The Protests & Violence & Reactions Illustrate our race problem perfectly

You bashed those kneeling Gin so now you get riots Keep it going Don't prosecute murdering racist republican cops
The protesters had everyone on their side. Then they let their protest get taken over by loons who started burning the cities and killing people.
The good will is gone now... What these idiots are doing is giving more power to the police state. Which is apparently their goal. So...
As I said, that kind of behavior only gives more material to the other side.

And, as we see on this thread, the other side can then ignore its own issues on focus on these.

And around and around it goes, just feeding on itself, making things worse.
True that riots are self defeating Mac

but then , what else is there when the right to peaceful assembly is gone?

Sure. But people on that side of the issue -- on BOTH sides -- have to stand up to it and fight against that, too.

So anyone who really cares about actual healing has to fight on TWO fronts, and that's just not happening.
When I see the 'peaceful demonstrators' stand up to the fucking thugs who are causing the burning and looting I'll believe they give a shit about losing their OWN businesses.
How long before Target rebuilds in the community?
In a perfect word the people who control their black communities would be calling on the military to issue a shoot to kill order at anyone who fucking TOUCHES a business after curfew.
... and we don't care.

First, those who fight for racial justice have a perfectly fair and valid reason to point at yet another questionable (at least) killing as an example of what they're fighting against. They are clearly on the right side of the story. And those on the other "side" of the issue have to admit, yeah, that was blatant and obvious, and bad.

How do some on the side of racial justice react? With the very behaviors that those who deny and enable and perpetrate racism can point at and change the original subject. With this violence, they're playing into the hands of the very people they're fighting against. Like a big, beautiful gift with a fancy bow on top.

I say it all the time: The two ends of this issue constantly feed each other. They help each other. They NEED each other. This is truly symbiotic, toxic relationship.

This doesn't improve unless and until both ends of this issue clearly and honestly start holding their own side accountable. And watch -- on this thread, you'll most likely see both ends deny their side is accountable for anything.

And the decay continues. A self-inflicted wound.
Clearly this wasn't about race. It's about a criminal organization called the Democrat Party.
First it was impeachment, then it was COVID-19, now it's rioting over nothing.
Each event leads to another event.
What does the DNC have in store for us next???

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Youre using the meme of a democrat actor of a movie made by democrats. DumbAss.
True that riots are self defeating Mac

but then , what else is there when the right to peaceful assembly is gone?

Sure. But people on that side of the issue -- on BOTH sides -- have to stand up to it and fight against that, too.

So anyone who really cares about actual healing has to fight on TWO fronts, and that's just not happening.
When I see the 'peaceful demonstrators' stand up to the fucking thugs who are causing the burning and looting I'll believe they give a shit about losing their OWN businesses.
How long before Target rebuilds in the community?
In a perfect word the people who control their black communities would be calling on the military to issue a shoot to kill order at anyone who fucking TOUCHES a business after curfew.
At this point I don’t even believe they cared about George Floyd to begin with. They are just using him as an excuse to riot.
... and we don't care.

First, those who fight for racial justice have a perfectly fair and valid reason to point at yet another questionable (at least) killing as an example of what they're fighting against. They are clearly on the right side of the story. And those on the other "side" of the issue have to admit, yeah, that was blatant and obvious, and bad.

How do some on the side of racial justice react? With the very behaviors that those who deny and enable and perpetrate racism can point at and change the original subject. With this violence, they're playing into the hands of the very people they're fighting against. Like a big, beautiful gift with a fancy bow on top.

I say it all the time: The two ends of this issue constantly feed each other. They help each other. They NEED each other. This is truly symbiotic, toxic relationship.

This doesn't improve unless and until both ends of this issue clearly and honestly start holding their own side accountable. And watch -- on this thread, you'll most likely see both ends deny their side is accountable for anything.

And the decay continues. A self-inflicted wound.


It reflects the problem the right wing has in blaming races of people for the actions of people who are that race.

A few thousand Muslims out of the over one-billion in the world are terrorists. The right wing response is to condemn Islam
Duplicate that with Mexicans
Duplicate that with Blacks
Duplicate that with whatever racial/ethnic/religious minority who does something criminal next.

They, as a group, are intellectually lazy.

The left has it's problems as well. But, at least, we can see past the skin color and attribute the act to the actor; not all of those who look like the actor.
Very well said.
Virtually this whole thread has been an illustration of the point of the thread.

I guess I should be pleased by that, but I'm not.

All that is being demonstrated here is the total falsehood of your bullshit theory that it is always "both sides" doing it. The riots define leftism, also can't notice how all that diversity is enriching us.

How freaking difficult can it be to just admit - the leftists were completely wrong on this one?
It’s easy to blame white and black republicans, then it is to pull your pants up and be a man.
When your side of this refuses to look in the mirror, all you do is give the other side more material.

And, of course, I could say the same thing to the other side.

I don't know how in the world you guys don't see this, I really don't.
I say jail the cop and give him the death penalty. You side wants to pay people to burn down black owned businesses to further the race war. Obama divided this country like no one before.
But I don't want that.

Binary thinking is part of the problem.
It is the democrats that are pushing the riots. Peacefully protesting is great, but democrats don't want that. You want division, never heard you say anything about Hillary calling almost half of America a basket of deplorables.
I'm saying that neither end of this is holding its own side accountable. All they're looking at is their half of the story, and they're refusing to honestly see the other.

And pretty much all we've seen in this thread is people who want to prove me right.

There is no other side to looting. Looting is a CRIME.

As for the cop story, there is no other side to that either. Everyone agreed he should arrested.
You're purposely choosing to look at one small part of a huge story.

You're purposely narrowing it down to only parts that suit you.

The other side of this does the same.

You're illustrating my point for me.

So tell us, was the protest not because of the black (criminal) got killed by the incompetent cop?

What is the excuse for the rioting? There is no excuse, you are full of shit.

Oh, except for Orange Man Bad obviously. Burn down your own community to defeat the orange man, real smart.
You're still doing it. This is all you know to do.

The other side appreciates that.
Now you are reduced to posting like you are a 'Karen' who is 'riding the cotton pony' and just drank a full bottle of cheap cooking sherry. Just begging for a fight from anyone about anything.
Go sleep it off ASSHOLE!
Now you are reduced to posting like you are a 'Karen' who is 'riding the cotton pony' and just drank a full bottle of cheap cooking sherry. Just begging for a fight from anyone about anything. Go sleep it off ASSHOLE!
And another fine Trumpster chimes in.
The problem must be adressed and not the bullshit.

1) Police ranks need to be weeded out of assholes like the guy who killed floyd, and that asshole who killed Eric Garner, the ones that shoot unarmed people, etc. We know who they are. They have a long record of abuse complaints.

2). Revamp officer training to not be the initiator of violence, not to create the situation to leads to violence. No need to slam everyone down.

3). Being afraid for one's life is not an excuse to shoot someone. Quit shooting to kill.

4) Prosecute those that violate these guidelines to the full extent of the law. Quit claiming they were justified for stupid reasons. Fire officers do not report the bad ones.
Anyone see the videos of the 99% WHITE people coming out to clean up the destruction caused by the thugs?
How freaking difficult can it be to just admit - the leftists were completely wrong on this one?
This, from a guy who defends the "14 Words".

You can't make this up.

The problem must be adressed and not the bullshit.

1) Police ranks need to be weeded out of assholes like the guy who killed floyd, and that asshole who killed Eric Garner, the ones that shoot unarmed people, etc. We know who they are. They have a long record of abuse complaints.

2). Revamp officer training to not be the initiator of violence, not to create the situation to leads to violence. No need to slam everyone down.

3). Being afraid for one's life is not an excuse to shoot someone. Quit shooting to kill.

4) Prosecute those that violate these guidelines to the full extent of the law. Quit claiming they were justified for stupid reasons. Fire officers do not report the bad ones.
Stop projecting
How freaking difficult can it be to just admit - the leftists were completely wrong on this one?
This, from a guy who defends the "14 Words".

You can't make this up.


Oh Jesus Christ, Mac is triggered again.

Yes, we should secure an existence for our children. Speaking of that. the recent events are not exactly a success story of diversity.


All the riots taking place while two white men conquer space. Not a good look...
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The problem must be adressed and not the bullshit.

1) Police ranks need to be weeded out of assholes like the guy who killed floyd, and that asshole who killed Eric Garner, the ones that shoot unarmed people, etc. We know who they are. They have a long record of abuse complaints.

2). Revamp officer training to not be the initiator of violence, not to create the situation to leads to violence. No need to slam everyone down.

3). Being afraid for one's life is not an excuse to shoot someone. Quit shooting to kill.

4) Prosecute those that violate these guidelines to the full extent of the law. Quit claiming they were justified for stupid reasons. Fire officers do not report the bad ones.
Not going to happen. Now you are going to get police driving tanks. More militant. And it’s going to be from the left.
It’s easy to blame white and black republicans, then it is to pull your pants up and be a man.
When your side of this refuses to look in the mirror, all you do is give the other side more material.

And, of course, I could say the same thing to the other side.

I don't know how in the world you guys don't see this, I really don't.
The protesters had everyone on their side.

Then they let their protest get taken over by loons who started burning the cities and killing people.

The good will is gone now...

What these idiots are doing is giving more power to the police state. Which is apparently their goal. So...
George Soros is laughing his head off today. And all it took was a few K.
The protesters had everyone on their side. Then they let their protest get taken over by loons who started burning the cities and killing people.
The good will is gone now... What these idiots are doing is giving more power to the police state. Which is apparently their goal. So...
As I said, that kind of behavior only gives more material to the other side.

And, as we see on this thread, the other side can then ignore its own issues on focus on these.

And around and around it goes, just feeding on itself, making things worse.
And you are stirring pot with one hand and holding a bottle of cheap sherry in ther other. LOL!

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