The Queen has Covid

Setting aside the fact that we have only your word to take for the possibility that you did indeed have COVID-19 or one of its mutations, the logical question to your above quip is...

Are you 95 years old and not vaccinated?

That's not what RW said. He said *I* would be dead. Well, I had it, tested positive on December 29th. I am not dead. As you see.
And apparently some asshole thinks it is funny.

Hopefully, despite the glee, the vaccine will do what is supposed to and make it less severe. Her age though makes her much more frail regardless.

Please don't project that on me. Instead, go through the board YOU MODERATE and look at all the Leftists who have been dancing on the graves of the unvaccinated who died.

Or just read my signature
My sister and my nephews had it. All said it was nothing more than a bad head cold. They got over it in three weeks, WITHOUT any shots or meds.

Several co-workers have gotten it. All said it was nothing more than a few bad headaches and some chills. NO vaccinations, but they all took cold medicines and vitamins. They were all over it in less than a month.

A friend and her husband got it. They say it's nothing more than feeling run down with a few headaches. NO vaccines. They take cold medicine and vitamins. Their kids and grandkids have all had it........same thing............nothing more than cold symptoms, with NO vaccine. They all got over it.

I'm supposedly one of the "high risk" people. I have not gotten it. I've been around some of these people. I've been to the local mall, I go to the grocery store often, I go to the dollar stores often.........NO vaccine. I take high concentrated caps of Vit D, which was prescribed by my Dr., and Vit C, as well as some other stuff he prescribed. Been on these for years. Haven't contracted anything.

If people took the necessary supplements to boost their blood flow, oxygen production, and anti-virus fighters, and kept themselves sanitized.......theres no need for vaccines or boosters, until AFTER you have contracted the disease and found that your own immune system is not killing it off. Just like all other diseases, bacteria, and germs.

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