The quintessential progressive: do as I say...NOT as I do

you should probably stick to legitimate sources. rightwingnuts should probably stop taking their cues from Russia and breitbart. out of the loop are you? Breitbart has had an epic week - being vindicated on everything while your precious CNN was forced to fire 3 journalists because they were caught propagating fake news.

Breitbart is pretty much sitting on top of the creditably world right now - just behind TheBlaze. Meanwhile you add "The Daily Wire". :lmao:
Well this time it was a real news just left out the key information. They even used a legitimate source, the LA Times. That's where I found this:
A spokesman said he is using his own money, not taxpayer funds.
Yeah...unlike the left...everything I post is 100% legitimate.
Now why you you post the Brietbart piece and not the originating LA Times piece? Probably because Brietbart didn't mention this.

Sen. Ricardo Lara (D-Bell Gardens), who is openly gay, is among those attending the annual gathering of the National Assn. of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO). A spokesman said he is using his own money, not taxpayer funds. Lara voted for the bill that enacted the travel ban. link was not from Breitbart. How hard is it for you to check the top of your browser before commenting? :dunno:

Incidentally, Breitbart has had a banner month. They've proven correct on everything while CNN has been exposed as a horrible fraud (just as we've been saying for years now). We all now see why you people feared Breitbart so much. Real journalism scares the hell out of progressives.
Brietbart, Blaze...Same whore different dress.

Keep trying to distract from the glaring omission of

A spokesman said he is using his own money, not taxpayer funds. Lara voted for the bill that enacted the travel ban.

I didn't even open the link and know it was from the Dailywire. But what you're saying is the little fairy is just a hypocrite and a typical regressive.


If you didn't click on it, how did you know?

It gives no indication of the source. You must have some amazing secret power the rest of the world doesn't.

It's simple, right click the link, it will give you the option to inspect the elements of the page, it will highlight were the link is form. That's how I avoid giving clicks to left wing hate sites.

Now why you you post the Brietbart piece and not the originating LA Times piece? Probably because Brietbart didn't mention this.

Sen. Ricardo Lara (D-Bell Gardens), who is openly gay, is among those attending the annual gathering of the National Assn. of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO). A spokesman said he is using his own money, not taxpayer funds. Lara voted for the bill that enacted the travel ban. link was not from Breitbart. How hard is it for you to check the top of your browser before commenting? :dunno:

Incidentally, Breitbart has had a banner month. They've proven correct on everything while CNN has been exposed as a horrible fraud (just as we've been saying for years now). We all now see why you people feared Breitbart so much. Real journalism scares the hell out of progressives.
Brietbart, Blaze...Same whore different dress.

Keep trying to distract from the glaring omission of

A spokesman said he is using his own money, not taxpayer funds. Lara voted for the bill that enacted the travel ban.

I didn't even open the link and know it was from the Dailywire. But what you're saying is the little fairy is just a hypocrite and a typical regressive.


If you didn't click on it, how did you know?

It gives no indication of the source. You must have some amazing secret power the rest of the world doesn't.

It's simple, right click the link, it will give you the option to inspect the elements of the page, it will highlight were the link is form. That's how I avoid giving clicks to left wing hate sites.


So we do different things for the same reason. You right click, I google. When I google, I know I'm getting more than one source for the same story. link was not from Breitbart. How hard is it for you to check the top of your browser before commenting? :dunno:

Incidentally, Breitbart has had a banner month. They've proven correct on everything while CNN has been exposed as a horrible fraud (just as we've been saying for years now). We all now see why you people feared Breitbart so much. Real journalism scares the hell out of progressives.
Brietbart, Blaze...Same whore different dress.

Keep trying to distract from the glaring omission of

A spokesman said he is using his own money, not taxpayer funds. Lara voted for the bill that enacted the travel ban.

I didn't even open the link and know it was from the Dailywire. But what you're saying is the little fairy is just a hypocrite and a typical regressive.


If you didn't click on it, how did you know?

It gives no indication of the source. You must have some amazing secret power the rest of the world doesn't.

It's simple, right click the link, it will give you the option to inspect the elements of the page, it will highlight were the link is form. That's how I avoid giving clicks to left wing hate sites.


So we do different things for the same reason. You right click, I google. When I google, I know I'm getting more than one source for the same story.

You can inspect the elements of any web page, it will highlight the area where you pointer is.

Brietbart, Blaze...Same whore different dress.

Keep trying to distract from the glaring omission of

A spokesman said he is using his own money, not taxpayer funds. Lara voted for the bill that enacted the travel ban.

I didn't even open the link and know it was from the Dailywire. But what you're saying is the little fairy is just a hypocrite and a typical regressive.


If you didn't click on it, how did you know?

It gives no indication of the source. You must have some amazing secret power the rest of the world doesn't.

It's simple, right click the link, it will give you the option to inspect the elements of the page, it will highlight were the link is form. That's how I avoid giving clicks to left wing hate sites.


So we do different things for the same reason. You right click, I google. When I google, I know I'm getting more than one source for the same story.

You can inspect the elements of any web page, it will highlight the area where you pointer is.


I'm aware.

Complete technicality , but you did click on the link, (a right click is a click) whereas I do not. I'm quite comfortable with my way of doing it. I get more of the story if I don't rely on a single source. I don't miss out on key points of the the guy paid for the trip with personal funds.
These people are unfuckingbelievable. While advocating for open borders and being a typical progressive ass supporting lawlessness - George Clooney is now evacuating England out of fear for his family's safety. And why? Because England has become an endless victim of terrorist attacks thanks to the same idiotic policies that George Clooney advocates for.

So he retreats to the U.S. where he hides behind massive gates/walls after bashing President Trump for suggesting the same thing to protect Americans.

HYPOCRITE: Open Borders Advocate George Clooney Moving Back To U.S. -- For Security Reasons
These people are unfuckingbelievable. While advocating for "green" policies and criticizing anyone who doesn't strictly adhere to the "green" doctrine - Johnny Depp is living a life of luxury without the slightest consideration towards planet earth.
According a cross-complaint filed against the actor by his former business managers, the actor owns 14 residences, including a château in France and a chain of four islands in the Bahamas.
14 homes? Why does one man need 14 homes? Hell, why does one man need 2 homes? A person can only live in one house at a time. But it doesn't stop there...
Depp also owned a steam-powered 156-foot yacht with a “multi-national crew of eight” employees.
156-foot yacht? And "steam-powered"? By what....coal? The "evil" fossil fuel, coal? For the sake of Johnny Depp and all on the left, I wish I could say it stops there. But it actually gets worse. Much worse.
The management group produced as evidence that Depp was aware of his financial problems in an email where he said he would sell his possessions, but absolutely not give up flying a private jet.
This guys "carbon footprint" has to rival that of Cuba. And he has the audacity to lecturer to others about being "green" and to criticize anyone who doesn't surrender all comforts to live their lives as the Unabomber?

Anti-Trump actor fights global warming, but won’t give up 14 homes and private jet
The left always works really hard to avoid the idiotic and failed policies that they attempt to force on the rest of society...
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.), who often rails against income inequality and calls on the wealthy to pay its "fair share" in taxes, took pains in late December to try to preserve tax breaks for two of her multi-million-dollar homes one last time before the new tax law kicked in.
So much for “paying their fair share”! And two multi-million-dollar homes?!? Where is the “income equality” in that?!? Think of all the people who could have healthcare coverage if Nancy Pelosi wasn’t selfishly hoarding wealth.

Pelosi Rushed to Preserve a Tax Break for Two of Her Multi-Million-Dollar Homes

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