environment, oxygen is slowly converted into CO2. The oxygen level falls while the CO2 level rises. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, OSHA, has determined the optimal breathing range to be between 19.5 and 23.5 percent oxygen. Serious side effects will occur if the oxygen levels are outside of the safe zone. At levels 17 percent or below, your mental abilities become impaired.
In a sealed environment, as oxygen levels drop from 21% to 17%, the CO2 level will rise to 4%. This level of CO2 can result in symptoms like dizziness, asphyxiation, confusion, fatigue, vertigo, headaches, tinnitus, and even seizures.
At higher levels of CO2, it can be life-threatening; and prolonged exposure to Carbon Dioxide (CO2) can even cause change in one's metabolism and bone calcium.
A real world example of this was Apollo 13, where the CO2 buildup was a more urgent problem than the oxygen shortage.
Always remember that in confined spaces or when breathing in a sealed environment, CO2 can quickly accumulate and your overall health could very well be at risk.
Other areas to be aware of in terms of CO2 exposure include:
  • Skin Contact - Liquefied CO2 or Dry Ice, can quickly burn and irritate the skin once made contact. For safety, gently remove any clothing that may restrict circulation, loosely cover the affected areas with a sterile cloth and immediately call a poison center or doctor professional.
  • Eye Contact - When coming into contact with Liquefied CO2 or Dry Ice, immediately flush eyes with lukewarm water and cover both eyes with a sterile cloth. Treatment is urgently required.
Natural out-gassing of CO2
The second way CO2 can be dangerous is a sudden out-gassing of CO2 from the ground.
Out-gassing is defined particularly when in reference to indoor air quality, or the release of a gas that was dissolved, trapped, frozen or absorbed in some material.
Under the right conditions, mines, volcanoes, or fissures in the earth’s surface can suddenly leak tremendous quantities of CO2. The heavier-than-air carbon dioxide settles into low areas and becomes a death trap for any living organisms inside it.
For example, in 1986 Lake Nyos in Cameroon emitted a large cloud of CO2, which suffocated 1,700 people and 3,500 livestock in nearby towns and villages.
Leaking compressed CO2 system
The third way CO2 can be dangerous is a leak in a compressed CO2 system. Virtually every restaurant, bar or brewery in the country stores pressurized tanks of carbon dioxide on premises. A CO2 leak inside an enclosed space becomes a potential death trap for anyone caught inside.
While death by CO2 leaks are rare, they do happen.

To ensure CO2 safety among individuals, customers, and employees worldwide, CO2Meter designed the Remote Storage Safety 3 Alarm (RAD-0102-6) which meets all local fire codes, NFPA, IFC, NFPA Requirements, OSHA/NIOSH TWA standards and is designed to protect customers and workers near stored carbon dioxide (CO2).
Currently, state and local municipalities around the country continually are writing new codes that require the use of CO2 safety alarms in buildings where anywhere more than 100 lbs. of compressed CO2 is stored or produced.
Signs of CO2 poisoning
If there is one thing you can take away, remember the signs of CO2 poisoning: disorientation, fatigue, dizziness, increased heart rate, muscle tremors, and shortness of breath.
Should you think your overall health, employees health or those around have been severely affected by exposure to Carbon Dioxide (CO2), contact your nearest health care professional.
For more information on CO2Meter Safety Solutions,
Speak to an expert today:

(877) 678 - 4259 or [email protected]


That's great, Frannie. So at 40,000 ppm it's lethal?

In a sealed environment, as oxygen levels drop from 21% to 17%, the CO2 level will rise to 4%. This level of CO2 can result in symptoms like dizziness, asphyxiation, confusion, fatigue, vertigo, headaches, tinnitus, and even seizures.
Does not have to be lethal to be pollutant......................

Why do submarines and spacecraft have Co2 scrubbers?

Do you know why Co2 scrubbers exist?

Well I will tell you, because CO2 is a pollutant.

If the delusions persist get help
I think it's great that you are making an argument of CO2 toxicity of 4,000 ppm when the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is at 400 ppm.

Really I do.
Actually I never mentioned the atmosphere levels, what I said was that CO2 is a lethal pollutant and I was right which has caused you to have mental fits
I think you should start warning people about it, Frannie.

Actually you are so confused that you are believing that I think that CO2 is causing warming, I do not. However CO2 is still a pollutant as I said. If not subs would not have CO2 scrubbers would they
It's probably from the CO2 poisoning from breathing in the 400 ppm atmosphere. I sure am glad you are sounding the warning on this, Francis.
Again CO2 is a pollutant and lethally toxic, all adults know this.

Got that kiddy
Yes, I'm surprised I'm still alive given the toxic nature of our atmosphere at 400 ppm, Francis.
Run for the hills everyone, Francis has determined our atmosphere is toxic.
Frannie can't even figure out how to air up a bike tire which has a presta valve. No wonder he thinks CO2 is pollution. :lol:
What about forest fires and volcanoes?

The CO2 from forest fires would carry the Carbon-13 signature, it has been circulating in the atmosphere high enough to get ZAPPED and gain a neutron ... say within the past million years or so ... still part of the natural 280 ppm ... and there have been volcanoes all along, so those would also be included in the natural 280 ppm and I don't think it's all that much ...

Not a trace of Carbon-13 in the remaining 125 ppm ... like the stuff has been buried for millions of years never reaching the upper atmosphere ... and that's why we're boiling the oceans off typing all this crap in ...

Pollution ...
I'm actually holding my breath so I don't pollute the atmosphere. I'm channeling James Nestor as we speak.
LOL do not worry, you will never set foot on a spacecraft or submarine, but you might find yourself in a cave collecting bat guano for your weed farm.


LOL was I not supposed to mention the weed farm?

The quiet is deafening
Given your dire prediction concerning atmospheric CO2 pollution, I'd be surprised if I survived the night, Frannie.
When did I mention atmospheric CO2 pollution? Again CO2 is a pollutant, that can be fatal all adults know this

Oh yea I forgot, you have that delusional disorder thing

My bad
What about forest fires and volcanoes?

The CO2 from forest fires would carry the Carbon-13 signature, it has been circulating in the atmosphere high enough to get ZAPPED and gain a neutron ... say within the past million years or so ... still part of the natural 280 ppm ... and there have been volcanoes all along, so those would also be included in the natural 280 ppm and I don't think it's all that much ...

Not a trace of Carbon-13 in the remaining 125 ppm ... like the stuff has been buried for millions of years never reaching the upper atmosphere ... and that's why we're boiling the oceans off typing all this crap in ...

Pollution ...
I'm actually holding my breath so I don't pollute the atmosphere. I'm channeling James Nestor as we speak.
LOL do not worry, you will never set foot on a spacecraft or submarine, but you might find yourself in a cave collecting bat guano for your weed farm.


LOL was I not supposed to mention the weed farm?

The quiet is deafening
Given your dire prediction concerning atmospheric CO2 pollution, I'd be surprised if I survived the night, Frannie.
When did I mention atmospheric CO2 pollution?

Oh yea I forgot, you have that delusional disorder thing

My bad
When you said CO2 was pollution, Francis.
Actually you are so confused that you are believing that I think that CO2 is causing warming, I do not. However CO2 is still a pollutant as I said. If not subs would not have CO2 scrubbers would they
What planet are you on?

Sure, if you are in an environment with a high enough concentration of CO2, say 40,000 ppm, it is toxic. It will kill you.

However, here on Earth, our atmosphere only has around 400 ppm.
Last edited:
What about forest fires and volcanoes?

The CO2 from forest fires would carry the Carbon-13 signature, it has been circulating in the atmosphere high enough to get ZAPPED and gain a neutron ... say within the past million years or so ... still part of the natural 280 ppm ... and there have been volcanoes all along, so those would also be included in the natural 280 ppm and I don't think it's all that much ...

Not a trace of Carbon-13 in the remaining 125 ppm ... like the stuff has been buried for millions of years never reaching the upper atmosphere ... and that's why we're boiling the oceans off typing all this crap in ...

Pollution ...
I'm actually holding my breath so I don't pollute the atmosphere. I'm channeling James Nestor as we speak.
LOL do not worry, you will never set foot on a spacecraft or submarine, but you might find yourself in a cave collecting bat guano for your weed farm.


LOL was I not supposed to mention the weed farm?

The quiet is deafening
Given your dire prediction concerning atmospheric CO2 pollution, I'd be surprised if I survived the night, Frannie.
When did I mention atmospheric CO2 pollution?

Oh yea I forgot, you have that delusional disorder thing

My bad
When you said CO2 was pollution, Francis.
Are you claiming that CO2 is not a pollutant that can cause a range of human effects culminating in death?

The researchers cited mounting evidence that CO2 levels as low as 1,000ppm can cause health problems, even if people are only exposed to them for an hour or two.

They found that CO2 levels exceeding 1,000ppm have already been observed in crowded and poorly ventilated rooms such as classrooms, offices and bedrooms as well as air-conditioned public transport and planes – all places where humans can spend several hours at a time.

Collating the findings of numerous studies, the academics summarised that acute exposure to high CO2 levels can have ‘adverse health outcomes’, citing studies which observed inflammation and reduced cognitive performance above 1,000ppm.

Chronic exposure to levels between 2,000ppm and 3,000ppm can have even worse impacts as this was linked to effects including kidney calcification and bone demineralisation.

The team behind the study warned that human CO2 exposure may be a growing problem in the coming years as projections suggest that by 2100 outdoor CO2 levels in some cities could exceed 1,000ppm for parts of the year.

‘Continuous exposure to increased atmospheric CO2 could be an overlooked stressor of the modern and/or future environment,’ the study suggested.

The researchers concluded by saying further research is needed to find ways to mitigate exposure to indoor CO2, especially for children and vulnerable people, and to fully understand its potential health effects.
Carbon emissions are pollution

The extra CO2 in our atmosphere bear the tattle-tale signs of recently burnt fossil fuels ... as a waste product of man's activities simply dumped into the environment ... it is pollution ... is it dangerous like Cesium-135, or harmless like Helium? ... either way, it's pollution ...
How can CO2 be pollution when it is a vital part of the carbon cycle?
CO2 is exhaled by your body, too much in your system will kill you because it is pollution.

Now you understand dingy
No. I don't see how that relates to 400 ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere. Can you tell me why 400 ppm of CO2 in the atmosphere is a pollutant?
You are saying that excess CO2 in a system is not a pollutant. This is wrong as CO2 will kill you. Are you aware of this?

Seems not. As for how much CO2 should be in the atmosphere, no one knows because it has only been monitored for a very short time. CO2 may or may not be instrumental in climate change, I never said that it was, but too much CO2 in any mammal system is a pollutant, this has nothing to do with the global climate.
Correct. It's the carbon cycle. It's not toxic. What heating effect it provides is good for the planet. And you can't define the threshold where you say below this number it's not pollution and above this number it is pollution.

It doesn't meet the definition of pollution.
Again kid CO2 is lethally toxic

At what concentration is CO2 lethally toxic, Frannie?
Your continued assertion that CO2 is not dangerous is a sign of delusional thinking

Dangers of CO2: What You Need to Know
June 04, 2019
Click to see full size.
Carbon dioxide is a natural gas found in our atmosphere. It is colorless, odorless, and tasteless - indistinguishable by individuals.
By volume, dry air contains approximately 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 1% argon, but only 0.04% carbon dioxide and small amounts of other gases.
At 0.04% CO2 (400 parts per million) under normal conditions, you will never have to worry about Carbon Dioxide.
However, there are 3 ways carbon dioxide levels can be dangerous to individuals, given high concentrations and your exposure to the gas.
Breathing in a sealed environment
The most common way CO2 can be dangerous, is breathing in a sealed environment.
Your exhaled breath contains about 3% CO2. As we breath in a sealed environment, oxygen is slowly converted into CO2. The oxygen level falls while the CO2 level rises. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, OSHA, has determined the optimal breathing range to be between 19.5 and 23.5 percent oxygen. Serious side effects will occur if the oxygen levels are outside of the safe zone. At levels 17 percent or below, your mental abilities become impaired.
In a sealed environment, as oxygen levels drop from 21% to 17%, the CO2 level will rise to 4%. This level of CO2 can result in symptoms like dizziness, asphyxiation, confusion, fatigue, vertigo, headaches, tinnitus, and even seizures.
At higher levels of CO2, it can be life-threatening; and prolonged exposure to Carbon Dioxide (CO2) can even cause change in one's metabolism and bone calcium.
A real world example of this was Apollo 13, where the CO2 buildup was a more urgent problem than the oxygen shortage.
Always remember that in confined spaces or when breathing in a sealed environment, CO2 can quickly accumulate and your overall health could very well be at risk.
Other areas to be aware of in terms of CO2 exposure include:
  • Skin Contact - Liquefied CO2 or Dry Ice, can quickly burn and irritate the skin once made contact. For safety, gently remove any clothing that may restrict circulation, loosely cover the affected areas with a sterile cloth and immediately call a poison center or doctor professional.
  • Eye Contact - When coming into contact with Liquefied CO2 or Dry Ice, immediately flush eyes with lukewarm water and cover both eyes with a sterile cloth. Treatment is urgently required.
Natural out-gassing of CO2
The second way CO2 can be dangerous is a sudden out-gassing of CO2 from the ground.
Out-gassing is defined particularly when in reference to indoor air quality, or the release of a gas that was dissolved, trapped, frozen or absorbed in some material.
Under the right conditions, mines, volcanoes, or fissures in the earth’s surface can suddenly leak tremendous quantities of CO2. The heavier-than-air carbon dioxide settles into low areas and becomes a death trap for any living organisms inside it.
For example, in 1986 Lake Nyos in Cameroon emitted a large cloud of CO2, which suffocated 1,700 people and 3,500 livestock in nearby towns and villages.
Leaking compressed CO2 system
The third way CO2 can be dangerous is a leak in a compressed CO2 system. Virtually every restaurant, bar or brewery in the country stores pressurized tanks of carbon dioxide on premises. A CO2 leak inside an enclosed space becomes a potential death trap for anyone caught inside.
While death by CO2 leaks are rare, they do happen.

To ensure CO2 safety among individuals, customers, and employees worldwide, CO2Meter designed the Remote Storage Safety 3 Alarm (RAD-0102-6) which meets all local fire codes, NFPA, IFC, NFPA Requirements, OSHA/NIOSH TWA standards and is designed to protect customers and workers near stored carbon dioxide (CO2).
Currently, state and local municipalities around the country continually are writing new codes that require the use of CO2 safety alarms in buildings where anywhere more than 100 lbs. of compressed CO2 is stored or produced.
Signs of CO2 poisoning
If there is one thing you can take away, remember the signs of CO2 poisoning: disorientation, fatigue, dizziness, increased heart rate, muscle tremors, and shortness of breath.
Should you think your overall health, employees health or those around have been severely affected by exposure to Carbon Dioxide (CO2), contact your nearest health care professional.
For more information on CO2Meter Safety Solutions,
Speak to an expert today:

(877) 678 - 4259 or [email protected]


That's great, Frannie. So at 40,000 ppm it's lethal?

In a sealed environment, as oxygen levels drop from 21% to 17%, the CO2 level will rise to 4%. This level of CO2 can result in symptoms like dizziness, asphyxiation, confusion, fatigue, vertigo, headaches, tinnitus, and even seizures.
Does not have to be lethal to be pollutant......................

Why do submarines and spacecraft have Co2 scrubbers?

Do you know why Co2 scrubbers exist?

Well I will tell you, because CO2 is a pollutant.

If the delusions persist get help
I think it's great that you are making an argument of CO2 toxicity of 4,000 ppm when the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is at 400 ppm.

Really I do.
Actually I never mentioned the atmosphere levels, what I said was that CO2 is a lethal pollutant and I was right which has caused you to have mental fits
I think you should start warning people about it, Frannie.

Actually you are so confused that you are believing that I think that CO2 is causing warming, I do not. However CO2 is still a pollutant as I said. If not subs would not have CO2 scrubbers would they
What planet are you on?

Sure, if you are in an environment with a high enough concentration of CO2, say 40,000 ppm, it is toxic. It will kill you.

However, here on Earth, our atmosphere here on Earth only has around 400 ppm.

The researchers cited mounting evidence that CO2 levels as low as 1,000ppm can cause health problems, even if people are only exposed to them for an hour or two.

They found that CO2 levels exceeding 1,000ppm have already been observed in crowded and poorly ventilated rooms such as classrooms, offices and bedrooms as well as air-conditioned public transport and planes – all places where humans can spend several hours at a time.

Collating the findings of numerous studies, the academics summarised that acute exposure to high CO2 levels can have ‘adverse health outcomes’, citing studies which observed inflammation and reduced cognitive performance above 1,000ppm.

Chronic exposure to levels between 2,000ppm and 3,000ppm can have even worse impacts as this was linked to effects including kidney calcification and bone demineralisation.

The team behind the study warned that human CO2 exposure may be a growing problem in the coming years as projections suggest that by 2100 outdoor CO2 levels in some cities could exceed 1,000ppm for parts of the year.

‘Continuous exposure to increased atmospheric CO2 could be an overlooked stressor of the modern and/or future environment,’ the study suggested.

The researchers concluded by saying further research is needed to find ways to mitigate exposure to indoor CO2, especially for children and vulnerable people, and to fully understand its potential health effects.

On what planet exactly?

20,000 years ago the spot where I sit now in NJ was under 1000 to 2000 feet of ice

You do grasp this concept right

Tropical oceans were at least slushy ... and we have good reasons to believe frozen over ... before the Cambrian ... that's colder than it is today ...
I'm actually holding my breath so I don't pollute the atmosphere. I'm channeling James Nestor as we speak.

Take a commercial airline flight ... that should expose you to enough radiation to pick up a few C-13's ... it's extremely improbable, but you've a whole mess of carbon atoms ... just bound to happen ...
On what planet exactly?

20,000 years ago the spot where I sit now in NJ was under 1000 to 2000 feet of ice

You do grasp this concept right

Tropical oceans were at least slushy ... and we have good reasons to believe frozen over ... before the Cambrian ... that's colder than it is today ...
LOL It was colder than it is today in the early Holocene and Pleistocene, no need to go way back to the Cambrian
What about forest fires and volcanoes?

The CO2 from forest fires would carry the Carbon-13 signature, it has been circulating in the atmosphere high enough to get ZAPPED and gain a neutron ... say within the past million years or so ... still part of the natural 280 ppm ... and there have been volcanoes all along, so those would also be included in the natural 280 ppm and I don't think it's all that much ...

Not a trace of Carbon-13 in the remaining 125 ppm ... like the stuff has been buried for millions of years never reaching the upper atmosphere ... and that's why we're boiling the oceans off typing all this crap in ...

Pollution ...
I'm actually holding my breath so I don't pollute the atmosphere. I'm channeling James Nestor as we speak.
LOL do not worry, you will never set foot on a spacecraft or submarine, but you might find yourself in a cave collecting bat guano for your weed farm.


LOL was I not supposed to mention the weed farm?

The quiet is deafening
Given your dire prediction concerning atmospheric CO2 pollution, I'd be surprised if I survived the night, Frannie.
When did I mention atmospheric CO2 pollution?

Oh yea I forgot, you have that delusional disorder thing

My bad
When you said CO2 was pollution, Francis.
Are you claiming that CO2 is not a pollutant that can cause a range of human effects culminating in death?

The researchers cited mounting evidence that CO2 levels as low as 1,000ppm can cause health problems, even if people are only exposed to them for an hour or two.

They found that CO2 levels exceeding 1,000ppm have already been observed in crowded and poorly ventilated rooms such as classrooms, offices and bedrooms as well as air-conditioned public transport and planes – all places where humans can spend several hours at a time.

Collating the findings of numerous studies, the academics summarised that acute exposure to high CO2 levels can have ‘adverse health outcomes’, citing studies which observed inflammation and reduced cognitive performance above 1,000ppm.

Chronic exposure to levels between 2,000ppm and 3,000ppm can have even worse impacts as this was linked to effects including kidney calcification and bone demineralisation.

The team behind the study warned that human CO2 exposure may be a growing problem in the coming years as projections suggest that by 2100 outdoor CO2 levels in some cities could exceed 1,000ppm for parts of the year.

‘Continuous exposure to increased atmospheric CO2 could be an overlooked stressor of the modern and/or future environment,’ the study suggested.

The researchers concluded by saying further research is needed to find ways to mitigate exposure to indoor CO2, especially for children and vulnerable people, and to fully understand its potential health effects.
I am claiming you are an idiot to be discussing it with CO2 at 400 ppm.
I'm actually holding my breath so I don't pollute the atmosphere. I'm channeling James Nestor as we speak.

Take a commercial airline flight ... that should expose you to enough radiation to pick up a few C-13's ... it's extremely improbable, but you've a whole mess of carbon atoms ... just bound to happen ...
Sorry can't talk right now. I am getting a little light headed from all the CO2 pollution I am inhaling.

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