The Question No PROG Will Dare Answer

Seeing as the thread is full of progressives answering I would say the title is moot no?

Moot as a mute, brother. This is the low-information crowd we're dealing with....only a moron would be a liberal in the first place and only a total LOSER would vote for Barry once much less twice....I enjoy making them uncomfortable. :lol:

Uncomfortable, you are delusional. You are a source of humorous entertainment. Your about as bright as a mini-light with dead batteries.
I don't think there will ever be a FLAT NUMBER for what the debt ceiling can be without it hurting us, as a all depends on how well our economy is doing and what percentage of the GDP our debt is, at any given moment. So, if we were looking at this as a percentage of Debt verses the gdp....that's the number, the percentage, we should be talking about....

Personally, I'd love to see the debt be brought down to zero, if at all possible....hate paying interest on the money we borrow....that interest money could be going straight towards paying the bills or towards infrastructure improvements, instead it is going to the people and foreign countries we have borrowed from....

My husband and I own our home and it is mortgage took a while to get to this point, but the financial freedom this gives us is immeasurable...i don't have to work anymore, for ONE! :)

You seem like a nice woman and I hope you have continued sounds like you planned well. If we had a government that was honest and trustworthy, none of this would be necessary. That's not the case. I don't believe we have to operate debt-free although that's always a goal to shoot for. Our credit-worthiness is actually based on being able to carry some debt. The point of this thread is to ask known leftist airheads if they are even aware how their leaders are selling them out. Few want to look at the damage already done, which means they have no intention to hear the warnings of what's just up the road. Put in a year's supply of food and buy all the ammunition you can get your hands on. You'll probably never need it, but if you do you got it. Things are very fluid right now.....our future as a Nation depends on stopping these leftist assholes shoving Barry-Care down our's the last straw.
Seeing as the thread is full of progressives answering I would say the title is moot no?

Moot as a mute, brother. This is the low-information crowd we're dealing with....only a moron would be a liberal in the first place and only a total LOSER would vote for Barry once much less twice....I enjoy making them uncomfortable. :lol:

Uncomfortable, you are delusional. You are a source of humorous entertainment. Your about as bright as a mini-light with dead batteries.

Get your sorry ass out of this thread.
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Moot as a mute, brother. This is the low-information crowd we're dealing with....only a moron would be a liberal in the first place and only a total LOSER would vote for Barry once much less twice....I enjoy making them uncomfortable. :lol:

Uncomfortable, you are delusional. You are a source of humorous entertainment. Your about as bright as a mini-light with dead batteries.

Get your sorry ass out of this thread.

Now, now, Joe. Be nice.
Moot as a mute, brother. This is the low-information crowd we're dealing with....only a moron would be a liberal in the first place and only a total LOSER would vote for Barry once much less twice....I enjoy making them uncomfortable. :lol:

Uncomfortable, you are delusional. You are a source of humorous entertainment. Your about as bright as a mini-light with dead batteries.

Get your sorry ass out of this thread.

Why would I do that?
Moot as a mute, brother. This is the low-information crowd we're dealing with....only a moron would be a liberal in the first place and only a total LOSER would vote for Barry once much less twice....I enjoy making them uncomfortable. :lol:

Uncomfortable, you are delusional. You are a source of humorous entertainment. Your about as bright as a mini-light with dead batteries.

Get your sorry ass out of this thread.

All of the marines I know swore an oath to uphold the Constitution and part of that was the right to freedom of speech. This is the first one I have ever come across who wants to deny someone the right to speak their mind. I guess no one ever told him that he doesn't get to order other posters around in this forum.
Uncomfortable, you are delusional. You are a source of humorous entertainment. Your about as bright as a mini-light with dead batteries.

Get your sorry ass out of this thread.

All of the marines I know swore an oath to uphold the Constitution and part of that was the right to freedom of speech. This is the first one I have ever come across who wants to deny someone the right to speak their mind. I guess no one ever told him that he doesn't get to order other posters around in this forum.

I don't believe a word she says. She got caught in a lie and didn't show the character or courage of a Marine to admit a mistake. My suspicion at this point is the Bull in her name is for Bull Dyke, as in Bull Dyke Dominatrix.
Moot as a mute, brother. This is the low-information crowd we're dealing with....only a moron would be a liberal in the first place and only a total LOSER would vote for Barry once much less twice....I enjoy making them uncomfortable. :lol:

Uncomfortable, you are delusional. You are a source of humorous entertainment. Your about as bright as a mini-light with dead batteries.

Get your sorry ass out of this thread.
He says he is not delusional. Then proves he is by showing all that he believes he can kick some on out of a thread because he started it. Poor guy. Just a mental patient, I am sure. Probably not his fault at all. Just plain bad luck.
Why worry - it can all be paid off in a single afternoon. Just run the printing presses until enough green falls on the floor to pay it all.

No matter that a loaf of bread will cost several billions in Obamabucks! After all, nobody will have to buy bread - or for that matter mobile phones or even electric cars as they'll all be handed out free to government supporters.

Until nobody wants to work to bake/make any.
I don't think there will ever be a FLAT NUMBER for what the debt ceiling can be without it hurting us, as a all depends on how well our economy is doing and what percentage of the GDP our debt is, at any given moment. So, if we were looking at this as a percentage of Debt verses the gdp....that's the number, the percentage, we should be talking about....

Personally, I'd love to see the debt be brought down to zero, if at all possible....hate paying interest on the money we borrow....that interest money could be going straight towards paying the bills or towards infrastructure improvements, instead it is going to the people and foreign countries we have borrowed from....

My husband and I own our home and it is mortgage took a while to get to this point, but the financial freedom this gives us is immeasurable...i don't have to work anymore, for ONE! :)

You seem like a nice woman and I hope you have continued sounds like you planned well. If we had a government that was honest and trustworthy, none of this would be necessary. That's not the case. I don't believe we have to operate debt-free although that's always a goal to shoot for. Our credit-worthiness is actually based on being able to carry some debt. The point of this thread is to ask known leftist airheads if they are even aware how their leaders are selling them out. Few want to look at the damage already done, which means they have no intention to hear the warnings of what's just up the road. Put in a year's supply of food and buy all the ammunition you can get your hands on. You'll probably never need it, but if you do you got it. Things are very fluid right now.....our future as a Nation depends on stopping these leftist assholes shoving Barry-Care down our's the last straw.
Poor bull. He is totally unaware that we pay more for health care per capita than any nation in the world, save one. Some back water country in africa. And he is also unaware that our health outcomes are middle of the pack. Because, of course, Bull gets off being told what to believe. Never, ever does the research. Way beyond him.
But we must remember. Bull has mental problems. It really is not his fault. Just plain bad luck.

By the way, me poor mentally challenged con. Where is the source of that statement that we had spent $7T on alternative energy. Apparently you can not come up with one. Really, you should stop the whole lying. Tacky.
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At least so far....maybe today we'll get a breakthrough. :eusa_shifty:

HOW MUCH DEBT are you willing to allow the government shysters to put us in? What's the number when even the maoists say enough is enough? We're at $17T now....many economists think $20T is the tipping point. Obama has raised the debt-ceiling 7 times after screaming like a woman when Dubya did it. He's added $6T to the debt and continues to run $1T yearly deficits. After $20T, another financial meltdown of any kind, could tip us over into default. Surely you leftists don't believe Wall Street has stopped dealing in mortgage-based derivatives. Surely you don't believe criminal enterprises like Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley have stopped rigging the futures markets. So how much is close to the edge of diaster are you willing to tread?

The issue isn’t ‘debt,’ it’s economic recovery.

It is pointless idiocy to attempt to balance the budge before the economy is fully recovered, before more Americans are back to work and contributing to payroll taxes.

Of course the partisan ignorance and stupidity exhibited by House republicans is only delaying economic recovery, and consequently delaying addressing the debt.
At least so far....maybe today we'll get a breakthrough. :eusa_shifty:

HOW MUCH DEBT are you willing to allow the government shysters to put us in? What's the number when even the maoists say enough is enough? We're at $17T now....many economists think $20T is the tipping point. Obama has raised the debt-ceiling 7 times after screaming like a woman when Dubya did it. He's added $6T to the debt and continues to run $1T yearly deficits. After $20T, another financial meltdown of any kind, could tip us over into default. Surely you leftists don't believe Wall Street has stopped dealing in mortgage-based derivatives. Surely you don't believe criminal enterprises like Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley have stopped rigging the futures markets. So how much is close to the edge of diaster are you willing to tread?

The issue isn’t ‘debt,’ it’s economic recovery.

It is pointless idiocy to attempt to balance the budge before the economy is fully recovered, before more Americans are back to work and contributing to payroll taxes.

Of course the partisan ignorance and stupidity exhibited by House republicans is only delaying economic recovery, and consequently delaying addressing the debt.
First, they need to understand what a deficit is. Which they definitely do NOT. Secondly, they need to understand that deficits NEVER DECREASE A GREAT DEAL when unemployment is high. Third, they need to understand that increasing the deficit, by stimulative spending, always has worked when employment is high.

The sad thing is that guys like Bull never follow any studies, or read the works of economists, who discuss deficits or stimulus spending. They simply believe what they are told. By politicians and others paid to support ideologies.
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then, bullkurtz tosses out this little untruth:
Obama has raised the debt-ceiling 7 times after screaming like a woman when Dubya did it.
Obama never raised the debt ceiling. It was congress that did that. As they always did. And, dipshit, hopefully you know you are lying when you said he raised it 7 times. It was raised ONE (1) time during his administration. Period. And it will be raised again, shortly. Where did you get 7 times, me poor economic wasteland. Have your head up your ass again???
No one EVER screamed about raising the debt ceiling under Bush 2. It was raised 6 or 7 times during his administration. Under Clinton, it was raised twice. Under Bush 1, it was raised twice. Under Reagan, it was raised 7 times.

You have no facts, dipshit, which makes you a complete waste of time.
By the way, NO ONE EVER RAISED AN ATTEMPT TO BLOCK AN INCREASE IN THE DEBT CEILING until Obama was president and it was raised. Again, you need to get your head out of your ass. Dipshit.

History of United States debt-ceiling increases - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Get your sorry ass out of this thread.

All of the marines I know swore an oath to uphold the Constitution and part of that was the right to freedom of speech. This is the first one I have ever come across who wants to deny someone the right to speak their mind. I guess no one ever told him that he doesn't get to order other posters around in this forum.

I don't believe a word she says. She got caught in a lie and didn't show the character or courage of a Marine to admit a mistake. My suspicion at this point is the Bull in her name is for Bull Dyke, as in Bull Dyke Dominatrix.

Strikes me as the "bull" is just shorthand for BS. Lots of bluster and no substance. The strawman premise of asking someone to guess the number that he made up and then berating anyone and everyone who knows that he is just full of it is utterly puerile.
Seeing as the thread is full of progressives answering I would say the title is moot no?

Moot as a mute, brother. This is the low-information crowd we're dealing with....only a moron would be a liberal in the first place and only a total LOSER would vote for Barry once much less twice....I enjoy making them uncomfortable. :lol:

You asked what level of debt is sustainable. I don't know but sometimes in these posts debt and deficit gets mixed up. However America is still probably the richest country in the world of all the large countries so I don't think were broke. I remember when people were worried about a quarter trillion debt or 250 billion. After reagan it was 3 trillion. Then after Bush it was 14 Trillion. Now it's 17 trillion and Obama didn't just withdraw 4 trillion and go on a spending binge since congress controls the purse strings anyway. Any way maybe the debt doesn't matter as long as we pay our bills and we do have the money for that and we will as long as we have a strong economy. I keep hearing we owe china etc and so on but if we keep buying chinese goods they keep accepting our dollars and then invest in our government securities or bonds. Kind of like a mutual relationship using economics. If China doesn't want our dollars we'll stop buying from them and produce here again.
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Hah hah so let me get this straight... you made a post at 11:33, then at 11:58 you triumphantly declare you've somehow stumped the forum because they are afraid to answer? What did you sit there for 25 minutes pressing the refresh key?

I'm not really sure what percentage of debt to GDP reaches into the range of unacceptable but I do know that the measure isn't adequate by itself to make any claim about the health of a country's economy, simple because there are so many wealthy countries with good standard living that have a high percentage (Japan, Belgium, Singapore, France) and many other very poor countries (North Korea, Angola, Cambodia, Algeria, Bolivia) with a relatively low debt to GDP.

BTW we've been OFFICIALLY BANKRUPT since the beginning of the year
What definition of "official" are you using here? Bankruptcy isn't defined by percentage of debt to income or ability to pay all debt at one time. I can have as much debt as I want, if I am making the payments to my creditors I'm not bankrupt, and I submit most Americans with a mortgage have debt far higher than their annual household income.

Bankruptcy means insolvent, unable to repay creditors as agreed. Despite the regularly scheduled political gamesmanship with budget showdowns the US has always been able to pay its creditors and has one of the highest credit ratings in the world.
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At least so far....maybe today we'll get a breakthrough. :eusa_shifty:

HOW MUCH DEBT are you willing to allow the government shysters to put us in? What's the number when even the maoists say enough is enough? We're at $17T now....many economists think $20T is the tipping point. Obama has raised the debt-ceiling 7 times after screaming like a woman when Dubya did it. He's added $6T to the debt and continues to run $1T yearly deficits. After $20T, another financial meltdown of any kind, could tip us over into default. Surely you leftists don't believe Wall Street has stopped dealing in mortgage-based derivatives. Surely you don't believe criminal enterprises like Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley have stopped rigging the futures markets. So how much is close to the edge of diaster are you willing to tread?


I presume that by "progressives" you mean the people who control the FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS, the TREASURY, and the SIX TOO BIG TO FAIL BANKS in the USA?

Because they are the people who decide how much larger the debt load will be.

NOT the liberals, not the gun queers, not the hippies, nor the Christians, nor the negros nor the ofeys, not the Chinese, not the terrorists, not the neo-nazis....


A FWIW, none of those people are posting on this board, lad.
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You asked what level of debt is sustainable. I don't know but sometimes in these posts debt and deficit gets mixed up. However America is still probably the richest country in the world of all the large countries so I don't think were broke. I remember when people were worried about a quarter trillion debt or 250 billion. After reagan it was 3 trillion. Then after Bush it was 14 Trillion. Now it's 17 trillion and Obama didn't just withdraw 4 trillion and go on a spending binge since congress controls the purse strings anyway. Any way maybe the debt doesn't matter as long as we pay our bills and we do have the money for that and we will as long as we have a strong economy. I keep hearing we owe china etc and so on but if we keep buying chinese goods they keep accepting our dollars and then invest in our government securities or bonds. Kind of like a mutual relationship using economics. If China doesn't want our dollars we'll stop buying from them and produce here again.

Nope, when Bush43 left office, the debt stood at $10.6 after dealing with Clinton's bust, the 9/11 attacks, and two ME wars. Barry the Fairy has added $6T in useless spending since he took office in 2009.$6-trillion-since-obama-took-office/

The debt "matters" because the interest on the debt sucks needed tax dollars out of our pockets we could use to enrich our own lives. You are $53,225 dollars in debt you may not know is every person and child in the US. China is shying away from our T-Bills and buying gold with their surpluses. The fact the Fortune 500 continues destroying our manufacturing base by sending jobs there is what the real problem is. And of course China illegally undervalues it's currency keeping their exports to us cheap.
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At least so far....maybe today we'll get a breakthrough. :eusa_shifty:

HOW MUCH DEBT are you willing to allow the government shysters to put us in? What's the number when even the maoists say enough is enough? We're at $17T now....many economists think $20T is the tipping point. Obama has raised the debt-ceiling 7 times after screaming like a woman when Dubya did it. He's added $6T to the debt and continues to run $1T yearly deficits. After $20T, another financial meltdown of any kind, could tip us over into default. Surely you leftists don't believe Wall Street has stopped dealing in mortgage-based derivatives. Surely you don't believe criminal enterprises like Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley have stopped rigging the futures markets. So how much is close to the edge of diaster are you willing to tread?

Why you asking us?

You're the ones who repealed Glass-Steegall.

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