The quintessential progressive: do as I say...NOT as I do

Oh look, you're as dishonest as your favorite sites. You leave out key information. You left out that I Google whatever you're freaked out about. doesn't matter what you "Google". You can't comment on what I'm quoting if you don't actually click on what I've posted and then read it. Even if the article is inaccurate, how would you know that without reading it to see what is inaccurate about it?
A spokesman said he is using his own money, not taxpayer funds.
Kitty...what does that have to do with the price of rice in China?!? I thought the idea was to "punish" those "evil" conservative states for not embracing insanity and for keeping decency and maintaining a civilized society? Texas is getting money - whether it is his personal money or the state of California's money - Texas is still getting money. How hard is this for you to grasp? Is there an adult somewhere nearby that you could grab and ask for help with this?

No, it's about not supporting them with taxpayer funds.
Like planned parenthood then.
Yeah sort that planned parenthood doesn't get funding for abortions. T


You didn't know there is a law against it? Its called The Hyde Amendment.
Oh look, you're as dishonest as your favorite sites. You leave out key information. You left out that I Google whatever you're freaked out about. doesn't matter what you "Google". You can't comment on what I'm quoting if you don't actually click on what I've posted and then read it. Even if the article is inaccurate, how would you know that without reading it to see what is inaccurate about it?

Sure I can. I got the idea of what you were freaking out about. All your favorite sites left out that key bit of info so I went to the source they were all quoting. They all left out this key piece of information.

A spokesman said he is using his own money, not taxpayer funds.

So dishonest...
Yeah sort that planned parenthood doesn't get funding for abortions. They get funding for healthcare.
And then - in typical left-wing fashion - they proceed to call abortion "healthcare". It's hilarious that progressives try to convince people that somehow tax payer money isn't going to abortions when the tax payer money funds the facility that makes the abortion possible, funds the equipment that makes the abortion possible, and funds the medical personnel that makes the abortion possible.

It's the type of special kind of stupid that can only come from the left. :eusa_doh:

Only 3% of what PP does is abortion, the rest is healthcare. Contraception is healthcare.

Wait, are you trying to argue about the fungibility of funding? You must be against funding of Israel then, right?
Now why you you post the Brietbart piece and not the originating LA Times piece? Probably because Brietbart didn't mention this.

Sen. Ricardo Lara (D-Bell Gardens), who is openly gay, is among those attending the annual gathering of the National Assn. of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO). A spokesman said he is using his own money, not taxpayer funds. Lara voted for the bill that enacted the travel ban. link was not from Breitbart. How hard is it for you to check the top of your browser before commenting? :dunno:

Incidentally, Breitbart has had a banner month. They've proven correct on everything while CNN has been exposed as a horrible fraud (just as we've been saying for years now). We all now see why you people feared Breitbart so much. Real journalism scares the hell out of progressives.
Brietbart, Blaze...Same whore different dress.

Keep trying to distract from the glaring omission of

A spokesman said he is using his own money, not taxpayer funds. Lara voted for the bill that enacted the travel ban.

I didn't even open the link and know it was from the Dailywire. But what you're saying is the little fairy is just a hypocrite and a typical regressive.

All your favorite sites left out that key bit of info so I went to the source they were all quoting. They all left out this key piece of information.

A spokesman said he is using his own money, not taxpayer funds.

So dishonest...
Oh snowflake....if you didn't read my link (as you admitted) then how do you know that "key bit of info was left out"?!? Oops...

So dishonest.
Only 3% of what PP does is abortion, the rest is healthcare.
Bwahahaha! Nobody buys into the propaganda quite like you do. Kitty, 97% of what PP does is abortion. They literally don't do anything else. Call them and ask them about prenatal care - you know what their answer will be? Sorry, we don't do that.


New video shows Planned Parenthood clinics admitting they don’t offer prenatal care
Check it out. P@triot the uber-snowflake got reamed for being a moron with his OP, where he got caught lying about Democrats again. Same old same old. That means ... deflection mode! New lies! Lie about Planned Parenthood!

Snopes says P@triot is pushing lies.

FACT CHECK: Does Planned Parenthood Provide No Prenatal Care, Only Abortions?

PP has never said they focus prenatal care.

About half of PP clinics do prenatal care, so the pro-life liars just called the ones that don't.

If they don't do prenatal, PP will always refer a woman to those who do.

So, P@triot's sources lied their asses off about everything. That's not in question. P@triot needs to aplogize for pushing those lies.

But he won't. P@triot proudly kisses the asses of such liars, because he's irredeemably dishonest himself. He knows he's kissing the asses of liars. He does it anyways. All of the wimps in his cult auto-kiss the asses of whoever they're told to smooch. If they're not corrupt enough to love the lies themselves, they're simply too gutless to risk disobeying the cult.
About half of PP clinics do prenatal care
Wait...."about half"? :lmao:

That means that more than half don't provide prenatal care. So what do they do? Oh yeah - pass out condoms and perform abortions.
P@triot proudly kisses the asses of such liars, because he's irredeemably dishonest himself. He knows he's kissing the asses of liars. He does it anyways. All of the wimps in his cult auto-kiss the asses of whoever they're told to smooch.
Dude...this snowflake is seriously so close to snapping and pulling a James T. Hodgkinson. He's even doing the incoherent, repetitive ramblings of a madman.

The quintessential progressive: do as I say...NOT as I do
So all parents are progressives and authority figures..I just knew it!
So wait...freaking Snopes is a better source in your mind than Planned Parenthood themselves admitting they don't provide prenatal care? :uhh:

So wait, you're deflecting from the way you just got caught pushing yet another fraud again? Yep.

Everyone saw you get busted. Crying won't help. Just accept your asswhupping like a man for a change. That means not melting down by weeping out 3 responses to my one post. You get so delightfully hysterical when I show up, and I'm laughing my ass off about it.
So wait...freaking Snopes is a better source in your mind than Planned Parenthood themselves admitting they don't provide prenatal care? :uhh:
So wait, you're deflecting from the way you just got caught pushing yet another fraud again?
No...I'm laughing that you want to attempt to declare Snopes is a better source about Planned Parenthood than the actual audio of Planned Parenthood themselves admitting that they don't provide prenatal care.
That means not melting down by weeping out 3 responses to my one post.
Well each post you make usually has at least three lies and/or three idiotic claims. I like to break down each one separately to embarrass you. It pins you into a corner and leaves you nowhere to go (at which point you inevitably cry about "stalkers" and go into a profanity-laced, immature rant).

So wait...freaking Snopes is a better source in your mind than Planned Parenthood themselves admitting they don't provide prenatal care? :uhh:

So wait, you're deflecting from the way you just got caught pushing yet another fraud again? Yep.

Everyone saw you get busted. Crying won't help. Just accept your asswhupping like a man for a change. That means not melting down by weeping out 3 responses to my one post. You get so delightfully hysterical when I show up, and I'm laughing my ass off about it.

Oh snap! :clap:

(You only got two responses to your post though. Puppy is slipping)

Now why you you post the Brietbart piece and not the originating LA Times piece? Probably because Brietbart didn't mention this.

Sen. Ricardo Lara (D-Bell Gardens), who is openly gay, is among those attending the annual gathering of the National Assn. of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO). A spokesman said he is using his own money, not taxpayer funds. Lara voted for the bill that enacted the travel ban. link was not from Breitbart. How hard is it for you to check the top of your browser before commenting? :dunno:

Incidentally, Breitbart has had a banner month. They've proven correct on everything while CNN has been exposed as a horrible fraud (just as we've been saying for years now). We all now see why you people feared Breitbart so much. Real journalism scares the hell out of progressives.
Brietbart, Blaze...Same whore different dress.

Keep trying to distract from the glaring omission of

A spokesman said he is using his own money, not taxpayer funds. Lara voted for the bill that enacted the travel ban.

I didn't even open the link and know it was from the Dailywire. But what you're saying is the little fairy is just a hypocrite and a typical regressive.


If you didn't click on it, how did you know?

It gives no indication of the source. You must have some amazing secret power the rest of the world doesn't.
It took California Democrats all of 24 hours to violate their own law...
Just one day after California issued a hypocritical travel ban on red states that allegedly infringe on LGBT rights, a group of California politicians traveled to Texas, one of those banned states.
Incidentally, I pray this turn into a "travel ban war". California is already $1.2 trillion in debt and has more people on welfare than employed. Without conservatives traveling to their hell-hole of a state, progressives will bankrupt the state quicker than they bankrupted the city of Detroit.

California Politicians Break Their Own Travel Ban ONE DAY After Issue

you should probably stick to legitimate sources. but it does explain the nonsense that you make up in your little head

The Daily Wire

daily wire Archives |

How to Spot Fake News - - Politics

you can stop propagating fake news by not repeating it.... rightwingnuts should probably stop taking their cues from Russia and breitbart.
It took California Democrats all of 24 hours to violate their own law...
Just one day after California issued a hypocritical travel ban on red states that allegedly infringe on LGBT rights, a group of California politicians traveled to Texas, one of those banned states.
Incidentally, I pray this turn into a "travel ban war". California is already $1.2 trillion in debt and has more people on welfare than employed. Without conservatives traveling to their hell-hole of a state, progressives will bankrupt the state quicker than they bankrupted the city of Detroit.

California Politicians Break Their Own Travel Ban ONE DAY After Issue

you should probably stick to legitimate sources. but it does explain the nonsense that you make up in your little head

The Daily Wire

daily wire Archives |

How to Spot Fake News - - Politics

you can stop propagating fake news by not repeating it.... rightwingnuts should probably stop taking their cues from Russia and breitbart.

Well this time it was a real news just left out the key information. They even used a legitimate source, the LA Times. That's where I found this:

A spokesman said he is using his own money, not taxpayer funds.
A spokesman said he is using his own money, not taxpayer funds.
Kitty...what does that have to do with the price of rice in China?!? I thought the idea was to "punish" those "evil" conservative states for not embracing insanity and for keeping decency and maintaining a civilized society? Texas is getting money - whether it is his personal money or the state of California's money - Texas is still getting money. How hard is this for you to grasp? Is there an adult somewhere nearby that you could grab and ask for help with this?
cause they are referring to state employees and state funds.

maybe while sweetie checks the top of the browser you can read the fats.

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