The Queers are out of control

Yep, and nothing in the constitution guarantees you the right to Not be offended.


And who said their was? No one has said a word about "rights" or "constitution."

You're tossing out a red herring.

It's not a red herring. I am just saying they have a right to advance their agenda whether it offends you or not. KKK still organizes demonstrations etc. to advance their agenda, and it repulses me. So I just don't show up, I ignore them. I don't understand why some want to stop the voice when it is so much easier to ignore it.
You've got it all figured out. lol

Chris Evans is hot as hell, though. Meow!

I don't know. I was personally pushing for Steve Buscemi to play Steve Rogers. Marvel Studios stopped taking my phone calls. :dunno:

DC Comics is way better than Marvel in my humbly nerdy opinion.

I've always been divided. Batman was always my first favorite superhero, and Spiderman my second. Spawn my third, but he's from Image Comics. Damn it. Now we need to ask Harry Dresden.

I am a big fan of Martian Manhunter and Hawk Girl. Batman is still my favorite because he is not only badass, but he has the best villains as well.
Isn't Hawk Girl the buck toothed black in Legends of Tomorrow? I can't stand her teeth. She got the part because she's black. No white girl with those teeth would ever be seen on television.

I am offended that you used the term "buck toothed", and I demand you stop. Those of us in the buck tooth community have been the source of ridicule our entire lives. Think of others before our open your fat trap and disparage an entire group of peaceful people who just happen to love corn on the cob, bitch!
You've got it all figured out. lol

Chris Evans is hot as hell, though. Meow!

I don't know. I was personally pushing for Steve Buscemi to play Steve Rogers. Marvel Studios stopped taking my phone calls. :dunno:

DC Comics is way better than Marvel in my humbly nerdy opinion.

I've always been divided. Batman was always my first favorite superhero, and Spiderman my second. Spawn my third, but he's from Image Comics. Damn it. Now we need to ask Harry Dresden.

I am a big fan of Martian Manhunter and Hawk Girl. Batman is still my favorite because he is not only badass, but he has the best villains as well.
Isn't Hawk Girl the buck toothed black in Legends of Tomorrow? I can't stand her teeth. She got the part because she's black. No white girl with those teeth would ever be seen on television.

She is a rather toothy gal, but she is still rather pretty.
Two efforts to further control popular media are being pushed by homosexual activist groups. The first is the demand that the main character from the children's film "Frozen" be turned into a lesbian. While the popular media credits "fans" for the #GiveElsaAGirlfriend campaign, it is a small, yet vocal homosexual activists who are behind the campaign.

The same group is promoting the transforming of "Captain America" into a homosexual with the #GiveCaptainAmericaABoyfriend push. These activists are using social media to inflate the impression of their numbers. While it is unlikely that most Americans want to turn Elsa into a dyke, most simply won't take the time to spam Twitter with thousands of tweets. Activists believe that through vocal activities they can push studios to a more homo-centric position. Though that is hard to imagine with Disney.


While I have nothing wrong with homosexuals gaining representation in the entertainment industry, this "Give Captain America a Boyfriend" stuff is stupid. He was established as a heterosexual in the comics. That's it.

He was romantically involved with Peggy Carter, who he fell in love with in the middle of WWII. Now in present day, Agent 13, Sharon Carter (the niece of Peggy) is depicted by Stan Lee himself as Captain America's girlfriend. Bucky, or the Winter Soldier, was his SIDEKICK in the original comics. Nothing more.

Look, I admire the push for equality the LGBT movement is engaged in, but please, they need to stop trying to insert a gay element into a story where the main character is already portrayed as otherwise. Really, they should stop trying to change the story. Gay superheroes exist in both Marvel and DC comics already. All they need do is look at what they did to Green Lantern, and what Marvel is doing with characters in X-Men.

If they really want more gay superheroes, they should make one of their own, send a suggestion to Marvel or DC. But they should quit trying to bend already established continuities and characters to their sexual preferences.
It's not a red herring. I am just saying they have a right to advance their agenda whether it offends you or not. KKK still organizes demonstrations etc. to advance their agenda, and it repulses me. So I just don't show up, I ignore them. I don't understand why some want to stop the voice when it is so much easier to ignore it.

No one suggested that this tiny group of activists don't have a right to Tweet.

IF they are flooded due to exposure, then such are the danger of digital on-line.
4% of the population is going to hijack an entire country can only be referred to as deeply paranoid.

I guess that's what the Jews said about the small band of Nazis, until it was to late and the Germans ignored the warning, as well as Cortes and a few men who conquered a whole Aztec nation. Maybe we might turn into a San Francisco nation. They conquered a city and almost every restroom in America, what's stopping them from pushing forward?
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Who should be Captain America's boyfriend? I'm thinking Ant Man. He could turn into Giant Man and fist the shit out of him, or shrink into Ant Man and crawl up his ass like a gerbil.

Someone named "Bucky" is who they are pushing.

This is Bucky. You tell me.

if you knew their history you would not say that.....this was from the middle 60's,the comic code played a big part in how things were portrayed back then....

I thought that was from the 40's before the comic code even existed.
that artwork looks like Jack Kirby's from the 60's....even though he co-created CA in the early 40's he did not always work on the comic back then,i believe he and Stan Lee had creative issues back then.....this is a 1946 cover from a artist named Vince Alascia

You've got it all figured out. lol

Chris Evans is hot as hell, though. Meow!

I don't know. I was personally pushing for Steve Buscemi to play Steve Rogers. Marvel Studios stopped taking my phone calls. :dunno:

DC Comics is way better than Marvel in my humbly nerdy opinion.

I've always been divided. Batman was always my first favorite superhero, and Spiderman my second. Spawn my third, but he's from Image Comics. Damn it. Now we need to ask Harry Dresden.

I am a big fan of Martian Manhunter and Hawk Girl. Batman is still my favorite because he is not only badass, but he has the best villains as well.
Isn't Hawk Girl the buck toothed black in Legends of Tomorrow? I can't stand her teeth. She got the part because she's black. No white girl with those teeth would ever be seen on television.
she is American Indian and India Indian and a third black.....she is portraying an Egyptian from 4,000 years ago so her skin color is right on the money....a white girl would have been miscast...
I don't know. I was personally pushing for Steve Buscemi to play Steve Rogers. Marvel Studios stopped taking my phone calls. :dunno:

DC Comics is way better than Marvel in my humbly nerdy opinion.

I've always been divided. Batman was always my first favorite superhero, and Spiderman my second. Spawn my third, but he's from Image Comics. Damn it. Now we need to ask Harry Dresden.

I am a big fan of Martian Manhunter and Hawk Girl. Batman is still my favorite because he is not only badass, but he has the best villains as well.
Isn't Hawk Girl the buck toothed black in Legends of Tomorrow? I can't stand her teeth. She got the part because she's black. No white girl with those teeth would ever be seen on television.

I am offended that you used the term "buck toothed", and I demand you stop. Those of us in the buck tooth community have been the source of ridicule our entire lives. Think of others before our open your fat trap and disparage an entire group of peaceful people who just happen to love corn on the cob, bitch!
You didn't make it to television did you?
Oh, I have a wonderful idea! Let's have the 1st Annual USMB Comic Con. This would be a thread where all the nerds, geeks, trekkies and Jedi wannabes can hang out. I'll even serve as the disco ball.
a disco ball at a comic con?....

For all the Babylon 5 and Battlestar Galactica fans.
well i have been to more than one comic/sci-fi convention and have never seen a disco ball there....sure you have the right type of convention?...
Oh, I have a wonderful idea! Let's have the 1st Annual USMB Comic Con. This would be a thread where all the nerds, geeks, trekkies and Jedi wannabes can hang out. I'll even serve as the disco ball.
a disco ball at a comic con?....

For all the Babylon 5 and Battlestar Galactica fans.

I finished Babylon 5 for like the 8th time again. I have a 'G'kar For President' coffee mug. lol. It is a shame so many of the characters have passed away.
Child grooming is befriending and establishing an emotional connection with a child, and sometimes the family, to lower the child's inhibitions for child sexual abuse.

What ever happened to that Golden Age of the 1950s, as exemplified in Leave It to Beaver, that documentary [irony alert] that y'all idolize so much, where children were allowed to talk to the neighbors without fear of violation and murder?

No wonder America's kids are fat and inert and never leave the house.
Child grooming is befriending and establishing an emotional connection with a child, and sometimes the family, to lower the child's inhibitions for child sexual abuse.

What ever happened to that Golden Age of the 1950s, as exemplified in Leave It to Beaver, that documentary [irony alert] that y'all idolize so much, where children were allowed to talk to the neighbors without fear of violation and murder?

No wonder America's kids are fat and inert and never leave the house.
In those days perverts had no protections. Everyone knew who they were. A few Daddys would get together and the perv was never seen again. There was no such thing as diversity, sexual orientation or born that way.
Oh, I have a wonderful idea! Let's have the 1st Annual USMB Comic Con. This would be a thread where all the nerds, geeks, trekkies and Jedi wannabes can hang out. I'll even serve as the disco ball.
a disco ball at a comic con?....

For all the Babylon 5 and Battlestar Galactica fans.
well i have been to more than one comic/sci-fi convention and have never seen a disco ball there....sure you have the right type of convention?...
Well, I can't really cosplay as anything else.

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