The Protests & Violence & Reactions Illustrate our race problem perfectly

"Certain conditions continue to exist in our society, which must be condemned as vigorously as we condemn riots. But in the final analysis, a riot is the language of the unheard. And what is it that America has failed to hear? It has failed to hear that the plight of the Negro poor has worsened over the last few years. It has failed to hear that the promises of freedom and justice have not been met. And it has failed to hear that large segments of white society are more concerned about tranquility and the status quo than about justice, equality and humanity. And so in a real sense our nation’s summers of riots are caused by our nation’s winters of delay. And as long as America postpones justice, we stand in the position of having these recurrences of violence and riots over and over again. Social justice and progress are the absolute guarantors of riot prevention."

Martin Luther King
Republicans bashed those kneeling so now they get riots About time cops paid a real price for wanton murder
Americans are a violent people living in a violent society. I am sure that this happens every year.
... and we don't care.

First, those who fight for racial justice have a perfectly fair and valid reason to point at yet another questionable (at least) killing as an example of what they're fighting against. They are clearly on the right side of the story. And those on the other "side" of the issue have to admit, yeah, that was blatant and obvious, and bad.

How do some on the side of racial justice react? With the very behaviors that those who deny and enable and perpetrate racism can point at and change the original subject. With this violence, they're playing into the hands of the very people they're fighting against. Like a big, beautiful gift with a fancy bow on top.

I say it all the time: The two ends of this issue constantly feed each other. They help each other. They NEED each other. This is truly symbiotic, toxic relationship.

This doesn't improve unless and until both ends of this issue clearly and honestly start holding their own side accountable. And watch -- on this thread, you'll most likely see both ends deny their side is accountable for anything.

And the decay continues. A self-inflicted wound.

Your racial justice side pushes a false narrative and ignores the real issue, the "other side" views each incident case by case . The Mike Brown case is the perfect example. Mike Brown beat the shit out of that cop and ended up in a justified shooting. The whole "hands up don't shoot" narrative was proven to be a lie by black witnesses. Mike Brown was wrong. Unfortunately your racial justice side won't admit it and continues on with the narrative. Fast forward to George Floyd. I know of no one that agrees with the cop. Both sides agree. Yet, after all the riots and destruction and even with the cop most likely behind bars, nothing will change. Why is that? What will change on your racial justice side? Will the racial justice side continue to have run ins with police over and over?

With that said, are the police perfect? Of course not. But the vast majority of them are trying to do good. But as with every organization they have some bad actors. Unfortunately, your racial justice side (George Floyd was no saint) continues to act in a way that puts them front and center with some of these bad actors.

On that same note, the vast majority of these rioters do not represent your racial justice side. I'd bet 90% of these looters and rioters don't give a shit about George Floyd. This a great excuse to go out and grab a few TVs and destroy.

At the end of the day, the real issue needs to be fixed and not swept under the carpet. These guys getting killed by cops typically have a long history of run ins with the law. George Floyd was no exception. Obviously, it doesn't excuse what that cop did to Floyd. But when do we look at why these guys are always confronted by police? Unfortunately the incident allows one side to push a false narrative, and it gives a-holes an excuse to riot in the name of "protest".
... and we don't care.

First, those who fight for racial justice have a perfectly fair and valid reason to point at yet another questionable (at least) killing as an example of what they're fighting against. They are clearly on the right side of the story. And those on the other "side" of the issue have to admit, yeah, that was blatant and obvious, and bad.

How do some on the side of racial justice react? With the very behaviors that those who deny and enable and perpetrate racism can point at and change the original subject. With this violence, they're playing into the hands of the very people they're fighting against. Like a big, beautiful gift with a fancy bow on top.

I say it all the time: The two ends of this issue constantly feed each other. They help each other. They NEED each other. This is truly symbiotic, toxic relationship.

This doesn't improve unless and until both ends of this issue clearly and honestly start holding their own side accountable. And watch -- on this thread, you'll most likely see both ends deny their side is accountable for anything.

And the decay continues. A self-inflicted wound.
The riots are happening in towns run by democrats, and they continue to vote democrats. it’s a education, fatherless problem. If you keep voting democrat then you are all idiots and deserve far more then what your getting
So who do you want to see running this show? Some filth like the McMichaels? trump? richard spencer? frankie graham? The republican party has turned itself into a party for hoodlums only. It used to be respectable. My own parents were known to vote republican and I even campaigned for a republican candidate (he asked me personally; long story from my youth in a lilly-white suburb a bus-ride from NYC). But the republican party is no more.
... and we don't care.

First, those who fight for racial justice have a perfectly fair and valid reason to point at yet another questionable (at least) killing as an example of what they're fighting against. They are clearly on the right side of the story. And those on the other "side" of the issue have to admit, yeah, that was blatant and obvious, and bad.

How do some on the side of racial justice react? With the very behaviors that those who deny and enable and perpetrate racism can point at and change the original subject. With this violence, they're playing into the hands of the very people they're fighting against. Like a big, beautiful gift with a fancy bow on top.

I say it all the time: The two ends of this issue constantly feed each other. They help each other. They NEED each other. This is truly symbiotic, toxic relationship.

This doesn't improve unless and until both ends of this issue clearly and honestly start holding their own side accountable. And watch -- on this thread, you'll most likely see both ends deny their side is accountable for anything.

And the decay continues. A self-inflicted wound.
The riots are happening in towns run by democrats, and they continue to vote democrats. it’s a education, fatherless problem. If you keep voting democrat then you are all idiots and deserve far more then what your getting
So who do you want to see running this show? Some filth like the McMichaels? trump? richard spencer? frankie graham? The republican party has turned itself into a party for hoodlums only. It used to be respectable. My own parents were known to vote republican and I even campaigned for a republican candidate (he asked me personally; long story from my youth in a lilly-white suburb a bus-ride from NYC). But the republican party is no more.

Yeah, they don't like looting so that's a problem...
"Certain conditions continue to exist in our society, which must be condemned as vigorously as we condemn riots. But in the final analysis, a riot is the language of the unheard. And what is it that America has failed to hear? It has failed to hear that the plight of the Negro poor has worsened over the last few years. It has failed to hear that the promises of freedom and justice have not been met. And it has failed to hear that large segments of white society are more concerned about tranquility and the status quo than about justice, equality and humanity. And so in a real sense our nation’s summers of riots are caused by our nation’s winters of delay. And as long as America postpones justice, we stand in the position of having these recurrences of violence and riots over and over again. Social justice and progress are the absolute guarantors of riot prevention."

Martin Luther King
Republicans bashed those kneeling so now they get riots About time cops paid a real price for wanton murder
But first we got to shoot the cow because he saw the fox kill the chicken........

Nice logic.

What these leftist see LOL

Waiting for Mac to state explicitly what he means by other side of the looting and riots being justified.

Leftists are celebrating the riots, while before people standing too close together in cafeteria was going to trigger "martial law" and kill bunch of people. Before people needed to be arrested for being too close together, now rioting is hip!

Never trust a leftist, all they do is lie.
Waiting for Mac to state explicitly what he means by other side of the looting and riots being justified.
Never trust a leftist, all they do is lie.
Perhaps you can show me where I said that the looting and riots were justified.

Never trust a Trumpster -- like their hero, all they do is lie.
Waiting for Mac to state explicitly what he means by other side of the looting and riots being justified.
Never trust a leftist, all they do is lie.
Perhaps you can show me where I said that the looting and riots were justified.

Never trust a Trumpster -- like their hero, all they do is lie.

You said there were two sides... don't play dumb. What is the justification for this other side that loots and riots?

I will always trust fellow Americans defending the nation.
Waiting for Mac to state explicitly what he means by other side of the looting and riots being justified.
Never trust a leftist, all they do is lie.
Perhaps you can show me where I said that the looting and riots were justified.

Never trust a Trumpster -- like their hero, all they do is lie.

Who the fuck is the other side dumb suck at this ........Mr. Tribal fake one.
Waiting for Mac to state explicitly what he means by other side of the looting and riots being justified.
Never trust a leftist, all they do is lie.
Perhaps you can show me where I said that the looting and riots were justified.

Never trust a Trumpster -- like their hero, all they do is lie.

You said there were two sides... don't play dumb. What is the justification for this other side that loots and riots?
You lied. You're a liar. And I think it's possible you don't even realize it.
It’s easy to blame white and black republicans, then it is to pull your pants up and be a man.
When your side of this refuses to look in the mirror, all you do is give the other side more material.

And, of course, I could say the same thing to the other side.

I don't know how in the world you guys don't see this, I really don't.
The protesters had everyone on their side.

Then they let their protest get taken over by loons who started burning the cities and killing people.

The good will is gone now...

What these idiots are doing is giving more power to the police state. Which is apparently their goal. So...
Waiting for Mac to state explicitly what he means by other side of the looting and riots being justified.
Never trust a leftist, all they do is lie.
Perhaps you can show me where I said that the looting and riots were justified.

Never trust a Trumpster -- like their hero, all they do is lie.

You said there were two sides... don't play dumb. What is the justification for this other side that loots and riots?
You lied. You're a liar. And I think it's possible you don't even realize it.

Fuck you...

Mac1958 said:
Sure. But people on that side of the issue -- on BOTH sides -- have to stand up to it and fight against that, too.

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