...The Proud Boys Jury Got it right.....

Trump is fucked with the Proud Boys conviction. They have ties to Roger Stone. Stones and Trump have ties. All that Jack Smith has to do is connect the dots, Seditious Conspiracy

Dummy, Trump is never going nowhere because he hasn't done a thing so there are no "dots" to connect. You should be much more concerned for Joe Biden.

I know I am, because the crook has to go, pay for his crimes, but that'll mean a period of time that the even-worse Kammy Harris is in charge.

We'd be far better off with a china room full of angry baboons running the country.
One would need to be in a media blackout to have not heard or seen reports on the latest convictions on the 'Seditious Conspiracy' trial.
This jury like two others before them also considering the 'Seditious' charges.....found the defendants guilty. This time members of the 'Proud Boys'.

Eugene Robinson in a column today offers one of the most trenchant observations I've seen.
Let me offer a taster of quotes by him:

"That means three different sets of jurors have concluded that Jan. 6 was no spontaneous riot.
It was planned, organized, incited and led by individuals and groups in a conspiracy against our democratically elected government.

"We are still trying to process what happened on that shocking and unprecedented day. The wheels of U.S. justice are designed to grind slowly, and it has been frustrating to see accountability parceled out in dribs and drabs over two long years. The Proud Boys verdict ends the last remaining case involving charges of seditious conspiracy — so far. We do not know what charges, if any, Smith might bring against Trump and members of his inner circle."

"About 140 U.S. Capitol Police and D.C. police officers were injured, some to the point of disability. Capitol Police Officer Brian D. Sicknick, who was horrifically assaulted by the mob, died the following day after a series of strokes. Four other police officers who had defended the Capitol died by suicide in the weeks and months after the insurrection. One rioter — Ashli Babbitt — was shot dead as she and other rioters tried to smash their way into the House chamber. Three other rioters died during the chaotic melee.

Trump now lionizes Babbitt as some kind of heroic martyr. He complains that the Justice Department is persecuting patriotic Americans who were doing nothing more than exercising their right to peacefully protest.
That is an outrageous, disgusting lie, and it is unconscionable that so many Republicans — including members of Congress whose lives were threatened that day — let him get away with it.
Jurors are getting it right. Leaders of the insurrection should face the most serious charges and suffer the most severe punishments. Now we wait to see whether the man without whose incitement Jan. 6 never would have happened — Donald Trump — is made to face his day in court as well."

Slow news day chi-co?
Dummy, Trump is never going nowhere because he hasn't done a thing so there are no "dots" to connect. You should be much more concerned for Joe Biden.

I know I am, because the crook has to go, pay for his crimes, but that'll mean a period of time that the even-worse Kammy Harris is in charge.

We'd be far better off with a china room full of angry baboons running the country.
Yep. Still mad you got your magaturd asses handed to you in 2020. :itsok: Pathetic.
Magaturds are not Jews in our current situation.
Your brain is a magaturd. Your claims don't mean shit though nothing but crap rolls out of your mouth.

Your false equivalence is a pathetic cry for sympathy.
There is no false equivalency but the one in you rotting mind. In fact, you just proved it a spot on comparison! Thanks!

It isn't working. :itsok:
Poor baby, if it wasn't working, you wouldn't be here talking about it.

if it were political, the defense lawyers would have a defense.
Nah. It is and was a wickedly and deliberately overcharged case. On the other hand, I don’t lose sleep over it.
Yep. The worst of the worst so far after years of investigation and prosecution
are getting what? A few years in jail, pending appeal and early release
for good behavior? Oh, the humanities! :laughing0301:
Convicted. On felonies. Restricted. Rights taken away. Can't legally own firearms. Felony convictions take away much more than time.

But jerks that support criminals and criminal activity don't usually think things through. That's why they're magaturds. :dunno:
Too bad I didn't get anything handed to me then or ever. But you obviously need to keep telling yourself that so you think you won something.

People do that when they know deep inside they have fucked up badly.
Trump lost, and I don't get a 'win' out of whomever gets elected president, you dink. That has never effected my life in any more than a nominal way. I don't see politics as a sporting event like you magaturds do. :dunno:
Convicted. On felonies. Restricted. Rights taken away. Can't legally own firearms. Felony convictions take away much more than time.
So what? Who cares but you? Convictions can be overturned. It was their choice. And some of them may not even care to own a gun. Poor baby still grasping at straws. I'd laugh like hell if Trump is reelected next year and the first action he takes is to commute all their sentences and award them all millions in damages paid for by the government which falsely imprisoned them and violated their rights! :laughing0301:

But jerks that support criminals and criminal activity don't usually think things through.
You mean like YOUR support of the criminal and fake "president" Joe Biden?
Trump lost,
Trump wasn't reelected by the final accepted official ballot count.

and I don't get a 'win' out of whomever gets elected president, you dink.
Are you talking to your penis again?

I don't see politics as a sporting event like you magaturds do.
I bet that must be why you live and die by something as small as a TV commentator getting let go by his employer, right?
It was their choice.
No argument there. Those traitors 'patriots' fucked around. And they found out. :dunno:
I'd laugh like hell if Trump is reelected next year and the first action he takes is to commute all their sentences and award them all millions in damages paid for by the government which falsely imprisoned them and violated their rights! :laughing0301:
And maybe he'll give them ponies, 40 acres and a mule too! :113:
You mean like YOUR support of the criminal and fake "president" Joe Biden?
We'll see who gets a conviction first, I suppose. :dunno:
With no desire to over-drive the nail I will nonetheless offer the forum more of the insightful views that were referenced in the Opening Post above.
So here's is another quote....albeit longer.....from this morning's column: (note my avatar attempted to ease the reading, by re-formatting to bullet points)

“…. Jack Smith, the special counsel investigating former president Donald Trump’s role in the insurrection, is paying attention.
  • After all, it was Trump who told the Proud Boys to “stand back and stand by” in a 2020 presidential campaign debate with Joe Biden.
  • It was Trump who, after his defeat, summoned disappointed supporters to gather in Washington on the day when Congress would officially certify Biden as president-elect.
  • It was Trump who tweeted, “Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!”
  • It was Trump who spoke at that morning’s rally on the Ellipse, stoking anger with outrageous and disproven lies about how the election had supposedly been “stolen” from him.
  • It was Trump who claimed, falsely, that then-Vice President Mike Pence had the authority to overturn Biden’s victory.
  • It was Trump who sent the crowd — by then, an angry mob — off toward the Capitol.
  • And it was Trump who watched television coverage for hours, making no attempt to quell the violence, as the insurrectionists overran police lines, brutally attacked officers,
    smashed their way into the citadel of American democracy, and menaced members of Congress and his own loyal vice president."
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The left keep on saying that the Capital police were overwhelmed and yet, apparently they weren't. Which way was it? Were they overwhelmed or not?
Who said they weren't overwhelmed?

I said the plan didn't work. They didn't stop the count ultimately
Who said they weren't overwhelmed?

I said the plan didn't work. They didn't stop the count ultimately
No wonder!!!, have you seen these morons, they aren't capable of succeeding at anything, just a bunch of sore losers...

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