The Quandary Christians Put Gays In

Muslims in parts of America are demanding Sharia law and you're not aware? Funny and sad.

And again I say 'what Sharia law in the United States"? I no more care whether Muslims call for religiously unconstitutional laws than if Christians call for religiously unconstitutional laws.

The Constitution says fuck them and the horses they ride in on.

This Sharia law: 17:33: And do not take any human being's life - that God willed to be sacred - other than in [the pursuit of] justice."

Defending Muslims now. Cool. Read us the part about Islam permitting wife beating.

I can read it to you from the Bible if you'd like.
Christians live in the new testament. Read it from there.

Peter 3:1 Likewise, wives, be in subjection to your own husbands, so that, even if some refuse to believe and obey the word of God, they will be won over without a word, because of the behavior of the wives.

Jesus says it s okay to beat your wife Why Evolution Is True
Muslims in parts of America are demanding Sharia law and you're not aware? Funny and sad.

And again I say 'what Sharia law in the United States"? I no more care whether Muslims call for religiously unconstitutional laws than if Christians call for religiously unconstitutional laws.

The Constitution says fuck them and the horses they ride in on.
Christians haven't passed any laws. Legislature passes law. You're very confused.

And Muslims don't pass laws either- you are as confused and cherry picking.

Christian Americans have passed every law that was passed by Congress. Every single one was voted in by Christian Americans.

But once again

And again I say 'what Sharia law in the United States"? I no more care whether Muslims call for religiously unconstitutional laws than if Christians call for religiously unconstitutional laws.

The Constitution says fuck them and the horses they ride in on

Tell me which laws passed by Christians are unconstitutional.

Oh that is easy:
As mentioned previously DOMA- but also:
Campaign finance laws
The Missouri Compromise
Laws requiring Segregation in Washington DC schools
The Comstock Act which restricted Americans access to contraceptives.
Parts of the Brady Act which restricted gun rights
The Flag Protection Act

In other words- every single law passed by Congress that the Supreme Court found unconstitutional.
Now prove that every legislator who voted for those laws is a Christian.
And again I say 'what Sharia law in the United States"? I no more care whether Muslims call for religiously unconstitutional laws than if Christians call for religiously unconstitutional laws.

The Constitution says fuck them and the horses they ride in on.

This Sharia law: 17:33: And do not take any human being's life - that God willed to be sacred - other than in [the pursuit of] justice."

Defending Muslims now. Cool. Read us the part about Islam permitting wife beating.

I can read it to you from the Bible if you'd like.
Christians live in the new testament. Read it from there.

Peter 3:1 Likewise, wives, be in subjection to your own husbands, so that, even if some refuse to believe and obey the word of God, they will be won over without a word, because of the behavior of the wives.

Jesus says it s okay to beat your wife Why Evolution Is True
LOL. Subjection means wife beating?
This Sharia law: 17:33: And do not take any human being's life - that God willed to be sacred - other than in [the pursuit of] justice."

Defending Muslims now. Cool. Read us the part about Islam permitting wife beating.

I can read it to you from the Bible if you'd like.
Christians live in the new testament. Read it from there.

Peter 3:1 Likewise, wives, be in subjection to your own husbands, so that, even if some refuse to believe and obey the word of God, they will be won over without a word, because of the behavior of the wives.

Jesus says it s okay to beat your wife Why Evolution Is True
LOL. Subjection means wife beating?

I admire your perseverance but the truth of the matter is these left loons don't know the first thing about the Bible.
The Puritans were assholes. The Bible commands nobody to be stoned to death today. It doesn't command anything. It's a book. Christians follow Jesus and his commandments we attend to.

And that's the beauty of religion. You can take a straight forward, clear as day commandment.....and straight up ignore if you want to by prioritizing another passage.

And anyone can do the same. On any passage.

Which is why Christians don't kill gays anymore, despite that being the standard practice for the overwhelming majority of the history of their faith. And why Christians will continue to 'reinterpret' as they keep giving ground to gays.
You know not all Christians subscribe to the heresy of Sola Scriptura, right?

Wow, so you are basically saying that the very base of Protestantism is heretical? Just a minute. I resent that label greatly. I ask that you explain what you mean by "heresy." There is no need for such a genetic argument. I mean, I've seen enough genetic fallacies in the past few pages to fill a binder.
The Bible itself undermines Sola Scriptura. It records Christians changing the Sabbath and doing away with circumcision. The message could not be any more clear that the Christian Church in Acts followed the Holy Spirit, not a book.

Yes, the very base of Protestantism is heretical, and all the errors of Protestants stem from it.

So, what is to stop me from declaring that Prima Scriptura is heretical? That the very basis of Anglicanism takes a very nonchalant and heretical stance on the Bible?

Given that circumcision applied only to the Jewish faith, circumcision did not apply to Christians. Check out Acts 15:5-11.

As for worshiping on Sunday instead of Saturday, the Catholic denomination was solely responsible for changing the Sabbath to a Sunday beginning with the Council of Laodicea in 336 AD; in which they "transferred the solemnity from Saturday to Sunday." That is in direct contradiction to Exodus 20:10. God did not give the Catholic church the power to change the Sabbath Day.

The Augsberg Confession:

"They [the Catholics] allege the Sabbath changed into Sunday, the Lord’s day, contrary to the decalogue, as it appears; neither is there any example more boasted of than the changing of the Sabbath day. Great, they say, is the power and authority of the church, since it dispensed with one of the ten commandments."

-Article. 28.

As for the Bible being "only a book" it says in Deuteronomy 13:4 that we are, in addition to following the Lord, to "keep his commandments." As far as those commandments go, they are written in the Bible.

"You shall follow the LORD your God and fear Him; and you shall keep His commandments, listen to His voice, serve Him, and cling to Him"

Meaning, the Bible serves as the voice of God. Without it, we know nothing of what God wants of us. His spirit moves us, his words guide us.
Christians started worshipping on Sunday beginning in Acts. The Catholic Church affirmed the practice later as legitimate. You have an intentionally skewed version of Christian history.
And again I say 'what Sharia law in the United States"? I no more care whether Muslims call for religiously unconstitutional laws than if Christians call for religiously unconstitutional laws.

The Constitution says fuck them and the horses they ride in on.
Christians haven't passed any laws. Legislature passes law. You're very confused.

And Muslims don't pass laws either- you are as confused and cherry picking.

Christian Americans have passed every law that was passed by Congress. Every single one was voted in by Christian Americans.

But once again

And again I say 'what Sharia law in the United States"? I no more care whether Muslims call for religiously unconstitutional laws than if Christians call for religiously unconstitutional laws.

The Constitution says fuck them and the horses they ride in on

Tell me which laws passed by Christians are unconstitutional.

Oh that is easy:
As mentioned previously DOMA- but also:
Campaign finance laws
The Missouri Compromise
Laws requiring Segregation in Washington DC schools
The Comstock Act which restricted Americans access to contraceptives.
Parts of the Brady Act which restricted gun rights
The Flag Protection Act

In other words- every single law passed by Congress that the Supreme Court found unconstitutional.
Now prove that every legislator who voted for those laws is a Christian.

I don't have to prove that every one is- the majority was and is.

And if you don't know that- you are even more stupid than you appear.
So they ALL got it wrong....but you got it right?

So, I am wrong ... but you got it right?

Like I said before, there are things in the bible that require no interpretations, the statements regarding marriage are those things.

No intepretation, according to you. But your assumption are nested, based on what you choose to ignore, what you chose to prioritize, and your conception of God.

Which as I described probably wrong. The scenario you're describing is highly improbable.
You have an intentionally skewed version of Christian history.


A Doctrinal Catechism:

"Q. Have you any other way of proving that the Church has power to institute festivals of precept?

A. Had she not such power, she could not have done that in which all modern religionists agree with her. She could not have substituted the observance of Sunday the first day of the week, for the observance of Saturday the seventh day, a change for which there is no Scriptural authority."

-Reverend. Stephen Keenan, (1851), p. 174.

Catechism of the Council of Trent:

"The Church of God has thought it well to transfer the celebration and observance of the Sabbath to Sunday!"

-p 402, second revised edition (English), 1937. (Originally Published in 1566)

So, it is the will of the Church and not of God, that the Sabbath was changed. So am I to believe that the will of God is secondary to the will of the Church? That could be considered as blasphemous.
Defending Muslims now. Cool. Read us the part about Islam permitting wife beating.

I can read it to you from the Bible if you'd like.
Christians live in the new testament. Read it from there.

Peter 3:1 Likewise, wives, be in subjection to your own husbands, so that, even if some refuse to believe and obey the word of God, they will be won over without a word, because of the behavior of the wives.

Jesus says it s okay to beat your wife Why Evolution Is True
LOL. Subjection means wife beating?

I admire your perseverance but the truth of the matter is these left loons don't know the first thing about the Bible.

Yeah. Their souls are thirsty and in need of water. I was in the same situation until Jesus saved me.
This Sharia law: 17:33: And do not take any human being's life - that God willed to be sacred - other than in [the pursuit of] justice."

Defending Muslims now. Cool. Read us the part about Islam permitting wife beating.

I can read it to you from the Bible if you'd like.
Christians live in the new testament. Read it from there.

Peter 3:1 Likewise, wives, be in subjection to your own husbands, so that, even if some refuse to believe and obey the word of God, they will be won over without a word, because of the behavior of the wives.

Jesus says it s okay to beat your wife Why Evolution Is True
LOL. Subjection means wife beating?

To some Christians it does. Read the link.
But your assumptions are nested, based on what you choose to ignore, what you chose to prioritize, and your conception of God.

Are you not also making the same error?

I'm not offering any conception of god. Or any judgment as to what is valid in the Bible or any other religious text. I'm pointing out the logical inconsistencies in assuming that you must be right while you use the same process of faith that by the very logic of faith, produces almost perfectly wrong results.

As remember, most religions are mutually exclusive. If one is right, then all the others are wrong. Despite using the same processes and convincing themselves that their beliefs are universal truths.....just like you do. And then being wrong.

Even within the Christian've acknowledged example after example of folks taking the same text that you have, and coming to radically invalid conclusions. A practice that is so common and dominates the history of your faith so completely that one must conclude its exceptionally easy to do.

And recognizing that, what makes you think that you are immune to the folly of fallacious intepretation that has fouled Christians before you for centuries?

That all seems profoundly unlikely. Its much more likely that you're among those who misinterpreted and came to fallacious conclusions on the nature of god. As there are literally hundreds of tenets that you have to be right on.

And your interpretations require that you be right on every single one of them.
Christians haven't passed any laws. Legislature passes law. You're very confused.

And Muslims don't pass laws either- you are as confused and cherry picking.

Christian Americans have passed every law that was passed by Congress. Every single one was voted in by Christian Americans.

But once again

And again I say 'what Sharia law in the United States"? I no more care whether Muslims call for religiously unconstitutional laws than if Christians call for religiously unconstitutional laws.

The Constitution says fuck them and the horses they ride in on

Tell me which laws passed by Christians are unconstitutional.

Oh that is easy:
As mentioned previously DOMA- but also:
Campaign finance laws
The Missouri Compromise
Laws requiring Segregation in Washington DC schools
The Comstock Act which restricted Americans access to contraceptives.
Parts of the Brady Act which restricted gun rights
The Flag Protection Act

In other words- every single law passed by Congress that the Supreme Court found unconstitutional.
Now prove that every legislator who voted for those laws is a Christian.

I don't have to prove that every one is- the majority was and is.

And if you don't know that- you are even more stupid than you appear.
Um, yeah. That's always a good rebuttal....."I'm smart and you're stupid".
Defending Muslims now. Cool. Read us the part about Islam permitting wife beating.

I can read it to you from the Bible if you'd like.
Christians live in the new testament. Read it from there.

Peter 3:1 Likewise, wives, be in subjection to your own husbands, so that, even if some refuse to believe and obey the word of God, they will be won over without a word, because of the behavior of the wives.

Jesus says it s okay to beat your wife Why Evolution Is True
LOL. Subjection means wife beating?

To some Christians it does. Read the link.
Then they're wrong. Do you often base your argument on what stupid Christians do?
You have an intentionally skewed version of Christian history.


A Doctrinal Catechism:

"Q. Have you any other way of proving that the Church has power to institute festivals of precept?

A. Had she not such power, she could not have done that in which all modern religionists agree with her. She could not have substituted the observance of Sunday the first day of the week, for the observance of Saturday the seventh day, a change for which there is no Scriptural authority."

-Reverend. Stephen Keenan, (1851), p. 174.

Catechism of the Council of Trent:

"The Church of God has thought it well to transfer the celebration and observance of the Sabbath to Sunday!"

-p 402, second revised edition (English), 1937. (Originally Published in 1566)

So, it is the will of the Church and not of God, that the Sabbath was changed. So am I to believe that the will of God is secondary to the will of the Church? That could be considered as blasphemous.
You're only proving my point, silly! Jesus invested his authority in a living Church, not a book. Early Christians understood this and stepped out in that authority. Though they had scriptural canons, they didn't follow them because Jesus didn't promise to leave a book, he promised to leave the Holy Spirit.

To prove Sola Scriptura a colossal failure, I need only the Bible itself.
Christians haven't passed any laws. Legislature passes law. You're very confused.

And Muslims don't pass laws either- you are as confused and cherry picking.

Christian Americans have passed every law that was passed by Congress. Every single one was voted in by Christian Americans.

But once again

And again I say 'what Sharia law in the United States"? I no more care whether Muslims call for religiously unconstitutional laws than if Christians call for religiously unconstitutional laws.

The Constitution says fuck them and the horses they ride in on

Tell me which laws passed by Christians are unconstitutional.

Oh that is easy:
As mentioned previously DOMA- but also:
Campaign finance laws
The Missouri Compromise
Laws requiring Segregation in Washington DC schools
The Comstock Act which restricted Americans access to contraceptives.
Parts of the Brady Act which restricted gun rights
The Flag Protection Act

In other words- every single law passed by Congress that the Supreme Court found unconstitutional.
Now prove that every legislator who voted for those laws is a Christian.

I don't have to prove that every one is- the majority was and is.

And if you don't know that- you are even more stupid than you appear.

99.9% of our elected representatives are Christian.
I can read it to you from the Bible if you'd like.
Christians live in the new testament. Read it from there.

Peter 3:1 Likewise, wives, be in subjection to your own husbands, so that, even if some refuse to believe and obey the word of God, they will be won over without a word, because of the behavior of the wives.

Jesus says it s okay to beat your wife Why Evolution Is True
LOL. Subjection means wife beating?

To some Christians it does. Read the link.
Then they're wrong. Do you often base your argument on what stupid Christians do?

You're basing your view of Islam on what stupid extremist Muslims do...why can't I?
And Muslims don't pass laws either- you are as confused and cherry picking.

Christian Americans have passed every law that was passed by Congress. Every single one was voted in by Christian Americans.

But once again

And again I say 'what Sharia law in the United States"? I no more care whether Muslims call for religiously unconstitutional laws than if Christians call for religiously unconstitutional laws.

The Constitution says fuck them and the horses they ride in on

Tell me which laws passed by Christians are unconstitutional.

Oh that is easy:
As mentioned previously DOMA- but also:
Campaign finance laws
The Missouri Compromise
Laws requiring Segregation in Washington DC schools
The Comstock Act which restricted Americans access to contraceptives.
Parts of the Brady Act which restricted gun rights
The Flag Protection Act

In other words- every single law passed by Congress that the Supreme Court found unconstitutional.
Now prove that every legislator who voted for those laws is a Christian.

I don't have to prove that every one is- the majority was and is.

And if you don't know that- you are even more stupid than you appear.

99.9% of our elected representatives are Christian.
Prove it.
Christians live in the new testament. Read it from there.

Peter 3:1 Likewise, wives, be in subjection to your own husbands, so that, even if some refuse to believe and obey the word of God, they will be won over without a word, because of the behavior of the wives.

Jesus says it s okay to beat your wife Why Evolution Is True
LOL. Subjection means wife beating?

To some Christians it does. Read the link.
Then they're wrong. Do you often base your argument on what stupid Christians do?

You're basing your view of Islam on what stupid extremist Muslims do...why can't I?
The Quran permits wife beating. The New Testament doesn't.

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