The race pimping trump did at the SOTU

I live in Philly.
The schools are horrible. The Mayor appoints the school board. The City sold most of the school buildings and make sweet heart deals with Private charter schools. The schools are bankrupting the City.
There are a few good charter schools for the few smart kids. The rest are basically uneducated.

Trump probably did exaggerate the whole thing because that's what he always does but so what.
Try to watch some old Obama SOTUs if you want to hear what real lies sound like.
Typical Republicasn bulldsghit.

OMG the schools are failing so lets help a few kids escape. Instead of saying "Let's fix those schools".

Republicans are such dicks.

The government has been trying to 'save' schools forever. My dad was a teacher in the eighties, and I got to see first hand all the hair brained things government did to fix things. I say let the government keep on 'fixing' education and give people the chance to escape the madness. Maybe letting people escape is the only thing that can spur a change to the messed up department of education.
I live in Philly.
The schools are horrible. The Mayor appoints the school board. The City sold most of the school buildings and make sweet heart deals with Private charter schools. The schools are bankrupting the City.
There are a few good charter schools for the few smart kids. The rest are basically uneducated.

Trump probably did exaggerate the whole thing because that's what he always does but so what.
Try to watch some old Obama SOTUs if you want to hear what real lies sound like.
Typical Republicasn bulldsghit.

OMG the schools are failing so lets help a few kids escape. Instead of saying "Let's fix those schools".

Republicans are such dicks.

The government has been trying to 'save' schools forever. My dad was a teacher in the eighties, and I got to see first hand all the hair brained things government did to fix things. I say let the government keep on 'fixing' education and give people the chance to escape the madness. Maybe letting people escape is the only thing that can spur a change to the messed up department of education.
Department of Education on the federal level has little to do with how these schools function. Currently federal funding accounts for 8%.

Are you talking about increasing this, then great.
Don't you have some Black Babies to Snuff out at Planned Parenthood, or some Heroin to sell in your Inner Cities to destroy Black Families with

You want all crack whores to take every pregnancy to term....

What does that do to America?

It bills the heck out of the taxpayer. It ruins public school classrooms with disruptive kids. It grows Democrat voter rolls. And it helps to overpopulate the planet and America with worthless government dependent societal liabilities.
Trump is a Party Switcher & you love him

I am a Libertarian. I agree with Trump more than I agree with Democrats, but I am hardly a Trump worshipper.

If Trump can get massive SPENDING CUTS into law, my opinion of him will improve.

But I can say this. Trump is not a "bad guy" or a "racist." Mikey Bloomberg is both.
government school

if that's not an oxymoron, it should be.....~S~
There is nothing wrong with public schools. Maybe if we stopped electing dumb fucks as legislators, the quality of our government would improve.
Maybe we should go back to teaching English, math, history, and shop. Instead of teaching young kids gender is a choice. The liberal education system is a failure.
Because they have 4 classes a day in gender?

Quit blaming your failure on the schools.
Lol, I'm doing great just bought my dream land. Things are great on my end. Especially with Trump as our president for the next 5 years.
government school

if that's not an oxymoron, it should be.....~S~
There is nothing wrong with public schools. Maybe if we stopped electing dumb fucks as legislators, the quality of our government would improve.
Maybe we should go back to teaching English, math, history, and shop. Instead of teaching young kids gender is a choice. The liberal education system is a failure.
Because they have 4 classes a day in gender?

Quit blaming your failure on the schools.
You do realize 19% of high school seniors cannot read. That's liberal logic, but they know it's okay to be gay!
Don't you have some Black Babies to Snuff out at Planned Parenthood, or some Heroin to sell in your Inner Cities to destroy Black Families with

You want all crack whores to take every pregnancy to term....

What does that do to America?

It bills the heck out of the taxpayer. It ruins public school classrooms with disruptive kids. It grows Democrat voter rolls. And it helps to overpopulate the planet and America with worthless government dependent societal liabilities.
Please House Wench.... The Overwhelming number of Pregnancies Aborted by The Left's 5th Reich Extermination Centers for The Genocide of Black America 99% of them are aborted because they are an inconvenience to people living in Fornication.

Why don't you care about their eternal souls and having a Murder Charge against them on Judgment Day?

Hogwash, bullshit and race baiting. That all you got IM2?

Forgive IM2, really. Know why he thinks the way he does?

ANSWER here------------>

Didn't really ever listen to Coolio. The way I think is based in facts. Did any of you republicans today free any slaves? Because you bitches are real good at telling me how I never was a slave. So why do you give yourselves credit for what you didn't do? You don't want to answer these question because your claim is dead dead when you do. All you republicans are doing is race pimping.

And the pot calls the Kettle bl...…...errr no, burnt, lol!

Your victimology is dually noted. We didn't create your circumstances, the Democrats did! You like what they did to you, keep voting for them, plain and simple.

As the story goes------------>you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink!

Wrong. Republicans and Democrats have. Republicans have run for offices in all these places you irresponsible whining bastards cry about being controlled by democrats. They keep losing. So if whatever you have was so game changing, you would not lose. Many of those cities are in states controlled by republican governors and legislatures. I know because I live in a state ruined by a republican majority and their policies. The disastrous policies by republicans that sent this nation damn near into depression affected those cites. All you republicans have is excuses and now you want to race pimp.
government school

if that's not an oxymoron, it should be.....~S~
There is nothing wrong with public schools. Maybe if we stopped electing dumb fucks as legislators, the quality of our government would improve.
Maybe we should go back to teaching English, math, history, and shop. Instead of teaching young kids gender is a choice. The liberal education system is a failure.
Because they have 4 classes a day in gender?

Quit blaming your failure on the schools.
You do realize 19% of high school seniors cannot read. That's liberal logic, but they know it's okay to be gay!
Republicans fucked up education in this state, so stop making excuses.
if that's not an oxymoron, it should be.....~S~
There is nothing wrong with public schools. Maybe if we stopped electing dumb fucks as legislators, the quality of our government would improve.
Maybe we should go back to teaching English, math, history, and shop. Instead of teaching young kids gender is a choice. The liberal education system is a failure.
Because they have 4 classes a day in gender?

Quit blaming your failure on the schools.
You do realize 19% of high school seniors cannot read. That's liberal logic, but they know it's okay to be gay!
Republicans fucked up education in this state, so stop making excuses.
That's funny since the education system is pretty much federal now.
Don't you have some Black Babies to Snuff out at Planned Parenthood, or some Heroin to sell in your Inner Cities to destroy Black Families with

You want all crack whores to take every pregnancy to term....

What does that do to America?

It bills the heck out of the taxpayer. It ruins public school classrooms with disruptive kids. It grows Democrat voter rolls. And it helps to overpopulate the planet and America with worthless government dependent societal liabilities.
Whites smoke crack too.
The disastrous policies by republicans that sent this nation damn near into depression

were.... the post 1999 GOP under W...

huge increase in government involvement in HOUSING, which BLEW UP
SELLING OUT AMERICA to the cause of Zionism....

I agree, the post 1998 GOP has been a total disaster for America. What helps America?

What we did in the 1990s....


Too bad, as a kleptocrat, you will never accept that TRUTH
There is nothing wrong with public schools. Maybe if we stopped electing dumb fucks as legislators, the quality of our government would improve.
Maybe we should go back to teaching English, math, history, and shop. Instead of teaching young kids gender is a choice. The liberal education system is a failure.
Because they have 4 classes a day in gender?

Quit blaming your failure on the schools.
You do realize 19% of high school seniors cannot read. That's liberal logic, but they know it's okay to be gay!
Republicans fucked up education in this state, so stop making excuses.
That's funny since the education system is pretty much federal now.
Not according to our state constitution.
Whites smoke crack too.

and there are plenty of white crack whores....

Should we bring every one of their pregnancies to term too?

I didn't go racial on that issue because, as you point out, those irresponsibly getting pregnant are not from one specific race.

Hogwash, bullshit and race baiting. That all you got IM2?

Forgive IM2, really. Know why he thinks the way he does?

ANSWER here------------>

Didn't really ever listen to Coolio. The way I think is based in facts. Did any of you republicans today free any slaves? Because you bitches are real good at telling me how I never was a slave. So why do you give yourselves credit for what you didn't do? You don't want to answer these question because your claim is dead dead when you do. All you republicans are doing is race pimping.

And the pot calls the Kettle bl...…...errr no, burnt, lol!

Your victimology is dually noted. We didn't create your circumstances, the Democrats did! You like what they did to you, keep voting for them, plain and simple.

As the story goes------------>you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink!

Wrong. Republicans and Democrats have. Republicans have run for offices in all these places you irresponsible whining bastards cry about being controlled by democrats. They keep losing. So if whatever you have was so game changing, you would not lose. Many of those cities are in states controlled by republican governors and legislatures. I know because I live in a state ruined by a republican majority and their policies. The disastrous policies by republicans that sent this nation damn near into depression affected those cites. All you republicans have is excuses and now you want to race pimp.

Wait, wait, wait...………...because you people won't vote for the Republicans to free themselves, that is somehow the fault of the Republicans?

That is like saying that in the old South, lynching's on Blacks performed by the KKK who were ALL DEMOCRATS, is somehow the fault of the Republicans because you didn't vote for them.

I have NEVER heard such absurd logic in my life! You are honestly the king of victimology-)

What would you have us do? Purchase your vote like Democrats do so we could save you?

If giving you the lowest unemployment numbers in history for Black Americans is not enough, then you don't want EQUALITY, you want SPECIAL TREATMENT!

And, if because we don't pander and give you SPECIAL TREATMENT when you have the lowest Black unemployment numbers in American history means that...… are going to threaten to fu** yourselves in retaliation, then you are more than ignorant, you are a RACE BAITER, and a DAMN FOOL!
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Republicans fucked up education in this state,

One of the real problems in public education are the kids from crack whores, who do not pay attention and disrupt the classroom.

Kids who want to learn in public schools are prevented from doing so by kids who SHOULD HAVE BEEN ABORTED.
Hogwash, bullshit and race baiting. That all you got IM2?

Forgive IM2, really. Know why he thinks the way he does?

ANSWER here------------>

Didn't really ever listen to Coolio. The way I think is based in facts. Did any of you republicans today free any slaves? Because you bitches are real good at telling me how I never was a slave. So why do you give yourselves credit for what you didn't do? You don't want to answer these question because your claim is dead dead when you do. All you republicans are doing is race pimping.

And the pot calls the Kettle bl...…...errr no, burnt, lol!

Your victimology is dually noted. We didn't create your circumstances, the Democrats did! You like what they did to you, keep voting for them, plain and simple.

As the story goes------------>you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink!

Wrong. Republicans and Democrats have. Republicans have run for offices in all these places you irresponsible whining bastards cry about being controlled by democrats. They keep losing. So if whatever you have was so game changing, you would not lose. Many of those cities are in states controlled by republican governors and legislatures. I know because I live in a state ruined by a republican majority and their policies. The disastrous policies by republicans that sent this nation damn near into depression affected those cites. All you republicans have is excuses and now you want to race pimp.

The House Wench leaves his Master's Bed for this?

It's getting harder and harder to keep your slaves on your plantation, isn't it house wench.

Crack the whip! Crack the whip for your DemNazi Masters.
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