...The Proud Boys Jury Got it right.....

Someone who sucks pedorapist ass as fervently as you do has no business projecting.
Someone who defends the behavior towards children that you do should STFU asshole. Now show where I defend any pedo or rapist dumbfuck. That's you and your ilk. GFY retard.
To keep telling this lie that all know is a lie continues to reveal you as an immoral anti-America hater.

I watched real time in the tumult of the assault on the chamber. She was told repeatedly to not climb through the broken-out window vault into the chamber. She did it anyway.
No she wasn't. But you just need to keep lying don't you?
Who has been predicting court outcomes? Give me names and dates!

I bet a lot of Jews during WWII said the same thing. Guess that proves the Jews were in the wrong and Hitler was right because good guys always win and crooks never cheat, right?! :smoke:

Yeah and if Joe Biden were any kind of president, we wouldn't have wide open borders, 10 million illegals from terrorist countries pouring in, 80,000 a year dying from fentanyl brought in over the border, triple the normal crime, cities dying, spiraling costs for everything driving millions into bankruptcy, a depleted military, a collapsing dollar and banking system as Joe aids sweetheart deals for the Chinese, and war looming on two continents whiler his son and family flee from the law.
You need to get off the internet and go touch some grass.
Back to the 'Seditious Conspiracy'-thingy.

One of the jurors has now spoken to Politico (see it in today's edition).
The juror said that though the deliberations took a week the jury had pretty much decided within two days that 'seditious conspiracy' had been proven by the prosecution.
The Proud Boys had left an extensive message-trail on their phones and other means. The rest was just details.

The MAGAnut who we all saw smashing a window with a stolen police shield (Dominic Pezzola) was NOT convicted of the conspiracy charge.
In part because the jury felt he wasn't smart enough to understand. As the juror stated: “Another factor was just that he wasn’t the brightest bulb on the porch.
And may not have been bright enough to really know about the plan,”
. Ouch!!! That's gonna leave a mark on a man's reputation. ...'See that guy, well, he's dumb'!

The juror also stated this: “You don’t stop the steal by breaking into the Capitol and over-running the police lines and beating up on and spraying the police,” he said.
She was breaking the law so a Police Officer with a history of careless handling of firearms was entitled to execute her?
It's hard to believe what these assholes who claim to believe in justice are willing to say.
Who is projecting? That you will be caught for J6 is only a matter of time. Someone will rat you out. :)
Oh really asshole? Show a video of me in Washington DC on 1/6. I’ll wait and see you never. Slow is an accurate name for a dumbfuck like you. Put up or shut up moron.
Oh really asshole? Show a video of me in Washington DC on 1/6. I’ll wait and see you never. Slow is an accurate name for a dumbfuck like you. Put up or shut up moron.
You will be caught. The braggarts always get caught. Do you hear the knocking on the door? Wonder who in among your close ones or friends turned you in.

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