The race pimping trump did at the SOTU

Didn't really ever listen to Coolio. The way I think is based in facts. Did any of you republicans today free any slaves? Because you bitches are real good at telling me how I never was a slave. So why do you give yourselves credit for what you didn't do? You don't want to answer these question because your claim is dead dead when you do. All you republicans are doing is race pimping.

And the pot calls the Kettle bl...…...errr no, burnt, lol!

Your victimology is dually noted. We didn't create your circumstances, the Democrats did! You like what they did to you, keep voting for them, plain and simple.

As the story goes------------>you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink!

Wrong. Republicans and Democrats have. Republicans have run for offices in all these places you irresponsible whining bastards cry about being controlled by democrats. They keep losing. So if whatever you have was so game changing, you would not lose. Many of those cities are in states controlled by republican governors and legislatures. I know because I live in a state ruined by a republican majority and their policies. The disastrous policies by republicans that sent this nation damn near into depression affected those cites. All you republicans have is excuses and now you want to race pimp.

Wait, wait, wait...………...because you people won't vote for the Republicans to free themselves, that is somehow the fault of the Republicans?

That is like saying that in the old South, lynching's on Blacks performed by the KKK who were ALL DEMOCRATS, is somehow the fault of the Republicans because you didn't vote for them.

I have NEVER heard such absurd logic in my life! You are honestly the king of victimology-)

What would you have us do? Purchase your vote like Democrats do so we could save you?

If giving you the lowest unemployment numbers in history for Black Americans is not enough, then you don't want EQUALITY, you want SPECIAL TREATMENT!

And, if because we don't pander and give you SPECIAL TREATMENT when you have the lowest Black unemployment numbers in American history means that...… are going to threaten to fu** yourselves in retaliation, then you are more than ignorant, you are a RACE BAITER, and a DAMN FOOL!

We don't vote republican because we refuse to go back to the plantation. Republicans have not given us a motherfucking thing.. Look white boy, you can stop repeating what black unemployment is. Because black unemployment fell 9 points under Obama and was falling when trumps punk ass took office. Under trump it's dropped a point. Black unemployment is still double that of whites saltine, so when black unemployment is the same as whites, then talk to me about black unemployment.

So stop trying to race pimp bitch.

White boy? You are an ASS, and yes, I actually spelled it. I AM NOT A WHITE BOY you imbecile!

What is more, I have 3 bi-racial grandkids. Doubt me? Ask Mac!

You are a PATHETIC excuse for a Black American, and if my grandkids EVER had to listen to someone like you, they would laugh and point at you so hard, you would be EMBARRASSED!

Now quit trying to convince people they are VICTIMS, you phony baloney. The only people who are really victims, are the people who buy into the Democratic plantation, and they are victims of THEIR OWN CHOOSING, you incompetent boob!
There are no more racist people than the Party of Slavery, The Party of Jim Crow, The Party of Segregation, The Party of Poll Taxes, The Party of Literacy Tests, The Party of Opposition to Civil Rights, The DemNazi Party, who still cracks The Whip to keep their Brown Skinned Slaves in Line and On The Plantation.

The KKK lives, and it lives in the Symbol of That Racist Mule that Andrew Jackson used to Hang Slaves on!

They are Stubborn





People used this trump stunt to declare how trump is doing things for blacks. But he really wasn't. In fact, the scholarship he presented to that girl was for a school that was not as good as the one she was attending.

Trump used Philly girl’s story to attack urban ‘failing’ schools — but she’s at one of the city’s most desired charters

President Donald Trump turned a Philadelphia fourth grader into a poster child for the school-choice movement Tuesday when he told the nation thousands of students were “trapped in failing government schools” and announced that she was finally getting a scholarship to attend the school of her choice. But the student, Janiyah Davis, already attends one of the city’s most sought-after charter schools, the Inquirer has learned. In September, months before she was an honored guest at Trump’s State of the Union Address, she entered Math, Science and Technology Community Charter School…

But the student, Janiyah Davis, already attends one of the city’s most sought-after charter schools, the Inquirer has learned. In September, months before she was an honored guest at Trump’s State of the Union Address, she entered Math, Science and Technology Community Charter School III.

Trump used Philly girl’s story to attack urban ‘failing’ schools — but she’s at one of the city’s most desired charters

So were all those black people that appeared as guests a bunch of idiots, or are they “Uncle Tom” sellouts?
The girl & her parent were not told why they were invited They were surprised when Trump told his made up story & lied.

I guess you love being lied to.
Another example of Trump's excellent vetting of those he chooses to bring forward.
Forgive IM2, really. Know why he thinks the way he does?

ANSWER here------------>

Didn't really ever listen to Coolio. The way I think is based in facts. Did any of you republicans today free any slaves? Because you bitches are real good at telling me how I never was a slave. So why do you give yourselves credit for what you didn't do? You don't want to answer these question because your claim is dead dead when you do. All you republicans are doing is race pimping.

And the pot calls the Kettle bl...…...errr no, burnt, lol!

Your victimology is dually noted. We didn't create your circumstances, the Democrats did! You like what they did to you, keep voting for them, plain and simple.

As the story goes------------>you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink!

Wrong. Republicans and Democrats have. Republicans have run for offices in all these places you irresponsible whining bastards cry about being controlled by democrats. They keep losing. So if whatever you have was so game changing, you would not lose. Many of those cities are in states controlled by republican governors and legislatures. I know because I live in a state ruined by a republican majority and their policies. The disastrous policies by republicans that sent this nation damn near into depression affected those cites. All you republicans have is excuses and now you want to race pimp.

Wait, wait, wait...………...because you people won't vote for the Republicans to free themselves, that is somehow the fault of the Republicans?

That is like saying that in the old South, lynching's on Blacks performed by the KKK who were ALL DEMOCRATS, is somehow the fault of the Republicans because you didn't vote for them.

I have NEVER heard such absurd logic in my life! You are honestly the king of victimology-)

What would you have us do? Purchase your vote like Democrats do so we could save you?

If giving you the lowest unemployment numbers in history for Black Americans is not enough, then you don't want EQUALITY, you want SPECIAL TREATMENT!

And, if because we don't pander and give you SPECIAL TREATMENT when you have the lowest Black unemployment numbers in American history means that...… are going to threaten to fu** yourselves in retaliation, then you are more than ignorant, you are a RACE BAITER, and a DAMN FOOL!

We don't vote republican because we refuse to go back to the plantation. Republicans have not given us a motherfucking thing.. Look white boy, you can stop repeating what black unemployment is. Because black unemployment fell 9 points under Obama and was falling when trumps punk ass took office. Under trump it's dropped a point. Black unemployment is still double that of whites saltine, so when black unemployment is the same as whites, then talk to me about black unemployment.

So stop trying to race pimp bitch.

So wait, Republicans freed you from The Plantation, so if you continued to move towards The Republicans, you'd move Away from The Plantation not back on it.

Tell me now, why you want to stay with your master? Are you fornicating with him in his bed?
Don't you have some Black Babies to Snuff out at Planned Parenthood, or some Heroin to sell in your Inner Cities to destroy Black Families with

You want all crack whores to take every pregnancy to term....

What does that do to America?

It bills the heck out of the taxpayer. It ruins public school classrooms with disruptive kids. It grows Democrat voter rolls. And it helps to overpopulate the planet and America with worthless government dependent societal liabilities.
Whites smoke crack too.
And they become WHITE TRASH, not because of their Skin Color but because they Are Immoral Idiots who deserve THE LIFE They Pursued.

Those who sow the seeds of corruption, reap the fruits of corruption.

You are white trash. A stain to all decent non racist whites.

I don't know who you think you are the reincarnation of; maybe Malcolm (QUACK QUACK-X) but you are a pathetic Black man I am guessing, who wants to drag everyone that has the color of your skin into a very bad place.

You are the Al Sharpton of this board, and have no idea what America can do for Americans of all races, because you refuse to participate, and would rather hold the mantle of VICTIM, you phony-lazy-ass-baloney!
Don't you have some Black Babies to Snuff out at Planned Parenthood, or some Heroin to sell in your Inner Cities to destroy Black Families with

You want all crack whores to take every pregnancy to term....

What does that do to America?

It bills the heck out of the taxpayer. It ruins public school classrooms with disruptive kids. It grows Democrat voter rolls. And it helps to overpopulate the planet and America with worthless government dependent societal liabilities.
Whites smoke crack too.
And they become WHITE TRASH, not because of their Skin Color but because they Are Immoral Idiots who deserve THE LIFE They Pursued.

Those who sow the seeds of corruption, reap the fruits of corruption.

You are white trash. A stain to all decent non racist whites.

I don't know who you think you are the reincarnation of; maybe Malcolm (QUACK QUACK-X) but you are a pathetic Black man I am guessing, who wants to drag everyone that has the color of your skin into a very bad place.

You are the Al Sharpton of this board, and have no idea what America can do for Americans of all races, because you refuse to participate, and would rather hold the mantle of VICTIM, you phony-lazy-ass-baloney!
The Slave has said in his Heart

"I Deserve The Master's Whip!"
government school

if that's not an oxymoron, it should be.....~S~
There is nothing wrong with public schools. Maybe if we stopped electing dumb fucks as legislators, the quality of our government would improve.
Bet,you don’t even vote for your local school board, at least with a discerning eye anyway.
Except I do.
You vote for the dumbfucks.
You want all crack whores to take every pregnancy to term....

What does that do to America?

It bills the heck out of the taxpayer. It ruins public school classrooms with disruptive kids. It grows Democrat voter rolls. And it helps to overpopulate the planet and America with worthless government dependent societal liabilities.
Whites smoke crack too.
And they become WHITE TRASH, not because of their Skin Color but because they Are Immoral Idiots who deserve THE LIFE They Pursued.

Those who sow the seeds of corruption, reap the fruits of corruption.

You are white trash. A stain to all decent non racist whites.

I don't know who you think you are the reincarnation of; maybe Malcolm (QUACK QUACK-X) but you are a pathetic Black man I am guessing, who wants to drag everyone that has the color of your skin into a very bad place.

You are the Al Sharpton of this board, and have no idea what America can do for Americans of all races, because you refuse to participate, and would rather hold the mantle of VICTIM, you phony-lazy-ass-baloney!
The Slave has said in his Heart

"I Deserve The Master's Whip!"

It is the most ASININE argument I have ever heard------------------> we won't vote for you, save us, but when you don't save us because we didn't give you any power, it is YOUR fault!

Anyone with an IQ over 10 would laugh IM off of this board. He is not only a pathetic excuse of a supporter of Black empowerment, he is a pathetic excuse for a human being!
People used this trump stunt to declare how trump is doing things for blacks. But he really wasn't. In fact, the scholarship he presented to that girl was for a school that was not as good as the one she was attending.

Trump used Philly girl’s story to attack urban ‘failing’ schools — but she’s at one of the city’s most desired charters

President Donald Trump turned a Philadelphia fourth grader into a poster child for the school-choice movement Tuesday when he told the nation thousands of students were “trapped in failing government schools” and announced that she was finally getting a scholarship to attend the school of her choice. But the student, Janiyah Davis, already attends one of the city’s most sought-after charter schools, the Inquirer has learned. In September, months before she was an honored guest at Trump’s State of the Union Address, she entered Math, Science and Technology Community Charter School…

But the student, Janiyah Davis, already attends one of the city’s most sought-after charter schools, the Inquirer has learned. In September, months before she was an honored guest at Trump’s State of the Union Address, she entered Math, Science and Technology Community Charter School III.

Trump used Philly girl’s story to attack urban ‘failing’ schools — but she’s at one of the city’s most desired charters

So were all those black people that appeared as guests a bunch of idiots, or are they “Uncle Tom” sellouts?
The girl & her parent were not told why they were invited They were surprised when Trump told his made up story & lied.

I guess you love being lied to.

Bullshit, you are the liar. The girl and mother were invited to the SOTU and awarded a scholarship to a school of their choice. They were not lied to about anything nor was their story “made up”.
And the pot calls the Kettle bl...…...errr no, burnt, lol!

Your victimology is dually noted. We didn't create your circumstances, the Democrats did! You like what they did to you, keep voting for them, plain and simple.

As the story goes------------>you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink!

Wrong. Republicans and Democrats have. Republicans have run for offices in all these places you irresponsible whining bastards cry about being controlled by democrats. They keep losing. So if whatever you have was so game changing, you would not lose. Many of those cities are in states controlled by republican governors and legislatures. I know because I live in a state ruined by a republican majority and their policies. The disastrous policies by republicans that sent this nation damn near into depression affected those cites. All you republicans have is excuses and now you want to race pimp.

Wait, wait, wait...………...because you people won't vote for the Republicans to free themselves, that is somehow the fault of the Republicans?

That is like saying that in the old South, lynching's on Blacks performed by the KKK who were ALL DEMOCRATS, is somehow the fault of the Republicans because you didn't vote for them.

I have NEVER heard such absurd logic in my life! You are honestly the king of victimology-)

What would you have us do? Purchase your vote like Democrats do so we could save you?

If giving you the lowest unemployment numbers in history for Black Americans is not enough, then you don't want EQUALITY, you want SPECIAL TREATMENT!

And, if because we don't pander and give you SPECIAL TREATMENT when you have the lowest Black unemployment numbers in American history means that...… are going to threaten to fu** yourselves in retaliation, then you are more than ignorant, you are a RACE BAITER, and a DAMN FOOL!

We don't vote republican because we refuse to go back to the plantation. Republicans have not given us a motherfucking thing.. Look white boy, you can stop repeating what black unemployment is. Because black unemployment fell 9 points under Obama and was falling when trumps punk ass took office. Under trump it's dropped a point. Black unemployment is still double that of whites saltine, so when black unemployment is the same as whites, then talk to me about black unemployment.

So stop trying to race pimp bitch.

White boy? You are an ASS, and yes, I actually spelled it. I AM NOT A WHITE BOY you imbecile!

What is more, I have 3 bi-racial grandkids. Doubt me? Ask Mac!

You are a PATHETIC excuse for a Black American, and if my grandkids EVER had to listen to someone like you, they would laugh and point at you so hard, you would be EMBARRASSED!

Now quit trying to convince people they are VICTIMS, you phony baloney. The only people who are really victims, are the people who buy into the Democratic plantation, and they are victims of THEIR OWN CHOOSING, you incompetent boob!
There are no more racist people than the Party of Slavery, The Party of Jim Crow, The Party of Segregation, The Party of Poll Taxes, The Party of Literacy Tests, The Party of Opposition to Civil Rights, The DemNazi Party, who still cracks The Whip to keep their Brown Skinned Slaves in Line and On The Plantation.

The KKK lives, and it lives in the Symbol of That Racist Mule that Andrew Jackson used to Hang Slaves on!

They are Stubborn





Here is another fine example of republican race pimping.
Wrong. Republicans and Democrats have. Republicans have run for offices in all these places you irresponsible whining bastards cry about being controlled by democrats. They keep losing. So if whatever you have was so game changing, you would not lose. Many of those cities are in states controlled by republican governors and legislatures. I know because I live in a state ruined by a republican majority and their policies. The disastrous policies by republicans that sent this nation damn near into depression affected those cites. All you republicans have is excuses and now you want to race pimp.

Wait, wait, wait...………...because you people won't vote for the Republicans to free themselves, that is somehow the fault of the Republicans?

That is like saying that in the old South, lynching's on Blacks performed by the KKK who were ALL DEMOCRATS, is somehow the fault of the Republicans because you didn't vote for them.

I have NEVER heard such absurd logic in my life! You are honestly the king of victimology-)

What would you have us do? Purchase your vote like Democrats do so we could save you?

If giving you the lowest unemployment numbers in history for Black Americans is not enough, then you don't want EQUALITY, you want SPECIAL TREATMENT!

And, if because we don't pander and give you SPECIAL TREATMENT when you have the lowest Black unemployment numbers in American history means that...… are going to threaten to fu** yourselves in retaliation, then you are more than ignorant, you are a RACE BAITER, and a DAMN FOOL!

We don't vote republican because we refuse to go back to the plantation. Republicans have not given us a motherfucking thing.. Look white boy, you can stop repeating what black unemployment is. Because black unemployment fell 9 points under Obama and was falling when trumps punk ass took office. Under trump it's dropped a point. Black unemployment is still double that of whites saltine, so when black unemployment is the same as whites, then talk to me about black unemployment.

So stop trying to race pimp bitch.

White boy? You are an ASS, and yes, I actually spelled it. I AM NOT A WHITE BOY you imbecile!

What is more, I have 3 bi-racial grandkids. Doubt me? Ask Mac!

You are a PATHETIC excuse for a Black American, and if my grandkids EVER had to listen to someone like you, they would laugh and point at you so hard, you would be EMBARRASSED!

Now quit trying to convince people they are VICTIMS, you phony baloney. The only people who are really victims, are the people who buy into the Democratic plantation, and they are victims of THEIR OWN CHOOSING, you incompetent boob!
There are no more racist people than the Party of Slavery, The Party of Jim Crow, The Party of Segregation, The Party of Poll Taxes, The Party of Literacy Tests, The Party of Opposition to Civil Rights, The DemNazi Party, who still cracks The Whip to keep their Brown Skinned Slaves in Line and On The Plantation.

The KKK lives, and it lives in the Symbol of That Racist Mule that Andrew Jackson used to Hang Slaves on!

They are Stubborn





Here is another fine example of republican race pimping.
Here is an example of The Whipped Slave!
Your Democrat Masters Hate you, House Wench.

Flee from The Plantation, you Cowardly Whipped Slave. Break The Chains. The Master cannot whip a Freed Man.

But you love chains more than you love freedom and independence.
People used this trump stunt to declare how trump is doing things for blacks. But he really wasn't. In fact, the scholarship he presented to that girl was for a school that was not as good as the one she was attending.

Trump used Philly girl’s story to attack urban ‘failing’ schools — but she’s at one of the city’s most desired charters

President Donald Trump turned a Philadelphia fourth grader into a poster child for the school-choice movement Tuesday when he told the nation thousands of students were “trapped in failing government schools” and announced that she was finally getting a scholarship to attend the school of her choice. But the student, Janiyah Davis, already attends one of the city’s most sought-after charter schools, the Inquirer has learned. In September, months before she was an honored guest at Trump’s State of the Union Address, she entered Math, Science and Technology Community Charter School…

But the student, Janiyah Davis, already attends one of the city’s most sought-after charter schools, the Inquirer has learned. In September, months before she was an honored guest at Trump’s State of the Union Address, she entered Math, Science and Technology Community Charter School III.

Trump used Philly girl’s story to attack urban ‘failing’ schools — but she’s at one of the city’s most desired charters

So were all those black people that appeared as guests a bunch of idiots, or are they “Uncle Tom” sellouts?
The girl & her parent were not told why they were invited They were surprised when Trump told his made up story & lied.

I guess you love being lied to.

Bullshit, you are the liar. The girl and mother were invited to the SOTU and awarded a scholarship to a school of their choice. They were not lied to about anything nor was their story “made up”.
But why would he choose someone who is already in one of the best charter schools? Why not choose a smart kid in a public school?
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
government school

if that's not an oxymoron, it should be.....~S~
There is nothing wrong with public schools. Maybe if we stopped electing dumb fucks as legislators, the quality of our government would improve.
Bet,you don’t even vote for your local school board, at least with a discerning eye anyway.
Except I do.
You vote for the dumbfucks.

People used this trump stunt to declare how trump is doing things for blacks. But he really wasn't. In fact, the scholarship he presented to that girl was for a school that was not as good as the one she was attending.

Trump used Philly girl’s story to attack urban ‘failing’ schools — but she’s at one of the city’s most desired charters

President Donald Trump turned a Philadelphia fourth grader into a poster child for the school-choice movement Tuesday when he told the nation thousands of students were “trapped in failing government schools” and announced that she was finally getting a scholarship to attend the school of her choice. But the student, Janiyah Davis, already attends one of the city’s most sought-after charter schools, the Inquirer has learned. In September, months before she was an honored guest at Trump’s State of the Union Address, she entered Math, Science and Technology Community Charter School…

But the student, Janiyah Davis, already attends one of the city’s most sought-after charter schools, the Inquirer has learned. In September, months before she was an honored guest at Trump’s State of the Union Address, she entered Math, Science and Technology Community Charter School III.

Trump used Philly girl’s story to attack urban ‘failing’ schools — but she’s at one of the city’s most desired charters

So were all those black people that appeared as guests a bunch of idiots, or are they “Uncle Tom” sellouts?
The girl & her parent were not told why they were invited They were surprised when Trump told his made up story & lied.

I guess you love being lied to.

Bullshit, you are the liar. The girl and mother were invited to the SOTU and awarded a scholarship to a school of their choice. They were not lied to about anything nor was their story “made up”.

Wrong. Republicans and Democrats have. Republicans have run for offices in all these places you irresponsible whining bastards cry about being controlled by democrats. They keep losing. So if whatever you have was so game changing, you would not lose. Many of those cities are in states controlled by republican governors and legislatures. I know because I live in a state ruined by a republican majority and their policies. The disastrous policies by republicans that sent this nation damn near into depression affected those cites. All you republicans have is excuses and now you want to race pimp.

Wait, wait, wait...………...because you people won't vote for the Republicans to free themselves, that is somehow the fault of the Republicans?

That is like saying that in the old South, lynching's on Blacks performed by the KKK who were ALL DEMOCRATS, is somehow the fault of the Republicans because you didn't vote for them.

I have NEVER heard such absurd logic in my life! You are honestly the king of victimology-)

What would you have us do? Purchase your vote like Democrats do so we could save you?

If giving you the lowest unemployment numbers in history for Black Americans is not enough, then you don't want EQUALITY, you want SPECIAL TREATMENT!

And, if because we don't pander and give you SPECIAL TREATMENT when you have the lowest Black unemployment numbers in American history means that...… are going to threaten to fu** yourselves in retaliation, then you are more than ignorant, you are a RACE BAITER, and a DAMN FOOL!

We don't vote republican because we refuse to go back to the plantation. Republicans have not given us a motherfucking thing.. Look white boy, you can stop repeating what black unemployment is. Because black unemployment fell 9 points under Obama and was falling when trumps punk ass took office. Under trump it's dropped a point. Black unemployment is still double that of whites saltine, so when black unemployment is the same as whites, then talk to me about black unemployment.

So stop trying to race pimp bitch.

White boy? You are an ASS, and yes, I actually spelled it. I AM NOT A WHITE BOY you imbecile!

What is more, I have 3 bi-racial grandkids. Doubt me? Ask Mac!

You are a PATHETIC excuse for a Black American, and if my grandkids EVER had to listen to someone like you, they would laugh and point at you so hard, you would be EMBARRASSED!

Now quit trying to convince people they are VICTIMS, you phony baloney. The only people who are really victims, are the people who buy into the Democratic plantation, and they are victims of THEIR OWN CHOOSING, you incompetent boob!
There are no more racist people than the Party of Slavery, The Party of Jim Crow, The Party of Segregation, The Party of Poll Taxes, The Party of Literacy Tests, The Party of Opposition to Civil Rights, The DemNazi Party, who still cracks The Whip to keep their Brown Skinned Slaves in Line and On The Plantation.

The KKK lives, and it lives in the Symbol of That Racist Mule that Andrew Jackson used to Hang Slaves on!

They are Stubborn





Here is another fine example of republican race pimping.

This guy is looking for clicks. You sure your name is not Jake, IM-)

Unless he can come up with some substance, let this clown talk to himself.

He is a circle jerk looking in his pants for something to jerk on.

Bye-Bye IM, you are a pathetic piece of Americana, and someone no Black American should listen to. YOU ARE THE PROBLEM!
Whites smoke crack too.
And they become WHITE TRASH, not because of their Skin Color but because they Are Immoral Idiots who deserve THE LIFE They Pursued.

Those who sow the seeds of corruption, reap the fruits of corruption.

You are white trash. A stain to all decent non racist whites.

I don't know who you think you are the reincarnation of; maybe Malcolm (QUACK QUACK-X) but you are a pathetic Black man I am guessing, who wants to drag everyone that has the color of your skin into a very bad place.

You are the Al Sharpton of this board, and have no idea what America can do for Americans of all races, because you refuse to participate, and would rather hold the mantle of VICTIM, you phony-lazy-ass-baloney!
The Slave has said in his Heart

"I Deserve The Master's Whip!"

It is the most ASININE argument I have ever heard------------------> we won't vote for you, save us, but when you don't save us because we didn't give you any power, it is YOUR fault!

Anyone with an IQ over 10 would laugh IM off of this board. He is not only a pathetic excuse of a supporter of Black empowerment, he is a pathetic excuse for a human being!

Calling me Al Sharpton is an honor. Actually those of us with IQ's over 10 don't fall for the race pimping republicans keep trying to use. Republicans run in every election, they don't get our votes because what they have to offer opposes our best interests. I think that at 59 years I am very aware of what America can do asshole and I know that whites like you aren't interested in what America can do for all Americans.

I think that I have participated plenty and will continue to do so, but the white racist lie is going to die and those like you trying to keep it alive will continue to be opposed.
Forgive IM2, really. Know why he thinks the way he does?

ANSWER here------------>

Didn't really ever listen to Coolio. The way I think is based in facts. Did any of you republicans today free any slaves? Because you bitches are real good at telling me how I never was a slave. So why do you give yourselves credit for what you didn't do? You don't want to answer these question because your claim is dead dead when you do. All you republicans are doing is race pimping.

And the pot calls the Kettle bl...…...errr no, burnt, lol!

Your victimology is dually noted. We didn't create your circumstances, the Democrats did! You like what they did to you, keep voting for them, plain and simple.

As the story goes------------>you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink!

Wrong. Republicans and Democrats have. Republicans have run for offices in all these places you irresponsible whining bastards cry about being controlled by democrats. They keep losing. So if whatever you have was so game changing, you would not lose. Many of those cities are in states controlled by republican governors and legislatures. I know because I live in a state ruined by a republican majority and their policies. The disastrous policies by republicans that sent this nation damn near into depression affected those cites. All you republicans have is excuses and now you want to race pimp.

Wait, wait, wait...………...because you people won't vote for the Republicans to free themselves, that is somehow the fault of the Republicans?

That is like saying that in the old South, lynching's on Blacks performed by the KKK who were ALL DEMOCRATS, is somehow the fault of the Republicans because you didn't vote for them.

I have NEVER heard such absurd logic in my life! You are honestly the king of victimology-)

What would you have us do? Purchase your vote like Democrats do so we could save you?

If giving you the lowest unemployment numbers in history for Black Americans is not enough, then you don't want EQUALITY, you want SPECIAL TREATMENT!

And, if because we don't pander and give you SPECIAL TREATMENT when you have the lowest Black unemployment numbers in American history means that...… are going to threaten to fu** yourselves in retaliation, then you are more than ignorant, you are a RACE BAITER, and a DAMN FOOL!

We don't vote republican because we refuse to go back to the plantation. Republicans have not given us a motherfucking thing.. Look white boy, you can stop repeating what black unemployment is. Because black unemployment fell 9 points under Obama and was falling when trumps punk ass took office. Under trump it's dropped a point. Black unemployment is still double that of whites saltine, so when black unemployment is the same as whites, then talk to me about black unemployment.

So stop trying to race pimp bitch.

Dude you are the problem.
Look in the mirror
You are the reason that normal, decent, caring, white people, end up hating your kind.
if that's not an oxymoron, it should be.....~S~
There is nothing wrong with public schools. Maybe if we stopped electing dumb fucks as legislators, the quality of our government would improve.
Bet,you don’t even vote for your local school board, at least with a discerning eye anyway.
Except I do.
You vote for the dumbfucks.

People used this trump stunt to declare how trump is doing things for blacks. But he really wasn't. In fact, the scholarship he presented to that girl was for a school that was not as good as the one she was attending.

Trump used Philly girl’s story to attack urban ‘failing’ schools — but she’s at one of the city’s most desired charters

President Donald Trump turned a Philadelphia fourth grader into a poster child for the school-choice movement Tuesday when he told the nation thousands of students were “trapped in failing government schools” and announced that she was finally getting a scholarship to attend the school of her choice. But the student, Janiyah Davis, already attends one of the city’s most sought-after charter schools, the Inquirer has learned. In September, months before she was an honored guest at Trump’s State of the Union Address, she entered Math, Science and Technology Community Charter School…

But the student, Janiyah Davis, already attends one of the city’s most sought-after charter schools, the Inquirer has learned. In September, months before she was an honored guest at Trump’s State of the Union Address, she entered Math, Science and Technology Community Charter School III.

Trump used Philly girl’s story to attack urban ‘failing’ schools — but she’s at one of the city’s most desired charters

So were all those black people that appeared as guests a bunch of idiots, or are they “Uncle Tom” sellouts?
The girl & her parent were not told why they were invited They were surprised when Trump told his made up story & lied.

I guess you love being lied to.

Bullshit, you are the liar. The girl and mother were invited to the SOTU and awarded a scholarship to a school of their choice. They were not lied to about anything nor was their story “made up”.

Wait, wait, wait...………...because you people won't vote for the Republicans to free themselves, that is somehow the fault of the Republicans?

That is like saying that in the old South, lynching's on Blacks performed by the KKK who were ALL DEMOCRATS, is somehow the fault of the Republicans because you didn't vote for them.

I have NEVER heard such absurd logic in my life! You are honestly the king of victimology-)

What would you have us do? Purchase your vote like Democrats do so we could save you?

If giving you the lowest unemployment numbers in history for Black Americans is not enough, then you don't want EQUALITY, you want SPECIAL TREATMENT!

And, if because we don't pander and give you SPECIAL TREATMENT when you have the lowest Black unemployment numbers in American history means that...… are going to threaten to fu** yourselves in retaliation, then you are more than ignorant, you are a RACE BAITER, and a DAMN FOOL!

We don't vote republican because we refuse to go back to the plantation. Republicans have not given us a motherfucking thing.. Look white boy, you can stop repeating what black unemployment is. Because black unemployment fell 9 points under Obama and was falling when trumps punk ass took office. Under trump it's dropped a point. Black unemployment is still double that of whites saltine, so when black unemployment is the same as whites, then talk to me about black unemployment.

So stop trying to race pimp bitch.

White boy? You are an ASS, and yes, I actually spelled it. I AM NOT A WHITE BOY you imbecile!

What is more, I have 3 bi-racial grandkids. Doubt me? Ask Mac!

You are a PATHETIC excuse for a Black American, and if my grandkids EVER had to listen to someone like you, they would laugh and point at you so hard, you would be EMBARRASSED!

Now quit trying to convince people they are VICTIMS, you phony baloney. The only people who are really victims, are the people who buy into the Democratic plantation, and they are victims of THEIR OWN CHOOSING, you incompetent boob!
There are no more racist people than the Party of Slavery, The Party of Jim Crow, The Party of Segregation, The Party of Poll Taxes, The Party of Literacy Tests, The Party of Opposition to Civil Rights, The DemNazi Party, who still cracks The Whip to keep their Brown Skinned Slaves in Line and On The Plantation.

The KKK lives, and it lives in the Symbol of That Racist Mule that Andrew Jackson used to Hang Slaves on!

They are Stubborn





Here is another fine example of republican race pimping.

This guy is looking for clicks. You sure your name is not Jake, IM-)

Unless he can come up with some substance, let this clown talk to himself.

He is a circle jerk looking in his pants for something to jerk on.

Bye-Bye IM, you are a pathetic piece of Americana, and someone no Black American should listen to. YOU ARE THE PROBLEM!

No, you are the problem and whites like you don't get to tell blacks who to listen to.
Didn't really ever listen to Coolio. The way I think is based in facts. Did any of you republicans today free any slaves? Because you bitches are real good at telling me how I never was a slave. So why do you give yourselves credit for what you didn't do? You don't want to answer these question because your claim is dead dead when you do. All you republicans are doing is race pimping.

And the pot calls the Kettle bl...…...errr no, burnt, lol!

Your victimology is dually noted. We didn't create your circumstances, the Democrats did! You like what they did to you, keep voting for them, plain and simple.

As the story goes------------>you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink!

Wrong. Republicans and Democrats have. Republicans have run for offices in all these places you irresponsible whining bastards cry about being controlled by democrats. They keep losing. So if whatever you have was so game changing, you would not lose. Many of those cities are in states controlled by republican governors and legislatures. I know because I live in a state ruined by a republican majority and their policies. The disastrous policies by republicans that sent this nation damn near into depression affected those cites. All you republicans have is excuses and now you want to race pimp.

Wait, wait, wait...………...because you people won't vote for the Republicans to free themselves, that is somehow the fault of the Republicans?

That is like saying that in the old South, lynching's on Blacks performed by the KKK who were ALL DEMOCRATS, is somehow the fault of the Republicans because you didn't vote for them.

I have NEVER heard such absurd logic in my life! You are honestly the king of victimology-)

What would you have us do? Purchase your vote like Democrats do so we could save you?

If giving you the lowest unemployment numbers in history for Black Americans is not enough, then you don't want EQUALITY, you want SPECIAL TREATMENT!

And, if because we don't pander and give you SPECIAL TREATMENT when you have the lowest Black unemployment numbers in American history means that...… are going to threaten to fu** yourselves in retaliation, then you are more than ignorant, you are a RACE BAITER, and a DAMN FOOL!

We don't vote republican because we refuse to go back to the plantation. Republicans have not given us a motherfucking thing.. Look white boy, you can stop repeating what black unemployment is. Because black unemployment fell 9 points under Obama and was falling when trumps punk ass took office. Under trump it's dropped a point. Black unemployment is still double that of whites saltine, so when black unemployment is the same as whites, then talk to me about black unemployment.

So stop trying to race pimp bitch.

Dude you are the problem.
Look in the mirror
You are the reason that normal, decent, caring, white people, end up hating your kind.

Again, you are the problem. If you hate blacks for not taking the continuing racism then you were already full of hate for blacks. I know normal, decent, caring, white people. You don't fit the description.
And the pot calls the Kettle bl...…...errr no, burnt, lol!

Your victimology is dually noted. We didn't create your circumstances, the Democrats did! You like what they did to you, keep voting for them, plain and simple.

As the story goes------------>you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink!

Wrong. Republicans and Democrats have. Republicans have run for offices in all these places you irresponsible whining bastards cry about being controlled by democrats. They keep losing. So if whatever you have was so game changing, you would not lose. Many of those cities are in states controlled by republican governors and legislatures. I know because I live in a state ruined by a republican majority and their policies. The disastrous policies by republicans that sent this nation damn near into depression affected those cites. All you republicans have is excuses and now you want to race pimp.

Wait, wait, wait...………...because you people won't vote for the Republicans to free themselves, that is somehow the fault of the Republicans?

That is like saying that in the old South, lynching's on Blacks performed by the KKK who were ALL DEMOCRATS, is somehow the fault of the Republicans because you didn't vote for them.

I have NEVER heard such absurd logic in my life! You are honestly the king of victimology-)

What would you have us do? Purchase your vote like Democrats do so we could save you?

If giving you the lowest unemployment numbers in history for Black Americans is not enough, then you don't want EQUALITY, you want SPECIAL TREATMENT!

And, if because we don't pander and give you SPECIAL TREATMENT when you have the lowest Black unemployment numbers in American history means that...… are going to threaten to fu** yourselves in retaliation, then you are more than ignorant, you are a RACE BAITER, and a DAMN FOOL!

We don't vote republican because we refuse to go back to the plantation. Republicans have not given us a motherfucking thing.. Look white boy, you can stop repeating what black unemployment is. Because black unemployment fell 9 points under Obama and was falling when trumps punk ass took office. Under trump it's dropped a point. Black unemployment is still double that of whites saltine, so when black unemployment is the same as whites, then talk to me about black unemployment.

So stop trying to race pimp bitch.

Dude you are the problem.
Look in the mirror
You are the reason that normal, decent, caring, white people, end up hating your kind.

Again, you are the problem. If you hate blacks for not taking the continuing racism then you were already full of hate for blacks. I know normal, decent, caring, white people. You don't fit the description.

No you don't.
People used this trump stunt to declare how trump is doing things for blacks. But he really wasn't. In fact, the scholarship he presented to that girl was for a school that was not as good as the one she was attending.

Trump used Philly girl’s story to attack urban ‘failing’ schools — but she’s at one of the city’s most desired charters

President Donald Trump turned a Philadelphia fourth grader into a poster child for the school-choice movement Tuesday when he told the nation thousands of students were “trapped in failing government schools” and announced that she was finally getting a scholarship to attend the school of her choice. But the student, Janiyah Davis, already attends one of the city’s most sought-after charter schools, the Inquirer has learned. In September, months before she was an honored guest at Trump’s State of the Union Address, she entered Math, Science and Technology Community Charter School…

But the student, Janiyah Davis, already attends one of the city’s most sought-after charter schools, the Inquirer has learned. In September, months before she was an honored guest at Trump’s State of the Union Address, she entered Math, Science and Technology Community Charter School III.

Trump used Philly girl’s story to attack urban ‘failing’ schools — but she’s at one of the city’s most desired charters

So were all those black people that appeared as guests a bunch of idiots, or are they “Uncle Tom” sellouts?
The girl & her parent were not told why they were invited They were surprised when Trump told his made up story & lied.

I guess you love being lied to.

Bullshit, you are the liar. The girl and mother were invited to the SOTU and awarded a scholarship to a school of their choice. They were not lied to about anything nor was their story “made up”.
Actually the story was made up because the girl was a student in one of the best schools in Philly and it was a public school.

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